Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 16 - Beloved Godfre - April 18, 1976

Godfre’s Birthday Address

Part I

Hail, sons and daughters of Liberty!  I come in the God-free being which I AM and which you are. The masters have told you before and I will tell you again that the line that separates us, the one from the other, is this: that I know that I AM God-free and you know it not—not to the fullness of manifestation.

In your hearts there is the kernel of Christ awareness. In your hearts there is that Light which lighteth every man and woman who cometh into the world.1 And therefore the testing, therefore the battlefield of life, therefore we come. And you are here and now proving, proving whether this soul can endure in the flame of the God-free being which you are.

The Lord Christ came not into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might have that life eternal which I AM.2 Therefore, I do not come with condemnation; yet my light, as the invulnerable, invincible flame of God-obedience, is an offense to the darkness which, as the residue of the subconscious, remains within you. Do not consider, then, that I entertain even a moment of condemnation; but understand that when you feel the intensification of sons and daughters of God ascended in your midst, that intensity will draw out that darkness and that density that is moving against the sun of the light of God within you.

We come for the exposure of the lie and the lie of the fallen ones. Its exposure is never condemnation, but opportunity to each one to live in the life abundant. Sons and daughters of flame, you must see your life as God’s love, as opportunity to be God-free twenty-four hours a day. Each day, each hour you are called upon to prove your God-freedom from the stresses and the strains, from the mounting pressures of your service. We can do aught but give to you greater and greater opportunity when you have called forth opportunity in the form of initiation, consecration, and the new birth.

We cannot make life easy for our chelas. If you want the easy life, the world offers abundant opportunity for that way, the “way that seemeth right”; but you know that the end of that way is death, and you have chosen life.3 And therefore, do not be embittered by the acid of your own toxins coming to the surface for transmutation; for the way of life is the acceleration of the God flame within you.

We cannot have you among the immortals in your present level of sluggish vibration!  We must accelerate the top of your identity. We must spin the wheel until the Sun behind the sun becomes the blazing, whirling, sun-fire star of the Mother herself appearing within you. To accelerate the worlds turning within you, there must be sacrifices, there must be surrenders, and above all, there must be that indomitable obedience that is unconditional. For how can your soul that has been caught in Mater so long come into alignment with that sun if there be not that sacrifice, that surrender, and that obedience to the law of your inner being?

The messengers whom we have sent forth to declare our name and our word proclaim to you only the law, the disciplines, and the exercises necessary for you to cross over those bumps and rough places of your own human consciousness. The fallen ones always make it to appear that it is somehow the human will or the human idiosyncrasy of the messenger that is confronting you. You should run from the temptation to believe this lie, for this lie will compromise your entire path.

When there is not the shepherd to guide the sheep, the sheep are scat­tered.4 It is the scattering of the energies of your four lower bodies that concerns us; and unless there be the lifting up of the Christ within you as the Good Shepherd of your own pasture, your own consciousness, how will you come into alignment with the inner law of the flame?

The carnal mind poses as your own Good Shepherd. It is the hireling. It is the impostor coming in the name of the shepherd; and it will come to allow you to rationalize all manner of behavior and a switching and a reversing and a turning upside down of the logic of the eternal Logos within you. And the subconscious that is often controlled by the carnal mind will block out from your self-awareness that great gap ever widening between your self and your great God Self, until you will not realize, ere it is too late, that you have not made those decisions which are based on the Christ Self.

Therefore the teacher is sent. And the teacher is the ascended master who comes to you in the way, the ascended master who will release to you the instruction for each and every day. And if you fail to apprehend the master directly or your Christ Self directly, you have word by word, line by line, the teachings set forth by the messengers. And if you fail to interpret the teaching by the Holy Spirit but allow the lesser spirits, the discarnates, to interpret the teaching for you, then there is no other substitute but the direct confrontation of our messenger in embodiment.

If it were not so, the Lord God would not have sent his prophets to the children of Israel, his teachers in every climate, in every age, to every group of souls who needed that outer representative of the Good Shepherd. The Lord God has seen fit to deliver unto this age, then, both the teaching and the teacher. And fortunate are we, as you also are fortunate, that the bridge of octaves can be spanned by the flow of the Word and the flow of purity and the flow of the fiery flame.

