Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 3 - Kuthumi and the Brothers of Golden Robe - January 18, 1976

An Exposé of False Teachings

Keepers of the Flame Are Ascending Day by Day

To Those Who Would Be Fitted for the Goal of Life:

We who come to you in the name of the Divine Mother are very serious in completing our assignment which she has set before us for the liberation of the children of God, for the identification of their souls with her living flame.

Whereas the fallen ones are deadly serious in their calculations of the false teachings, we are the lively ones–lively in the flame of the God Star Sirius. Our authority is from above. They have no authority save that which comes from below in the underworld, where the fallen ones think they have dominion. Theirs is the ultimate illusion; for I have been everywhere in the body of Mater and I say with the Psalmist: “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me.”1

Truly our God is the God of very gods and he is everywhere.2 Therefore, I proclaim the opportunity for life to souls in all levels of consciousness in the planes of Mater, to the spirits that sleep in the astral plane, to those who are in torment in the hell of their own creation. To you I come with the angels of deliverance to deliver you from the false teachings of your own carnal mind. And I come to deliver you from the ways of the blind and of the blind followers of the blind.3

I have seen the Mother of Wisdom; I have touched the hem of her flowing garments. I know that she lives and that she lives to save to the uttermost every child of God, no matter how far that one has roamed from the center of the hallowed circle of her love. I know her; I know her love. I know that she will hear the prayer even of the fallen ones who will in humility ask for mercy in the name of Christ.

On the day–that notable day of the Lord’s appearing unto your soul–when you see before you the goal of the ascension, when all lesser goals, as the mist in the foothills, are burned away by the sun of the living God and you behold the highest mountain glistening as a single peak against the crystal sky, on that day when you hear the voice of God proclaim, “This day you are born unto life and unto the goal of the ascension; in this life you will ascend to the throne of God,” on that day, anchor all of the skeins of your desire in the bedrock of the reality of your own God Self.

On the day when God vouchsafes to you the vision of the goal, on that day I say, kneel before the flame of the one true God and invoke the science of goal-fitting. Be practical. The highest mountain is not easily attained. You will not float miraculously to the summit, but you will climb step by step until you have reached the peak of self-perfection in the law of God.

Keepers of the Flame are ascending day by day. They are proving the way, the truth, and the life.4 They are proving the science of the Mother and the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. They are disproving the lies of the fallen ones. They are exposing the false teachings of the psychics with their psychic phenomena which present the baubles and the trinkets of false goals leading the foolish and the proud round and round in the foothills filled with the mists of their own misqualifications.

Just as Keepers of the Flame are ascending day by day, so the Divine Mother is appearing hour by hour. Her face, as the face of Kuan Yin, of Kali, of Durga, of Mary and of Isis, of Vesta and Pallas Athena–her face, as the face of purity, is being seen in the hearts and the souls of her children everywhere.

We come to disperse confusion and all chaos that assails the white flame of the White Goddess. Her children do not know the difference between discarnates, astral beings, and ascended masters; nor have they learned to perceive the difference in the vibrations of these astral entities and the ascended ones. They have taken a smattering of the teachings of the Brotherhood and they have thought in their vanity that they have come to the knowledge of the truth.5

Let those who would know the false teachings be willing to be cleansed in the white fire. Let them purge themselves of their false beliefs that they might recognize the false beliefs abroad in the land. Let them shun evil and the evildoers. Let them have no sympathy with those who prefer to live in the shadows of life, who fear the exposure of the sun, who fear their own fears, who allow themselves to be victimized by their own doubts, who corner themselves with their own frustrations and then, in a halfhearted attempt to extricate themselves, put all the blame on hierarchy and the authority we have vested in the Mother of the Flame.

These are the cowards unworthy to walk in the footsteps of the courageous ones. Let them take a bath in the bubbling, revivifying fountain of the Mother. Let them be cleansed of their chartreuse orange brown density that has fattened their auras on the false teachings of the fallen ones. Let them be fattened with the light of the Spirit! Let them be filled with the tenderness of God and with the joy of living for the Lord!

The ambitious ones will do it themselves without God: the humble will do it themselves with God. Those who would see the truth need the Helper. The Helper is the Comforter whom Jesus promised he would send as the promise of his own ascension in the light. With the ascension of every son and daughter of God, there is the descent of the Paraclete and the filling of the devotees who wait with arms outstretched, with chalices upheld–waiting, waiting on the coming of the Lord. Let him fill all the temple of the saints. Let him fill the habitation of the chosen ones. Let those who have willingly and lovingly cleansed themselves now be ordained as the temple of the living God.

