Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 25 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - November 14, 1958

A Flood Tide of Divine Love, Light and
Illumination Encompassing the Earth

O thou glorious, majestic, all-loving and yet all-powerful Source of all life, thou great Divine Intelligence manifesting to all through many rays, we thank thee eternally for being—and for being that gracious love that sustains us in thy everlasting joy!

Beloved ones, in these days the golden flame of illumination from God’s heart is growing brighter and brighter as it floods forth to this dear earth and her evolutions. It but remains for all, particularly those who are students of the I AM law of life, to open the door of their consciousnesses completely to that masterful Presence which can and will harmonize their individual and collective worlds so as to make inharmony impossible of all manifestation.

Gracious reader, awaken to and become consciously aware of the mighty vibrations of the Holy Spirit as it constantly floods forth its rays of comfort to all life everywhere. There is an actual flood tide of divine love and light encompassing the earth at this time, and this tide is mounting higher and higher, sweeping the whole world around.

The flood tide of illumination of which we speak is an activity of divine love. Therefore it means that the infinite Presence of the great intelligence who is the Creator of all has increased the cosmic tempo of his activities throughout the universe as well as upon this planet Earth.

So, we may say that this flood tide of God’s light is a tidal wave of divine love, and its beneficent manifestations are sweeping the planet round in preparation for the coming of an age of great beauty and perfection.

The full manifestation of this age, however, can only come as you faithfully and lovingly call it forth from the I AM Presence in cooperation with the loving and all-powerful assistance of the Holy Spirit and the ascended host, all of whom serve earth and her evolutions constantly by the use of the sacred fire of purity.

In its various manifestations, this fire of purification removes the causes and cores of the shadows of imperfection that have been imposed upon life by human consciousness. When these shadows are removed, life is allowed to express its natural perfection.

Now let your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions daily express the confidence of knowing that God is not only in his heavenly realms but, beloved, that he actually abides within every cell and atom of your being, that he lives as an intensified focus of his light right within your very beating heart! And let the whole world know that you know it, by your example! For this light focus within your heart, as you well know, is the threefold flame of power, wisdom and love that is sustained by your Holy Christ Self. The expansion of this light through your outer form shall make all things right within your world. And this shall be your witness to the truth of ascended master law in action.

Particularly during this week will you give me your attention, at about the same time each day, so that I may be able to flood into your being and world my feelings of comfort, peace and divine confidence in the invincible, ever-present goodness of God, which in days to come shall be an anchor of my love and power within you.

I want you to have the blessing of knowing, as do all the ascended ones, that being one with God, your mighty I AM Presence, you cannot be moved or disturbed in any way by destructive appearances. These really have no power except the power you give to them by feeding them your life through your attention upon them!

In truth, there is no power other than God, the beloved I AM Presence! Know this—and be free!

I AM forever lovingly,
Your Maha Chohan

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The Balm of Gilead

O Love of God, immortal Love,
Enfold all in thy ray;
Send compassion from above
To raise them all today!
In the fullness of thy power,
Shed thy glorious beams
Upon the earth and all thereon
Where life in shadow seems!
Let the Light of God blaze forth
To cut men free from pain;
Raise them up and clothe them, God,
With thy mighty I AM name!

This decree is in the book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, no. 7.09A. The song version is available from

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