Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 32 - El Beloved Morya - December 31, 1958

A Joyous Spiritual Union

Report on the Christmas Class of 1958

As you know, human effluvia has been long in building. The calls of the various lovers of the Divine Plan through the centuries—and particularly since the beginning of the Ballard activity1—have intensified, as you know, the freeing of the worlds of every unascended person of earth.

The recent magnificent Christmas Class was like a tiara or a crown on the mounting endeavors of those who love the light of freedom. Currently our hearts rejoice in the tremendous expansion which occurred as there was accomplished a joyous spiritual union of the ascended and unascended, many of whom were actually friends of old!

The meeting dedicated to Saint Germain2 had a specific purpose, and the tremendous spiritual afflatus released therefrom was used to flood into the worlds of every lifestream on this planet in order to make it possible for everyone who will ever contact this light to be able to make his ascension at the close of this embodiment, providing he makes the necessary application.

A tremendous shaft of violet fire blazing forth from the heart of Saint Germain—who stood in your midst—united with all of the unascended chelas present in the class and formed a gigantic spiritual amethyst. The seven archangels formed from their own energies bands of golden illumination around the entire planet which formed a lovely cup to hold this amethyst, symbol of Saint Germain’s gift to all life! The causes and cores of family disunity the world around received a tremendous baptism of violet fire, which will lessen the pressures thereof.

The class of Mother Mary3 was dedicated to the Mother aspect of God, and as a result, the hearts of all mankind on earth were given a pulsation of grace that will enable all mothers who will turn to the light to be able to better understand the original perfection in the divine plan.

The energies of the class were used to accelerate the shortening of the period of gestation for all mothers the world around, in accordance with your calls—this to be brought into physical manifestation as the burning love of mankind for purity increases.

The extremely powerful and vital energies of the closing class, dedicated to Jesus the Christ,4 were used to blaze light rays of understanding between all of the God-seeking individuals of the world and to remove as much of the cause and core of disharmony as the Law will allow. This should make it easier for religious harmony between the Christian dispensation and the coming world understanding of God.

The power of beloved Jesus was like a living magnet created from the very heart essence from Alpha and Omega. It pulsated from the Philadelphia sanctuary5 and formed a diamond heart 100,000 feet in diameter with its center over the city of Philadelphia. Thus the diamond heart of brotherly love for this age begins the outpouring of that love which shall victoriously free all life!

At the close of the class, as the Communion was offered, beloved Jesus joined with yourself and was in perfect contact with Pelleur’s realm in the heart of the earth—and as a result, thousands of tiny gnomes were set free from much of the human imposition. All this glory shall be revealed in living light, in living perfection, on this planet!

The beloved I AM Presence thanks you! Maitreya thanks you! And I might add, I also thank you!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Wednesday, December 31, 1958, in Washington, D.C.

1. Guy W. Ballard and Edna Ballard were Saint Germain’s messengers through whom he founded the I AM Activity in the 1930s.

2. Saint Germain’s dictation, released December 27, is available from

3. See Pearl no. 30, this volume.

4. No complete recording has been found of the dictation by Jesus released on December 28.

5. The Christmas Class of 1958 was held at the Philadelphia Sanctuary of the Lighthouse of Freedom, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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