Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 24 - Beloved Portia - June 6, 1976

Go Forth to Challenge and to Check the Cycles of Injustice!

Part II

There are movements abroad in this land to do away with the Constitution, and there are people who have written world constitutions which would make this nation subservient to a world court and a world governing body. I tell you forthrightly this day that such schemes of the forces of darkness are only plots of the night to deprive you of your blessed liberty and of God-justice and freedom to the earth. And I tell you that if you value our presence and our teaching, you must go forth to do battle with this attempt to deprive you of your opportunity not only to live and to pursue happiness, but to gain self-mastery and to gain reunion with God. These are very subtle indeed, but they will become more and more obvious to you as the weeks pass.

Do you know that the forces of darkness grow weary and grow very impatient?  And sometimes they reveal their schemes too early because of their impatience, and so they trip themselves and can be overcome by the alert. I would warn you, then, that the governments of the states and of this nation are filled with those who have taken vows to darkness, who have committed themselves to selling this nation not to the powers of light, but to the powers of darkness. America requires the protection of strong arms and a strong service—a strong body of armed forces. It is up to you, children of God, to challenge when there are movements abroad to deprive you of your just and forthright protection. It is necessary that you defend the integrity of your nation and that members of every nation-state defend that integrity; else there will be no further opportunity to expand the light upon earth.

I come in the name of the ladies of heaven, in the name of Mary, who has warned the nations at Lourdes and Fátima and in many appearances, both private and public, that unless the leaders of the people follow the stream of divine justice, there will be great travail upon this planet. Many of you here are in positions where you can influence—more than you even realize—both by outer and inner work, the actions of the legislative bodies and the law-making bodies. Even in your own communities, by becoming a part of city planning and city government, you can avert the plots of the dark ones who would deprive you of your liberty at every turn.

Do you know that placing of fluorides in the water is the beginning of the deprivation of the individual of his very soul because of the wresting of certain activities of the brain, the arresting of those activities by the chemicals that are placed in the water?  Do you see, then, that the battle for the minds of men is on all fronts and on all planes of consciousness?

Do you know that at this very hour, at this very moment, there are so-called psychics and clairvoyants behind the iron curtain who are directing a consciousness of lethargy, of defeat, of belittlement and condemnation against the American people?  Do you know that there are also machines behind the iron curtain which produce sonic rays, radio waves that are intended to interfere with the development of the Christ consciousness, to actually destroy the desire for freedom and the desire for liberty in the hearts of the people the world around?  Do you know that this germ warfare is practiced subtly throughout the world as the attempt of the dark forces at total conquest?

Now I do not say that all of the people behind the iron curtain are of the dark forces, nor do I say that all of the people on this side of the iron curtain are of the light. For as you know, the children of God are in the majority upon this planet; but they are not in the majority where it counts—in levels of government, of planning, of finance, in the economies of the nations. They are not there because they have not made the effort to be there. And therefore, on both sides and throughout the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, in places of power you find spiritual wickedness; you find the defilement of the throne of God; you find the defilement of hierarchy and justice. And this must be challenged!

Yet your warfare is not with the flesh, but always in Spirit.1 Let the angels who stand upon the hillsides of the world go forth in answer to your call!  Let them do the work of routing the forces of injustice!  Send them!  For they speak this day with a loud cry and they say to each one of you:  “Send us!  Send us!  Send us!  For we will to go forth to challenge injustice everywhere in the name of the Christ within each one of you.”

Do you see, then, that your most important role is first communion with the heavenly hosts, meditation, and invocation daily?  Let us not be chary with the Lord!  Let us be generous in our invocations, beloved hearts, for it is now in this hour when your energies are required for the victory of a planet!  And I tell you, it is the victory of the planet that is at stake. Five thousand or ten thousand years ago, it was only a portion—a nation here or a nation there—that was defeated by darkness. Now the spawn of evil and of injustice has spread throughout the nations. Now it is a total warfare on behalf of the victory of the light.

