You know the story of the beloved ascended one Igor, who pleaded on behalf of the children of Mother Russia during the terrible travail of the Russian Revolution.1 And you know that he offered himself night and day in prayer and in sacrifice to Mother Mary, that he might do something for the people of Russia. And you know that if it had not been for the dedication of that one man, the terrors and atrocities of that time would have been far worse.
It is well to realize the power of one individual—the power for good as well as the power for ill. Realize, if one man can destroy the earth, then one man can make it ascend into the light. And you have the example of many who have ascended and who have left their footprints in the sands of time. Oh, do follow them, and realize that your flame held high can make all the difference. One with God is truly a majority. And we are not without hope for mankind as long as we know that those in whom is vested the flame of hope will carry that hope to the nth degree, to the highest calling, to perfection made manifest. Dedication, then, must come forth now. And we exorcise within you all those forces which would attempt to subvert your dedication, to place upon you the ray of sleep, of stupefaction, of all that is wicked, that would cast you down in your moments of watching with the Christ.
I place, then, the seal of the Mother of the World within your own blazing heart flame. And that seal—together with the pattern of the golden age for the youth of the world that is now blazing within every cell—will awaken within you, at every hour and every moment of testing, the memory of your commitment and your dedication to the evolutions of this star and to the hosts of light.
Realize, then, that for that pattern to manifest to the fullest and highest extent, the cell, the very heart of the cell, must be purified. Realize that sacrifice isnecessary, that you may have to change a few habits in order to win the victory. And there is merit to fasting and to praying without ceasing. And there is merit to pure foods and to the exercise of discipline. For even as that which goeth out of the mouth defileth a man,2 so that which goeth into the mouth defileth our God.
Remember, blessed ones, the code of Mighty Victory and of the cosmic honor flame. And realize that your first commitment is to the Higher Self and to the manifestation of that self in a glorified body temple. Take a look at your body temple and ask yourself, “Is this the living sacrifice that I would present unto my God on behalf of this nation? Or is there work to do here? If there is, I know that God will help me. God will purify me by the power of his cleansing Spirit, by the power of the mercy flame and the purification from the heart of the Lord Maha Chohan.”
Beloved ones, prepare yourselves for sacrifice, for indeed it is needed. Prepare yourselves for victory and to do battle with the forces of night. Be ready at any hour for the test of the Great Initiator, and realize that he shall come as a thief in the night.3 And when you pass the test, you will see immediately the opportunity for greater service dawning upon the horizon.
As the heart of the fire, the heart of fireworks, a sparkling tinsel, a sparkler on the Fourth of July, so I come in dazzling light this night. And if you will look within, you will see the sparkling of my aura. And I desire you to have that vision of the sparkling light of the Mother of the World, to realize that you too can be clothed upon with light, with liberty, with justice and with truth. I would have you realize that each sparkle, each manifestation of the glory of God, is a tribute to the victory and the overcoming of life manifested within my momentum.
Beloved ones, you too can become the fullness of that light. Truly it can manifest within you. But I tell you in solemn warning, as a mother would tell you, you need greater dedication. Every one of you here needs greater dedication.
You think you have dedication because you serve day and night. I tell you, watch the thoughts and feelings, and determine if they also serve our God day and night. For it is not only the hands and the feet, but the thoughts of the heart, the intents and the motives. And as Lord Maitreya spoke to you last evening,4 we do not like to see those thoughts coming out of your consciousness and aura as serpentine forms, as forms of the denizens of the deep.
Realize, then, that nowhere in the universe can you hide from the All-Seeing Eye of God, that when you think to plot against another or connive within yourself, those forms, those hideous forms, do go out. And all observe them who can see. All observe them. But more than that, where do you think those creations of your astral self go? They go into the “sponge” of the little children, which is ever receptive, which was designed to receive the Christ, whom you should impart; and instead they receive the sop.
O beloved ones, cherish well this opportunity, then. And realize that the light that is expanding within you can go forth to do a mighty work if you will put the self aside and let God, with his Herculean armour and might, do this work of the high calling of the sons of God through you.
In the name of the World Mother, I proclaim this night that all those who have been selected by the Karmic Board as priests after the Order of Melchizedek, those who have been selected in this body, shall receive that scepter of power after the Order of Melchizedek, that they might go forth scepter in hand and crowned with the glory and honor of a Son of God who shows promise for the fullest dedication of the light.
Those of you who are not receiving this scepter have before you this night a goal toward which you may serve and work. And those who are receiving it have worked through many embodiments, and in this life, in dedication to the Christ. And so because of the need of a greater concentration of power and authority in the world of form, this authority is being invested in several among you this night. [8-second pause] There are some among the children, also, who have merited, through service in past lives and holiness in this embodiment, this authority. And they will be keys among the babes of the world for transmitting the power and authority of the sacred fire. For we look early to the day of those mass ascensions upon the hillsides of which we have spoken. For there are many souls of great wonder and light; and some of them are in the darkest caves of the world, beloved ones, gone astray from society and mixing with those Atlantean rebels who call themselves revolutionaries and, indeed, they would reverse the plan of God.