For I proclaim to you this day the ascension of a Keeper of the Flame who has served among you as a Sister of the Golden Robe. She has come with wisdom and with instruction and with a gentle caring for the children of God. I proclaim to you the first ascension of 1976, the ascension of the Keeper of the Flame Ruth O. Jones, who has lived and served with the messengers at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral for nearly a decade, whom God so loved that he placed her upon the cross to suffer there awhile with Jesus that he might take her down from the cross and raise her up with the Immortal One.

On January 3, 1976, at 5:00 p.m., this daughter of the Most High was raised by the grace of God in the current of the ascension flame. By consciously, willingly putting off the old man in time and space, she put on the new and exchanged the body terrestrial for the body celestial.6 Bearing all things, believing all things, hoping all things, enduring all things, she overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the testimony of the saints.7

I transfer by the authority of her own ascended presence the ray of her mantle, the momentum of her dedication, to every Keeper of the Flame and every soul who will read this announcement and who will believe in Christ, in the ascension of her soul, and in the possibility of the ascension of his own soul. And the ray of her heart is filled with gratitude for the messengers and the masters who cleared the way for her homecoming. She stands with the immortals to pass on to souls climbing the highest mountain the techniques of self-mastery and of overcoming.

Let this truth and this immortal witness refute the lie of the Fallen One that there is no ascension, no afterlife, no eternity in God. Let her tangible radiation, her very present nearness to all who believe, be the conviction on earth as in heaven that Keepers of the Flame are ascending day by day, that the door of heaven is open, that “I AM the door which no man can shut,”8 that there is a science and a mathematics to the attainment of immortality, that this is the goal of life which can be seen, which can be achieved, and that you can be fitted for that goal.

And fitting goes as fitting does. You must fit yourself for the goal. You must take the teaching fed to you day by day, week by week by the World Mother. This teaching is nourishment to your souls. If you take it as it is given, you will assimilate it and become the Christ. But if you wait, it will be too much and you will fall behind for want of proper nourishment on the Path. The climb is rigorous and strenuous, demanding skill and endless energy, courage and fortitude. All of this is to the courageous ones who do not fear to make the call to the Mother, who do not fear the commitment required in her answer.

The fallen ones will tell you that the Mother’s fare is distasteful, unappetizing, or too bland. They will develop in you other tastes for synthetic sweets and spices that stimulate the senses and destroy your appreciation of the natural nectar of the gods and the traces of herbs and flowers and rare fruits of the vine which the Mother prepares for her children. The physical senses are not equipped to perceive the delicate flavorings of the Mother. These senses must be retrained to be instruments of the senses of the soul so that, like children, the devotees will select the highest offering and leave the gross synthetic preparations for those with less discrimination.

Let the living proclaim the living truth and let the dying reveal the lie of death!  Our chelas will no longer be fooled. They will see through the false goals and they will refuse to be fitted for those goals. They will appply the lessons of the Mother and the teachings of her ascended sons and daughters. They will study to show themselves approved unto God; they will rightly divide the Word of truth; they will press on to the goal of this high calling in Christ Jesus.9

Laying all lesser things aside, they will pursue relentlessly the requirements of the ascension and they will mark the place in time and space with the sign of the cross; and to that place they will return in the hour of the ascension. When God calls them home, they will stand upon that cross and they will ascend into the white-fire core of the flame of God the Father, God the Mother, God the Christ, and God the Holy Spirit.

As you set your goals for the year 1976, will you put at the top of the list “the ascension”? And will you see that all other goals which you pursue lead you directly to that goal? Will you test all projects and pursuits to see whether they are worthy of your energy in time and space? Establish priorities and let all priorities serve the great priority of life, the return of your soul to the house of the immortal Spirit, the I AM THAT I AM. On this foundation let us fearlessly expose the false teachings of the fallen ones who would tear mankind from the goal of life.

I am with you with my sword, cutting the curtains of maya before you that you might walk the royal road of righteousness.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

1. Pss. 139:7-10.

2. Deut. 10:17.

3. Matt. 15:14.

4. John 14:6.

5. 1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Tim. 3:7.

6. Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9-10; 1 Cor. 15:40.

7. 1 Cor. 13:7; Rev. 12:11.

8. John 10:9; Rev. 3:8.

9. 2 Tim. 2:15; Phil 3:14.

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