Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 54 No. 5 - Beloved Archangel Michael - March 1, 2011

On the Defense of the Path
and the Platform of Soul Liberation

Ten Angels Assigned to Each Keeper of the Flame

Part 1

Hail, legions of blue lightning from out the Great Central Sun! Stand now in formation of the great cosmic blue cross! I call thee forth. Come now from the heart of the Pleiades.

Form the great blue cross. And let the angelic hosts seal now in the white cube of Camelot the cross of Sirius and in the center of the cross the Mighty Blue Eagle thoughtform of the mind of God.

Most blessed and beloved ones, I salute you from the God Star.1 I have recently come forth from the center of the white-fire core of the Pleiades and the seven centers of God. With my legions I have stood in these centers, drawing (by the direction of the hierarchy of Sirius) lines of force to the sun of this solar system, to the planetary bodies, to every heart that beats as a threefold flame of life.

And we have drawn our forcefield, a complex matrix for the victory in the battle of Armageddon, and we have placed our ray upon every pocket of darkness within this solar system. And the Four and Twenty Elders and the hierarchy of the

Pleiades now concentrate energy in time and space for the clearing of the threat of the energy veil from this solar system. Beloved ones, this solar system is a unit in hierarchy. You have observed that on earth it is not possible merely to establish the Christ within oneself or one’s friends. It must extend to the community. Then the community becomes threatened by the state. And therefore the light must be extended to the state and then the nation, for each succeeding step of light draws its counterpart of darkness. And therefore the only solution is the dissolution of darkness within the compartments, or the mandala, of hierarchy.

This solar system, then, is an integral part of a victorious light manifestation that is scheduled and forthcoming. We therefore have contacted every soul of light within this system. We have extended, as it appears to be, a white string of light. And we have contacted every fallen one and marked that one with our energy as well. This work has continued for seven days according to earth time.

Thus I return from the Pleiades to give this dictation to you, Keepers of the Flame, friends of the angelic hosts who have the direct contact with my flame and my tangible presence. To you, then, is extended the first ring of energy for the keeping of the flame of the victory.

General Keegan Has Given a Message
about America and the Darkness that Covers the Land

I have sent my representative to you in the person of General George Keegan.2 I have sent him to you as the representative of K-17 and of Saint Germain and of the Mighty Blue Eagle. Thus, he has given to you of his life and love and wisdom without concern for time or space. His devotion is to the one God. And his understanding, sealed within his heart, is of America—the platform of evolution of the lightbearers who came with the Ancient of Days.

Thus, you now have had transferred to you certain facts and conditions of the conspiracy, a certain awareness of the length, the breadth and the depth of the darkness that covers the land. The facts and figures delivered to you by the messenger concerning other situations are also a part of the total picture that must be present in your consciousness. Now I direct that the proceedings, the message given to you by General Keegan, shall be transcribed immediately and that the Mother of the Flame shall take this information and write the decrees that are necessary for the turning of the tide. For heaven is ready. Earth is ready. The mandala is set.

We Require Men and Women of Valor to Defeat the Enemy

Now the lightbearers must assume the positions at the point of the crossing of these strings of light. Now the lightbearers must release only the Word, only the fiat, right into the cause and core of those conditions that have been revealed to you. It requires precise direction of light. The precision of war is likewise the precision of peace through the Science of the Spoken Word.

Therefore we enlist you in the Mighty Blue Eagle of Sirius,3 and we prepare you and we train you. And therefore I summon you to Banff4 this night and every night for a certain cycle of your inner service, that you might be trained with the legions of Archangel Michael and with the legions of the God Star, Sirius. Then, beloved ones, the increase of blue flame will be upon you.

The energy of the blue flame creates antagonism in those whom it contacts. Be not dismayed. It is for the ultimate saving grace of their very souls.

We require, then, that men and women of valor proceed with the most practical and scientific measures for the defeating of the enemy within and without. We are on a cosmic timetable. You can consider this day one, as we record the time in the space of the Buddha. For this day the Lord of the World does seal Camelot.

Therefore, defend the circle. Defend the focal point of Alpha and Omega with your heart, your soul and your life. The instrument of the Mother is the time, the regulation of cycles, for the victory, for the initiation. The Buddha provides the space. Remember the balance of these two and the energy flow from on high.

