Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 52 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 26, 1976

Jesus’ 1975 Christmas Day Address:
The Lamb and the Lamb’s Wife

Part I

A canopy of white angels descends over the Holy City of Los Angeles. The angels of the Bride and the Bridegroom come to prepare the way for the reign of the Christ, the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife.1 And so they come heralding a new day when the New Jerusalem will be the reality of a cosmic cube in Mater. They come heralding the dawn of the birth of the Christ Child.

And the fruit of the divine union is the birth of this Child Immaculate whose seed is already implanted in every soul. The seed requires the sun, the light of the word of God, and the rain of the Holy Spirit and the warmth of Mother.  The seed is the law of God. The seed is the germinal power of a cosmos.

Now let us assemble the factors of growth. Let us assemble the points of the City Foursquare.2 Let the law of the impersonal God be reinforced in the principle of right action. Let the Word be reinforced out of the mouths of the sons and daughters of God as they speak holy truth.

Do not fear to take the pulpit!  Do not fear to preach the gospel!  I have called you!  I AM Jesus, your Lord and your master. You cannot forever sit in the pews of life. You must go forth and preach. You must preach in the faith that I AM the Word, I AM the message, I AM the messenger.

I come as the Faithful and True with the armies of heaven.3 I come to defend you as you take your rightful place in the pulpits of the world. I will not have my sons and daughters take a backseat to the manipulators, the arch­deceivers, the false priests, the wolves in sheep’s clothing4 who themselves are ignorant tools of the malice of the Evil One. Let it be rolled back!  I release the fire of the Logos!  It is a fire that takes a layer of skin from the astral plane, burns it as with a fiery intensity as the acid takes the layer of consciousness that ought to be and is no more.

The undergirdings of the fallen ones are withdrawn one by one as you lift up the voice of the Son of God:  they no longer have a foundation or a superstructure. Their fabrications are as a pile of matchsticks. Cast them down with a sweep of the right hand of God, the right hand of Father and of Mother, of Son and Holy Spirit.

So let sons and daughters of God preach the Word!  I anoint you by the flame of my being. I anoint all who hear me and have faith in the inevitable power of the Logos to speak the word of salvation. I say inevitable; for by the force of the God within you—the wellspring of life from the soul and the rivers of waters flowing out of the belly, out of the soul5—and by the force of God Almighty from on high, you will see that you will only open your mouth and the word of God will come forth as the two-edged sword6 cleaving asunder the real from the unreal, dividing the brethren, dividing the families, dividing mankind to the right and to the left.

That sword of living truth will come forth from you if you have the faith as a grain of mustard seed.7 This is so because this is the hour of initiation. And the challenge of initiation you must face with courage unswerving, with determination. And remember this key to initiation:  It is to put your right foot forward, and then your left, and then your right, and then your left—to keep on walking toward the sun. Keep on:  keep on walking toward the sun—the right, the left, the right, the left.

Passing through time and space, you will triumph. You will triumph as sons and daughters of God. You must keep walking, you must keep your momentum, you must keep moving; and this is the way to win. No matter what the hurdle, the request of the Mother, the challenge in the way, the prompting from within, keep on walking toward the sun of your I AM Presence.

I speak not idle words; I speak the word of truth distilled and concentrated. And every word that I speak is to quicken your soul; for I desire to bring forth the New Jerusalem through you as white stones, as lively stones in the temple.8 And I am placing my stones in the cities of America and the world; for there are fine grids and forcefields that proceed from the New Jerusalem throughout the world. And each one of you, as a cube, as a stone in the temple of our God, must hold one of these needlepoints of light at a particular point on Terra.

And do you know that the mathematics of the release of fohat is so exact that where you are and where you keep the flame is determined within feet and inches?  Where you are in the cities, where you are in your homes and in your sanctuaries is carefully calculated in the retreat of Cuzco for the balance of light.

