Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 26 - Beloved Godfre - June 27, 1976

Total Victory by Total Surrender

Hail, lightbearers!  Hail, sons and daughters of the flame of obedience!  I AM come because you have called, because you have invoked the flame. I AM in the center of the flame, and thus I respond with the fullness of the intensity, the fullness of the identity of flaming obedience.

I AM a God-free being; and because I AM God-free, you, too, can be God-free. That is the law, simply stated. To accept that law, to act upon it, is wise indeed. To become that law is wiser still, for you become that law by the infusion of love. Love is the only way. Love is obedience every day!

I stand then to challenge in this place, on this coast, those momentums originated on ancient Lemuria, actions in opposition to the fire of the law of God. I stand before you clothed in white fire tinged with a deep pink, the rose of intense adoration. I stand before you with the full momentum of my flame—and I thrust it forth as a sword!  And that sword is a fire; it is the manifestation of devotion, of fervor for the light.

Now I rise over the coast, over California; and I extend that sword the length of the United States, from the Canadian to the Mexican border. And that sword, with companies of seraphim and legions of purity, is now wielded in defense of America, in defense of the light of every soul, especially those living on this coast who know not that the seeds of rebellion that have been sown here can be uprooted, can be burned, who know not that those seeds are also influencing subconsciously trends in art, in music, even in science, and also the morals of a nation.

I, then, raise my sword to cut the tie to the rebellious priests of Mu who rebelled against the Mother Flame and caused the sinking of the continent. This hour, by edict of the Lords of Karma, the ties of innocent souls in this nation to those dark ones are cut. Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  Blaze the light!  It is done.

Now, you see, the source, the germinating power of rebellion, is cut off. These individuals yet have free will; but by severing the tie to those who have used them as anchor points for rebellion, these souls will be free to choose the way of love. They may also choose the way of stubbornness and defiance of the law; but at least they have a greater attunement, by the cutting of that tie, with their own Christ consciousness. At least they have the freedom to choose, whereas in that former state of bondage, they did not even know that they had a choice, so ingrained in the subconscious were these momentums fed by the fallen ones.

Now I say, let angels of light and legions of my company stand forth to cut the people free!  From the West to the East, from the East to the West, so let the lightning be the thread that is drawn through the eye of the needle. And let lightning—blue lightning, white lightning, and pink lightning—crisscross the nation this hour!  And so midst the gloom I come and I say, America, arise!  America, stand to face your cosmic destiny!

For I, Godfre, go before you. I expose the lie of the energy crisis!  I expose the lie at every level of government!  And I say, stand up and see and behold how God will deliver this nation in this hour!  [Audience stands.] And it shall be by the cosmic honor flame and because men have cared enough and women have cared enough to espouse truth and nobility and because they have determined to endure unto the end.

What do I see as the prognostication for the future of America?  I behold only light!  I behold only victory!  For I see the love in the hearts of the people. I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your tribute to the flame that is America. Won’t you please be seated.

One can always see the dark clouds. One can always look down to the ground and see the mire. One can always see selfishness. One can always see idolatry. It all depends where the gaze is, where the vision is; and my vision for the victory of America is based on sound facts and figures. For I have counted, one by one, heart chakras across this land who burn with a fervor, a great desire, who plead before Almighty God to preserve this nation as a place of liberty, as a haven of light where souls can come, can retreat to, who have also espoused that honor flame.

I want you to know that it was through the efforts of K-17, Lanello, and me that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was exiled to the West rather than executed. I want you to know that we were able to work this work of light because we had energy to use—energy that came from the steadfast calls of each one of you and of thousands of lightbearers throughout the land who do not fail to give the “Hail, Mary, full of grace”; who do not fail to set personal desires aside and to give those calls in those hours when they are most needed yet perhaps least desired by yourselves when there are so many demands upon you from so many responsibilities.

