Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 56 No. 16 - Beloved Meta - August 15, 2013

Let Your Mission Be the Healing of the Nations

In the great trenches of life are the souls imprisoned, reaching out and begging for a crumb from the Master’s table. Who will feed them? Who will give to them the crust of bread that to them is life itself?

I speak in the hour and in the age when the need for healing from the heart of the Master is paramount. I speak in the age when the disciples of the Master must be the Master’s instruments of healing.

Who, then, will be the instrument of healing? Who will be the disciplined one? Who will love the suffering humanity more than life itself?

I will increase this day your awareness of millions of souls crying out to God. For I desire that you should realize not only the presence of these souls but the dearth of leaders who are the shepherds of the Lord Christ.

Where are the ones who are called in this age? Do they fear the Law? Do they fear the honor of truth that will be to them the shield and the sword of defense? Do they not know that they seal their pact with death, the very death of the soul, when they betray the children of God on earth?

I speak of the heads of state of the United States, of the Soviet Union and of China. I speak of those individuals who are near them in power who pose as the humanitarians of the age, who conceal from the people their betrayal of the light. I speak of those, then, who will take the light and the energy of the lightbearers and turn and use it against other lightbearers, who will take the science of the Mother and, instead of giving it to her children, will give it to the overlords, who will betray and murder her children.

The Revolution of Light

You who are the children of God and the children of the light must first wrest from the powers that be in your own nations that which they have taken from you. And then you must turn, in that coming revolution, and you must give the bread to the hungry.

I do not speak of a Communist revolution. I speak of the revolution of light for light. I speak of the revolution as the return of the souls of God to the center of God. I speak of a coming moment when the energy of the Great Central Sun will increase in the hearts of those who have prepared the way.

And in that hour, there will be vast and sweeping changes on earth and very strange happenings. And only those who have prepared the way for the coming of the Christ, the King, and the Spirit and the Father Supreme will have that necessary resource to keep the way of the Tree of Life and to stand and still stand in the day of salvation.

The hosts of the LORD have been bringing you to this point for thousands of years. But some have not walked the Way with the children of Israel. They have left the company of the saints, and they have gone to other pastures and other streams. Now it is the concentration of the light and the lightbearers in community, in the very presence of the teachers and the messengers, that will secure a one-pointed victory for all evolutions.

Healing the Mind, Heart and Soul of the Lightbearers

I come, then, with a flame of healing because the mind of this people requires healing—the minds of the American people and the people of every nation, especially the minds of the lightbearers. This restoration is a requirement. It is indeed a necessity in this hour. For the mind must be congruent with the mind of God in order to hear the Word of that mind.

Let healing go forth, then, from this heart and platform, from the citadel of your own consciousness, as the healing masters come to intensify the action of healing at your services. And let every teaching center and focus of lightbearers now increase the invocations for the healing not only of the mind but also the heart and soul of the people. For if the mind, the heart and the soul are healed, then I tell you, the physical temples will conform to the inner design. Let us seek, then, to heal the causes. And let truth be the sword that cleaves asunder the Real from the unreal and polarizes Reality in the consciousness of the All-in-all.

I am Meta. I come, daughter of Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus. I come, then, to instill in the people and to reactivate, in the ancient shrines of healing, the science whereby all that has burdened the body of the Mother in her children in this age may be reversed as a dark spiral. And simultaneously, as the Dark Cycle manifests the plagues and the coming of great darkness, so in the temple of the remnant there will be a new light, a new energy. And it will be for those who are free to move above the science of matter into the science of Spirit-Matter, who are free not to conform where conformity means death, who are free to be in life.

Let all, then, who are selfless in the healing arts and those who pray selflessly receive our increment of light this day. I pray, then, that when the Holy Spirit comes to the temples of mankind, you will be there to bear witness of the coming of that Spirit.

Let your services include the exorcism of the demons who come to take the light that flows through you, from the Father, the Son and the Spirit, to the souls of those incarnate. They stand in the way of the ray of light to cast a shadow and to prevent the fulfillment of the union of the Spirit and the bride. So then, the Spirit and the bride say, “Come. Come into the reunion with the Lamb.”

Let God be magnified in this temple and in you. And let your mission, then, be the healing of the nations.1 And let the leaves of the Tree of Life be the virtues of your own causal bodies which you invoke from the Godhead to now be the fruit that you gladly give for life, eternal life—not as the poisoned apple given to Snow White, but as the fruit that comes from the Garden of Eden, now given as a glad-free gift to those who have passed the initiation, then, passed the initiation of obedience to the law of being.

I am, in the flame of the inner self, the healing light. By invocation and good works, by motive that is pure, you will unlock the crystal flow of waters and be to all life the instrument of healing wholeness. And out of thy belly shall flow these living waters for the healing of the Matter plane.2 As the desire body conforms to the desire body of God, so the solar plexus, then, becomes the open door to the joy and the laughter of the Buddha and the Mother.

I am, in the flame of truth, Meta, servant of the Most High God, handmaid of the Lord, your sister in the service of truth.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Meta was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, June 5, 1977, in Pasadena, California.

1. Rev. 22:2.

2. John 7:38.

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