Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 4 - Kuthumi/Brothers of Golden Robe - January 25, 1976

An Exposé of False Teachings

The Manifold Identity of the One

To Those Who Would Know the One True God:

You who have set the goal of life as the reunion of the soul with the Spirit of the living God that is the I AM THAT I AM, you who would be fitted for that goal, hear the word of the Mother concerning that Deity with whose flame you would merge your own.

To know God is to be one with him. Therefore, seek knowledge of the Most High and understanding and the fulfillment of his living Presence. Seek the Lord as the Lord of the living and the Lord of love. Seek his Spirit and his flame. Seek his identity and his name. Seek consciousness and being. Learn to know him on earth, and you shall know him in heaven.

I would speak to you of love and of the love that is God. And I would expose the false teachings that have become an entrenched dogma and doctrine concerning the identity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The affirmation “Hear, O Israel:  The Lord our God is one Lord”1 must not be employed to refute the Divine Us who made man “in our image, after our likeness” and gave to him dominion over the planes of Mater and all creatures therein.2 Nor should it be employed to deny the Trinity of God or the plurality of God. For the twin flames of that life which is a polarity of movement, a symphony of harmony, and an infinite articulation of aspects of the One must be free to express that One.

An infinity of oneness results in a plurality of manifestation. God’s consciousness revealing itself through the plus and minus polarity of male and female throughout the cosmos is an ever-expanding oneness multiplying itself to the power of infinity. There is no limit to the manifestation of God in the sons and daughters of the Divine Us. There is no limit to the creation that comes forth out of the one flame and that will ultimately return to the one flame that is God.

Those who deny this principle are false teachers. Watch them. They will deny the divinity within you while they affirm the divinity of Jesus Christ. Either they are liars or they have made themselves the unwitting mouthpiece of the father of lies.3 To affirm the divinity of one son of God and to deny the divinity of all other sons of God is blasphemy against the Most High God. It is idolatry.

They have made an idol of Jesus Christ. They have replaced the living master with their idolatrous image. They have said, “Fall down and worship Jesus, O sinful mortals unworthy of his name, unworthy to be like him, unworthy to wear his mantle or to be crucified and resurrected with him.”

And they have erected another idol. It is the idol of sinful man and sinful woman incapable of pursuing the path of perfectionment and therefore gods unto themselves, sinners unto themselves. This image of fallen man and fallen woman is raised up in the marketplaces and the merchants sell their wares using the image of the idol of the current generation–the tough Turk who smokes for taste, the whore in black velvet selling sex by the bottle and the bottle by sex.

This is a very clever delusion from the deluded ones. They first convince mankind by their doctrine and their dogma that they have no equality as joint heirs of the Christ consciousness. Then they tell them that since they were born sinners and they will die sinners, they might as well follow the image of sin instead of the image of Christ. They have heard and believed the lie that there is only one Christed son of God. They have heard and believed the lie that they cannot attain to the fullness of the stature of Christ.

Mankind do not pursue impossible goals. They look for the possible and the fallen ones provide the packaged image. It’s smart to be the rebel. It’s smart to defy the authority of church and state. It’s smart to be free, to do your own thing, to play your own game. And the more shocking the departure from the laws of God, the greater the hero, the heroine, in the marts of sin.

And so you see, my friends, that once the understanding of the true Christ is destroyed—the image of God out of which man and woman were created—then the manifestation called man, called woman, is distorted and similarly destroyed. The Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, is the communicator and the mediator. It is the function of the Christ to communicate the consciousness of God the Father to all of the sons and daughters of the One throughout cosmos.

The Christ is both Principle and Person. The Christ is flame and consciousness. The Christ is the self-awareness of every son and daughter of God. The Christ is the Word, or the Logos, which becomes personalized and personified when it is “made flesh”4—when it becomes the animating principle in the person of the sons and daughters of God.

The Christ is the fusion of the light of the Father-Mother God that becomes the flame that burns on the altar of the heart of God’s children. The Christ is the lodestone of the creation. The Christ is the image and the identity of the God flame within you. And all who realize soul-oneness with this living Presence have earned the right to be called Christed ones or anointed ones, for they are anointed by the flame of the Trinity.

Because God the Father-Mother, the Divine Us, is able in limitless self-awareness to be God individualized as the I AM THAT I AM anywhere and everywhere in Spirit and in Matter, so too, God the Son, the Christ, in limitless self-awareness is able to be the Christ Self, the Christ consciousness, and the Christ flame anywhere and everywhere throughout cosmos individualized as the reality and the identity of the sons and daughters of God. It is only time and space and the body consciousness, the sense of separation, that make mankind to feel that they are separate and therefore to deny the one God and the one Christ within.