Our armies are complete. We have all the forces that are required to win this victory. It is a question of whether or not enough hearts upon the planetary body will unite to invoke that assistance. All of the armies of heaven are ready and waiting to be called into action. You, then, may consider yourselves as generals in the field. You are the ones that must give the commands. And therefore, it can well be said that the victory of the planet lies in the hands of a few people, a mere handful, who will decide this day whether or not it is worth it to them to give those commands and to make those calls. Heaven has already decided!  It is man who must choose. It is man who is called upon this day to render his decision before the Court of the Sacred Fire.

I speak to each one of you in this room, because you represent a segment of the people of this nation and this world. By your background, your ancestry, and your forebears, you represent all of the nations and the continents of this planet. Because you have descended from them, the Christ within you has the authority to arrest all injustice that has ever come forth anywhere. I speak to each one of you directly, because I want you to understand from the heart of a World Mother that you specifically and individually hold the keys to the bringing in of the kingdom of heaven upon earth. You specifically have the power to reject or accept divine justice on behalf of millions.

I desire this day to expose the lie that passes off this opportunity of divine justice to another or that says:  “I am worthless; I am nothing. What can I do?  I am only one.”  I want this day to etch in living fire, in letters of fire upon your very soul, that you have the authority, the power, the dominion, the opportunity, the intelligence, the love, and the wisdom to do what needs to be done to save this nation and this planet. It belongs not to another, but to you and you and you!

My divine complement, Saint Germain, has been known as Uncle Sam for the reason that he was embodied as the prophet Samuel. He has come to be regarded as the father of this nation—the inner father—which many people do not consider to be real; and yet Uncle Sam typifies all the might of America and the beauty and the honor which has been hers for two centuries. You have seen posters on the walls of your post offices and around your cities. You have seen Uncle Sam with his finger pointed and the words “Uncle Sam wants you!”  I say to you this day:  Saint Germain wants you!  Saint Germain wants you!  Saint Germain wants you!

Will you respond to the God of Freedom?  Will you respond to God-justice and recognize that this is your moment in eternity?  This is the hour for which you have been waiting for thousands and thousands of years. Will you recognize this opportunity to go forth, to command the legions of light into action, and to accept the victory of a planet this hour?  Will you accept this responsibility?  I say, beloved hearts, rise, then, if you accept it [audience rises]; for Saint Germain needs the confirmation of your hearts this day. He needs to know that there are men and women upon this earth who will respond to the call of Justice and who will accept the responsibility of making the invocations each day.

In the name of Saint Germain, my beloved consort, I accept your dedication and I vow to send you an angel of justice each morning to remind you when you awaken of your opportunity to serve the flames of God-freedom and God-justice each day. That angel will come to you when all the pall and density and darkness of the world attempts to cover your consciousness with a veil. And that angel of justice will whisper in your ear:  “Rise, sons and daughters of Liberty!  Rise and accept the opportunity of the dawn to bring in the golden age, to invoke the armies of heaven encamped upon the hillsides of the world!  Rise up, daughter of dominion!  Rise up, son of dominion!  And let the will of God be expressed through you this day!”

So this is my gift to all who will accept it. And I would say unto you that if there be any among you or any who hear this dictation who would prefer not to have an angel of justice attend them in the morning, you need simply speak to that angel and say, “Come not again.”  And have no fear, for the angel will withdraw.

For those of you who see the value of this early alarm clock awakening you to the opportunities of the day, I say you may invoke it also on behalf of all of God’s children who are receptive. For there are angels of justice, precious hearts, who are just itching to exercise their momentum of God-justice on behalf of this earth; and they cannot wait to come down and serve with those who will invite them. Take the angels of justice into your hearts then this day, and work with them until this entire planet is victorious, ascended in the light and free!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Portia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, September 3, 1972, in Atlanta, Georgia.

1. Eph. 6:12.

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