In the flame of the white-fire core of the Elohim, I AM come! I AM come to lower, into the forcefields of Mater, energies of Spirit and of the cycling of the secret rays now into the hearts of the faithful who have vowed that vow to keep the flame of life until all mankind receive the teachings of the true law of their being.
I AM come because some among you and among the children of God throughout the world have elected to be electrodes of sacred fire, have determined that this planet and that mankind shall come to know the true teachings of Christ as they were given and as they were lived by Jesus, the blessed Son of God.
I come now to reinforce the cycles of the secret rays—where else but in the hearts of devotees? For there is no other place that is fitting for the habitation of the Most High God except the flaming Presence of himself given unto you. And because you have returned that gift unto him, because you have received the free will and by free will returned the will and the freedom unto him, so God now enters in.
Each time a certain number of devotees forming a nucleus of an atom of Matter come together—wherever in time and space—with a certain momentum of light and of consecration, then by cosmic law energies of the Holy Spirit and of the sacred fire are compelled into manifestation by laws that one day your scientists will discover in their research in nuclear physics. So the compelling of the atom of life, magnetizing the very energy of creation, is as natural as the flowing of the stream and the stars twinkling in the sky.
So an atom of Matter, as the atom of Christ, can be filled with the Holy Spirit, can be imbued with sacred energies. And this is the why and the wherefore of your devotion and your consecration to the law. This is love. As love transcending the cycles of God’s consciousness comes into the plane of awareness that you call home, Terra, so this earth becomes now the receptacle of the fires of the resurrection, of the flame of the ascension, of the light of purity.
I come for the reinforcement of the sacred fire within your heart. And the legions of angels who accompany us this day go forth north, south, east, and west. Carrying an arc of light as in the ceremony of the maypole, they carry from the pole of being, from our own electrode of the Alpha-to-Omega consciousness, a filigree of light; and they carry these rainbow ribbons of light to the hearts of those who are prepared to receive the Spirit.
And now the burning in the heart of the messenger is the release of that fire. As our beings are one with this form and formlessness, so we also converge in your hearts that you might feel the burning that the disciples felt on the road to Emmaus when Jesus walked and talked with them.1
So that burning signifies the presence of the Christed ones, and it signifies the magnet of your own heart drawing greater light because some have been willing to surrender and are now victors in life standing by your side, allowing their energies to flow into your heart. And so the burning sensation is the adjustment of atomic particles and of the nucleus of the flame drawing into itself more of the fires of the sacred altar of God.
Understand, then, as the sacred fire increases in the planetary body and in the body of God, so adjustments are necessary at all levels of consciousness in every part of life—in the elemental kingdom, the angelic kingdom, and the human kingdom. The body, the consciousness, the awareness must come into conformity with the law.
We are drawing mankind into higher and higher frequencies; for the hour is coming—and no man knoweth that hour save the Lord2—when the light inundation of a planet will be so great that many will not be able to contain it. And as a giant electric spark traversing the skies, that energy then will cause them to be reabsorbed once again in the Universal, canceling out identity and life in Mater.
And so you see, “many are called, but few are chosen.”3 The ones who are chosen are those who choose to increase the magnitude of the light within the heart chakra and within that chalice. Those who are called have a certain opportunity in time and space to make good the promise and the commitment; and then when the law comes, as an action of the light it does descend and it comes then as the coming of the Bridegroom.
And all those who have kept their lamps trimmed,4 who have kept the light within the chakras, who have not squandered their inheritance on riotous living, on perversions of the sacred fire and misuses of the energies of love in coils of hatred, hardness of heart, sensuality and psychic thralldom, and all of the manifestations that pervert the cycles of reality—so then those who have kept the light blazing as the lamp in the window at Christmastime then find being coalesced into wholeness as the Bridegroom comes and the virgin soul converges in the Spirit of the living God.
I AM the cross of white fire! My being is laid upon the Cosmic Egg, the Easter egg of joy fulfilled from the heart of the Divine Mother. So I place my being as the white-fire cross that all abiding in these planes of consciousness might find renewal, resurrection, rebirth, and the glory of the risen Christ.
This is the Church Universal and Triumphant. It is composed of these atoms of selfhood who have brought identity to a level of Christ awareness that cannot be gainsaid, a level of consciousness which, when the fires come, when the light descends, will find individuality reinforced, fired in the kiln, fired in the planes of experience and in the action of the transmutation of karma.
I AM the fulfillment of the Divine Whole within you! I AM the going forth of spirals of light now anchoring into the major cities of the world, preparing the place in the manger for the Christ Child to be born. I AM preparing the place for focuses of light to be raised up; and ye are chosen because ye have chosen. I AM preparing the way by anchoring an electrode of the secret rays; and this focus is placed over the cities that have been selected by the Elohim, the archangels, the chohans of the rays, the Fourteen Ascended Masters who govern the destiny of America in consonance with the hierarch of the Aquarian age.
