Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 41 - Beloved Rex - October 10, 1976

The Enfolding Mantle of the Cosmic Flame

Out of the depths of the supreme strength flows into the consciousness of man the realization that all things are prepared for him by God, that the universe is a haven of beauty, a haven of loveliness, a haven of strength, that man cannot flee from it, that all that is, is everywhere apparent when one’s eyes are opened.

I remember long ago when my own eyes were opened and I saw for the first time clearly into the tremulous ethers that were everywhere a display case for the grace of God. Radiant with light, sparkling like jewels in their splendor, the understanding of heaven flowed. It flowed into my consciousness as the tides of a great sea, until at last I came to realize that in this realm of the Eternal, every grace and every lovely thing that I had formerly thought was a manifestation of the world of nature was in reality first of all a manifes­tation of the Eternal Spirit; and in this flow, a great tide into the world of form, was the love of God encasing all.

Why, then, did hatred, darkness and despair exist in the world?  Solely because of the negative emotions of the world, of the negative emotions of individuals, of their lack of faith in the grace of God everywhere readily apparent in the natural order. And the splendor of it all came into my conscious­ness as the tide of the sea in that precious moment, beloved ones, when the dawn of God’s light began to show me the mysteries of God as reality, as strength, and as fortitude.

Then as the flame of new courage was formed within me, I saw clearly that hopelessness was the lot of many, that they were in despair because of many things. They were concerned about the length of their life; they were concerned about the quality of their previous life, of the life to come. They were wondering just how there would be dispensed to them the very lotion of heaven’s abundance. And suddenly I saw it all as the possession of every man!  And yet man did not realize it. He was so easily distracted and turned aside from the goals of his victory!  But at that moment defeat seemed far from me, because I was imbued with the consciousness of the flow of God’s light, of his strength, of his natural planning in the natural order for the destiny of man.

And as I was captivated by all of this, I could scarcely even breathe a thought of negativity or darkness. It seemed everything was light; and those who say that darkness is merely the canvas on which light is projected did not even seem relevant to my mind. For I began to realize that light had a quality of abundance within itself, that it did not need to be reflected upon darkness as a medium of contrast; for it had its own forte of brilliance and variety and variegation within itself.

At that moment I saw the sparkling splendor of all of the jewels of heaven manifesting to me the consciousness of the abundant life. And as I saw it all, I began to understand why this great hunger for God within me had arisen. I perceived that it was natural—a calling-back of old memories and old victories that were resident within the soul itself. And here was I, a fragment of the great God Self, being given all of this grace to externalize in the miniature realm of my outer self, of my consciousness.

And I said:  “Oh, let the rings expand!  Let the rings expand!  Let the rings break out—break the iron bands that have confined me— give me my freedom to think and to be as God is!  If the container will not hold him, I must enlarge the container until at last I am able to hold all of God and to be swallowed up gladly for him and for humanity.”  For all are one, and the victory of one is the victory of all, and the victory of all is the victory of one. And when men understand this and perceive the nature of it, then, you see, they are no longer concerned so much by the trivialities that otherwise often bring them much distress of consciousness and a hindrance of their very moving forward on the spiritual path into the victory of their ascension.

But now the ascension seemed to me to be a blessing of reality. The ascension seemed near at hand. The dawn of victory seemed near at hand, for all was captivated in the idea of the expansion of cosmic grace. And I began anew. I began anew to take, first of all, courage in the gesture that God could do this for me, in me, that God in me was all-victorious, that God in me was as strong as he was in the universe, that God in me was not limited, that God in me could expand as the God in all, that out of this flow was born the alchemy of cosmic change, that I must trample upon those qualities in myself that were nonvirtuous and I must change those qualities until they resembled the God Self.

And a spirit of discipline was born in me!  And a spirit of determination was born in me!  And a new idea came into my mind that I could win my victory, that I could make my ascension in the light. And from that hour, I tell you, it never stopped!  For with the dawn of this understanding through the personal experience, each individual is able at last to meet all of the challenges of his existence—and meet them well. We are able then today to confide in you as we are doing and to bring you the spirit of absolute certainty.

Some of you may have wondered why I should have ever been given the appellation “Rex.”1 Perhaps you understand it now as the crown; for the crown is his and the crown is every man’s, and in this sense we could receive it and acknowledge it. And we acknowledge it in this sense today, for the crown is God. And I say to every young man—as one who was a young man and who is a young man eternally—that we do not need to stop and stand pat upon some worldly idea or concept of limitation. We can cast it down and scorn it even as we admire the grace of God that is so readily given to us if we are ready to accept it. It is so much a matter of acceptance.

I say to all of you, if you will accept it in your feeling world, if you will accept it in your mental world, if you will accept it in your heart of hearts and in your physical consciousness and even in your cell consciousness, if you will evoke for yourself this alchemy of change, I am sure we can change the world. The quality of time may be needed, but I assure you that we can hasten the day as you accept the faith of the great release to you today of the power of your own God Presence. From that Presence flows out a mighty tide of light, a tide of faith, a tide of strength. This is eternal!  Like a ribbon of light, it flows through the darkness and cuts it!  It yields!  The darkness yields to the power of the light, and the ribbon of light becomes as your own great cord of light connecting you to the heart of your God Presence.

Will you recognize, then, that you have an absolute responsibility to expand your light in the God direction?  Do you understand that this is the only way you should go?  To go in another direction is to actually forfeit your birthright momentarily. And one cannot always be certain of future opportunity, for opportunity comes momentarily and must be grasped. Those who grasp it gain talents; those who reject it may in the maelstrom of human experience find themselves drowned and oppressed, unfortunately in some cases never to rise again.

But the path upward is not easy, you say. I tell you, the hardest part of the path upward is just before your victory. But if you will only understand that the flow of God’s light into your world can give you your victory, then I think you will no longer allow yourself to entertain the very thoughts of defeat!  By a positive attitude of mind and heart, you will resurrect in yourself those overcoming victories of the Spirit that in ages past existed and in this age exist alive and well in you.

Will you accept it?  Will you resurrect in yourself the new consciousness of absolute faith in your Creator and in the power of the ascended masters to guide you to your God-victory?  Will you accept this power and the pressure from on high that is designed to give you every assistance at this moment of your need?  If you will, I am sure that the onward path will loom before you and your victory will be closer in view.

As a bouquet from higher realms, I have given you my words and my love. And I give it to every young man and every young woman and I give it to every older person. Let all men and women understand that it is their gift. They may, if they will, make it their own. Only the person, by his doubts and the refusal to accept it, can be the hindering force that opposes his destiny.

Before you the great looms of life stand!  The fabric of the cloth spun from pure light is before you. Weave the great garment of solar light that you may become children of the sun!  Clothe yourself with this great garment of invisibility and know that it will be the enfolding mantle of the cosmic flame guarding you and guiding you to the realm of your eternal victory!  I thank you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Rex was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, January 24, 1971 at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral in Colorado Springs, colorado.

1. Latin meaning “king.”

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