Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 40 - Beloved Gautama the Buddha - October 3, 1976

God’s Other Children

I salute the light within your heart as threefold flame of cosmic awareness. I salute the light of the Holy Spirit that permeates elemental life. I come to quicken, to awaken these other children of God whom mankind do not know because they do not see them.

These children of God sustain the platform of evolution of souls in Mater. They are the friends of the Buddha and the Mother. Elemental builders of form have served with the Cosmic Christ and the Cosmic Virgin to bring forth the temple of the living God which you are,1 to bring forth the vehicles of expression of the flame which burns upon the altar of your heart.

I AM sustaining the light of Buddhic awareness on behalf of sylphs and gnomes, undines and salamanders. I come forth to expand Buddhic consciousness—not alone among the children of God, but among elementals who must also rise with the rising spiral of cosmic consciousness on Terra. We cannot afford to have any of the lifewaves or evolutions of a planetary home lag behind the rest. The elementals of Terra have taken upon themselves an extraordinary crucifixion by their love for humanity, and few there be among mankind who would offer themselves in this sacrifice selflessly for the light of all.

Elementals are the selfless servants who tend the gardens of Terra, who work night and day to purify the air and the waters and the earth, who serve with the salamanders to purify the subconscious, the collective unconscious of the race, by the action of the fiery rainbow rays which penetrate the etheric plane of Terra. Elementals are engaged in a great race—a race to preserve bodies from corruption and decay, a race to preserve this platform of evolution, before mankind in their selfishness destroy the quadrants of Mater, which are the coordinates of time and space.

Mankind in their ignorance do not realize how important it is to preserve the sanctity of the home, of Terra; for they have, for the most part, no concept of spiritual evolution, of the law of reincarnation, of the law of cycles. And therefore they do not look to the future in their pollution of their home; for they think:  “The world will be good enough for me to live in to finish out my life. I will not be concerned with what happens afterwards.”

These very souls will find themselves reincarnated midst the stifling pollution of the large cities. They will find that their opportunity for life will be shortened, even in a shortened life span—shortened by the pollution of the air and of the cells of body consciousness. And they will find upon their return to life on Terra that that which they must balance in that given embodiment will not be balanced, simply because by contaminating space they have cut off the cycles of time.

Time is Mother. Time is opportunity for flow of cosmic consciousness. Time is the distance between you and God. When you overcome time by the all-con­suming action of the sacred fire, then there is no longer any distance between you and God; for you have become God, a self-realized being, through the realization of the unreality of time. Yet time is real in these octaves of overcoming, and time must be held as real; for the compartmentalization of God’s consciousness by the flow of the sands in the hourglass is necessary to all lifewaves who have the sense of separation from the One.

Time is the Mother’s gift of free will to choose to be God; and space is the planes of the mind of Buddha, the mind of the Buddha which you, O mankind, inhabit. The mind of the Buddha is like the tree, full and luxuriant, with abundant branches and foliage; and thousands and thousands of birds come to nest in this mind of Buddha. So humanity live in the spheres of the causal body of the mind of Buddha and of many Buddhas, in the very mind of God.

All life evolves because the Buddha of the sun ensouls Terra, superimposing this causal body of spheres within spheres around this planetary home, providing space in which the cycles of Mother’s time unfold. Thus let the Mother take you by the hand and let her lead you to the throne of cosmic consciousness where Buddha sits in contemplation of your soul’s overcoming victory.

Now as you have your right hand in the hand of Mother and Mother comforts you, leading you to that promised position of our oneness, do not forget that you have another hand and that you may extend your hand to these little ones, to elemental life. Like little children, they beg to hold your hand!  They come trooping to hold on to your garments. They would rise with you in conscious­ness. Do not leave them behind!  Hold the hand of one little gnome or one great sylph or a mighty undine!  And do you know that that elemental for whom you care so much will hold the hand of a million others and you will come, garlanded by the spirits of nature, to the throne of the Buddha?

As disciples in the East bring the flower or the piece of fruit to the guru, so bring to me the elementals of Terra. I would receive these little children; and in the name of Christ, I say, suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Mater.2 And the kingdom of Mater is a cosmos created out of God’s love for souls who will to go forth independent of the Spirit of God to carve out a destiny, to experiment with free will, to experience a self-identity. And so the Lord God fashioned a cosmos for those who would go forth from the center of the One.