When time and space are no more and all life returns to the oneness of the flame, then the children of God who argue against the manifold manifestation of God the Father and God the Son will have no foundation for their argument. For time and space are the coordinates which create the illusion of the soul’s separation from God and from his Christ. This illusion makes necessary the realization of the one God and the one Christ right there in the forcefield of Matter where each and every soul experiences the night and the day, the good and the evil, until bit by bit the relative awareness of the individed Whole becomes the absolute knowing of the Knower who is the one supreme cause of all causation.

I speak not in riddles, but to dash the cup of the finite consciousness that it might enter into the infinite consciousness of oneness. Mankind do not find it difficult to deal in fractions and decimals. They have a sense of that which is whole and that which is the parts of the whole. Mathematics is not subject to the passionate debate which clouds the issues of a true and a false theology. God is mathematics and the supreme mathematician. He allows fractionalized fragments of his own self-awareness to inhabit the earth as the evolutions of mankind. When the parts of the Whole which comprise eighths and quarters and thirds and sixteenths of his Self-awareness return to the Whole, they will discover that there is but one God, one Christ, and one Self.

If you will take a knife and cut an apple first into equal and then into unequal parts, you will find that every part, big or small, tastes the same, smells the same, and offers the same nutrition to the body. All is God: God is all. Let all who seek God have the humility to declare, “Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”5 How can the part of the apple profess to know the whole until it returns to the whole? How can mankind, with their man-made doctrine and dogma, be the authority of the Word which they have not yet become? Only when you have become the Word will you have the right to declare the Word in the fullness of the I AM THAT I AM.

As Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill and rebuked the superstitious Athenians with their altar to the unknown God, so I stand in the midst of the congregation of the righteous and I say, Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship by the falsehoods of the fallen ones, him declare I unto you.

Paul spoke of the maker of heaven and earth, the Lord who giveth to all life and breath and all things, who hath made of one blood all nations and appointed the bounds of their habitation. He spoke of the living Spirit as “not far from every one of us,” the one in whom “we live and move and have our being” as the offspring of God. The apostle also spoke of the Lord as the Judge and as the fulfillment of the judgment and as the Spirit of the resurrection. In this sermon Paul described the aspects of God as the Creator (Father), the Preserver (the Christ), and the Destroyer (the Spirit).6

The Trinity of the East and the Trinity of the West are both based on the sacred AUM, which becomes the I AM THAT I AM when individualized in the sons and daughters of God. The AUM is the word symbol of Father-Mother life uniting in the creation of the Word. A stands for Alpha, M for Omega–energies of the beginning and the ending of the Divine Polarity. And the U stands for the potential of the Christ in manifestation within you. The intoning of the sacred AUM is for the drawing of the currents of the Trinity into the consciousness for the alignment of energies with the Divine Whole.

Whereas the fusion of the twin flames of the Father-Mother God gives birth to the Christ consciousness within you, the infusion of the flames of Alpha and Omega within your soul produces the manifestation within you of that portion of your divinity which is the Holy Spirit, the cloven tongues of fire that fill all the temple of your being with the presence of the living God.7

Whereas the Christ is the threefold flame that burns on the altar of the heart, the votive of the living, the Holy Spirit is the breath that fills the temple, the love that warms the sanctuary, the fragrance that bears witness to the truth, the vapor of the sacrifice of the idolatrous image, the power that moves the mountains of adversity, the friend, the comforter, the holiness of the aura of the saints and the prayer of a child.

Because the Holy Spirit is the wholeness of the Father-Mother God in manifestation, it fills the void of incompleteness; it fills the gaps created by the sense of separation from the One and makes of life here and now, even in time and space, an experience in the wholeness, the holiness, of God. Because the Holy Spirit is the wholeness of God as cloven tongues of fire, it can consume all incompleteness manifest as sinfulness and wretchedness and desecration of the Most High God.

Sometimes mankind are graced by that Spirit which complements their aloneness and fulfills their oneness. Then again, when the judgment is nigh and the Spirit descends as the all-consuming sacred fire, it destroys their manifestations of incompleteness as the Judge fulfilling the judgment of the law, as the Destroyer who takes back that which he has created.

Let all who seek the one God now meditate upon these revelations of the manifold identity of the One, that they might become astute in their analysis of the false teachings of the fallen ones.

For light and life and love invincible,



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

1. Deut. 6:4; Mark 12:29.

2. Gen. 1:26.

3. John 8:44.

4. John 1:14.

5. 1 Cor. 13:12.

6. Acts 17:22-31.

7. Acts 2:1-4.

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