Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 25 - Beloved Godfre - June 20, 1976

George Washington’s Birthday Address

In the midst of darkness the holy light of freedom is born. The candle shines out, and each day there is reborn within the heart of men the understanding of the value of freedom. Freedom is a light and hope to the world!  Freedom is the courage that men gather from their own Divine Presence and the flame that blazes within their hearts.

We come then this day to those who are friends of old and those who we hope are newly made friends to carry the torch of freedom in the heart of the world. The kindling of the flame of freedom in the beginning is today a torch that has been passed to your hearts and to your hands—a torch of action and of courage, a torch of understanding and a torch of reason, a torch that is never satisfied until it has pushed back the darkness and wielded those majestic thoughts of God within the fortress of the mind and heart that re-create, even in the midst of darkness, the memory of light.

Many have died, beloved ones, for the cause of freedom; but we particularly in the name of Saint Germain wish to ask you today to stand and live for freedom. [Audience rises.] The sentiments we seek to evoke within your hearts are the sentiments of infinite purpose welded momentarily to finite purpose until that purpose can also fulfill the infinite purposes of God. Those who kneel in subservience may fail to apprehend the purposes of the Godhead, but those who kneel with the desire to be able to unify their heart with the heart of God will understand the meaning of sacrifice and of love.

We have sought to evoke courage as never before in the hearts not only of the students of the light themselves, but of those individuals who abide yet in darkness even when they proclaim that they are followers of the light. There is a need for man to understand the differences between people, that whereas God made of one blood all nations to dwell upon the face of the earth, mankind, by the misuse of free will, has sought his own aims without understanding universal purpose. Won’t you please be seated.

O realm of light and fascinating beauty, we invoke thy presence in the lives of all mankind!  We speak of the struggles of the soul to its own self-reali­zation. We speak also of the social aspects of man’s inhumanity to man progres­sing—or I should say retrogressing—down the whole stream of human history and bringing many who abide in the realms of light above to a state where in their observations they cast their heads down in shame for mankind. We therefore urge upon you some realization of what it means to become a bearer of light before humanity, to understand the breadth, the depth, the height, and the majesty of God’s plan for men.

Those of you who have gazed upon a miniature image of divine purpose may thirst for a greater vision of the scope of that purpose and the realization of how each of you, by the indomitable divine will kindled within your heart, may cast off the yoke of tyranny which so easily besets you and reestablish yourself in that divine, purposeful realm of light wherein dwell also the angels, cosmic beings, and those who serve mankind in his hour of greatest need.

I have often, even in the embodiment as Washington, sought out the intercession and help of those cosmic emissaries of light and have received the touch of their beautiful hand dedicated wholly to the purposes of serving the light. I want to urge then upon every one of you the realization and the re-realization again and again of the need to commune with those powers of light that are already resident within these cosmic beings and angelic beings whom mankind from time to time do consider in the realm of fairy tales and as though they did not exist.

We speak to you of this tremendous intercessory power which can be evoked in the salvation of this nation and in rolling back the third portion of the vision that was given unto me and reported unto mankind for many a year.1 Those who have faith will not regard this as myth or the mere creation of a mind without inspiration, but rather as the reporting of the great cosmic veil of truth that is being lifted, revealing to mankind many ideas that are not always realized or accepted by mankind. The mere fact that men will not accept a certain idea en masse does not in any way impugn the value of that idea when that idea is accepted and brought into the domain of the human heart and, bearing fruit, is able to reckon with many of the tyrannies and doubts and fears and oppressions of mankind and bring them trembling to their knees because of the victory of the light.

When I speak of the victory of the light, I speak of the victory of the armies of God in higher realms which do battle with the forces of evil that seek to assail the divine light within the heart of man. The light within you is a light of hope!  The light within you is the light of God that never fails!  Will you always realize that, beloved ones?

