Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 33 - Beloved El Morya - August 15, 1976

You Are Myself

The winds of Darjeeling blow!  The light from Darjeeling flows!  And I AM come to thrust the rod of power, of flaming will, into the midst of this hallowed communion of souls gathered here on the shores of Mu to ensconce a Mother flame anew. I AM come as the chohan of the light of God’s will. I come, then, with the fire of that will—not only to instill in you the desire to be the will of God, but to draw the atoms of consciousness of all mankind into the Mandala of the Cosmic Virgin.

Love of Mother is love to become a part of the body of God on earth. There are many who strive for that union. There are many who are fastidious and diligent in the application of the law, in the various disciplines accorded to humanity by the Solar Logos.  Let all then come into the refinement of the Holy Ghost!  Let them come into a new appreciation for the fire that flows within and the wind of the Holy Spirit that blows!  Let them come to know that strength, that courage, and the law that will surely fulfill itself in man and in woman—that these come from diligence in spiritual things, from self-denial, from carving out the image of God to perfection within the soul.

I am calling my own!  And I call to those who have not heard my voice. I send forth an energy!  I send it into the community of the saints. Let them know that Morya has come—come to the West, come to give that blessing that can only draw the fibers of being into a tightness of a weave that is safe for the Divine Manchild;1 for the swaddling garment must be prepared and the fibers of consciousness must be exact. Let there be no slack!  Let there be no irregular­ities!  But let that striving be daily to the task, line by line, of setting forth the law to all generations—the law of the written Word, the law of the spoken Word, but above all, the law of the Word in action!

You are the Word in action!  You are myself, O chelas of the Most High God!  You are the incarnation of the ascended hosts. When you are the body of God, you are that!  You are the incarnation of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood when you speak the Word, when you live the Word, when you love the Word, when you open your hearts to the living presence of truth.

Declare the truth and watch how the truth will set you free!2 Declare that truth and watch how the sword comes forth out of heaven—the sword of living truth polarizing to the right or to the left so that those who are uncommitted will either hate or love, be true or untrue, deny or affirm. But at least they will choose. And when they choose, then the karma of right action, of wrong action, will descend. And then mankind will learn the lesson in the way of the use of energy.

Therefore, we send forth the prophet and the messenger in every age. So the coming of that light is a division; and it divides the darkness from the light, the day from the night. So comes the light of truth, and mankind fall to the right or to the left of being. And when they fail to receive the prophet in the name of the prophet, then they forgo the reward of the prophet,3 which is the Christ consciousness within, which is the claim to reality, the contact with hierarchy, and the flow of worlds within worlds as a cosmos realizes itself within man, within woman, as God is born.

Understand, then, that when you deny one of these little ones, then that being cannot receive the One, the Christ; and therefore the Christ is denied and does deny that identity before the Father-Mother God.4 Receive all mankind in the name of the Lord!  Receive them, one and all!  Do not fear to give the word of truth; for when you receive friend and foe alike in love, then you become the vortex of judgment, of the will descending, of light that implements the resurrection, the victory, the exposure, the binding of the fallen ones.

Do not fear to be the Lamb of God!5 Do not fear to sacrifice the human consciousness!  For each aspect of self that is sacrificed means that the fallen ones who embody that darkness are also judged, even as you have judged your own self and removed from yourself the substance of the wicked. How else can judgment be implemented except through the body of God upon earth—and justice and mercy and the attributes of the divine selfhood?

It must be because men and women have had the courage to stand for reality within the self. Failure to deny unreality is to allow the tarrying of unreality within the consciousness!  Those who fear to challenge the specters of the past, of the former self with its former deeds—these are they who are lukewarm, who have not been polarized either to light or to darkness. And they are spewed out of the mouth of God!6 And therefore they have their reward—the reward of not being.

