Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 53 No. 18 - Beloved Portia - September 15, 2010

The Mercy and Justice of the Law in the Mother Flame of Freedom

Part 2

Beloved ones, the souls of light across America are anticipating a great enlightenment in this hour. For do you know that the angels of Jophiel and Christine have gone forth and announced to the souls of every citizen of this nation that the light of wisdom will come forth through the Mother and her children and the great shepherds of the people.

And even though the outer mind has no understanding and in most cases no realization, the souls are rubbing their eyes and waking from sleep and seeing the vision of the golden angels of illumination. And therefore there is a hush and there is an expectancy and there is an awaiting of your coming. They look for you. They look into many faces, seeking your faces. For they know when they see the light.

Beloved ones, it requires courage and patience, determination, and an emphasis and a reemphasis. Sometimes when you give an explanation of the Law, it is not understood. That is, it is not taken in. And so you must repeat the words slowly and again, as a mother teaches her child.

When you think about the capacity of the child to perform the most complex processes of learning—such as walking and reading and writing and the use of mathematics—these are difficult tasks. And yet, you do not doubt the ability of the child mind to grasp these principles. And so you teach, and you teach again and again and again, knowing that the cycle of the ritual of learning will indeed be fulfilled. And do you know that it is this very faith and expectancy translated to the child that gives the child the sense of confidence and the dominion. And so expectancy and faith are catching.

Let us see these qualities radiating from your hearts concerning your brothers and sisters of light in every nation. Let us see with a heart that expects those who are sent to you and those whom you meet to respond, that expects (after the teaching is given again and again, after the full explanation is given) that many millions of souls will perceive and know the Law.

The byword of the Mother flame is this: Never take no for an answer. It does not exist! It does not exist. Are you denied a place? It does not exist. No is not a word that can be spoken to the people of light. They will simply keep on keeping on, marching to the tune “America, Awake! I AM THAT I AM.”

[Congregation joins Portia in giving the mantra “America, Awake! I AM THAT I AM” 6 times.]

Do you feel in the very beat that when you give that mantra of light, it impels your feet left, right, left, right, left, right. Beloved ones, that impelling, by the rhythm of the Word, of you to keep on keeping on is that God-determination that there is only victory! victory! and victory! one after the other, as you determine where your lifeline will be given for our cause.

Judgment upon the Media

Now we say, in the name of Cyclopea, let there be judgment upon the media this day!—upon those newspapers, periodicals, television and radio stations whose policies are not giving equal time to the Word of God and to the righteousness of the Law. We pronounce that judgment from the Karmic Board and it goes forth as a vibration this day. It is a needle ray of Cosmic Christ illumination. Beloved ones, it is sent from the very heart of Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ.

Now see a great sun bursting in the Royal Teton Retreat. See, then, how millions of needlelike golden rays go forth. And there is not a person, an organization, an establishment involved in the communication of the news in this hour upon this planetary body that does not receive that needle ray of Lord Maitreya.

Beloved ones, if there be any among you who doubt or fear the light of that Cosmic Christ, I tell you, once the Law has gone forth, once the light has descended from the Cosmic Christ, realize that that Cosmic Christ is the very embodiment of the combined momentum of the Christ consciousness of every individual soul evolving in the Matter cosmos. Can you even conceive of such power, I ask you? [Congregation responds: “Yes.”]

Understand, then, that as the pronouncements of judgment have been spoken through our messengers, these judgments have penetrated the most dense of the Matter plane, as the judgment is transferred and anchored through your very body temples. And as you move in and among the world and its cities, you are the carriers, as angels of light, of these pronouncements of judgment. And through each and every one of you, the pulsations of the needle rays of Lord Maitreya will continue.

For the bursting of this sun has a certain dispensation of energy, and that energy will go forth until there is the correction of every last misuse of the All-Seeing Eye of God and every last misuse of the souls of humanity by mass deception. And therefore there is a time, even as in the explosion that produced the very first manifestation of a cosmos. The light emanation of that explosion continues to emanate and quiver throughout cosmos, as the expanding universe is the testimony of that release of light.