Therefore, let all who are committed to focuses throughout the nation understand that because you are where you are, the New Jerusalem will rise. Understand that whether you are in New York or Washington or Chicago or Minneapolis, San Francisco, Colorado Springs, in Del Mar, in all of the cities that will be designated by the hierarchy, you are serving a particular role in anchoring a particular forcefield for the New Jerusalem which I shall bring forth in the City of the Angels.

So then, sealed with the light of the Word, embarking on a course of action, guided by principle, bring then the fruits of the Mother to the city. Bring the love, the nourishment of soul!  Bring compassion. Bring the waters that issue from the great Source of the One. Bring beauty and art and culture; and above all, bring the little children. Bring the little children into the Holy City of the Christ consciousness!  Bring them into the arms of the Mother and let them be God-taught.

I raise my hand for the parting of the waters, the murky waters of the astral plane, that the children of the Mother might pass over the Red Sea,9 might pass into the glory, the Shekinah glory of the Son of God, that the children might contact the flame of the Mother that they might be taught, that they might receive the torch of culture, of illumination, of science, of self-mas­tery, and of devotion to God. So let this be imparted in your Sunday schools, in your Montessori schools, in your tutoring of these precious ones who come as the hope of the new day.

Now I say, when you approach the west side of the city, bring gifts of the Spirit.10 You wait to receive the gifts of the Spirit. I say, give the gifts of the Spirit!  Give them in the power of the three-times-three. Give the gifts unto your soul, unto elemental life; impart them in the way.

Let the fire of the Holy Spirit be the moving of the winds of God. And let these winds blow away the dust of centuries, blow away the encrustations. As you stand upon the hillsides, so let the wind blow through your garments. Let the wind blow away the fog, the density, and feel yourself caressed by love, cleansed by a love that loves you very much. Now let us see what the Lord God will work in you in this age.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19 no. 53.

Thirty-Three Fiats of the Light
by El Morya

I AM the light of the world
I AM the resurrection and the life
I AM the glory of the Son of God
I AM the reign of the Church Universal and Triumphant
I AM the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven
  prepared as a bride adorned for her husband
I AM the consciousness of the Cosmic Virgin
I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending

I AM the Woman clothed with the Sun,
  and the moon under her feet,
  and upon her head a crown of twelve stars
I AM the deliverance of the Divine Manchild in this age
I AM the prevailing power of Archangel Michael
  over the dragon who was wroth with the Woman
I AM salvation and strength
And I AM the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ

I AM the victory of the Word of God in this age
I AM heralding the birth of the King of Kings
  and Lord of Lords
I AM the Word of God, I AM the Word of God,
  I AM the Word of God incarnate
And I AM the victory over hell and death
I AM the angel of the Lord that bindeth
  the beast and the false prophet, the Devil and Satan
  for a thousand years in the bottomless pit

I AM that Christ that casteth down the accuser of our brethren
  which accused them before our God day and night
I AM the overcoming by the blood of the Lamb
I AM the overcoming by the word of their testimony
I AM the love of them that loved not their lives unto the death
I AM the rejoicing in the heavens,
  and I AM the rejoicing in the earth
And I AM the seed of Christ which is the overcoming victory
  of the saints which keep the commandments of God
  and have the testimony of Jesus Christ

I AM the crystal-clear water that flows from the River of Life
I AM the Tree of Life bearing twelve manner of fruits
I AM the leaves of the tree that are for the healing
  of the nations
I AM the Spirit of Truth which testifieth the revelation
  of Almighty God
Surely I AM come, surely I AM come
And I come quickly in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, December 25, 1975 at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Rev. 19:7; 21:9.

2. Rev. 21:16.

3. Rev. 19:11.

4. Matt. 7:15.

5. John 7:38.

6. Heb. 4:12.

7. Matt. 17:20.

8. Rev. 2:17; 1 Pet. 2:5.

9. Exod. 14:21-22.

10. 1 Cor. 12:8-10.

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