Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 31 - Beloved Mother Mary - December 28, 1958

Accept the Immaculately Conceived
God-Idea of Your Own Divine Perfection

In the name of the beloved Immaculata, the Silent Watcher for the planet Earth,1 I pray that each one of you whom I love (for I fashioned your hearts) will accept this Christmas the immaculately conceived God-idea concerning your own divine perfection, which it is God’s will that you should always express and therefore be a breathing outpicturing of an ascended being.

Never at any time in the consciousness of our Father which is in heaven has there been any other than a perfect pattern conceived and created of you, dear hearts of light. The origin of all distresses is not the heart of God, nor is it the heart of the ascended host or the angelic host. For none of these can conceive or do conceive of anything except the beauty of light itself.

If we were to design your homes, your cities, your garments and the various toys, shall we say, with which your children play, they would be, oh, so different than what you are presently using. For we would take and congeal the splendid light rays of Almighty God and we would form the walls of your home of this crystalline light-substance, causing it to take on the various colors that would complement the ray to which you belong.

And we would cause the colors of your homes to harmonize and produce a veritable rainbow of splendor. All would be molded in beauty and in loveliness. There would be no need for the use or expenditure of electrical energy. For we would show you, in the structure of your homes, how to create a translucent material that would store the light of the sun itself as it blazed through the walls all day, and it would give off a phosphorescent glow in full brilliance to light your homes through the night hours.

O children of God, if you could [but] conceive of the loveliness that you would be able to externalize upon this very planet of love if mankind would put away the greedy ideas that they have become and have embodied and the grasping after the treasures of heaven, which they seem to feel are the treasures of earth. And they spurn their God-given birthright.

And they work, oh, so hard to store up, shall we say, their credits and their goods in this world. And then because they have not received these from that magnificent Source itself, the Source of all life, their forms are broken, and they must relinquish the grasp they have taken upon all material things and return them to the God from whence they came.

Whereas if they were to join hands with this great and mighty God Presence and the hands of the ascended host and have the faith to realize that the celestial sky is a reflection of God’s beauty, that nature is a reflection of God’s beauty, [they would receive and retain the blessings of God]. And [they would realize] that the place where the marring has occurred is in the etheric records that humankind have formed, and which most spiritual orders and teachers call karma and which the Christian religion calls sin. [And they would realize] that it is this so-called sin, this so-called karma that has formed etheric records of malignancy and hate which have prevented brotherhood, true Christ brotherhood, from manifesting on earth since the birth of my son Jesus so long ago.

For as I cradled that lovely head in my arms, even then I knew and pondered in my heart that I held an expression of God-perfection which should take the measure of a God-man, or a Good man, and express it before mankind, who would not be able to measure up to the stature of this Christ which I held. And in my mother’s heart, with the intuition of a mother, I knew that anguish and suffering would be brought forth on the screen of life because of him and around him.

And yet I foresaw not this anguish and suffering, which was really the result of the impact of his light upon shadow, because the shadow did not want to receive the light. For “the light shineth in the darkness,” as my beloved John has written, “and the darkness comprehended it not.” “But to as many as received him,” it was written, “unto them he gave the power to become the sons of God.”2 What is a son of God but a radiant outpouring of his light and love?

And so you see, children of God, I looked ahead—not to the pain and travail of the cross but to the great cross of light, of which the horizontal bar is representative of the life of man as created by God, and the great vertical bar is the descending radiance which comes from above and goes through the human and on into infinity. This great open-ended cross of light represents the pathway that light makes for itself everywhere.

And so in this age, as in ages past, the Christ image shall become more firmly stamped and implanted on human hearts. And it is in this hope that I, Mary, your Cosmic Mother, rejoice with you that the opportunity is still here, as it was two thousand years ago, for mankind to express my radiant energy and the radiant energy of the Father, as beloved Saint Germain (who was then Joseph) has discussed with you yesterday, when he spoke of birth, of nativities, of beginnings.3

And now I say to you, make a new beginning today and resolve to serve the light more fully, with a dedicated heart, that I may renew and accept the renewance of your vows at inner levels and may guide you into a more perfect way, the way of the Cosmic Mother, the way of the Cosmic Christ, and the reunion at last of all life with its great Source—when the prodigal creation shall return Home to go out no more but to abide in the city of light that Shamballa represents on the planet Earth, to return to the light itself, the cosmic Shamballa, which the Lighthouse shall radiate out. And may it do so through each one of you this blessed Christmas and through the years.

I AM lovingly yours always, your Cosmic Mother who held your sacred heart and fashioned it.

Blessings this Christmas from Mary, your Mother, and good afternoon.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet in Washington, D.C., and publicly released on Sunday, December 28, 1958, during the Christmas Class of 1958, held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]

1. Silent Watcher is the office of the Elohim of the fifth ray, Cyclopea, whose divine complement, Virginia, has been called Immaculata in her role of holding the immaculate concept of the Cosmic Mother for all life.

2. John 1:5, 12.

3. Saint Germain’s dictation, released December 27 at the Christmas Class of 1958, is available from

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