Realize, then, that the enemy never sleeps and that there are very few of the lightbearers, of those who love freedom, who really give to God and to America twenty-four hours a day of service and all of their commitment of energy and resources. Therefore the victory of the few shall be for the many.

We desire that you should consider and study at length the matters at hand and your personal service to place first always the keeping of the flame of the platform of the victory. It is the launching pad of the rockets of light which will go forth from our forcefield, from our retreat, into the cause and core of all darkness. It is the place where legions of light can camp in the physical plane. It is the place for the homing of all children of the Mother and for the going forth of the teachings and the Word. It is the drawing together—through culture, science, art, education, religion—of all of those evolutions who form a part of the deliverers of the age.

The Preparations of the Enemy

Let us see, then, how this company of lightbearers will act with the sling of David5 to defeat the fallen ones by the rapier thrust, by the sword of blue flame, by the spoken Word, by the action of alchemy that will literally level all of the preparations of the enemy that have been carried on for thousands upon thousands of years.

Beloved ones, if you could see the cosmic history, [you would see] how they have worked with their deviltry to implant in the subconscious of the people electrodes of darkness whereby they would be programmed in the last days to a hypnotic spell. Did you not hear what the general said about the peculiar manifestation of dedicated Americans who come out of sessions, meetings and seminars with the Communists and suddenly are entirely reversed in their position? You who understand the game of psychopolitics and the very real influences of the fallen ones at inner levels can well appreciate that these things do not happen by accident but by the direct perversion of the science of the Mother.

Therefore that which you have heard of the preparations of the enemy are only surface preparations in the physical octave. What has been transpiring at the etheric, mental and emotional planes, you can well imagine, is the foundation of the physical.

All of this will come to naught if you remain well attuned to my flame. For the LORD God has assigned me for the deliverance of the children of Israel and of the hierarchies in the Guru-chela relationship East and West. And therefore I come to lead the twelve tribes and to sponsor the thirteenth tribe in the white-fire core of every city—the priests and priestesses unto God who come, then, to the altar of the Most High and never fail to dip in to the core of light and draw forth therefrom the mighty flame of the ark of the covenant and then tend to the business of the Matter plane.

Mark you well, beloved ones, it is your mastery in the Spirit first, and always first, that will enable you to conquer, like lightning, much more quickly than you anticipate. And thus you will be able to accomplish—in the Matter sphere, in your service

to your government, to your nation, to your children in education—a great deal more than many who toil and labor in the Father’s vineyard and, yet, do not understand how to reach in to the Holy of Holies to draw forth the fire of God.

A Dispensation from the God Star, Sirius

Realize, now, beloved ones, that we do indeed understand that which appears to be a handicap in numbers for the battle of Armageddon. And therefore we have come forth this day with a special dispensation from the God Star, Sirius. Hear this now, children of the Most High: Mighty Surya now assigns to each Keeper of the Flame ten angels from the Mighty Blue Eagle to stand with you twenty-four hours a day to enhance your service to the light! [35-second applause]

Ten angels for your staff. You may assign them projects, research, the guardian action of your lifestream. You may call to them to perform functions that you are not able to perform. They are nearly physical, beloved ones, so tangible is their presence. They leap with joy at the opportunity! And thus you have ten extra sets of arms, ten extra heads and hearts, and you appear almost as a Hindu god! [11-second applause] And the demons fear and tremble, and the discarnates shrink into their caves. Blessed ones, when it is God’s schedule for the victory, God has his victory! [21-second applause]

The increase of light and energy from these angels places the responsibility upon you for diligence and discipline. You are enlisted, then, in the cosmic forces of light, and you must assume that military discipline. You must not have your indulgences, but remember that every erg of energy, every bit of time, every moment, every space is calculated, by cosmic computers, to be a cup of the light of victory.

See how I hold the threefold flame in my hand. See how I draw it forth from my heart. And I hold it as the focus of the Trinity. Beloved ones, take your right hand. Place it to your heart. Let your left hand also be placed upon your heart. Hold your left hand upon your heart now as you draw forth in your right hand the same threefold flame. See it. Visualize it. Know it is burning and blazing!

We Must Have Your Call

I AM Michael, the archangel of faith. That which I speak I see, and my faith instantaneously is the substance of that which I decree. Know this faith. I tarry with you to reinforce it. The Law is accurate. The Law is scientific. The Law will seal in you every fiat! You must guard your attunement. Without fail, your calls to me given daily are the means of the victory. And those long eight pages6 are indeed for the very specific action of your threefold flame. No doubt you will add to them by the added information. But remember, you are the only ones who are making these specific calls on the entire planetary body!

