Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 56 No. 1 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 1, 2013

Nourish Love in the Heart of Humanity

And so, you have finally come. You have come to the place of consecration of energy. With all of your wanderings and all of your maneuverings, you have come to the place of reverence for the life within and of the return to the within, to the fiery core of life.

And so, you have found me there. I have been waiting long. I have been in meditation upon your soul for thousands of years. I have not taken my eye from the beauty of your soul’s blueprint, from the beauty of your own God-reality. Through all of your comings and goings, I have held the watch of life for you.

And now in the fusion of consciousness that is the arc of a mother’s love, we find ourselves together, below as Above, merging in this center of oneness for the consecration of twin flames to a high and holy purpose.

I come to Minneapolis, to Saint Paul, because you are here. You come because I AM THAT I AM. And in our coming into the fire, we are one. Our fiery destiny is one, sealed in God in the origin of a cosmos. We are one.

I am Gautama; you are sons and daughters of God—all names converging in the one grand declaration of life becoming life, I AM THAT I AM! Will you speak the name of God with me?

[Master and congregation speak the name of God:]


Let it be sealed.

And so, my children, in the fountain of living flame you find the flow of life sufficient, not alone unto the self but for the watering of life in the children of God in a dry and empty land. And Terra, with the abuses of nature and of the elements, is a place now of imbalance. The threefold flame I hold at Shamballa1 is not outpictured by many; and yet one, and only one, is sufficient to hold the balance for a planet. And yet there are many striving to enter in to the white-fire core of the flame.

The striving is a labor of love. It is the ceaseless focalization of fire from on high. It is rest in motion, service and surrender without ceasing.

Receive the Burdened Ones

There are always souls to be nourished, always someone to hear the word of truth that you can speak. And so the path of initiation, the homeward path, is one of constant activity in the silence of the inner heart. And in the action of all outer manifestation bringing to fruition the meditation in the silence, I am in your midst meditating in the spoken Word. I speak within the heart. I can be heard.

Listen. Listen now to the movement of the petals of the lily. Hear the movement in the silence of the lily of your own victory, the signet* of your ascension. Hear the vibrations of a cosmic lute, of a star of victory. Hear the pulsations of a heartbeat of humanity that is one in the heartbeat of God.

Touching the flame of life is coming to the very center of an energy flow that will not be quenched, that will give you strength and courage and wisdom and ardor for the victory. Take the flame of the Source and run with it, Keepers of the Flame. Run with the torch of knowledge and of love, of joy and of wisdom, of healing.

Heal the nations. Take the fires of the Ancient of Days entrusted to our care. Take them, then, and light a fire here and there. And look to see, among the children you can see, where you can light the flame and keep the flame and nourish love there in the heart of humanity.

Persevere, my children. Take enlightenment from the mind of God and distribute it as the bread of life, as the waters of living, as the Communion cup. Take the enlightenment of the crown and take the crown of the Mother, which she would place upon your head that you might know you are the beloved son, the beloved daughter. Welcome. Welcome home.

The teaching of the Law is that you might save the souls. And this is indeed a rescue mission to draw the souls from out of the darkness of the night, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth,2 that dark night of the soul, to carry them through by the beacon light of the lighthouse that is your own I AM Presence.

Let the potential of a flame be released. Let each one become a tower of light in the sky. Let each one who is sincere receive from my heart in this moment that impulse that shall be the drawing flame of the Central Sun Magnet.

Turn them not away. Receive these little ones, humble ones. Receive the ones burdened by their cares and by their riches. Receive the ones burdened by their sickness and their poverty. Receive them who count themselves sinners. Receive them as Christ of old. Receive the lepers. Answer the knock, answer the phone. Speak the word, “Welcome, welcome home.”

The Antahkarana of Life
for the Guarding of Consciousness

I am Gautama, Father of many. I salute the light of the Mother, the incarnate flame of the one whom I adore. I salute the light of the Son, Christed ones.

I spin the antahkarana† of life, the golden web, as skeins of cosmic consciousness. Yes, let the antahkarana be upon you as the guarding of your soul’s evolution. As the Mother has placed her garment upon you, so I place the golden filigree of the antahkarana. And some of you, as mothers, may crochet, with golden thread and white, that antahkarana as a focal point for the guarding of consciousness and the sealing, by the golden chain mail, of the levels of astral‡ consciousness from the physical contamination.