At least the sinner appears on the screen of consciousness. At least there is an appearance that is there that can be saved, that can be turned, that can be transformed. And the sinner that confesses the sin is he who is ready to be relieved of that sin, who longs for the Holy Spirit, who waits on the Lord, who knows that he knows not that he is God. Therefore, let the godly and the sinners appear!  Let them come into the light!  Let them both be trans­formed!  Let their self-righteousness go down!  Let their self-deprecation go down!  Let all sense of self go down in the living light of reality.

Those who have not the awareness of any self do not appear, then, in the distillations of the divine alchemy. I tell you, every self is a self that must be surrendered, that must be replaced with cosmic selfhood, cosmic awareness. Wherever you appear in the human spectrum of human goodness and human badness, forsake it all!  Come into the flame and realize that that spectrum varies little against the backdrop of cosmic consciousness.

Let those who would glory, glory in the law of the Lord and not in the goodness of the human consciousness or in its badness. Take no pride in either state of human consciousness; for even the evil ones take pride in their evil deeds and they do boast. It is a boasting of a selfhood apart from God. And those who boast of their good works and give not God the glory are more deceived; for they think that they do good and know not that God is the only doer of good.

Understand, then, that in many cases the sinner has the greater opportunity of realizing God; for he sees his sin for what it is and the hopelessness and the impossibility of accomplishing anything outside of God. And therefore he forsakes totally an identity of separation, a selfhood that is not cast in the mold of the divine image. He forsakes all and enters into the One, ofttimes long before the righteous even come to the realization that their righteousness is of a human design, cast in a human mold, and that it does not meet the requirements of the right use of energy, of selflessness in God.

Hear ye who would know the will of the Father!  Hear ye who would know the will of the Mother!  It is not to be outside of God, but to be in God, all God!  And it is to acknowledge the blessed mediator, the Christ, as the instrument of every perfect gift, every mercy, every divine blessing, and the solace of all grief. Come into alignment, I say!  Be not found outside of the Presence of the living God!

For all shall come to naught, all shall be as clay in the hand of the Potter, and all accomplishment will be taken in that hand and placed into the giant roll. And so the Potter’s wheel will turn and man and woman made in the image and likeness of God will be formed and reformed by his hand—and not by the hand of man, not by the hand of the lesser self, not by the striving of the human consciousness and all of its philosophies propounded as the challenge of Antichrist against the living presence of truth.

Forsake your idolatry!  Forsake your sophistication!  Forsake the temptation of the fallen ones to believe the lie of accomplishment outside of God and then to be damned by that lie.7 For this is the justice of the law—the law that man has made, the law whereby man has bound himself to mortality by that law which he has made.

By that law he will be governed until he forsakes that law and accepts the law of the inner life and the inner being and the lightning and the thunder and the energies which come forth from the central sun. These are worth living for, being for, striving for—not for the accomplishment of the outer man. Therefore I say, beware, souls of light!  Beware lest you be deceived by the machinations of that carnal mind that would rob you of the glorying of the soul in the glorying of the law!

Now to all Keepers of the Flame I say, look upon the world!  Look out and see what you find there in this hour:  the rising of the tide of darkness—and in that tide of darkness a stream flowing, a crystal lining, a stream that will not blend, that will not merge, that flows from the depths to the heights. In the ocean of God’s love, in the ocean of the mass consciousness, in all of the layers and levels of awareness, in the great sea of being, there is darkness, there is light, there is qualification and misqualification.

There is world karma that is oncoming, that is increasing; and yet withal, the clear crystal waters of life flow8—flowing from mouths that speak the sacred Word, that will not be deterred from giving the invocations to the flame. And therefore, souls are nourished on every continent, in every way. They are contacted by the Christ within who releases that energy to win.

Look out and see, souls of light, how the fallen ones, many of whom have received their judgment in recent months, have left a forcefield, an energy spiral, a momentum that is antichrist, that is anti-will of God, that moves directly against the momentum released from the central sun of being for the fulfillment of the will of God in every soul. Look and see, then, how the apprentices of the Sorcerer are unleashing their impure stream into the body consciousness of the Mother and of the children of the Mother. See how the invocations consume that flow; and yet when the invocations cease, there is a continual buildup of the muddied stream as though it were never to cease.