So it is with the release of the light of the Cosmic Christ. And there is no turning back when this light comes forth, beloved ones. As you hear the Word of the Lord translated to us by Great Central Sun messengers, which we in turn release to you, it becomes your opportunity then to confirm that word daily by calling for the multiplication of the action of the mind of the Cosmic Christ.

Now then, what will you do at the practical level? You will be agents of K-17 and Lanello, and you will go and you will watch those publications that do not present all sides of the issues. And you will go right there in person and you will demand that all sides of every issue within the community are dealt with fairly. And you will organize yourselves, and you will not take no for an answer until there is representation unto the people of God everywhere of every facet of living truth.

Pallas Athena stands with me for the reinforcement of truth. For, beloved ones, did Jesus not say, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”?1

If mankind had all of the truth without bias, without the machinations and the chaos of the fallen ones, would they not be free to exercise free will? This is our absolute trust in truth as a principle of light, as an energy of the emerald ray and in the person of beloved Pallas Athena.

The Ascended Lady Masters on Women’s Rights

The ascended lady masters will have their say on women’s rights. The ascended lady masters of the Karmic Board stand before you, beloved ones. Call upon us in the fullness of the flame of living truth—the Goddess of Liberty, Nada of the light, Kuan Yin, Pallas Athena and myself. We stand as electrodes of Mighty Cosmos and his secret rays. We come, then, in the fullness of the light of freedom, and we are determined to support the exposure of the diabolical lies that have gone forth in the name of women’s rights and that are being promoted from behind the scenes through the seemingly innocuous amendment, the ERA amendment.2

Beloved ones, we therefore send forth our flame. We send forth our flame for the preservation of the light of cosmos. Kuan Yin sends mercy. I send justice. Nada sends that perfect love; the Goddess of Liberty, that perfect wisdom; and Pallas Athena, that perfected truth. By the light of the fohatic keys of the five secret rays, we lower, then, into your hearts’ forcefields the energy necessary for the stopping of that amendment which would so complicate the life of the American people and begin another spiral of negativity against the family, the child, the father and the mother.

Beloved ones, we may not enter into the level of legislation. That is your freedom and your calling. We acknowledge to you, then, that we have deposited the energy which is equal to the task if you are equal to the task. This is equality, beloved ones. It is the matching of the light of the people on earth by a corresponding light of the Great Central Sun. Measure for measure, as you invest your energy and light in constructive endeavor, so God returns to you equal portion. And so you have that equal opportunity for the equalization of your ener gies by individual genius and independent identity.

There is a crucible. There is a bowl of light. And in it, you might say, a potpourri—a potpourri of energy, a combination of flowers and herbs and fragrances. Within that bowl is the alchemy of the conditions of consciousness upon the planetary body, and each fragrance and forcefield is the specific antidote for that condition. Within that forcefield, then, is an alchemy of sacred fire which you may invoke. Let it be used as the leaven. Let the Mother flame rescue the children of Mother Russia, of China, the land of Afra, of Europe and the Americas, Australia and the islands of the Pacific.

Oh, let the Cosmic Virgin now flow! Let her energy flow! We make our call unto the Great Central Sun. Transmitting your calls, we invoke the Mother caring for these evolutions.

O Mother of the cosmos, let, then, the souls of thy children be reestablished within their own Christ consciousness. This is our call unto God. This is our call unto the people of God.

O my beloved, O my beloved, how I love thee, how I love thee, how I love thee.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Portia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, July 1, 1978, at the Freedom Class, Sing a New Song, held in Pasadena and Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. Part 1 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 17.

1. John 8:32.

2. The Equal Rights Amendment, ERA, was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution whose stated intent was that the legal rights of men and women should not be determined by an individual’s sex. First introduced in 1923, it was finally approved by the Senate in 1972 but never ratified by a sufficient number of state legislatures by the 1982 deadline. Elizabeth Clare Prophet has said that “all rights that women are looking for today are already guaranteed to them in the Bill of Rights.”

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