Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 54 No. 23 - Beloved Jesus Christ - December 1, 2011

I Come with the Sword That Cleaves Asunder
the Real from the Unreal

Awake to Your Inner Vow and to Your Calling

Our Lord’s Christmas Day Address

I AM come to bring you the joy of the angels and the joy of Christmas, the joy of the ritual, the Mass of the Christ appearing within your heart and in the hearts of all mankind and all evolutions of God, worlds without end.

I AM in the fullness of the Christ light within you. I anchor the diamond-shining mind of God, and I anchor the zeal of mission. I anchor the Word incarnate. I anchor light for the mission.

O sons and daughters of God, awake I say, to your inner vow and to your calling. I call forth the energies from the heart of the God Star, Sirius. I call forth the sternness of the reproof of the Law that will draw your energies and consciousness into alignment for a year of service and a year of laying an exact foundation, line upon line, for the building of the Great Pyramid of Life—the Great Pyramid that is the appearing of the light in the four planes of Mater for the materialization of the Mother flame.

I come, then, to call to you, and to call you to the seriousness of the hour. I call to your attention the very real and true beings the Four and Twenty Elders. There is no separation in time and space and, therefore, you need not think that the Four and Twenty Elders are in a far-off place, far removed into a corner of the universe. I say, they are as close as the blinking of your eye or the breath that you breathe, the inbreathing and the outbreathing. And so is the awareness of the Court of the Sacred Fire of mankind in this hour of severe testing.

The tests are coming so fast and furiously to the world body in this hour, so much so that mankind become accustomed. They become weary, as the wearing away of the culture of the Mother takes place almost faster than the consciousness can absorb or digest those changes and the shock waves as the preconditioning of the fallen ones—preconditioning the souls of mankind to darkness, to immorality, to disrespect and disobedience to the covenants of our God. These shock waves compound upon the consciousness to such an extent that to preserve their sanity mankind adapt and adjust, adapt and adjust their consciousness, almost before the shock waves hit, so as to preserve a sort of equilibrium, a sort of sanity, midst the confusion and the chaos of the stepping-up of cycles of light and of darkness simultaneously.

The Choice Is Yours—Choose Well

Therefore I come with a sword, not with that peace that belies the reality of the choice that is yours in this hour of Armageddon. Nay, I come with that sword, the sword that cleaves asunder the Real from the unreal. So is that flaming sword of Eden,1 that sword that is, in reality, before the dais of the Court of the Sacred Fire of the God Star. So the sword of fire is the energy that will divide a man right down the middle—to the right the unreal, to the left the Real, and in the center the triangle, ever turning, of the mind of God.

Precious ones, hear my call. Hear my call and understand, a house divided against itself cannot stand. In this hour of choosing I say, choose well. For if you have a choice that is not God, not light, not your Real Self, then you will harbor within your being that not-self, that shadowed self, that will fester deep within the subconscious recesses of the mind and forever present the alternative to right choice, the alternative to Reality.

And therefore, that dweller-on-the-threshold of consciousness—that dweller that is the carnal awareness of all wrong choices, all wrong momentums and the preservation of the id-entity—stands in this hour to challenge mankind, to challenge the Christ, to challenge the victory of cosmic forces. And therefore, even the ascended masters stand fast on the alert twenty-four hours a day to defend the faith, the hope and the charity of souls tied to Terra by karma, by the law of cycles, by previous existences here and in other worlds.

The Cup of Cheer and a Sword

So, then, if vigilance is the requirement of the ascended host, think you not that vigilance ought to be the requirement of unascended mankind? But sometimes even the more mature disciples on the Path sit back and enjoy a period of gaiety, of happiness, of joy, which of course we advocate. But in taking that cup of joy, in quaffing that elixir of happiness, they fail to keep the right hand on the sword of living truth. And therefore they are caught off guard, and that is when the temptation and the trial and the testing is at hand.

And therefore, this cup of cheer which I bring is the cheer, the good cheer, of the Holy Ghost, the cheer of your Real Self, your innate reality, and the joy of the angels. And so, with the cup of cheer and a sword that is ever ready to cancel out the darkness and the impostors of the light, stand fast. Stand fast in the calling, and be sure in the knowledge of the Law.

I would admonish, for I see far beyond the year ahead. I see beyond the decades. I hear echoing the warnings of Mary the Mother, of Saint Germain, given to mankind seventy, eighty thousand years ago, given to mankind at Fátima, the warning of the prophets of Israel of the descent of mankind’s karma. That warning must be heeded.

Offering Sacred Invocations to My Heart

And therefore I say, forsake not the sacred invocation of life and the principle of life. And know, as I give you to see through my own eyes—even the eyes that have beheld the face of the living God and the angels who minister before his Presence—that I would show you, then, that vision of the light that goes forth through the power of the spoken Word, through the power of a heart of love.

