Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 53 No. 5 - Beloved Lanello - March 1, 2010

Love One Another as I Have Loved You

Forgive as You Would Be Forgiven

Part 1

Beloved of my heart, I am in your heart this day the fullness of love—that love which we have shared throughout the aeons of our service together in a cosmos that is the cosmic sea of light. By our souls’ fusion in the One, we have come again to renew again the ancient vow and the ancient theme of our love for each other in God, our love in God for each other.

Those of you who knew me when I was your own Mark, as I am, can testify to all who come that the burning in my heart for Saint Germain, for El Morya and for Mary was a determination to effect change throughout the world order through the governments of the nations, in education and in the Church. And you who knew me in many incarnations of service to the Brotherhood know of my relentless dedication to the purity of the flame of truth.1 You, then, one and all, have been a part of my life and my determination that we should be free, that America should be free and that earth should be free.

I come to you this evening with K-17, speaking for Saint Germain and for the Brotherhood, once again to enlist recruits of lightbearers for this service of the centuries. It was that you might accomplish this work for Saint Germain that I took my leave of you in the summer of life and in the joy of that life lived in and among you. And now my joy is fulfilled through your hands, your feet and your hearts, your heads upturned to the living God.

I had to leave to be multiplied, as Christ broke the bread, multiplied the fishes and the loaves.2 This breaking of the bread of the Communion cup is the breaking of the body of the One, that all might eat of that body and become a hundred thousand million times the manifestation of that Son of God.

I walk the earth through you. I pray through you. I love through you. And I give to you my God-determination not to stand by while the spoilers come in and spoil the great dream of Saint Germain and Morya for the victory.

This is a movement of lightbearers who are not content just to see the vision or just to know God’s love. It is a movement of souls who dare to be, with Jesus, the one who enters the temple and puts out the money changers and overthrows their tables.3 This, beloved hearts, is the work of the men and women of courage, the youth of courage in America today. For the invaders in the temples are the invaders of the temple of man and woman, of government, and of every institution across this land and in every land. They have invaded every walk of life, and we know their plan.

Keep Informed about Political Movements and Leaders

I concur, then, with Mother and with Gautama Buddha that you should be informed. I concur that you must read those publications, and I shall now name two which I consider to contain much valuable information, which ought to be sifted through and taken on the basis of truth and fact, and not entirely swallowed but as a waymark and as a guide. The one is the American Opinion magazine; the other is the Conservative Digest. There are other periodicals and newsletters with which you are familiar that come out of the East Coast and from every corner of America. I do not say that any of these are absolutely right, but they do contain a consideration of the facts such as that which you have not received in the day-to-day periodicals and through the media.

I desire that you should also subscribe to those socialist and Communist papers which will inform you of the vibrations, especially the vibrations of the fallen ones and their current topics and purposes and plans. Keeping abreast of the movement of politics and the activities of Communist and socialist parties in Europe and in Africa is most important.

It is important that you understand that this is a chess game, and the game is for life and for freedom on earth. There are forces of light and forces of darkness. Error and truth are mingled in those who are on both sides of the political spectrum. As Morya says, “We cannot place ourselves in any category, but we must, of necessity, champion truth where it is found.”

I say, then, to know the names of the leaders, to study their lives and to give your decrees to Astrea, to K-17 and to me is most important. Why, I tell you, by the single call of a single Keeper of the Flame, thousands of legions of K-17 and of my own bands have been able to turn the tide of all sorts of monstrous plots against the freedom and the light of the youth and of these nations.

Your Voice Counts for Millions of Souls

You cannot even imagine how there hangs in the balance this day the fate of earth’s evolutions according to your own calls, which can be given unceremoniously at any moment of the day or night. It can simply be a quick call to me, to the God flame, to Godfre: “Lanello, set them free! Lanello, take my causal body, and go forth and challenge the evil and the fallen ones who are taking over the governments of the nations and who are invading the laboratories of science to pervert the health and the structure of the body temple.”

Beloved ones, every prayer is answered. Remember this: the fervent, effective prayer of that righteous man availeth much,4 because you have purity of heart and a fountain and a flowing. And by all of your decrees and your dedication, you reach the very heights of heaven with your single prayers and your devotions. And as you are on the way of balancing karma, you are in a very good situation with the Lords of Karma because you represent the remnant upon earth who are turned around and heading back to the Source. And therefore your voice counts for millions of souls.

Each one of you must consider yourself an ambassador to the courts of heaven for 100 million lifestreams on earth. And you must expand your consciousness to realize that whether you are nine years old or eleven years old or thirteen or five or of any age whatsoever, your calls count for 100 million souls.

You should see how the angelic hosts gather for the children’s decrees at Montessori International. You should see how they come to your tag sessions5 and to your homes across America. Why, I tell you, you ought to have the vision given by the prophet to his servant to see the hosts of the LORD upon the hillsides.6

Do Not Be Deterred on This Way of Victory

Do not despair when you are acquainted with details of information that make it seem as though all is lost, for this is the plot of the fallen ones. It is they and not the parents of America who are the paper tigers. And they can be shot down by a bolt of blue lightning called forth from the heart of any one, any one of you who determines to be that dauntless revolutionary for God.

Keep on keeping on, precious ones. Be undaunted! Do not let any setback, any belittlement or condemnation, any argument or any division among you be able to slacken your pace as you keep on marching, marching, marching in the legions of Saint Germain. Why, your very tempo to the beat of the march is itself an indomitable force of victory. Who can stop the tramp, tramp, tramp, the marching of the army?

