Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 34 - Beloved Kuan Yin - August 22, 1976

Claim Your Real Image This Day!

I come to light the lamp of consciousness. I take the fire of my heart and I touch it to the wick of your own mind and soul. I come to quicken, that your light might be a lighthouse on the summit of life that all who are adrift at sea might see that light and recognize the light as the light of far-off worlds, the light to guide the ancient mariner to the shore of reality. I come to quicken mankind in mercy’s love. I come to impart that mercy that enables each one to understand, first of all, the need for mercy.

Why do mankind require mercy? It is because they have departed from the way of their own inner reality and they know it not. By their stubbornness, by their perverseness and hardness of heart, by spiritual blindness, they know not that they are out of the way and that they therefore require mercy. And therefore they do not pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”1 For they have not yet humbled themselves to bend the knee to acknowledge the Christ and to say to themselves: “Lo, there is Christ! Here am I. And there is a distance to be traversed before I am Christ here.”

Precious ones, this is the dilemma before the Lords of Karma and before the angels of mercy, who go about crisscrossing the planetary body in the marts of the world carrying the incense of mercy and finding that mankind do not respond to the fragrance of mercy. And therefore, where there ought to be grace and compassion, understanding for one another, there is cruelty; there is disregard.

The concept “I’m all right, Jack”—that is the way of those who consider that if they are comfortable and they are getting on and they are all right, let the rest of the world take care of themselves. And so by the failure to integrate molecules of selfhood for the victory, mankind will suffer a collective defeat—collective only as the total of one and one and one—all those who consider that they may be islands of selfhood without that flow and that interchange from heart to heart of love fires, cohesive energies that seal the creation in the heart of God.

I come bearing the Mother flame of mercy. I come in the motherhood of God. And I come representing not only the Lords of Karma, but also feminine beings who have ascended to the plane of God consciousness, who join me in the octaves of ascended master reality to project now to mankind the true image of selfhood, the image of God out of which you were made in the beginning, when the soul was given birth from out the white-fire core of the I AM Presence.

Now I say: Sunder unreality! And in the name of the living God, shatter the forcefields of all forces and momentums that would deprive the heart flame of its own innate knowing, that would deprive the soul of the awareness of that flame! Release now into the fires all that these lifestreams will release by their free will into the flame as the surrender of the heart of all hardness, all condemnation, all resistance to the flow of perfection!

I AM perfection’s glow, and the glow that I bring is the star of mercy. Now blazing in the firmament of consciousness, that star becomes the focal point for a vortex of light that is incoming from on high.

We bypass the effluvia! We bypass those individuals whose rebellion makes them unfit to carry the flame of the law of cosmos. We will not wait for the entire astral effluvia to be transmuted to penetrate and to activate the souls of mankind. Therefore, we release a shaft of energy contacting each heart of light, each heart with a commitment made in love this day to serve the will of God, come what may.

That shaft of light is like a straw from our retreat to your heart; and we release through that straw translucent pearls of mercy descending now as those cups of energy—electrodes of light descending to your heart, focusing there below within the heart the star that is here above in our retreat. And that fiery star is as the fire infolding itself,2 drawing unto all mankind who will receive it the energies of mercy that are for balance, for the transmutation of karma, for the fulfillment of the cycles of dharma—mercy, then, for the preservation of a sane mind and body, for sanity, for health.

For in the hours of testing and in the time of tribulation, so there come forth those fallen ones who would deprive mankind of the victory by the projection of discarnates of insanity and even microbes of insanity carried by the carriers of all forms of disease. And so you see, the theory of microbes is a theory that must be translated to astral planes; for diseases are carried by discarnate entities. And although scientists will trace the carrier to physical causes and effects, I assure you that if it were not for the flow of astral energies between lifestreams through sympathy as well as through the discarnates, the plagues of old and the diseases that are carried this day would not have their deadly effect upon mankind.

Therefore I say, beware then, in the last days, of the germ warfare that is carried on not only by the powers and the nations of the earth, but by the fallen ones themselves. And put on the whole armor of God3 that consists not only of the energies of Archangel Michael, but of the flow of mercy that washes away and purifies the substance of imperfection, of human consciousness. Be sealed, then, in mercy, and let the fire flow forth within you for the preservation of the points of the mind, for the preservation of the geometry of the soul, that you might keep the flame and not be taken from the mark of that high calling which is your own in Christ Jesus.4

Be still, and know that I AM God.5 Cease, then, your analysis of the hows and the wherefores of the dictation; but commune with your own God, who is the All-in-all within you. Commune not with those discarnates who also are able to release certain vibrations that you feel in meditation, attempting to convince you that you have contacted God. There are vibrations and there are vibrations. Therefore, let all who would know the truth come into the inner tabernacle of being and commune there with fire.