I AM in the center of the One. I call all of my children back to the great ring of fire to be included in the consciousness that is aware of life. To all elementals of Terra I send forth the word “Wake up!”  Be awake in the name of Buddha!  Be awake and aware of your own potential for dominion!  Be awake and come!  Come to follow the Eightfold Path!  For I would take you by spirals of resurrection’s flame through the testing, through the initiations that are outlined for the four kingdoms of the elements.

I, the Buddha, the Lord of the World, come to initiate cycles of cosmic consciousness for all elemental life destined to ensoul the flame of the Holy Spirit. I call you home!  In the name of the Christ, I call you to become disciples of Mother and of Buddha, of Christ and of Holy Spirit. Come then, for the door of Shamballa is open!  And I am training elemental life for the supreme moment when, in the transformation of worlds, elementals will receive the gift of the threefold flame. And when the Lord God Almighty, through the Elohim, sends forth the fiat that elemental life is to be endowed with immortality, it will come to Terra through the flame of Shamballa, through the threefold flame that is the spark of universal life.

Therefore, elementals who would be, who would continue to be, who would have the opportunity for continuity of consciousness:  I say come!  Come and receive the disciplines for which you have longed!  Be unafraid!  I raise my hand to deliver you from the matrices of hexes and cursings and black magic and witchcraft, variance and Satanism with which the fallen ones have imprisoned you to do their bidding. Let the elementals go free!  Let the spell on animal life and elemental life be broken!  Let it be broken by the mind of God, by the absolute enlightenment of wisdom’s flame, which dissolves all that is less than the perfection of the Christ within you.

I speak to elementals encased in forms of limitation where they have been confined. Now I say, no longer will you be muted to grunts and groans and sounds that are less than the flow of the Spirit. As the ass received the gift of words, rebuking Balaam,3so I say:  Elemental life who have the understanding of Mother and of Buddha, rise up to rebuke the unrighteous generation who have misused the elements of God, who have polluted the body of the Mother, who have desecrated her image, who have torn down the light of Buddha in all!

For verily, verily, the fulfillment of the word of the Son of God shall be in this hour:  If these should hold their peace—this stubborn, recalcitrant generation—if these should hold their peace and fail to acknowledge the coming of the Christed One, so the very stones should cry out.4 Let elemental life cry out in praise of the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace!  Let the praise of elemental life go forth to receive him who comes in the name of the Cosmic Virgin!

I have set the seal of my flame upon the freedom of elemental life. I have set the seal of my word that they might be instruments of the Word of God. I have set forth the promise of my office that one day when mankind will have the selflessness to take upon themselves the crucifixions which they place upon the elementals, in that day when selfless sons and daughters rise up to consecrate the resurrection in all life, in that day the Lord God on high will speak to declare opportunity for immortality to salamanders, undines, sylphs, and gnomes, and to the body elemental of each and every one who has the gift of the threefold flame.

I speak to the body elemental of each devotee of my heart:  O precious servant of the chelas on the Path, precious servant, be free in the peace of Buddha!  Be free in the resurrection of Christ!  Be free in the love of Mary the Mother!  And rise up now to pursue the healing of the four lower bodies that the souls of the devotees might make the mark of the conqueror in time and space. Be free from the round of rebirth!  Balance the law of cycles in the karma and the dharma of life and return to the fiery core of the One!

I speak to you, body elementals:  You are the instruments for the salvation of souls!  You provide the platform. I give you the impetus of my love of purity to purify the cells, the brains, the feelings, the desires, the records of the children of mankind. Let them be cleared that they might awake—awake in the light of Buddha—that they might first know that they are in a deep sleep, that they might have the God-desire to come out of that sleep, to rise to the awakening of the dawn of the Christ, to rise to the enlightenment of the Buddha!

Elemental builders of form, body elementals and devas, angel devas who serve with the nature spirits:  Receive the quickening of the Buddha in this hour!  Prepare for Wesak!  Prepare for resurrection’s morn!  Prepare for the coming of Sanat Kumara, for we are elevating life and you can do likewise.

I have come with comfort. I have come with joy. I have come with my ode to joy—the joy of living, of living in life, of freeing life, of giving life, all life, the spark of victory!  I AM Gautama of the flame of Shamballa, of the flame that burns even now more brightly within your heart.

Peace in the name of Mother!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama the Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, January 25, 1976 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. 2 Cor. 6:16.

2. Mark 10:14.

3. Num. 22:28-30.

4. Luke 19:40.

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