I would give you to see now, and to know, how a planet in distress and a mankind weary are lifted up and buoyed up by the gentle and firm cadences of your decrees. I say, fear not to be thought unusual, perhaps a little queer among mankind. Fear not, for the sacred science of invocation which you practice, in the name of Saint Germain, was practiced long ago by priests and priestesses of the sacred fire; hence, the descent of the mantra and of various forms of prayers in East and West.

But the full key to the unlocking of the cosmic consciousness of cosmic beings is best employed and best outpictured as you invoke, in the name of God I AM THAT I AM, your own beloved I AM Presence, your own Christ consciousness, that momentum, that light, that energy from the Great Central Sun. And therefore I say, go forth into the highways and byways two by two, and enlist mankind in the offering of sacred invocations to my heart.

I AM Jesus. I AM the same yesterday, today and forever! Before ye have asked, I have answered. For I AM in the Presence of God within you that knoweth all things, that abideth in all things.

I say, then, the Law is inexorable. The law of invocation, then, must be a reproof to a wayward generation, must be the turning of the tide of the fallen ones, whose hour has come and yet whose judgment is nigh.

The Joy of the Crucifixion

You remember my words “this is your hour and the power of darkness,” spoken unto the tribunal, unto the judge and unto those who condemned the Christ light. Understand, then, that the opportunity for light to express and for darkness to express is accorded in the flames of relativity that you might be tested, that your souls might be measured. What measure will ye mete?

And therefore know, then, that when the world is in darkness and when the power of darkness and of Antichrist sweeps, as a prairie fire, across the governments of the nations and into the marts of commerce, this is indeed the hour for your rejoicing in the initiation of the crucifixion. And you know when you come to that initiation that God has chosen you to bear a portion of world karma, to merge with the flame of the World Saviours, to prepare the way for an infant humanity to come to that place of maturity in the expression of the creativity of the living God.

And so, all of your preparation, all of your service and invocation is bound to lead you to the path of the transfiguration and then to the path of the crucifixion. Fear it not! Go not back. For it is the glory of the oneness of the law of the Lord. For it is the means whereby your reality is ratified on earth and in heaven. If you would only know the great joy of the soul to be prepared for passing through this testing, you would pray, “O God, hasten the day! Let the days be shortened, for I have elected to walk all the way.”

A Momentum of Overcoming Victory

But most of all, precious hearts, remember, as I knew him, the universal Christ, the one Maitreya, so as you know me and as you know the Solar Logoi, you understand that at that point in the center of the cross all who have ever gone before you leave a momentum of overcoming victory. And therefore, each successive trial and initiation adds a momentum of fire of the diamond light of the crown of the mighty conquerors of life. And therefore each initiation and your own, individually, has that law of compensation—that fulcrum of power, wisdom and love that comes to you through the chain of hierarchy.

And therefore, that chain of diamond lights, anchored now in the heart of the Mother, is a chain where each diamond is a flame anchoring a point of initiation and a point of victory of a cosmic being who has overcome—because he cares for you, because God cares, because life is ongoing, because life is a giant sun involuting, drawing into itself irresistibly the sons and daughters of God who come home to celebrate the Christ Mass and whose call echoes down the chambers of that home, “My Father, my Mother, I AM home. I AM here. I AM come. We are one.”

And so, precious hearts, you are here, gathered in the formation of the cross, for this holy Christ Mass celebration because in your inner being, in your soul, you have already been contacted by this fiery galaxy, this sun of suns. And you are being drawn by the Great Central Sun Magnet irresistibly into the center of the flame.

You are on the homeward path. How close you are you know not. For this tarrying in time and space is for the testing of the mettle. And as it is written, “in the twinkling of an eye the last trump shall sound.”2

So the last trump of the law of your own mortality shall sound. And suddenly, you will be carried up in the Spirit, buoyed up by the flame of the Holy Spirit which you have consecrated on your own heart’s altar. And you will know the meaning of “the twinkling of an eye” when the dimensions of the finite world are swallowed up into the living fire of cosmic consciousness of infinity.

God Loves You in Form

And so, you approach. You have come light-years. You have yet light-years to traverse. But unto the LORD God, these are but fractions of microseconds.

And therefore, know that you are very close, so very close to my heart that is the heart of God. I draw you to that closeness. I take you into my arms, as I took beloved John, who knew the real meaning of love, who was transported by love into that Holy City, that New Jerusalem of consciousness, that City Foursquare.3 And that which John beheld, he beheld in the vision of the All-Seeing Eye, won by the sacrifice of all selfishness, all self-concern.