Will you attempt now to visualize with me the light of hope that is within yourselves as the light of God’s indomitable purpose working in the world community and envisioning the fruit of the Spirit as the fruit of cosmic brotherhood?  This light fulfills the destiny of all men and teaches them to live in harmony and peace with one another in the pursuit of those noble aims and goals for which we also gave the last farthing of our service in times past and which today we ask also of you in the name of God. For we seek the restoration of all the former delights and beauties of God upon the world as in former times when the victory of Atla, the victory of Atlantis, was herself known unto all who dwelled in her sunny climes and were able to receive her manifold blessing.

The New Atlantis, born two hundred years ago in this land, was the kindling of a great solar flame filled with hope and majesty and bringing hope and majesty to every heart, teaching all to abide in the presence of the light as the light of hope realized, not as the light of hope unrealized. For once a man or a woman is able to capture the vision of the infinite plan of God for the family of nations—and also for the family of nations resident within America, which has become a great melting pot where there is manifest hope to all in every land and in every place—they will then be able to see the dawn of beauty and purpose in the world community as one where religion, true religion, is enshrined in the human heart, where human values are cherished and upheld, where the light of cosmic joy runneth over into the world community and floods the lands with light.

For all lands and all peoples were called by the infinite purposes of God to understand how they can live together in brotherhood and in the light of hope; but the rumblings of war and war’s delusions have again and again spilled over into the world community, spilled over into mankind’s realms, and have caused untold misery, degradation, and suffering. We who have also in past lives engaged in acts of war are aware how conditions are created that make it intolerable for great nations and peoples to remain in bondage.

And therefore as the children of Israel overthrew also the warlords of ancient Egypt, so shall it come to pass that the powers of Gog and Magog shall find themselves thrown as the horse and rider into the sea!2 And mankind, seeing the great wings of an eagle uplifted in this land, shall behold the fruit of the Spirit as a tribute to bring new hope to every child, to every person, to the ages, that the ages themselves, echoing forth as a peal of thunder the words of infinite light from the heart of God, will bring to the world a new sense not of struggle, but of victory—a new sense of victory over the tyrannies that have held men in bondage.

I come then this night to bring to you a fountain of truth, to implant within you a new hope, to create within you a new spirit and a new faith that God in this age will through you bring forth and work hope anew, a tribute bright and filled with light to cherish both every day and every night. O beloved ones, let your hearts be lifted up!  Let your spirits be lifted up!  Let all things be lifted up!  Let the world glow again with the fires of freedom!  And let Saint Germain’s name be glorified within you, even as it is done.

For the name of Christ, the name of beloved Jesus, is a name to be enshrined within your heart; and the name of Saint Germain, ranking as an elder brother and friend, deserves also to be enshrined even as we hopefully say every man and every woman will one day find the white stone within their heart whereupon there is written every other name upon the planetary body.3 And in this great macrocosmic-microcosmic exchange of names and Spirit one, the human family will begin to fashion anew a world of victory and freedom under God wherein will come to view the tributes of the divine rod extended as a rod of hope unto all.

As I stand here upon this platform with beloved Lotus by my side, I say to you, the tribute we bring of the light for America, as a brilliant light in the world community to help show the way to all, is today established anew. For each day, man can be raised to a higher plateau, a realm where progress is accepted as it is expected. I say to you, may the same victory that came to me come also to you and to the world. For out of this sense, out of this sense of beginningness, will come forth the proper end of the cycle; and all things shall be cleansed, rising as the phoenix of old into the air, out of the ashes of the present realm of chaos and confusion.

In the name of God, in the name of Jesus the Christ, in the name of Saint Germain, I salute your heart with the wonder and the light that is in the eye of God, even as by his mercy it is within my eye and I hope will be welcomed within the eye and vision of each of you. Peace be on you!  Peace be on all!  Peace, glow!

I thank you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Tuesday, February 22, 1972, at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. See “General Washington’s Vision” in Liberty Proclaims, published by The Summit Lighthouse.

2. Ezek. 38-39; Rev. 20:7-9.

3. Rev. 2:17.

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