Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 26 - Beloved Mother Mary - November 21, 1958

Your Age-Old and Yet Ageless
Heart Friends

It has been well said, “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” When the human has spoken its last word upon any subject or situation and it willingly turns its attention to the beloved I AM Presence anchored in the divine spark right within its heart, it is not only the beginning of wisdom but it is also the correct attitude to be maintained by the student-disciple.

The wonders of life’s spiritual bounty are not always as visible and tangible to your physical sight as those which are made manifest in physical form all about you. In these particularly opportune days one of the greatest of life’s bounties is your privilege and ability to receive from us such tremendous assistance as will lead you, happily and speedily, in your progress on life’s way. Although ascended and perhaps still invisible to your outer sight, we are very real! We are your age-old and yet ageless heart friends.

So if at times you seem to feel lonely, remember us! Know that for you to but think upon our names and thereby turn your attention toward us opens the door of your world to us and lets us in.

Did you ever think of the word alone as being a contraction of two words, all one? While your attention is upon us, you are really not alone but all one with us, for your attention so connects you with us. The feeling of loneliness, then, may be felt from the old refrain of our love calling to you, endeavoring to gain your attention, so that we may bless you through the channels you thereby open to and from our world.

Do you know that many times during the day when you just happen to think of us it is because we are really thinking of you? We call to you from the shores of the infinite, which sometimes seem so far away and yet are so near—right where you are!

You see, the appearance world, even with its glitter and myriad attractions that pull upon the senses, is also a pall upon those senses. As a consequence a hunger for communion with us sometimes arises within the heart and feeling world, for such communion brings to the soul our feelings of God-peace and rest.

Beloved of my heart, it would be, oh, so wise for you to learn how to make the seeming adversities of life serve your good. Therefore, when the temptation to allow self-pity appears in your consciousness, reverse that feeling and instead let yourself express gratitude and adoration to and for your own beloved I AM Presence and the crystal cord of your lifestream, whereby God’s light flows from the heart of the Father into your own.

The crystal cord is your lifeline of divine love, light and life that keeps you connected with heaven’s realms. Through the crystal cord God’s life flows constantly to your heart; and it can, if you will allow it, keep you in tune with the infinite, your own God Self, and thus teach you the real meaning of divine love.

Think! But a moment ago those tiny electrons of pure God-light that flow over your crystal cord (whose constant flow enables you to have continuity of consciousness) came from the very heart flame of your beloved I AM Presence, where they knew naught but happiness, freedom, beauty and good of every kind.

During the times when our beloved Jesus was away from the circle of our household, I became more and more aware of the wonderful magic of the power of divine love that eternally connects the hearts of all of God’s sons and daughters on earth. Back and forth, over and through love’s divine connection, thoughts and feelings of blessing can and do flow to each other even though the physical forms may be many miles apart.

To pure divine love there is no barrier of either time or space anywhere in the universe. One day, as the consciousness of unascended beings expands into greater and greater light, they will be able to communicate silently with each other, making themselves clearly understood heart to heart as though they were speaking aloud.

Through the fires of the heart we often communicate in this manner with others of the ascended host across the vast reaches of our realm. We do not always use worded expressions. In our octave, where naught else manifests but God’s pure light and love, as we desire to communicate with each other, light of our hearts simply flashes forth, containing within it our thoughts and feelings. Our message is instantly picked up by the one to whom we send it, who may then respond in kind. This is a most satisfactory means of communication, for there can never be any misunderstanding of meaning or uncertainty of desire.

To each and every pilgrim on his homeward way, I offer the comforting staff of my love and personal friendship. I am your Cosmic Mother, and the love from my heart encircles your own with a beautiful, delicate, yet strong filigree band of golden light.

Thus you become more and more one with me and with my love even as I AM one with the great and glorious I AM Presence—the supreme hierophant of the greatest brotherhood of all: the Great White Brotherhood!

I AM your loving Mother,
The Ascended Lady Master Mary
The Mother of Jesus

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

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