So let this garment be the protection of the Father, a mantle of purity. And let it be as a web of life. Let it begin from the center, as the spiders spin their web in imitation of the great cosmic reality of the mind of God spanning a cosmos. Line upon line, carefully, let it be crocheted now for the protection of the young as a swaddling garment, as a mantle, as a shawl in winter. Let it be in memory of Gautama, who came to raise a sword, a sword in the I AM name!

And now I take that sword and I lower that sword. And so, the veil of evil, of witchcraft, that has been spun on each and every one is now broken! There is the drawing up of that substance misqualified, and the veil of darkness over a planet and a people is shattered. And you will see how the consciousness of the Lord of the World, invoked by devotees of the Mother, will replace that essence and that substance of darkness with the swaddling garment of the Lord of the World.

The Unbroken Thread of Contact with Hierarchy

Heaven is very near, my children. Look up and take the light of heaven and walk as little children, trusting, in the innocence of your souls, the great Creator of life to supply you with every good and perfect gift of the Mother’s abundance.

Walk in the footsteps of the Christed ones. And give gratitude this day for the thread of contact with hierarchy, which shall not be broken as long as you will salute the dawn, the rising sun of your own Christ consciousness, as long as you will speak the name I AM THAT I AM and give glory to God and the ascended hosts of light. The thread shall not be broken as long as men and women give homage to the Christ flame within and to all who have ever become that Christed One.

Hierarchy is here to stay. Hierarchy comes to tarry in the way, to elevate the consciousness of mankind, to raise them to the center of God to find the flow of life, of love and truth, the living fountain of eternal youth. Hierarchy is here to stay and you are hierarchy all the way—you in the potential of the God flame connecting with the potential of the Great White Brotherhood, you as living, breathing witnesses of the Word. You are the incarnation of the Lord. You are hierarchy, as Above so below. You are the antahkarana. Let light flow!

Blessing of the Crown

I AM Gautama. I AM Gautama, named of God to bear that flame, that intonation of the word Gautama.

And now I kneel before the God within you and I come before you to bless the crown. Accept the blessing in the hand of the Mother as my very own hand superimposed upon that hand. See now how the fire is focused in the diamond light of the will of God. And the devotion to that will, will release into your crown and there instill your soul’s yearning to be free, the light of gladness to be free, the soul’s rising to be free.

Feel the love of the Father-Mother God as you feel the blessing of the Mother of the World, of the Buddha of a cosmos. Feel the love of God and know that you are God-sealed, God-healed this day, to go forth to found the education of the Aquarian age.3

I bid you, prepare yourselves well. I bid you, come to the halls of learning in the Great White Brotherhood. I bid you, study in our Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral4 that I might initiate you further. For this is a step along the way, and there are many steps, as a cobblestone path, leading you one by one to the vast forever, forever, forever of a cosmos.

I AM with you unto the fulfillment of the cosmos within your very own heart and mind and soul. I AM Gautama. I come to make you whole!

*signet: “A mark, sign, stamp” (The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary)

antahkarana [Sanskrit, “internal sense organ”]: the web of life; the net of light spanning Spirit and Matter, connecting and sensitizing the whole of creation within itself and to the heart of God

astral: “of or consisting of a supersensible substance held in theosophy to be next above the tangible world in refinement” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition)

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 5, 1975, during the seminar Education in the Age of Aquarius held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1. Gautama Buddha is the hierarch of Shamballa, an ancient retreat of the Brotherhood located on the etheric plane over the Gobi Desert. From this retreat Gautama Buddha nourishes the threefold flame that is the spark of life anchored in the heart chakra of every child and son and daughter of God.

2. Matt. 8:12; 22:11-14; 25:29, 30.

3. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Education in the Age of Aquariusa nd The Freedom of the Child: Discovering the Inner Creative Self, both on MP3 CD; available at or by download at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

4. La Tourelle, a former headquarters of Church Universal and Triumphant in Colorado Springs, Colorado, was dedicated by the Divine Mother Omega in 1971 as the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral. At the time of this dictation, La Tourelle was the location of Summit University. The property was sold in November 1984, and the light and forcefield of the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral was eventually transferred to the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch in Corwin Springs, Montana, where Summit University is currently held. Go to Summit University for information or call 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

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