Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 19 No. 53 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 31, 1976

Jesus’ 1975 Christmas Day Address:
The Lamb and the Lamb’s Wife

Part II

I come as the Lamb of God. And you have heard the writings of the prophet, “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”1 I am in the world as I am in you and you are in me.2 As you let me live within you, so I reenact the passion whereby you are bought with a price.3 The continual sacrifice of all lesser images and expressions is the means whereby the Christ comes into manifestation in the sons and daughters of God, in the whole body of God upon earth.

Let your gift to me this day be the sacrifice of a portion of the lesser self. Think through what aspect of the self is excess to the Christ. I ask you to meditate now upon yourself as you sit in the light of my aura. I want the unwanted gift—that which you do not want, or perhaps something that you want very much but know that you ought not to want. Place it on the altar. Place it in the fiery core of the flowers that burn around this altar, immortelles of fiery spheres which the angels have brought in their adoration of the Manchild and of the Word which proceeds out of the mouth of God.4

Let this gift then be comparable to the gift which the ascended masters give when they go before the Lords of Karma to ask for dispensations of light for you and for mankind. As the masters place their diamonds upon the altar, I ask you to place the coal of your electronic belt, the untransmuted substance. For I would be alchemist this day!  I would take that coal and transform it instantaneously into the diamond of corresponding attainment.

If you give me selfishness, I will transmute it into love, and I will hold the diamond of your proposed attainment in love—a focus. I will keep the flame of love until you attain that love. And when you attain by initiation, I will give to you the diamond you have earned, the diamond composed of your own substance stamped with your own electronic forcefield. And so, be not chary with your gifts; for as you give, so shall you receive.5 First the initiation, then the attainment, then the diamond as the focus of the attainment.

Let not the words of the ascended masters go begging. Let not discouragement burden the heart of the messenger, for the word of God is the bread of life.6 The teachings are the word of life. As the Mother sets before you nourishment for your souls, do not leave your plates unfinished. Clean your plates; take in the Word. Take in that precious substance, for how will the Mother prepare for you another meal if you do not partake of the meal that is before you?  Give then to the Virgin Mother, the blessed Mary, who sacrifices for you daily, who intercedes for you daily before the throne of Almighty God. Give to her this Christmas Day your adoration through study and prayer.

By her intercession the Pearls of Maitreya were dictated. The blessed Mother was asked by El Morya to dictate the Pearls of Wisdom for the Christmas season, and she begged of the Lords of Karma the dispensation for the Cosmic Christ to speak to you on initiation. And so her request was granted; for as you know, the hierarchies of heaven are not able to resist the love of the Mother or her request for and on behalf of the children of God.

I say then, take these five Pearls this day as an action of mighty Cosmos’ secret rays. Eat them! Take them in! Let them be sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly.7 Fear not the chemicalization of the Cosmic Christ. Fear not a little pain, a little anguish, a little trembling as the four lower bodies adjust to the new fire of the Christ consciousness—fire for the new day, fire to part the way of the human consciousness, fire that will burn you and burn Terra—a very necessary fire.

Let yourselves become lean by the action of the Mother. Let her carve away the fat of excesses and indulgences. Let your four lower bodies be disciplined to read the words line by line, to receive the fire between the lines, and to return to the Mother gratitude and praise, thanksgiving and love, and to the Cosmic Christ fruits, good works, action, passing the initiations one by one. These are the gifts worthy of the ascended masters.

Many among mankind know not what to bring to the altar. They come with their weeping and their wailing. They come with sacrifices not meet, and therefore our prayer “Let the words of my mouth be acceptable!  Let them be the acceptable offering!”8 So let your words be acceptable. Be prepared to impart the teaching. Be prepared for the fiery sword to come forth from your mouth. Prepare through study; and therefore, build a library in the bank, the memory bank of your consciousness. And then when the power of the Logos is released through you, it will activate the memory of your judicious study of the law.

And therefore, you will release gems of knowledge, of wisdom, of healing and of truth, of miracles and wonders, of alchemy, of art for the portrayal of the Word, of science for the precipitation of the Word, and all of the wonders of Mater that will give to the children of mankind the image of the teaching that will convey by color, by music, by sound, by love and mantra, by meditation, all of the finest secrets locked in the heart of life. Therefore, let this day be a rejoicing in the word of the Cosmic Christ; for you are an atonement for the body of mankind. As you sacrifice, as you pray, as you meditate, so God is pleased.

God is the consolation of Israel.9 God can bestow gifts and graces to mankind by your effort. For you are the leaven which the Mother will take and hide—hide in the body of God. And you will be hidden except to those whom God appoints to receive you and to hear you. And the leaven which the Mother will take and hide in these three measures of meal,10 that leaven will be for the rising of the light of Israel and of the New Jerusalem, fulfilling the light of the Holy Spirit on Terra, in America forever.

So be a concentrated leaven!  So be the repository of grace and fruits and wisdom!  So be—be the richness of the wine of the Holy Spirit!  Be that which can be diluted and yet is never diluted. Let the Mother pour the water of herself into your cup and let the wine increase in intensity and not be diluted, but gain in proportion for the feeding of the multitudes,11 for the nourishment of souls, for the Holy Communion, for the impartation of the body and the blood of Christ.

So let the Mother pour the water, and let the concentrate expand and expand. And as your cups run over with the wine of the Spirit, let not the wine fall upon the ground, but let it be caught in other cups. And each cup that receives of the wine of your cup—let it also overflow. And let there be circles of cups around each chalice of the sons and daughters of God, and let the widening circles expand and expand the light of solar hierarchies.

See then how we will work the miracle of this age by the alchemy of beloved Saint Germain. See then how we will work the miracle of Aquarius. You are our alchemy!  You are our alchemy!  You are our transmutation, our precipitation, our anchoring in Terra of shafts of violet fire. So be filled with the Holy Ghost as God wills it, for you are God!

Let God within you this day will the filling of your being with the Holy Spirit, and take care that you keep the flame of integrity. I AM the integration of the wholeness of Alpha and Omega within you. I AM the integrity of truth, honor, and charity. I AM the Lamb of God, and the Lamb’s wife is with me.

In the name of the Father and of the Mother, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I bless you in Christ.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, December 25, 1975 at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Rev. 13:8.

2. John 17:20-21.

3. 1 Cor. 6:20.

4. Rev. 12:5; Matt. 4:4.

5. Luke 6:38.

6. John 6:35.

7. Rev. 10:9-10.

8. Pss. 19:14.

9. Luke 2:25.

10. Matt. 13:33.

11. Matt. 14:15-21.

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