Be not deceived! Be not mocked! For your only true contact with life is the mediator of perfection within your own heart, your own Christ consciousness. Be not drawn into those forcefields of lesser beings on the lower order of the astral plane who impersonate the ascended masters, who whisper, “Lo, here!” and “Lo, there!”6 For as Christ said, “The kingdom of God is within you.”7 So God in all of his fire is the energy within you that is the answer to every question, every problem, and is the unfoldment of your divine plan.

Your contact with me is reinforced by this messenger. But the messenger is not here to replace your Christ consciousness, but to show you the path of the unfolding of the bud of consciousness that you might discern those spirits and try the spirits, as John said, to see whether they are of God.8 Just as there are dangers to the economy of the nations, to the governments of the nations, so there are dangers in this hour to disciples on the Path. For there are many deceivers, and the Archdeceiver of mankind would draw into the levels of the astral and the psychic those chelas who are truly called of God to be a witness unto the fire of Christ within them. So the ascended masters come forth to reinforce reality!

I say to each and every one of you, consider that the first and foremost plot against your ascension, against your light and your victory, is the plot to distort the divine image within you—the plot to have you replace the synthetic self for the Real Self and then to have you rely upon the distillations of the carnal mind for your decisions. Understand that the inner reality of each one is like unto the child. When you see the soul looking through the eyes of the child, you know you have glimpsed God and his reality.

I come to infuse, to “re-fuse” you with the awareness of who you really are, so that you can make those important decisions in your life which are pending, which must be made if you are to move on with the cycles of your perfectionment. Decisions must be based upon the reality of life within you and not upon the temptations of the world, upon the astrology of the world, upon the forces moving back and forth, pounding against the shores of being, seeking to wear away your commitment to truth.

Mercy is the handmaid of truth! Mercy is the fire that dissolves the dross and the oxidation that hides the pure reality, the dazzling sun, the crystal rock of perfection within you. So then I say: In the name of the Christ, let truth come forth in each heart as I this day place the sphere of my causal body, with that of the Great Divine Director,9 at the disposal of those who give invocations for mercy’s flame! So let the energies of mercy be released in proportion as they are invoked—as a wedge of light and as a wedge of opportunity for all who look to God and make the call and utter the prayer “Have mercy on us, O God! Have mercy on us, O God!”

How many mothers, how many fathers utter that prayer in the midst of tribulation! And when it is uttered, an angel of mercy does come forth from the heart of Kuan Yin, from the heart of the flame at Peking.  So mercy is a name; and when it is spoken, that flame springs forth as a violet on the etheric plane extended from the heart of the angel to the heart of a soul. And hope is conveyed! And mercy is hope! And therefore, those who are depressed and oppressed and those who feel the weight of karma and planetary karma—they receive the infusion of mercy, the light of mercy whereby reality is kindled anew and they can respond once again to an image that is lost.

The lost image—this is the cause of depression. And mankind know not the cause of their depressions or their repressions of the light of the God within. It is because the fallen ones have taken away the memory of the original image. I say: In the name of the living God, in the name of the Christ, claim your Real Image this day! If you do not claim it, you will not keep it; for in this octave, the law of mastery, the law of attainment, comes forth as the fiat of your own Christ Self “Hold fast what thou hast received!”10

What God has given unto your care and your keeping, that you must claim, that you must affirm. For hourly and momentarily, the fallen ones are affirming the opposite. They assert your unreality. They affirm your not-self. They affirm failure. I say, counteract those decrees of the night! They have no power! This is the law of mastery—that you affirm the all-power of God, that you release that light and that energy, that you set the forcefield and the boundaries of the law of your being, that you live unto that law according to the dictates of your own conscience and you sit under your own vine and fig tree, answerable only unto your God and unto your Christ.11

On behalf of the Lords of Karma, I say to every soul here and to all who will hear my words: Answer well! Answer to your own Christ Self. Give answer this day to your own God! But in your answering, I say, look squarely into the face of reality. Look upon the divine image and give answer; for the Lord requires it this day. This day is the day of judgment! This day is the day of salvation!12 This day is the day of opportunity! So in the eternal Now, you will find as cycles supersede cycles, there come those moments that are for the judging of a certain portion of life, of attainment.

In the name of Almighty God, I send forth love for the surrender and for the release into the fires of being of all that would hinder thee from making the right decision. I AM the champion of the right of the light to live within you. In the flame of mercy, we are one!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuan Yon was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 9, 1975 at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Matt. 6:12.

2. Ezek. 1:4.

3. Eph. 6:11.

4. Phil. 3:14.

5. Pss. 46:10.

6. Matt. 24:23.

7. Luke 17:21.

8. 1 John 4:1.

9. See “A Report from the Lords of Karma” given by the Great Divine Director to Keepers of the Flame on February 2, 1975.

10. Rev. 3:11.

11. Mic. 4:4.

12. 2 Cor. 6:2.

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