Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 17 - Beloved Godfre - April 25, 1976

Godfre’s Birthday Address

Part II

I send forth the call to the Great Central Sun to return to mankind and to the children of life here on Terra their own native free will that they might choose according to the fiat of Joshua, choose this day whom they will serve.1 Let them be free to choose God!  Let them be free to choose truth!  And in that freedom, if they choose the not-self and they choose the error, then I say, at least it is in keeping with God’s laws. They have chosen by the freedom of their soul freedom.

With the Divine Mother, then, I appeal to the Divine Father. I appeal to Almighty God that unto America there might be given from my own causal body the vision of the victory, the understanding of the path of obedience to the inner law of the self, the understanding of sacrifice and surrender, the understanding of the rocky road; for you must be tested by adversity, by unpleasantness, in all those things which are not of your liking. Then and only then will we see who are the disciplined ones, who will face the terror of the world dragon, who will stand and face that dragon with hands upraised, confident that the light of the Presence will flow to turn back the raging and the sea.

God is able to part that Red Sea this day even as he parted it long ago.2 The power of God has never diminished, but has mankind’s faith diminished?  Here is the coming of the hosts of the Lord!  Here is the army of the Faithful and True!3 Who will dare stand in the land?  Who will dare stand in honor and in integrity to proclaim the true standard of the law?  Who will dare to resist the compromise for popularity?  Who will dare to stand with the Mother and the child of the Christ of the heart of all sons and daughters of flame?  [Audience rises.]

We who see the coming of the Lord’s hosts and we who see the weight of the fallen ones, we know they have no power. We know their day is done! And we long to hear the fiat of the children of God on Terra “You have no power, your day is done!”  Will you say that, precious hearts?  [Audience responds, “You have no power, your day is done!”] In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, that is all that is required by the great law of your own I AM Presence!  And that was the key given to Moses; and without that key, he could not have delivered the Hebrews unto the Lord God and the Promised Land of God consciousness—without the key of the fiat.

Moses knew far more, as did Joshua, of the great law of alchemy and the law of overcoming—far more than that which is written, than that which he told the rebellious ones who by their rebellion delayed and delayed the divine plan. Forty years in the wilderness of the human consciousness they wandered, recycling and recycling the patterns of their electronic belts, as they continue to do. He is risen, yet they remain. Is this not the story of every teacher and avatar who has come in the name of the I AM THAT I AM?

Hierarchy is tired of children, children on earth who follow the teacher and who refuse to be come the teaching!  How long will you continue this nonsense before the Lord God?  How long will you follow the teacher and allow the teacher to be the light and, when the light is no longer in this octave, fall back again to the old ways of witchcraft and black magic and manipulation of the law to your own ends?  This has been the outcome of our plan for many, many centuries.

We are determined that it will not be the outcome in this age! We have greater hope than we have ever had before because the teaching is made plain. By the dispensation of our beloved Saint Germain, the teaching is made plain before you!  And therefore, all that it takes is the will, the determination, to be a God-free being!  Will you summon that will?  [Audience answers yes.] Will you have that determination when you are outside my aura of God-determination?  [Audience answers yes.]

Will you remember?  Will you remember, hearts and souls of light, that we can give forth the light, we can allow you to feel that light as in the mountaintop experience of your communion in the holy of holies, but the law requires that you come down from the mountain and sustain the flame of the law without anyone to continually nourish your lamps with oil?

Precious ones, do you understand that we all know that you can sustain the flame in our presence?  It is out of our presence, neath the vine and the fig tree of your own God awareness, that you must prove the law, that you must stand and face and conquer every flaw of the human consciousness.4 Will you understand that these are the rules of the game?

I would to God that one of these manufacturers of games for children would make a game that will illustrate the law, for you seem to forget the rules in the game of life as quickly as you hear them!  And therefore, there is the delay in the initiation of even those who have basked in the light of the teachings for many a year. You cannot forget the rules of the game!  These are a part of life. You must know them. They must be with you.