And therefore, beloved ones, if we are to act and to intercede and to bind these armies of the fallen ones and to neutralize their weapons, we must have your call! And there must be Keepers of the Flame giving these calls at every moment. For you never know at just what moment we require the authority from someone in embodiment to do our perfect work. Thus, you see, it is a very close cooperation of hierarchy ascended and unascended that is for the victory.

As God has determined to have his perfect work, know that the perfection in the physical plane is a matter of your precision and alignment. And whether or not the victory is absolute in the physical octave depends entirely upon your souls, your God flame and your God-determination!

Understand, then, when I say that God will have his victory, he will have it in the etheric plane. He will have your souls sealed in light! He will have you for the ascension! But whether or not earth in the physical sense will survive and manifest the golden age clearly rests entirely upon those in incarnation! I underscore this fact for you so that you will not have even an erg of overconfidence concerning these matters. The odds are very great, and it is by the careful and precise planning of each one performing the greatest service that he can perform that all will come together for the light.

Your vigilance in the All-Seeing Eye of God is indispensable. Your direct contact with the Great Divine Director is indispensable. And therefore neglect not the calls to Cyclopea and to the Great Divine Director, and learn to make these quick fiats of light moment by moment even when you are not able to set aside the time for the decrees.

It is not how long or how many; it is the fervor of your devotion and your instantaneous contact. When you make contact with Almighty God, every word is the alchemy of precipitation. And therefore concentrate on quality and you will find that less decrees will provide more energy and more action, and then you will have the time for the omni decrees and the calls on Communism.7

See, then, that you come in, in full force awake and alive in the morning! Let there be none who sleep. Let there be none who tarry in self-indulgence. But let all go into the flame! And let us see the troops ready for action each day, wielding the swords of blue flame.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 6.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 10, 1977, at Soul Liberation, held in Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California.

1. The God Star, Sirius, is the brightest star in the heavens and the seat of God-government for this sector of the galaxy. Sirius, commonly known as the Dog Star, is recognized by astronomers to be a binary star of the constellation Canis Major. Its companion, a white-dwarf star (discovered in 1862), is known as Sirius B. In a spiritual sense, all have come from Sirius. It is our point of origin and our home at the deepest level of our being.

2. General George Keegan (1921–1993) was the assistant chief of staff for intelligence at United States Air Force headquarters in Washington, D.C., from 1972 to 1977. On October 9, 1977, the day before this dictation by Archangel Michael, General Keegan delivered a message on “The Defense of America” at Summit University Forum in Pasadena, California. It is available at

3. The Mighty Blue Eagle of Sirius is a formation of blue-lightning angels who come from Sirius to assist Archangel Michael in his work on behalf of the evolutions of this solar system. Their legions move in the formation of the eagle that is on the Seal of the President of the United States. If you were to study the components of the Mighty Blue Eagle, you would see that every feather and part is a blue-flame angel. It is a vast formation that fills the starry heavens. This eagle is the symbol of Sirius, of the soaring of consciousness and the raising of the Mother, and of judgment, vigilance and the quickness of the All-Seeing Eye of God. The Mighty Blue Eagle beholds the enemy and casts out the enemy for the coming of the children of the One. These angels also reinforce the work of the violet-flame angels.

4. Banff, in the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, Canada, is the location of Archangel Michael’s retreat, the Temple of Faith and Protection. This retreat, specifically in the etheric realm over Banff and Lake Louise, is the home of legions of blue-lightning angels who come from the four corners of the universe to help a planet in travail. Bands of angels serving under the archangels of the other six rays also gather here, where great conclaves of the angelic hosts are held under the sponsorship of Archangel Michael.

5. I Sam. 17:48-50.

6. “Those long eight pages” of calls. Now we have the “Alternate Preamble to 10:00: Prayers to Archangel Michael for the Deliverance of God’s People on Earth,” which is included in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, on seven pages, pp. 177–83, available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

7. The omni decrees and the calls on Communism include decrees, calls and invocations on numerous problems—personal and world, social, religious and political. More specifically, these calls address the economy, nuclear energy, war, Communism and the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. They can be found in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, pp. 71-77, 81-96, 124-26, 143-47.

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