These cities, then, have that forcefield in place; but until that forcefield is lowered into the mental, emotional, and physical planes, it will remain a matrix unfulfilled, dormant—as in the wintertime of the etheric plane—until some respond to the quickening, to the awakening, to resurrection’s fires. And therefore the dispensation of the reinforcing of the cycle of the secret rays is only as good as those who in embodiment have pledged to keep the flame of life and to go forth as sowers of the Word sowing the seed of that Word upon fallow ground, upon the rock, upon the hearts of mankind.5
Thus the dispensation of the sacred fire which comes as purity for another round of opportunity in the world of form is provisional. It can be guaranteed and ratified not by the Karmic Lords, neither by Alpha and Omega, neither by your own I AM Presence. But the ratification of this dispensation of light can be ratified only in this plane by Keepers of the Flame who this hour and in hours to come dedicate and rededicate the fires of the heart as a living witness of the truth that shall indeed make all mankind free.6
Line upon line, precept by precept, the dispensation will be secured by application, by working the works of God, by love and a mutual sharing of the cup of our Lord.7 As you grow in service and in light, as you are counted among those who made possible the fulfillment of this dispensation, your names, written in the Book of Life,8 will bear the record by the Keeper of the Scrolls of every sacrifice and surrender that you have made.
Thus the thrust of Alpha goes forth! Thus there is a thrust of sacred fire from the central sun! It is the Alpha current. And for the return to wholeness, there must be a response in the body of God, of Omega incarnate! You are the body and soul, the hands, the heart, and the head of the Mother in form. Unto you is given, then, the chalice to be reborn in Christ; and as you claim selfhood as the Christed One, you will know the time and the space to mark the sign of the cross and proclaim the victory of your resurrection and the resurrection of an entire planet and a people.
I AM the fulfillment of the law of cycles within you! I reinforce cycles of white fire as you invoke the light of Astrea to consume all darkness and to demagnetize this world of all cycles of disintegration, death, and decay. So remember that I come on the wings of Astrea to reinforce reality through purity, love through purity, truth through purity!
Let the lilies, then, trumpet the purity of the ages! And let the flame, the golden flame that is the light of the Christ in the heart of the lily, be unto you a torch to guide you in the way of truth all the days of your life and unto the victory of the ascension, when I, too, will be there as the consciousness of the flame of purity receiving you into the Presence of the I AM.
So the great cloud which received him out of their sight forty days after the resurrection9 was and is the cloud of purity which I AM, the Elohimic consciousness waiting to receive every son and daughter of God as victors over hell and death, waiting for the God-realization of eternal life. This is the message of Palm Sunday. This is the message of praise and glory and honor. It is the victory of life that is the victory of your eternal oneness, freedom in the union of the One!
I salute you with the love of my heart, with the directive of my being that acknowledges your individuality here and now. I know you, one and all, one by one; for I have marked your steps along life’s way. I know you who keep the flame in the fields of the Lord. I know you, mankind; for I AM and I remain the champion of purity within the fiery core of every atom of your soul and being and body consciousness! Everywhere I AM in the consciousness of God-purity within you!
O microscopic worlds, become the infinite way! From the microcosm to the Macrocosm, be all of God and know that
Purity is the key, purity is the way!
Purity is the refinement
Of your expression of the seven rays.
Purity is the etching in your being
Of the fohatic light of the secret rays.
Purity is all!
Be purity and watch then
How discarnates and moods
And energies of human habit fall
From the temple of our God!
Purity is the universal solvent of all sin.
Purity is the light
That is your will to win.
Purity is the energy in which you live
As a shining, resplendent sun of righteousness.
I AM victory, victory, victory in the chalice of consciousness! So now let the chalice of your being become the Holy Grail! Let your consecration flow as the wine of the Holy Spirit of which all mankind might partake and thereby become the essence of that Word incarnate. I AM with you always, and with him, unto the end of the age of the cycling of all of the dark cycles of consciousness throughout the planetary body.10 I AM with mankind through the Dark Cycle.11 I AM with you alway, even unto the age of your victory in the flame!
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Elohim of Purity was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, March 23, 1975 at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.
1. Luke 24:32.
2. Matt. 24:36.
3. Matt. 22:14.
4. Matt. 25:1-13.
5. Matt. 13:3-9.
6. John 8:32.
7. John 6:28.
8. Rev. 20:15.
9. Acts 1:9.
10. Matt. 28:20.
11. The Dark Cycle of the return of mankind’s karma began on April 23, 1969. It is a period when man’s misqualified energy, held in abeyance for many centuries, is being released for balance in this period of transition into the Aquarian cycle.
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