Why, constancy, determination, and will—these are but the beginning!  Your love and your wisdom must be exercised and accelerated so that you have that piercing perspicacity to know what is acting in your life, to be sensitive to that fly on your shoulder, to be sensitive to the mood energies of the discarnates, to know when you are being attacked, to know when you are in the midst of the battle and when it is time to sit down by the stream and enjoy the crystal cup of cold water.

Some of you are not even sensitive to the battle that rages about you; and therefore you find yourselves flung by the fallen ones when you know, oh, so much more. Indeed, you are over-prepared for this test!  You have the teaching; you have the outline of the law. And even you who have never attended Summit University, you have the law, you have the ability and the preparation for every test that comes your way.

I want to see you pass your tests—not halfway! I want to see you catch those bullets in the air and throw them back to the adversary! Fling them in the face of the fallen ones!  Let them have the instantaneous return of their hatred and their sarcasm!  And the demons in the night who will continue to howl their blasphemies unless you challenge them and reverse them—why, even here at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral, they hang about at the gate waiting for those who have dipped into the flame to leave that they might follow them and instill them with doubts and desires and compulsions not native to the Christ.

Do you challenge them when you exit your gate? Do you challenge them and call to Astrea to clear the way for the coming of the Christed ones? It has come to the place now where there are multitudes of fallen ones who gather to see to it that the children of light do not even enter. The children of light are put through an obstacle course, and there is even the manipulation of the elements of the nature kingdom to keep the children of God away from the flame; and yet you are insensitive to the fact that these calls must be made, that you must enlist the light of the angels to clear the way for the coming of the Christed ones.

You must call to the mighty seraphim and cherubim and to those who keep the way of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.5 You must keep the flame of the ark of the covenant, your covenant between your soul and your Maker, which God has established from the beginning.6 You must understand that the legions are ready to intercede. The legions are on the march!  There are crowds and crowds of legions of light!

Do you know what it is like to be among the great teams of conquerors and to have, as it were, your sword and your shield and your armament stripped from you?  That is what we experience when we are ready for the attack and no one calls us into action, no one in this octave bids us come to do battle on behalf of the children of God. In this octave the call to battle must come from you, for we cannot enter; and so we must watch the devouring of these little ones who are then made the victims of such petty, puny discarnates!

I tell you, you would be ashamed to see what you allow to overcome the great light of God that is within you and within the children of God. They are nothing! They are phantoms! They have no power! They must be stripped of their power by your fiats! One fiat made by a son or daughter of God can wipe out an entire company of fallen ones. The fiat even of a child in prayer can reverse the hordes of darkness that come upon the cities with their plagues, their viruses, their germ warfare, warfare of the mind and the soul and of the bodies, weakening, debilitating our servitors.

Let us see the forts of righteousness established! Let them be the teaching centers!  Let them be that forcefield for the giving of decrees for the protection of the souls and the four lower bodies of every child of God created out of the light of Alpha and Omega. Let us see vociferous, untiring calls given by those who know the law for the freedom of every living soul to find the inner law of his own being.

We are patriots!  We have a fervor to defend the light of America!  We have a passion for freedom!  We would convey it this day. We would that you would pray without ceasing as you walk from place to place.7 Think about those who take their stand for light in the Soviet Union, in China, in every nation on earth, who have not the law. Neither do they have the contact with our octave. Think of those who walk by the light of virtue, integrity, and the honor flame within and who have recourse only to this aspect of the God whom they know. Think!  Think on this, precious hearts, and determine within yourself how you will make 1976 a year for the victory of freedom and the expression of free will in the hearts of all mankind.

I AM a God-free being!  And I will never, never, never be content until you and every child of God knows twenty-four hours a day that you are a God-free being. I AM with you in the fray and I AM with you to stay!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 22, 1976, during the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. Josh. 24:15.

2. Exod. 14:21.

3. Rev. 19:11.

4. Mic. 4:4.

5. Gen. 3:24.

6. Exod. 25:10-22.

7. 1 Thess. 5:17.

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