Let the Word go forth!  Let the teaching go forth!  For we of the ascended masters have supreme faith in the teaching, in the integrity of the representative of the teacher, and in the purity of the souls among mankind who have been called in this age to respond. And respond they will, blessed hearts, if you will but cast the net of your consciousness on the right side of your self-awareness, on the right side of the ship,5 and draw in not all of the fishes of the sea, but the fishes who are chosen, who are called, who are the elect, who are the true children of Israel because they have claimed the flame of life that is real.

I come with the vision of the City Foursquare.6 I am never without the vision nor without the scroll in my hand. I walk with the architects who have planned, under the Logos, the fiery destiny of America. I walk up and down the land. I see the children, the little children who shall rise to return America to her place of light and love midst the nations. I walk up and down claiming my own, infiring and inspiring true patriots with a fervor for freedom without hatred, without division, without competition, without the ugliness of deception and hypocrisy in politics.

I release my flame!  It is the white light of the discipline of honor and it is the fiery emerald ray of the vision of the victory!  Let there not be compromise within you!  Set the pattern and the promise that there may not be compromise in this nation or in any nation. When you hear the certain Word of God speak within you and you do not understand the command, I say obey!  Obey immediately and see the great vision of God that is held in store for you and all whom you contact.

Know that any compromise with the plan released by the ascended masters, any compromise with their directives, can only result in delay and more delay. And I ask you, how much delay can the divine plan suffer ere it is too late? That is the question. And when we come to our meetings in the Royal Teton Retreat, we have not all the answers, but we also pray. We pray to the living God that there might be an extension and another extension as opportunity for souls to rise to claim their responsibility to life, to God—not to one nation alone, not to a hemisphere or a planet. Sons and daughters of God must rise to recognize responsibility to a galaxy and to a cosmos, to all of life everywhere.

When every action, every word, and every deed bears repercussions throughout eternity, can you afford to stand outside the harp of the God Harmony, outside the chord of your own commitment to harmony? If you dash the cup held in the hand of the ascended master Lanello as he extends that cup to his own twin flame, will you wish to bear the responsibility?  If the cup of the teaching is dashed, if the plan of the age, if the preparation for the incoming souls—if this is spilled upon the ground, who will recapture the sacred liquid?  It will be your tears that will fill a cup, and your tears will not be adequate to supply the difference.

Let us understand that every delay in the battle is costly—some more costly than others. You cannot afford to decide when an indulgence of the self can be tolerated by cosmic law and when that indulgence will break the already taut strings of the lute of the God Harmony. Understand, children of the sun, given the cycles of the moon and the almost total penetration of moon substance through the mass subconscious, that we have very few stalwart ones among mankind on whom we can count in the rising tide of the magnetism of the moon.

We know we can count on our chelas as they bask in the radiance of our dictations. When all goes well, we can count upon our chelas. But we are daily testing to see who can be counted on in the hour of the greatest stress when fear overwhelms the soul, when doubt inundates the four lower bodies, when the dark clouds on the horizon eclipse the light of the sun and the moon and the stars. The chela who continues to walk and continues to be a God-free being—that one is called to the higher service of the legions of light while he yet walks in time and space.

I see America. I see America yearning to be free; yet I see America without the vision of the victory of the golden age, without the teachingson the path of enlightenment given forth from the heart of Gautama Buddha. I see souls sincere who are in the grips of the discarnates and the very fierce demons of hatred and of betrayal. Those whose souls are souls of light cannot take the manna given to the children of Israel in this age, because they must reject the concept of the Great White Brotherhood, the concept of hierarchy. And their rejection is not based on free will, but upon their programming, upon the manipulation of their consciousness and the sowing of those dark seeds of the fallen ones in their very own four lower bodies.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19 no. 17.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 22, 1976, during the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. John 1:9

2. John 3:17.

3. Prov. 16:25.

4. Zech. 13:7; Matt. 26:31; John 10:1-18.

5. John 21:6.

6. Rev. 21:16.

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