Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 54 No. 17 - The Beloved Queen of Light - September 1, 2011

Awaken to Your Mission
to Guard the Holy Christ Child

Part 1

As the heavens open wide, the Mother of the World steps inside your own heart flame in the visitation of Christ’s own name.

Blessed and beloved ones of my heart, I address you as the Queen Mother, mother of the flame of all life. The beating hearts of children everywhere, in anticipation of the precious drops of comfort from the heart of the Holy Spirit—those precious hearts, how we love them. How we love you, each one. And oh, how we long to extend to you, in sweet simplicity, the tenderness of the feeling of heaven, of total oneness, of supremacy of the Father’s plan, of his all-knowing mind and his direction, which is unerring to those who are overcomers and victors in this scene of worldly strife.

The contrast of heaven and earth (most striking at this hour of need, when earth seems so remote and in such turmoil and heaven at such peace) only serves to outline the beauty of truth and reality, of that which is and that which is not. The stark unreality of error, of nothingness, of all the clamor of this world and of the senses—it comes to naught in the presence of the flame, which, as a dewdrop of mother-of-pearl, descends now to caress your own heart flame.

O beloved ones, the keen balance of a mother’s heart—ever discriminating, ever watchful, ever knowing where the little ones are—that keen sense rests in the beauty and the allness of divine love and yet knows, with the sharp diamondshining mind of God, where there lurks the tiniest insect that might assail the young child. Oh, to be overcomers it is well to have this sense of the mother.

Mothers of the flame must always stand within the heart and core of the flame. For at the outer edge there is a burning sensation, but in the center it is cool. For there is the ovoid of perfection, the vacuum of divine love, where nothing can penetrate, nothing of the outer world, but only the allness of the heart of God.

The Children of the World Require Your Prayers Daily

I would speak to you this evening of the children of the world. O beloved ones, the dangers to their souls have been pointed out to you before. But do you realize, do you know, how their tiny consciousness—which was designed to be a sponge to soak up the intelligence and the love and the power of God—is so much in that condition today that, spongelike, they soak up the effluvia of the world? And it is such a dangerous thing that upon their tiny, frail forms there are placed those aborted images of imperfection. And if these are not challenged, beloved ones, by your calls to the light, you will find a generation of children maturing whose forcefields are not tempered by the steel of perfection but whose forcefields have been tampered with by the insidious devices of the sinister force.

And so many are in homes where parents know not what they do. And so they take in all manner of distortion from the television and radio, and into their bodies the insecticides and the pesticides that come on their food. And so many do not have the food that they should have, beloved ones.

The cell must be nourished. It must be nourished with light. And the cells within the food, you know, contain the light of the Christ. And when natural life is not tampered with, it can impart to man, then, that sacred essence of the flame, that prana that comes from the Holy Spirit and is the nourishment that is required for the building of the body temple dedicated to the Holy Spirit.

Beloved ones, I enlist your aid this night on behalf of the children of the world. Some of you have pledged at inner levels to take your stand for those sweet children from the moment that they are conceived to the age of seven. That is the tender forming period. Those of you who have taken your vows must remember that the flame of application must be used daily. And these children require your assistance each morning when you pray.

I would like to develop in you the sense that the children of the world, the babies, are so much a part of your own self that not to call for them would be much like not calling for your own tube of light or not feeding yourself or not taking care of your immediate family. They must be under your wing, for your wing is the wing of the Almighty. And that is the unfailing light of God, the protection which is required. They are bombarded from every side. And so now they must be bombarded with light, with the power of the fiat of the light and of the spoken Word.

O mothers of the world, I call to you this night. I, the Queen of Light, implore you, awaken to your mission to guard the Holy Christ Child!

Recently it has been said by Mother Mary that indeed the manger scene and the reception of the Christ by herself and Joseph and those who attended his birth was so much more conducive to the unfoldment of his divine plan than that which is found in the homes receiving the children in this day and age. And you must realize that almost from the moment they are born, there is penetrating into their consciousness music of the most distorted form, vileness of auras and influences, people who regard them as playthings—not as sons of God and children of the light, but as animals, offspring, perhaps offspring of pleasure and not of dedication.

O beloved ones, to bring forth a child in sin, this, I think, is the greatest sin that can come to an individual. For to take the pure energies of God, the life of God, and not to consecrate them to holy purpose, this indeed is one sin that calls for great mercy and great forgiveness.

And so you see, in addition to calling for the youth of the world, you must also invoke mercy on behalf of the parents. For in the softening action of the mercy flame, the way is paved for the illumination rays that will send to their consciousness the Christ light that will teach them how to represent the Fatherhood and the Motherhood of God unto the coming race.

Provide the Pathway of Light
over Which the Seventh Root Race May Embody

Oh, we long for the day when there are prepared upon earth those souls who can truly receive the avatars and the incoming seventh root race. And even as we are preparing that great continent of South America, so the hordes of shadow are moving in also to claim these children even before they are born.

O beloved ones, turn now and face South America, and realize that that continent must be protected. You must provide the pathway of light over which the golden-age children might come.

And do you not see the plots that are already thickening and have been so for many years in that great continent? The inequality of the distribution of the wealth between the very rich and the very poor has paved the way for the incoming of Communism. And, O beloved ones, can you bear the thought of these Holy Christ children, these seventh-root-race children, who have never come into embodiment before, coming into a world that is so chaotic?

