Precious ones of the light, I am thy Cosmic Mother, manifesting here within you the radiance of my all-enfolding love, which sustains you each hour and yet which is made conscious unto you by my tangible presence and by my voice—speaking to you now and, within the sacred temple of your being, at the hour when your consciousness is lifted as the Christ chalice to hold within it that love which I bear to you each hour.
From the beginning, I am thy Mother. And I enfold each one of you in the knowledge of the security of thy being, held within the Father-Mother God in the eternal sphere and cycle of thy own being.
I am come this night to place within you a greater concept of that feeling of the Motherhood of God for you to carry this forth in consciousness during the months to come—that compassionate feeling which amplifies in each one whom you meet their highest soul expression, the sweetness of their identity, which they in truth know and long to be. I am touching your hearts with this light, this purifying quintessence.
And therefore, go forth as comforters, resurrecting within each lifestream his God-design, the immaculate concept of his being. Help each one to shine forth as the knight or lady of the Path, bearing in complete ease and willingness that goal and divine plan which is the Father‘s will for that one.
As I am speaking to you, I enfold each one of you in my consciousness of love—love so great that it beholds not the flaws of thy brethren, even as it would not behold or conceive of any flaw in the Godhead. And in thyself, I am amplifying the concept of thy perfection so that there shall be no condemnation within you of any part of life—of thy brethren, thyself or the Godhead. And in this trinity of consciousness towards all, all of the known manifestation of God, there can be brought forth the perfect Christ image within you.
And I ask you to charge within your consciousness this feeling of the Motherhood of God, to carry it as a sacred and holy opportunity and duty this year, to bear for this planet that love which shall raise it into the life everlasting, the ascension and victory into the mighty heart of God—fulfilling the promises held sacred to the beloved Goddess of Liberty, the beloved Cosmic Mother, and to all those lifestreams ascended who are holding for mankind the concept of their victory through the purity of Motherhood.
As I take my leave of you, I ask you to remember the youth of the world in your prayers and in your decrees, to remember each tiny heart struggling to find its identity, not only in this nation but in every nation upon earth, especially in those places where they are infiltrated and indoctrinated with false concepts concerning God and their own personal relationship to him. Remember these precious ones each day, beloved ones, in my name.
Call unto me and I will answer you. I will go forth, with thy energies consecrated on the holy altar of Motherhood, to assist these lifestreams so that in the coming years when they are grown into maturity, the world will have those capable leaders and teachers and statesmen who will guide it through the golden age and take the earth to its final glory.
I implore you, blessed ones, do not forget each little child, of whom Jesus spake, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.”1 First in your hearts should be these dear ones. For ye also are his offspring, his children, each and every one, no matter what your years or age.
Therefore, remember my prayer this night. And be with me each day throughout the coming year, with the holy family of children upon this earth.
I thank you, beloved ones. Remember that I am thy Mother and I am with you always.
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Lord the Maha Chohan, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Paul the Venetian, beloved Archangel Chamuel and Charity, beloved Heros and Amora, Elohim of Love, beloved Lady Masters Nada and Venus, beloved Goddess of Liberty, beloved Jesus the Christ, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!
By and through the magnetic power of the immortal, victorious threefold flame of Liberty and the adoration flame ablaze within my heart, I decree:
I humbly invoke the expansion throughout my being and world of your qualities of divine Love, Wisdom, and Power, Freedom and Liberty—compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, forbearance, patience, goodwill, unity, brotherhood, tact, diplomacy, culture, beauty, perfection, and self-mastery.
I ask to be taught your ability to magnify the Good in my fellowmen, to help each one to fulfill his divine plan, to liberate and develop my own individual talents and powers, to harmonize, raise, purify, and perfect my feeling world and that of my brethren; yea, to be a constant comfort—to love all Life free.
I decree, I accept, and I AM the full outpouring and manifestation of your Love and Life, beloved great ones. Use my lifestream to channel your blessings to all life upon earth and to magnify the LORD so that all may see and know that the Light of God that never fails is the threefold flame beating within our hearts!
And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation , p. 303, no. 30.05.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Christmas Day, December 25, 1963, at Holytree House, in Fairfax, Virginia. This was the first dictation given through Elizabeth Prophet.
1. Suffer the little children to come unto me. Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16; Matt. 19:14.
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