Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 23 - Beloved Portia - June 6, 1976

Go Forth to Challenge and to Check the Cycles of Injustice!

Part I

In the name of the all-power of justice, I come this day from the heart of the Great Central Sun with my legions of justice to challenge all darkness of injustice upon this planetary home. By the light of freedom, let injustice be exposed this hour in the courts of the nations and in the hearts of the people!  How can mankind expect to achieve the victory of even an outer-worldly gain while they take from one another and are unjust in their dealings, even with themselves?

In reality, there is no injustice anywhere in the universe. But in the consciousness that has not become wholly real, there is an attitude of injustice which impairs the universal plan. Therefore, long ago I espoused the virtue of God-justice and I determined to bring that quality of the wholeness of the motherhood of God on behalf of her children in that flame of justice which would liberate all mankind, ultimately even from the karmic cycles of their own initiation. Man initiates the cycles of injustice. He must arrest those cycles and commence in their place spirals of freedom, spirals of justice and equality.

The key to divine justice is in the realization that all life is one. Injustice is intolerable within the forcefield of self, and yet I tell you that mankind are so self-deceived that they continue on a pathway of self-destruction through injustices practiced against themselves. Such tendencies of masochism have the race of people abiding upon this planet!  So imbibed have they become with their own momentums of self-annihilation, of death and decay, that they do not see the hurt which they inflict upon themselves. Therefore, how can they see the hurt which they inflict upon others?

I AM Portia, the complement of Freedom; and I have espoused in these decades with my divine complement, Saint Germain, the pursuit of a holy justice and a holy freedom. There are men and women upon this planetary home who have given their lives and their fortunes and their sacred honor to fulfill the inner vows and commitments to freedom and justice which they have taken; and there are just as many men and women who have taken inner vows of darkness and pledged themselves to tyranny, to the bondage of the nations, and to injustice.

Beholding with the outer eye, it would appear that there are two camps arrayed against one another. But withdrawing to the power of the within, you can behold that there is only one light and all that opposes that light is not real, has no permanence, has no gift of God’s grace or mercy to endure. Why then does it appear to be so real in the veil of time and space?  The appearance of reality within the confines of injustice is upheld by the carnal mind itself, by the mortal mind with its sense of limitation. And the individual who has free will, who has accepted that condition, that state of affairs, as inevitable—that is the one who perpetuates the darkness of the lie of injustice.

It is necessary that the avant-garde of light understand that whatsoever force of the energy veil goes unchecked and unchallenged by you will remain because you have the authority of God in this plane. We do not have it here; for we long ago gained our victory over time and space and we have ascended into the octaves of eternality, of God’s own infinity, where we abide of necessity unless and until we are invoked by the mankind of earth. That is why the law goes forth, “The call compels the answer.”

We must answer when we are called. We cannot answer unless and until we are called into action. For this is your world, beloved hearts, given to you by the Almighty!  It is your kingdom; it is your destiny; it is your home. You cannot expect that God will come down and intercede in your behalf and interfere with those cycles of injustice which mankind, by their use of free will, have set in motion. You, then, by the power of God vested within you, must go forth to challenge and to check the cycles of injustice. And when you call upon us, we will answer and we will muster the forces of our armies of light.

Millions of angels stand ready to be invoked!  Do you know, dear hearts, they are so anxious to assist you, to assist all mankind!  But some among these angels have stood with their armor, their shield, their swords of flaming fire, waiting upon the hillsides of the world; and some have stood for a thousand years waiting to enter into the fray—simply because no one upon earth has invited them to join in the battle. Yet these angels are patient, but so concerned are they with the victory of the light that I dare say they will tarry there a million years upon the hillsides until you invoke their assistance.

I have seen the heart of a child, a child age three, who saw an injustice practiced against her brother by another—a child who was older and larger, a bully, you would say in your terminology. And I have heard that child of three say on behalf of her brother, “O God, help him!”  And with those words, the legions of justice have come forth to defend the purity and the integrity and the light of that brother. The angels listen to the heart’s calls, to the yearnings of souls aborning. Souls even in the womb of the mother cry out for God, souls evolving toward the end of a cycle, making their way for the transition back to higher octaves.

The angels wait; they listen. But the authority must come from this octave. I say, that which you accept as real, though it be not real at all, to that you give your energy by the flow of your attention. You are God in manifes­tation!  You are the only God there is in this octave. You are the allness of that God. You are the authority of that God. You are the authority for the victory and the justice and the freedom of the earth.

Therefore I say, withdraw your consciousness from the acceptance of every form of injustice that besets this age. From start to finish, from A to Z, begin to x out those forms of injustice—forms of impurity in your food, forms of impurity in the media, forms of impurity that attack the very citadel of the Christ consciousness within you. All of these I count as gross injustices against the body temple of the Holy Spirit, which you are destined to be.1 I say, cast them out and do not accept them!  Do not patronize where injustice is meted out!  Do not accept the decisions of the courts when these are unjust.

Now, I do not advocate that you go out and demonstrate and beat a drum and blow a horn wherever you see an injustice. I advocate that you go before the altar of the living God—a place prepared, a tabernacle of witness unto him in your home. Go before that altar and register your complaint before the Lords of Karma. The Lords of Karma hear every petition, every plea, every call that is made; and it is answered within twenty-four hours—an answer that is far-reaching, wide-sweeping. Therefore, go before the altar; and with your right hand take the pen and write a letter to the Lords of Karma. Or, if you prefer, speak the word:

“Beloved I AM Presence, beloved Lords of Karma, I desire this day, by the authority of the Christ within me, to register a complaint, to call to the attention of the hosts of heaven this injustice which I have witnessed and I have perceived. And in the name of Almighty God, I withdraw all of God’s energy from that injustice and I command that that spiral of injustice be arrested now. I ask the Lords of Karma to diligently consider the righting of all wrong, the balancing of God-justice in the lives of all individuals concerned; and I ask that my call be adjusted according to the will of God and that it be implemented according to that will.”

When you have done this, then rest your case with the Lord. Do not lament the injustice, because that, too, is a means of giving energy for the sustaining of the injustice through the action of human sympathy. Wherever there is human sympathy, there is agreement with injustice; and this cannot be. You must rise to the level of compassion of the Christ that raises all to the level of God-justice and is willing to wait for that justice to appear.

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, saith the Lord.”2 Therefore you must consider that when to all human appearances injustice seems to manifest, it may be the very justice of God which is coming forth so that individuals might have the opportunity to perceive how they have wronged others. Thus you come to understand the law of karma. For we cannot absolve mankind of the experience of knowing the fruit of their works, whether these are good or evil. If individuals have sent forth injustice in past ages, be not surprised that when you invoke justice, those same individuals will be placed in positions where they receive that exact condition of injustice which they sent forth.

Thus in the plane of Spirit, justice is perfect; and in the plane of Matter, justice is seen in many forms and in many guises. This is why your calls must always be adjusted by the will of God; for until you attain the vision of the all-seeing eye of God, you never know what is that perfect and righteous manifestation of justice. Nevertheless, I urge you to work for proper justice in the laws of the states and of this nation, that you consider that the Constitution was set forth as a guideline for the implementation of the needs of the people. In the name of Jesus the Christ, you have the power to invoke God-justice as a manifestation and a follow-through of that Constitution.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19 no. 24.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Portia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, September 3, 1972, in Atlanta, Georgia.

1. 1 Cor. 6:19.

2. Isa. 55:8.

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