Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 54 No. 3 - Beloved Archangel Michael - February 1, 2011

It Is Up to You to Have Faith

Part 1

Hail, O mankind! I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, and I come to you this night in memory of the solemn and beautiful perfection of the faith.

Your faith is your security. And born out of your faith there descends to this planetary body that infinite spark of the cosmic fire which holds within it the cosmic regenerative seed that shall bring about the fruition of universal purpose upon this planetary body.

How wonderful to behold the fruit of God-endeavor! How wonderful to behold the fruit of faith! What a mountain of strength this is to the individual, and how beautifully does this distribute the strands of perfection throughout the cosmos.

Ladies and gentlemen, in this hour of universal reality, in this dream which God has created that you call your life, recognize the need to keep the faith and thus make your life sublime in that design which God himself envisioned and which is held locked within the seed of perfection within your soul. How beautiful, then, is the faith and how beautiful is the keeping thereof.

I am aware, even now, of moments of loneliness, moments of separation, moments of self-pity, moments of despair, moments of confusion, moments of world chaos, moments of destruction and all that seems to perish in the human consciousness. I am aware how mankind become involved in all manner of disturbing conditions.

But are they aware that the lowering of their vibratory action, their fatigue—and those conditions which are indeed inherent within their body during moments of stress and strain—are very apt to cause the mind itself to also bend in that circle of warped and disturbed condition which produces in their world, if they allow it to do so, a feeling of neglect and a feeling of aloneness, a feeling of separation and a feeling that they are indeed separated by their personality from God himself? How beautiful are the feet of them which preach the gospel of peace!1

Will you understand, then, that I tonight wish to make an end to all that? Do you? Then so do I.

I would like to see you so staunch and so beautiful in your inner concept of keeping the faith that you will not be disturbed by outer conditions at all. But if perchance some of you momentarily are moved by outer conditions, will you learn the sacred ritual of return whereby you can quickly establish in the soul those communications of the beautiful ideals that you have felt in those sublime moments of your life?

Understand, O humanity, that the faith is a gift of God. Understand that I ensoul that faith, I AM that faith, and I hold for you the power to keep that faith in all conditions of stress and strain. I hold, also, for all mankind the radiance and perfection of being victorious.

But will you recognize, dear hearts of light, that your own beloved I AM Presence also holds that confidence for you? And if, perchance, in his great release of cosmic faith to mankind throughout the centuries, God has not always succeeded in producing that faith which men desire to wear—in the sense that a part of the endeavor was mankind’s—then don’t you think, if you have doubts and insist on holding those doubts, that a mere archangel might also be unable to erase them unless, by your free will, you would let me in to occupy your mind momentarily and your heart and your feeling world?

For then, as I came in to that secret chamber of the heart, I would carry with me that communion flame. I would carry with me that perfection as a real regeneration that is within my heart permanently. And I would give you energy. I would give you faith. I would give you strength. For this is that which I AM.

A Two-Way Street in Your Divine Relationships

Do you understand the magnificence of actually being faith yourself? Do you understand what it means to hold the faith within your heart in the face of every outer condition? Do you realize and recognize that there is a two-way street, as some of you call it, in your divine relationships?

It is not enough to totally depend upon us and then deny the seed of God-intent within yourself. For as you create that necessary polarity within the forcefield of your heart, lo, it will make our ingress so much easier. We can come in and we can sup with you and we can release our power simply because you will it so. For God and all of us already will it so.

Do you understand, then, that as heaven wills it so, it but remains for embodied humanity to also will it so? Then there is a meeting of these twain polarities—our radiation, representing a positive power of absolute Good, and your radiation, being a lesser potential of the same manifestation yet bearing the negative connotation simply because it is a lesser quantity of the holy perfection of God. Do not be dismayed, beloved hearts of light, simply because you have a lesser potential in manifestation. After all, within your own hearts, within the divine seed, there is an equal manifestation of perfection.

Faith Has the Power of Multiplication

Will you also consider that through this drop in potential, we are able to radiate and create those magnificent wave forms which convey faith to you as though it were literally showering upon your life in cosmic buckets?

Do you understand the meaning of a cosmic bucket? Well, it is borrowed from your own thoughts and your own words. For you yourselves recognize how fire brigades often pass a bucket of water from one hand to another. So do we at cosmic levels call upon divine energy to create itself in increments and then descend.

There is a reason for this and we want you to know that reason. It is because you require faith at every moment and because if we showered all of the faith that we could muster at one particular moment, it would literally engulf you. It would literally knock you down off your feet. You would be unable to bear it, and I assure you of this. Thus we give it in increments. And through the seeds of faith, the beautiful mustard seed of faith grows to become a mustard tree in which the birds of the air may indeed nest.2

Will you understand this? Will you recognize that faith has the power of multiplication, that it can be a tiny mustard seed and then be an oak tree?

Mankind have the tendency, actually, in their thought and feeling world, to limit the power of God, as though it could not increase more. Dear hearts, it is not that God could not give you more. It is simply that your requirement is not always all of God. And so when he portions to you a blessed portion of himself, it is a breaking of the bread of heaven.

But that bread which is given to you, that bread which is dispensed to you, is the sacred fire. It is the Christ Eucharist. And when you receive it, it possesses the magnificent power of pulling together in your consciousness all things until all things come into a beautiful perspective of awareness.

