Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 43 - Beloved Hilarion - October 24, 1976

The Known God Whom I Declare to Be

Part II

God can save America. God can save the earth. But God as a flame, God as your I AM Presence, must be invoked. You must not fear to pray. You must not doubt the efficacy of prayer. You must not fear to pray in unison. You must not fear to affirm the truth of the law by the fiat of the spoken Word.

You must not be concerned with the warning of idle words and vain repetition. The giving of invocations to God in all sincerity, purity, and devotion is never vain. Vain repetition is the activity of the heathen—the heathen who recite prayers to appear good before men and have not the Spirit Most Holy.1

Therefore, in truth, in the impartial consciousness of pure science which Christ brings, expand your consciousness to have an appreciation for the prayers that are uttered in the mosques, in the cathedrals, in the temples of East and West. Whether a Sanskrit mantra or a Hail Mary or an Our Father or the simple words originating from your own soul, God receives these all.

The spoken Word is a science, and the Word of the Logos contains the many streams of consciousness which the Lord God has given to mankind to establish communication. The Christ is the original communicator of this Word. The Christ has appeared in every nation, in every teacher and avatar, in every leader who has stood for truth and righteousness. Some prayers are a mathematical formula whereby the recitation of the Word itself releases an energy of sacred fire that is known as fohat. And some prayers can only be given with the fervor of the heart—quietly in silent or spoken communion.

Let us have our own ecumenical council!  Let us have Christians from every church and every community and every nation widen the circle of sacred fire of the true Church, widen the circle of consciousness of Christ and of appreciation of Christ. Let all come together in the Holy Spirit, for that is the only togetherness and the only unity. And let tolerance, harmony, and appreciation for one another imbue worship with the oneness that ought to pervade the body of God upon earth!

Christianity cannot survive as a viable world religion unless its members forsake the confinements of doctrine and dogma which have led only to death and suffering and not to eternal life. I can well understand the cynicism of those who call themselves agnostics or even atheists. Why do they deny God?  Because they have sat in the pews of the churches embodiment after embodiment. They have heard the word and the promise of their leaders. They have believed, and then they have passed from the screen of life and they have seen that these were false promises, manipulations, an attempt of the fallen ones who stood in the pulpits—wolves in sheep’s clothing2—an attempt to keep them in ignorance, an unwillingness to prove the truth by proof, by law, and by science.

This is why I love them. This is why I am tenacious. This is why I pursue the cynic. For I would tear from them the skepticism, the stench of skepticism which has come from the very pulpits where the rabbis themselves have stood in the temple and have declared:  “We know not God. We will live by a covenant and by a code of human behavior.”

Those who know not God, who have not received the Spirit of God, have no right to stand in the pulpits of the world. Let their compromise of pure religion that is undefiled be exposed!  Let it be exposed by the children of God, by the little people who, by their numbers and their faith, their hope and their charity, will transform this world and bring the flame of Christ back into the churches, will restore the sacred fire burning on the altar, and will expel from their midst the hypocrites who have pursued their apostleship not as a calling of the Spirit, but as a trade—for a salary, for a price.

Are they not the modern Judases?  Is this not Iscariot in the temple?  Is this not the fallen ones, the money changers who buy men’s souls to fill their coffers, who fail to give the children of God bread and the living water of the Word, who fail to serve the communion as our Lord prescribed it, offering not only the bread, but also the wine for the transfer of the Spirit?  Let not, then, the priests save the wine for themselves alone, for this was not the decree of the Lord; but let all share in the communion cup for the balance of the flow of life.

Let the established churches hear my word!  Let them understand that the perpetuation of error does not seal that error, does not change the Almighty. And the tearing down of the saints by the intellectuals in the Church does not make those saints any less a saint; and yet it is the infusion of doubt and fear. When the Church alters the veneration of holy men and women, what are the children of God to think when the saint to whom they have prayed, upon whose name they have built their Church, is suddenly declared to be not a saint?  Is this not the work of the fallen ones?

I say, let us return to the pure Spirit, the truth, and the law of Christ. Let us reestablish the great legacy of the one who came to rescue my soul from the fallen ones.

Can you understand what it means to be so schooled in darkness that all of the passion that is truly the Christ within, all of that passion flows, instead of in love, in the way of anger and condemnation?  I think you can understand, for I perceive the awakening in many of you of the truth, of life, and of the way of Christ.3 And you can see how you have been fervently dedicated to causes which are not valid in the light of truth, and you can observe the fervor of those who count themselves a part of the movement of World Communism. You can see that they, too, have taken the fervor of Christ, that very sacred life-flow, and they have bottled it in bottles that are not worthy or able to contain that light.

They also are the cynics. They, too, have become fed up with the promises of those who have had the greatest opportunity to prove the individuality of God through government, through an economy based on individual enterprise. Those who see the abuses in religion and in politics will turn the other way to seek an answer, and so then they are caught in the snare of the fallen ones, who have a very easy logic and a very easy answer to the need of both religion and government.

I have compassion for the children of God who have been sucked into the camps of the fallen ones, and I have come to share with you this day the compassion of my heart. I have come to ask you to invoke the flame of truth as you kneel before retiring at night, to call to God to reveal truth to his children who have been fooled by these fallen ones. Will you remember Saul, who was fooled, who persecuted the Christians, those who believed in the Lord Christ?  Will you remember that the world has many Sauls this day and that these, too, can be transformed by the power of the living Christ and by Mary the Mother?

Do not underestimate the power of intercession of the Mother flame of a cosmos. Do not deny her who bore him in the manger of the heart of humanity; for she remains the intercessor, the mediatrix, and she does indeed receive the prayers of the faithful and does kneel before the Lord God Almighty with her own prayer that God might grant to her children the answer to prayer. This is the love of the Mother.

And just as there are abuses within orthodoxy, so there are abuses within the movements who have rebelled against orthodoxy, who have protested, who have revolted and, in their revolt against ignorance, calumny, deceit of the Church, have also denied and put out of the Church the saints and the Mother of the flame of Christ. See then how cynicism created by those who have not been tethered to their responsibility to be apostles has caused such a mix-up on Terra—a mix-up in the churches, in doctrine, in Christianity—leaving but a portion, a fragment of truth, a fragment that spells incompleteness and therefore leaves the souls of mankind unsatisfied.

Leaving the churches by the thousands, these who are not satisfied with their teachers or with the teaching go forth in search of the true path. Many of them find that path as you have found the path and many do not; for they are taken into the byways of psychic thralldom, of sensuality, and of the impostors.

Now this is the scene of the world which we survey and this is how we see the activities of mankind who have allowed themselves to be compartmentalized, to be divided, to be weakened, to be separated brother from brother. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”4 Know the truth by invocation to the known God, the known God whom I declare to be the great I AM THAT I AM. Know the truth by exercising the law concerning the call that compels the answer and the science concerning the flow of energy as the spoken Word. Know truth as you know your Self as God.

I AM Hilarion. I am an apostle speaking with the authority of Christ and of Almighty God. I offer you the authority of my apostleship, and I will come to you to give to you that authority as you make yourself ready to receive the risen Christ.

I thank you and I bid you good afternoon in the light of his holiness.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Hilarion was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, January 25, 1976 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. Matt. 6:7.

2. Matt. 7:15.

3. John 14:6.

4. John 8:32.

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