And so you see, hierarchy has now a reservoir of energy that it can use, because you have built that reservoir by invocations and decrees, by a rising momentum. Then when there is crisis, when souls yearn to be free in China, when they work to keep the flame and they need protection and they need assistance and intervention, we can leap to their sides and provide the energy—your energy multiplied ten thousand times ten thousand through the consciousness of Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ.

And so, blessed hearts, the darkest hour precedes the dawn; and our dawn is a dawn of victory and of reality. We predict nothing less than total victory in this age!  This, then, is our statement; this is our cosmic purpose. And this is our plea:  that you intensify, that you act as minutemen of Saint Germain, that you act as patriots who stand for more than a nation—who stand for a flame.

Do you think that the ascended masters recommend chauvinism?  I say, not so!  The ascended masters recommend that you guard America as a shrine of the flame of Liberty and the flame of the Mother. For this nation is the place where that flame must be upheld; and if it is trampled upon and put down, that flame will no longer be safe in any nation upon earth.

Do you understand, then, that as the ascended hierarchy gave its full backing to Jesus the Christ in his hour of trial and triumph because he was the great example of the Christ flame that all could become, because hierarchy backs the individual, it backs all mankind. You understand that God is no respecter of persons.1 God backs every son who is ready to take flight and to be free in the ritual of the ascension. The succor and the love that was bestowed upon Jesus was given to him not alone that he was Jesus, but because in him was represented the hope of the world. In him was represented the very hope of all mankind.

Therefore, we back the nation that represents the hope of all nations—not out of preference, but because this is the laboratory where the sacred fire will be proved individually and then collectively. And then we shall see how, one by one, nation after nation will come into alignment with the cosmic cube because some have sacrificed, some have volunteered to be the sides of the cube and to hold up this divine matrix for fulfillment in this age.

I would warn you, as K-17 would have me do, that just as we anticipate victory, we anticipate a mustering of the forces of darkness against that victory. These forces have been called antichrist, or the dark ones, the fallen ones, the Liar and the lie.2 You must understand that a dragon that is cornered, or any enemy that is cornered, has no choice but to strike or be dead.

Therefore, you see, when the choice is to lash out or to retreat, the dark ones have nothing to lose, for they have already lost their light. They desire to perpetuate a questionable existence outside the pale of reality. And this is all they have; but they will defend that right to be nonentities with a final release, a lashing out that is depicted in that dragon in the Book of Revelation.3

Realize, then, that of a truth, by your light, by your sacrifice, you have cornered the enemy. Now you must be ready. Now you must understand what the odds are. Total light must be applied for total victory; and total victory can be won only by total surrender—into the flame of all that is less than the Christ consciousness within you.

You say, how can I do that?  You must understand that you may not realize how to do it. You simply do it. You simply say:  “In the name of Jesus the Christ, I surrender unto the flame of God all that is less than the Christ consciousness within me.”  And as you say this each day, day by day you realize more and more of what it means to be a God-free being, as you have less and less of that which encumbers you on the Path. And by and by as you repeat the exercise, you will come to know what freedom in the soul truly is. Be then God-free!  Carry the flame of freedom and know that in what seems the darkest hour, there is the thread, the golden lining of promise, of that which is to come. I say, prepare!  Be prepared!  But above all, be light!

I AM the action of the cosmic honor flame for and on behalf of America at home and abroad, for and on behalf of every lightbearer in every nation upon earth. And I stand to defend the law of liberty in each of the South American countries, both in Central and South America. I stand with Saint Germain to espouse the cause of freedom; for we will see that hemispheric unity that is required to repel all darkness from this land that is consecrated in the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

So I AM Godfre, and Lotus stands with me. And our twin flames are yours to carry to unite those who proclaim the name of God “I AM” that all might be one in the flame as above, so below. This is our hearts’ longing, and we serve until the hour of the victory of your ascension in the light.

Hail, sons and daughters of flame!  I AM in the heart of the flame. I return to the flame within your heart.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, February 26, 1974at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Acts 10:34.

2. 1 John 2:18; John 8:44.

3. Rev. 12.

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