I tell you, the ladies and masters of heaven cannot bear this thought. And it has been discussed in our councils what should be done about the impending gloom upon that continent. And we have considered the fact that if things continue as they are, there might come a dispensation whereby the seventh root race should not embody for a long time to come until mankind have prepared a place for them. And I, for one, would agree with this, beloved ones, for it is folly to introduce holy innocents into the dens of iniquity.

Those lifestreams who have not had to come to grips with forces in this world should not have to come through parents who are enmeshed in the slavery of a World Communism and a world totalitarian state. But, beloved ones, the cosmic hour has struck, and it is time, high time, that these souls begin to embody. And therefore, this appeal tonight is made to you and to all who hear it at inner levels and to all who will receive the recording of this dictation.

Turn and face South America, and offer your decrees and devotions each day for the paving of the way of these mighty beings of light, who are to advance the civilization to great heights that were known of old. But that ancient civilization was cast down from those heights—through the greed and selfishness of the people—when Casimir Poseidon reigned of old1 and attempted to teach them the golden mean and the golden rule “Learn to love to do well and you shall.”

Offer Yourselves in Service for the Youth of the World

O beloved ones, our hope is in you, in the Christ who lives within you. But there must come about a greater awakening within you. For although you have knowledge of these things, the effluvia of the world and the density of your bodies tend to cloud, and make you forget, the principles which are imparted to you in moments of your exaltation.

And therefore this night, with my holy angels of purity and holy innocence, I am burning in the very cells of your being the imprint of the divine plan for the golden age on behalf of the children of the light, that in your darkest hours you might remember that if you do not succeed, those who follow you will not. And you must remember this when you are tempted to be lacking in humility, to be selfish or avaricious, beloved ones. There must come the thought flashing to your mind, “No, I cannot indulge the lesser self, for others are looking to me. They look to me for light and for decrees and for prayer.” And indeed they do, beloved ones.

Some of you have held the balance for cities for many a year in your daily invocations, and you do not realize the chaos that ensues when you skip a day or postpone the hour of your invocations. You do not realize that the hosts of light are simply limited as to what they can do for mankind, for their call must come forth from this octave. For man was given free will, and here, here is the authority for the planet invested in those who are embodied here. And unless someone asks, we cannot respond, we cannot intervene, we cannot give dispensations of light.

Remember this, then, when you hear of rioting on the campuses. Remember this when there are student demonstrations and outbreaks within your cities. Remember this when the war thickens and the plot thickens and you are threatened with financial crisis. Remember that unless the students en masse rise up to invoke the light, there can be no salvation. And how can you neglect so great a salvation?2

Truly, unless the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh in vain.3 O beloved ones, you are the watchmen upon the wall of the LORD.4 Remember, then, that there must come about a much greater effort among the members of this group and this entire student body.

Through the use of the emergency booklet,5 the riots of 1968 were stayed, and there was not a great tribulation across this country. But after the students of the ascended masters became accustomed to giving the decrees and there seemed to be no more threat to the nation for a time, they waxed dull in their devotion. And I tell you, when you wax dull, the forces of darkness wax bright and they work their plans. And you are not always apprised of what is going on. But you can be sure that night and day the devils do not sleep, but they are awake and plotting and planning your destruction. For they know that if you do not fall, they shall fall.

And their time is short, and they are attempting to quake the earth and to use the energies of mankind in a pool of darkness to work further negative activities. And do you know, the fall of this earth might very well mean the fall of this system. For the amount of energy that would be gained by the dark forces through the fall of one planet would be enough that they might go forth and continue their nefarious deeds on other planets and then on other systems of worlds.

Beloved ones, it can truly be said that upon the heads of a few lifestreams hangs the destiny of systems of worlds. Think of that, then, when you go forth and make the choice, “Shall I go on a shopping trip or shall I stay home and offer my services to the light? Do I really need this indulgence or can I give my all to God?”

You do not realize the fervor and the dedication that comes from those peoples who are oppressed, from those who must offer their prayers to God night and day because they are in chains and in bondage and are in torture. Beloved ones, that is true dedication. And you do not understand because in this generation you have not experienced famine or flood or pestilence or war or tyranny upon your heads. You hear it spoken of and it is like a dream. It is like a mirage and it does not seem real. Even though you see it before your very eyes, it is so horrible that you say it cannot be. Well, beloved ones, it has happened, and anything that has happened can happen again unless men are vigilant.

I come, then, with a plea for the youth of the world. There must be a concentrated service. Beloved Mary established the Order of the Sons and the Daughters of the Flame. Beloved Keepers of the Flame, I would that you would make yourselves a conscious part of this order by offering yourselves in the service for and on behalf of the youth of the world. It is so important, beloved ones, I cannot stress it to you enough. But as I wear the crown of the World Mother for this year, I, the Queen of Light, cannot forgo my responsibility. And I must not forsake this opportunity to come and to tell you that unless you act, truly the flame of life may very well go out in millions of souls.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 57, no. 18.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Queen of Light was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 3, 1969, during Freedom Rally 1969, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Part 2 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 18.

1. Casimir Poseidon, now an ascended master, was the ruler of an ancient civilization on the continent of South America during its rise to the heights of a golden age.

2. Heb. 2:3.

3. Ps. 127:1.

4.Watchmen upon the wall. Isa. 21:5–12; 62:6; Ezek. 3:17; 33:7.

5. First published in 1968 by the messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet and now out of print, the emergency booklet, “What to Do in Time of Personal Crisis or National Emergency” offered sixteen steps of action.


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