Be not concerned for the lesser self. For the good Father cares for you as he cares for the sparrows, as he cares for the flowers and the trees. So know, O mankind, that your body temples are most precious unto the LORD God, for these are the forcefield, the true temple, of the fire that is God. And therefore, God loves you in form. God loves every cell, every part of your being as the potential for Godhood. Know this.

Understand, then, the caress of the sons and daughters of God as we seek to impart the living flame of the Holy Spirit, which you shall receive as you participate in the fourfold cycle of new beginnings. So, then, feel the love of the Holy Spirit wherever you are, whatever you determine to be your sin or your limitation. Feel the love of God. Feel the penetration and the flow of my being, which looks beyond all this and goes to the very heart of Christhood and of Christ-reality.

I Would Impart the Alchemy of the Spirit

O souls, come into the purity of the flame. O souls, do not tarry any longer in the streets of the world. But come, take the Path, take my hand as I give it to you.

For I love you, each and every one, as the sheep in the flock of the Good Shepherd—the tender bleatings of your consciousness, your longing for the Mother and your longing for heaven. These I understand, for I too longed for the Mother and for heaven in those hours of testing and of service. And mine were given as a threefold action of light, of cycles turning. And yours, by the stepping-up of frequency, are given for a somewhat longer period.

For there is great need in this time, in this hour, of an expanding world population wherein mankind know not how to balance the ecology, know not how to distribute the abundance of life, know not how to employ the geometry of Alpha and Omega for the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes.

I would impart that alchemy. I would impart that knowledge. It is in my hand and in my heart. If you would know my heart, you would know that I am literally bursting with anticipation to impart to the alchemists of the Spirit those formulas that are for the tapping of the universal source of solar energy and of balancing factors whereby mankind might balance the four lower bodies of the individual and the planet, of the nations and of the flow of energy—and whereby the earth might be prepared to receive more souls, higher souls, advanced teachers and, above all, the humble and the meek and the lowly might be received by the Mother on the path of initiation.

God Yearns to Draw Humanity Back to Oneness

It is humanity for which God longs. As you yearn for peace and a surcease from suffering, so God is the great brooding Spirit that yearns to draw humanity back to life, back to oneness, back to wholeness; hence, the myriad forcefields of starry bodies with their magnetism drawing into the center. This is the longing of God for oneness with the creation. And yet, by his law and by the dispersing of souls, there is this—that which seems to be the tarrying, the separation, in time and space.

So, then, as you yearn for love, know that there is someone up above who yearns to love and to be loved. And therefore, place your head upon the breast of the Divine Mother. Lean your head upon the chest of the Divine Father. And feel the comfort of your true parents, who this day give birth to the only begotten Son of God within you, within the heart of a planet, within all mankind, within planets and systems of far-off worlds.

So I say, let this be, then, that the yearning in your heart for love be transformed by the alchemy of my heart into the rising of love unto the one Eternal One, who longs for that love and to give love. So let your love be the rising of the energy of your heart—pulsating, moving, weaving the antahkarana of the stars, forming the ladder over which you climb, not as Jack, in Jack and the Beanstalk, climbs to find the giant, the wicked giant. No, climb over the ladder of initiation to find the giant of cosmic consciousness, Great Teams of Conquerors, and all who are waiting to bestow that macrocosmic sense wherein you behold a cosmos and say, “Lo, I AM that cosmos! Lo, I AM the Greater Self! Lo, I AM the dominion of God in me and everywhere! Lo, I AM because thou art. I AM because thou art I AM.”

Give unto God the Gift of the Liberation of Your Soul

O God, you are so magnificent, locked within the hearts of these thy children. Therefore, O God, in the name of the universal Christ, be free! Expand! Blaze forth! Let the starlight beam from every heart! And let God be free in mankind! And then shall all mankind be free.

And therefore, precious ones, may I suggest an appropriate Christmas offering to the Most High God. May I suggest your gift to God be a gift of freedom according him the freedom to move, to be, to heal, to teach, to know, to speak in the marts of the world.

Give unto God this day the gift of the liberation of your soul. For your soul is that portion of God which he would gladly spend. And therefore, to spend and be spent, this is the nature of flow. And God has, then, almost, you might say, gambled a portion of himself, bequeathing that solar consciousness, that soul identity, knowing that that portion can be lost. And yet nothing is ever lost. For all is God, and you swim in the sea of God, in the depths of the ocean of his consciousness. You are I AM.

But you see, that which can be lost is your own individuality. And therefore I say, give the gift of freedom unto God this day.

I thank you. And I AM with you alway, even unto the end of time and space.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Christmas Day, December 25, 1974, in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Gen. 3:22-24.

2. I Cor. 15:51-52.

3. Rev. 21:1-2; 9-10.

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