What a pity that among them we find the lamb of God caught and snared in the thicket. Oh, that the Good Shepherd would come and set him free! And that shepherd shall come. And the lion shall lie down with the lamb.5 And many shall be converted in this decade. Ere 1970 shall dawn, you will see that many among the youth of the world will come into an awakening of the spirit of the sacred fire, of their past identification with truth and their holy mission.
And I tell you, the hordes of shadow shall be exposed. For we have decreed it and we have determined it, and so it shall come to pass. Remember your own role in this exposure, beloved ones, for you are the key through whom we can work.
You remember the test that was given at the Easter conference to see who could hold the harmony and carry Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays.6 Beloved ones, I will not tell you how many succeeded, nor will I tell you how many failed. But I will tell you that the opportunity is renewed. It is ever renewed, beloved ones. For God awaits to bestow upon the prodigal son the fullness of the divine appearing and the authorship of holy wisdom, divinity of love, power of truth and of the holy fire. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
I, the Queen of Light, baptize you one and all with the holy waters—the waters of life that I bring to you and with which I anoint you this night. These are the waters of purification, of cleansing. And they shall penetrate, together with the holy oil of annunciation, to bathe and invigorate your four lower bodies, to pave the way for the coming of the Christ, who now steps forth from the tomb, as Lazarus of old.7
Grave cloth descending, the Christ appears, the inheritor of immortal life. But he must go forth and prove it, win it, regain it. The gift is not given for keeps until the one receiving it can accept it, live it and make it work. Carry, then, with you the blessings of the Mother of the World and the Mother of the Flame.
O beloved children of my heart, call to me wherever you are for the children that you see and those whom you do not, and know that every call you make will be answered by my legions. Fifty thousand angels of the Queen of Light stand ready to answer your call. Would you turn down such an opportunity to have the angels listening, waiting, for your beckoning call?
I think not, for I think too much of the God within you. And I know that not a day shall pass in the future that you will not call quickly, “O God, O Queen of Light, O angels of the Queen of Light, descend and protect the children of the world!” And so it shall be done quickly in answer to your call. I came on wings of light, and I return to octaves of light on those same wings. And there I garner and spin and weave the holy cloth that is the garment of the Christ, and each child of my heart shall wear that cloth one day. And so I garner from the far corners of the universe the threads of my weaving and, truly, it is a seamless garment. And there are yards and yards of that holy cloth in preparation for the sons of God—the swaddling garment for the infant born and the mantle of the mature son of God.
With my hands, I weave, then, a garment of light. Will you step into it, not as a trial but as a permanent cloak of the Order of the Sons and Daughters of the Flame?[Audience rises.] Beloved ones, honored are you before God. Honored is the light within you. Step into the office of sons of God— gods in action upon earth; courageous, stalwart sons and daughters of light. And know that as you walk, the angels walk with you. And your service can truly mean all the difference, all of the magic, all of the perfection—the “eye magic” of the imaging forth of the perfect Son of God, the perfect kingdom, the golden age and the seventh root race. [7-second pause]
The forget-me-not of my heart is placed to adorn the halo that graces your heads. I thank you.
Beloved heavenly Father! Beloved heavenly Father!
Beloved heavenly Father!
Take command of our youth today
Blaze through them Opportunity’s ray
Release Perfection’s mighty power
Amplify cosmic intelligence each hour
Protect, defend their God-design Intensify intent divine
The power of infinite Light
Blazing through our youth
Releasing cosmic proof Acceptable and right
The full power of cosmic Light
To every child and child-man
In America and the world!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!*
*This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation , p. 148, no. 7.32.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by the Queen of Light was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 3, 1969, during Freedom Rally 1969, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Part 1 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 54, no. 17.
1. Igor pleaded on behalf of the children of Mother Russia. See vol. 54, no. 17, footnote 2.
2. That which goeth out of the mouth defileth a man. Matt. 15:11; Mark 7:15.
3. He shall come as a thief in the night. Matt. 24:42-44; Luke 12:36-40; I Thess. 5:2-8; II Pet. 3:10; Rev. 3:3.
4. See Lord Maitreya, “Initiations of Universal Reality,” 1984 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 19, pp. 147, 150, 152-53.
5. Isa. 11:6.
6. The test to see who could hold the harmony and carry Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays. On April 6, 1969, during the Easter conference Class of the Resurrection Flame, Mighty Cosmos said: “We come, then, not only to bless the race but to ask each one of you to pledge yourselves as torchbearers of these rays, to see to it that when you depart from this conference, going north, south, east and west, you carry these flames in absolute diligence and harmony, in absolute consecration to the World Mother and her devotion to the Divine Manchild.
...In essence, this day you have the opportunity which was given unto me so long ago by the Father to bear these mighty secret rays. And if you can carry them safely across the waters of human emotion for that twenty-four-day period, who knows, the Father may extend the dispensation and you might be able to carry them so long as you can maintain harmony beyond that period.”
7 John 11:1-44.
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