Seek Toward Greater Unity

Individuals at a particular city within the United States or the Soviet Union or Israel or France or the islands of the sea (it matters not where) have a desire to be attuned with God. So he is there, and there is a connecting strand. Then there is also a connecting strand through that connecting strand with our heart and all of the hosts of heaven. Will you understand, then, that we are literally pulling for you—pulling you together, trying to draw you into a unity of the faith whereby you will not be divided by every wind of doctrine?

There is no question that over the years certain individuals have acquired a momentum on certain spiritual ideas. When they have this momentum and they have this concept, beloved ones, it may be very dear to them, for it was acquired through many years of experience. It does not have to be right.

Will you understand, then, that because individuals hold to that which they call the truth of themselves, they often find that that truth may differ from one individual, from one monadic expression, to another. When this occurs, it need not be the means of propelling you to a separation. For after all, the same God created you, and created you in love.

The journey through the way, the truth and the life is a journey of acquiring greater discrimination, greater awareness, greater understanding. When you all have that awareness, when you all have that understanding, when you are able to summon that perfection, of course it will remove imperfection. For the greater always contains the lesser, but the lesser does not always contain that specific of the greater, which may be denied the lesser simply by reason of it not having fulfilled its experience range within one specific idea.

If you will understand this, if you will take this into consideration, you will not have difficulty with those experiences that are separating in their ramifications. You will seek toward greater unity, not necessarily a unity of ideas but a unity of spiritual experience. For you will combine your experiences into that sweet experience of living with God. When, then, this comes about and you summon the fullness of your faith into manifestation, you will be able to climb up that cosmic ladder of light and understanding as easily as men and women get out of bed.

Adhere to the Truth within You and You Will Have No Need to Fear

I want you to understand that today humanity are in a distraught state from time to time where world conditions penetrate their hearts and minds and cause them gross disturbances. I am an archangel. I have long ago escaped from the range of these pursuits, but I do have the understanding of the trembling and tremors that pass through mortal consciousness. Men are afraid; they know not why. And they often fear, most of all, their aloneness, their separation, the question as to whether or not they are pleasing unto others.

We want you to understand that if you please your own universal Presence, you need not fear what men shall do unto you, what they shall think of you or how they shall inter your bones. I want you to understand they can never touch that glorious Spirit-spark that is the cosmic fire within you. Put all of your attention upon that and take your attention away from the outer facets of human personality and you will solve the bulk of your problems. If you persist in involving yourself in the rhythms of human personality, you may well find that dire experiences will come to you from time to time, and you will cry out, “O God, help me.”

Let me say unto you that the hosts of heaven are more ready to help you than you dare to imagine. I assure you that there are some of you in this room who say with your lips that you desire God to help you. But in reality it is a basic insecurity in your own mind that causes you to say this, for it comes from a certain amount of hypocrisy. You are not always convinced of the fact that God is real. There are doubts and questionings within your mind and the range of that outer mind.

O beloved hearts, will you not let go of that feeling? Will you not replace it by a feeling of faith and understanding? If you will, I can promise you, then, that not only tonight but throughout the span of your life, when you call upon me and ask my assistance, that assistance will come forth—providing you have made a reasonable conformation to those cosmic ideas which the Godhead has released in cosmic hieroglyph first and then later into those writings which men refer to as the sacred bonds of the sacred Word.

I want you to understand that the Word is already written within you. If you would adhere to that truth which is within you, you would have no need to fear whatsoever.

Fear and doubt come from within mankind and the range of his mortal experiences. He has suffered various calamities throughout the range of those experiences. He has often come into realms and areas of doubt. And in those moments, because he doubted, he did not receive the necessary help from heaven that he should have had. And therefore, his doubt was reinforced.

The Law of Doing the Will of God

Don’t individuals understand this simple law—that the more men do the will of God, the more men will do the will of God, the more men will desire to do the will of God, the more the will of God will come to be almost a gift of rote unto them? And they will find in due course of time that that rote will be accelerated by the most marvelous release from the heart of God of cosmic energy, the energy of joy! And the joy that Saint Germain referred to as the motor of life3 will become the means of a greater accomplishment in the life of all.

Will you, then, understand this law and try to live it? Strive toward understanding. It is not difficult. For when men really, truly mean to understand, they will not, then, be so quick to criticize others and to turn toward others, recognizing that all criticism of others in this world is always, ultimately, a criticism of their own selves. For human propensities gather momentums and these momentums multiply. And after a while, vast continents of individuals are pulled to the right or the left simply by the accumulation of man’s energies.

If individuals would understand that they can call upon heaven and find that heaven will respond, that the full range of those energies will come to their power, to their hand, at the supreme moment that they may need it, they will then be able to overcome many things that they could not overcome of themselves.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 4.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, October 15, 1972, during the Class of the Harvest Sun, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Part 2 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 4.

1. How beautiful are the feet of them which preach the gospel of peace. Rom. 10:15; Isa. 52:7; Nah. 1:15.

2. See Matt. 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19.

3. The joy that Saint Germain referred to as the motor of life. In a dictation delivered October 29, 1966, Saint Germain said: “The self is a mountain of holy treasure and, within the domain of the self, joy must be brought forth and multiplied. And joy is indeed the motor of life, which when properly understood and harnessed will cause the regenerative processes within the forcefield of individuals to amplify the light-energy within the cells. Thus, a renewal of the power of eternal youth occurs within the dimension and forcefield of the individual because God is there and pours out his limitless light, even as the sun gives forth her energy.”

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