I recommend that Keepers of the Flame give invocations to the Great Divine Director and the mighty Elohim to arrest the spirals of the Sorcerer and the apprentices of the Sorcerer, of those who have become the incarnation of the Liar and his lie. So then, in this manner the seed of the wicked will be bound and the fallen ones will be bound by your will, by your determination, by a solid flank of soldiers of light who will not be moved from the path of righteousness.

Understand that you are more than a mopping crew mopping the decks of the good ship of life. You must go to the core, you must see the source of that flow and you must stand with the angels of the Lord as they bind the wicked and as judgment comes and there is the separation of the tares and the wheat.9 Understand that the requirement, as you give your marathon of invocation, is to call for the cessation of those energy cores and energy spirals that have been sprung as that energy in disguise, as a Trojan horse, as that confrontation of the lightbearers.

So let us see the day of victory proclaimed by the free!  Let it be a day when the children of the light perceive the consciousness behind the conscious­ness behind the consciousness of evil!  Let them perceive the cause behind the effect, the core behind the periphery!  Let them be wise in the generation of light and let them see through the generation of mammon!10 Let them see through the ploys of the fallen ones!  Let them demand the binding of that cause and core of the entire energy veil that would pollute the stream of the Mother.

I have come to encourage you. For your energies are doing great wonders on earth and in heaven, for your light goes forth as a clear crystal stream. And I AM come to give you that vision of the victory. For while you toil and you labor in the vineyard of the Lord, you do not always perceive how the Lord’s hosts are hovering on high, acclaiming the victory and rescuing souls for the light of God that never fails. I say then, claim the victory!  Acknowledge the victory!  For this is the sure defense. It is the spirit of victory that must be maintained and the spirit of the will to do, to be, to love in action.

See how the numbers—though few—when cast in the wisdom of the Logos, can accomplish a victory for the many!  And you will see then how the fires of light will leap across the sky. And those who walk in darkness, those who stand in darkness, will suddenly hear the explosion of light. They will hear the Word of the Lord. They will see the sky illumined as by the fireworks on the Fourth of July. And suddenly the heavens will be filled with light and mankind will recognize the I AM Presence as the source and the truth of the law that shall make them free. And they shall know the Lord “from the least of them unto the greatest.”11 And from heart to heart to heart the spark will leap because you have cared enough to keep on keeping on in those hours when the dense oppression and depression of a world force has come upon your spirit, your soul, your body and mind.

Take heart!  I live in you!  I AM the will to be and the courage to be within your heart!  You are winning, souls of light!  Let this message be imparted to all—that the light will surely vanquish the darkness!  Therefore, be all light!  Be all light and be joyous!  I AM here!  I AM the champion of the Mother and of the son and of the daughter!  I AM the champion of all who love light!  I AM the champion of the law!  And I shall use the law to implement God-justice to all!  I AM Morya of the first ray. I proclaim that ray as the winner, as the winning team, as the light that will vanquish all that is less than perfection within you. I stand!  I AM free!  Be free in the will of God!

Know me, O chelas!  For I have not forsaken the flock of the good shepherd.12 I stand with Jesus on the hillsides of the world. I stand with Saint Germain as he surveys the armies of the Lord, and those armies are camped about for the protection of the light. Therefore, fear not!  But invoke, invoke, invoke!  And know that I AM come in answer to your call. I AM God-victory to all. Try me!  Challenge me!  Prove me!  And I will show you the wonders of devotion to the will, to the love, to the wisdom of God.

Go in peace. I AM with you alway, even with the Christ, unto the end of the age and of the cycles of the transmutation of time and space.13

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, June 1, 1975at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Rev. 12:5.

2. John 8:32.

3. Matt. 10:41.

4. Matt. 10:33.

5. John 1:29.

6. Rev. 3:16.

7. 2 Thess. 2:11-12.

8. Rev. 22:1.

9. Matt. 13:24-30; 36-43.

10. Luke 16:8.

11. Jer. 31:34.

12. John 10:11.

13. Matt. 28:20.

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