And therefore you do not stop that rhythm of marching to the victory to tarry in the cups of error. You do not, then, allow yourself to be deterred on this way of victory. For your victory, our victory and the victory of the Brotherhood is certain.

Pray for the Lightbearers and Offer Them Friendship

Now I would speak to you of Jesus’ prayer as he prayed for his own. And he prayed for the souls of the Father entrusted to his care. As he prayed to the Father, he said, “I pray not for the world but for the ones whom thou hast sent me.... And I pray, O God, that thou wilt protect them from the evil one.”7

Understand, then, that there are many lifewaves upon earth and that when God sends forth a messenger and an avatar to the age, it is for the electrifying of the remnant of lightbearers. And therefore your prayers must be to carve out the sons and daughters of God, right out from the astral plane, from psychic manipulation and the ways of the world and the pseudoculture that has been placed upon them like a wet blanket. I tell you, your fervent prayer for the cutting free of the lightbearers is what is necessary for the galvanization of the forces of light on earth.

This nucleus needs to be intensified and strengthened. And therefore, you must greet the lightbearers on the way. You must talk and walk with them, and pray with them. Offer them friendship. Invite them to your homes and sup with them. And be truly brothers and sisters in the way. The sense of brotherhood must go before you as a banner of light and freedom.

Do not, then, tarry with those who are the recalcitrant ones, the rebellious ones, and who, by their fruits, produce only darkness. Do not try to convince the fallen ones. For they will be convinced against their will and, in the process, consume much of your valuable energy, which is God’s energy, as well as your time and space. Let go of them like hot coals! And pursue the lost sheep of the tribes of the house of Israel.

Do you understand that the bringing together of this forcefield of lightbearers is paramount in the ten-year plan of the Great Divine Director for the Church Universal and Triumphant?8 Therefore let it be that you realize that your prayer must also be concentrated for every lightbearer coming into incarnation, that that life be not aborted. For every lightbearer who is here, whether it is the child of a month old or whether it is the child who is now ninety preparing for his ascension in the light—this is a band. It is a team. And it is a team of souls who have known one another for thousands upon thousands of years.

So feel the presence of Micah, the Angel of Unity, in your midst this day. And know that it is unity and the willingness to sacrifice for one another and to work together for the community that must be the infusion of my flame this day.

Would it be that you could all love one another as you love me! This, then, is our desire, that in each other you will find Lanello and Mother and every ascended master, and you will realize that your service is to that one flame and the potential for Christhood in all.

Establish One Community Teaching Center per Nation

Let it be, then, one body of God so fortified for the victory that we can send you forth, marching into nation after nation to establish those focuses of light, those centers and those community teaching centers. I tell you, outside of the United States of America it will require but one community teaching center per nation for the salvation of the remnant of the twelve tribes of Israel who are living in that nation.

Can you not see, then, the plan unfolding? A diamond point of light for each one of these nations, a diamond point of light consisting of twelve disciples and the thirteenth, who may hold the forcefield of the messengers in the center of the mandala—this is our vision of the victory. Against that forcefield, the hordes of the fallen ones cannot stand as long as that forcefield is kept in harmony and in the dominion of the causal bodies of Christ and his apostles, of the Buddha and his devotees.

We Do Not Expect Perfection at the Human Level:
The Mark of Excellence Is Trying

Let it be, then, that our love intensifies day by day and that we put on the mantle of the revolutionaries of the lightbearers of Venus. Sanat Kumara, who will speak to you on the Fourth of July, comes with the Ancient of Days’ consciousness to reinfuse you with the memory of your origin. With the understanding of your origin, you can then reach the apex of the fulfillment of your identity.

Let all, then, that is less than the Christ—all disappointment, all division, even that criticism of one another or of one part of the organization for another—let it all be dropped. It is as a lead weight upon this balloon that is certain to rise as you move higher and higher in the momentum of the Brotherhood and its movement on earth. It is dead weight in your auras. It is dead weight upon the earth. Let it go into the flame. Let the past be prologue. And let the name I AM THAT I AM be adored because it is the living God and not because persons are right or wrong.

We do not expect perfection at the human level. We only expect you to try and to continue to try for that excellence which is the mark of the ascended masters and their chelas. The mark of excellence is trying itself. It is having the goal. It is working toward the goal. The perfection we see is the perfection of God in the Spirit and in the Matter plane.

We would not have you become robots of perfection, but we would have you be the infusion of life to a planet and a people. We do not mind if you keep those human characteristics and ways which allow you to identify with the people of earth. For if you lose them, you will become as dummies in the store windows—with no character, no identity and no forcefield. Do not imitate the robots and the fallen ones in their creation and their mechanization, but be love.

Be love simply, purely and wholly. Do what comes naturally, not that which is contrived. Do what your heart tells you to do. Help one another as you would be helped of us. Forgive one another, as you ask God for forgiveness.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 6.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 30, 1977, during the 6-day conference Only Love: A Retreat into the Sacred Fires of the Heart, held in Pasadena, California.

1. For more on the incarnations of Lanello, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 176–82, available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445.

2. Christ broke the bread, multiplied the fishes and the loaves. Matt. 14:15-21; 15:32-39; Mark 6:34-44; 8:1-9; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:4-13.

3. Jesus overthrew the tables of the money changers in the temple. Matt. 21:12; Mark 11:15; Luke 19:45; John 2:13-15.

4. James 5:16.

5. Tag sessions. Groups of chelas who keep the flame of God with ongoing decrees; after one group is finished, another takes its place.

6. II Kings 6:12-17.

7. John 17:9, 15.

8. Plan of the Great Divine Director. A plan for the dissemination of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. See 1978 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21, pp. 2, 7, 225.

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