Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 56 No. 17 - Beloved Lanello - September 1, 2013

Who Will Tell Them?

Let the Leaders Come Forth

How can there be a greater love than the love that is shared by those friends of old who have sat at the feet of the masters together? Ours is a friendship of the ages.

I come again, as I came to you just a few short years ago,1 you not knowing that I would be taken from you and I not wanting to tell you. Is it not so that the worlds are changed in the twinkling of an eye? Is it not so that blessed friendship, the tie that binds heart with heart across the ages, is renewed again and again, even across the barriers where the finite becomes the infinite?

Are we separated only by a thought, only by a feeling, only by a heartbeat? Rather, the sense of separation is yours, for I have no such sense. Having entered into the heart of every Keeper of the Flame, I have indeed become one with each heartbeat.

The pulsing fire of that flame is the rising of a devotion unto God. Like a fountain that is reaching toward the sky, so is the fire of the heart of the Keeper of the Flame, pushing higher and higher, transcending itself in ever new spirals. I am there with you in its pulsation, in every effort and yearning, every imploring to God that you make for healing, for wholeness.

You have, then, with you always a messenger who listens carefully to your conversations with God, who acts as your emissary before the Court of the Sacred Fire. You have in me the Ever-Present Guru, and you have in Elizabeth the one in manifestation who brings to you my word and the word of the hosts of light as a reminder that we are very near.

God has assigned to me the very special care of the flock of sheep, the devotees who are part of the mandala of the Mother, called the mandala of the 144,000. And so I reveal to you that the work of the two witnesses that is prophesied2 will not be fulfilled until 144,000 souls have, through this teaching, ascended into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM.

This is indeed the work of the ages, and yet the age for the destiny of the fiery return of these souls is at hand. There is an opportunity for these sheep to pass by the door of our Christ consciousness, to be supported—by one in Matter, one in Spirit—in what we have called the push-pull action of our twin flames. When you are a part of Saint Germain’s fraternity, because you have made the commitment to take the responsibility to be a publisher of the Word of God, to spread abroad the teachings, we are then allowed by the Lords of Karma to be your advocates in this way. And so you can know that as I am pulling, Elizabeth is pushing you on the homeward way. Because you are our friends, we are grateful that our twin flames are able to perform this service to life.

We Have Been Together in Many Ages,
on Many Continents

You have been our friends down through the ages. We were in Egypt together, and in your memory body there is the recollection of Ikhnaton and Nefertiti and the vow that we made for the resurrection of the land of Afra when thirty-three centuries would have transpired. For we knew then, we who are friends today, we knew the law of reincarnation. Our worship of the sun was the worship of the I AM THAT I AM.3 But these facts are not recorded in stone or in the books of history. These facts are recorded in the heart of those who were and who are our friends.

We were together in China and at the court of Arthur. We were together with Jesus, our Lord. This group of devotees has been one in the sacred fire of the cultures of the Mother on many continents. You have taken embodiment here on a number of occasions. Many of you vowed to come forth with Sanat Kumara, as we did, and you came as legions of angels, angels of the violet flame, angels of faith and goodwill. And when you saw the plight of the children of Afra4 here below, you volunteered to enter the bodies you now wear so that you could identify with this people and with this culture.

You must remember, then, that the body you wear is a coat, like the coats of skins that were given to Adam and Eve.5 But existence is before. Christ is before. The I AM is before. The soul, then, is a being of light, a sphere of white fire, with the colorations, auric colorations, that mark the choices of free will.

It is well to identify with the people and the race and the culture of your service. It is well to identify completely, for thereby you better serve God’s children. But now and then it is well to remember that you are not of this world, as I was not of this world, that you have come from far-off worlds, that you are natives of eternity, that your allegiance is unto the Lord. Your allegiance unto the Son and unto Alpha and Omega will one day free you from the clay mold. But, then, that clay vessel has a period of usefulness. And therefore, in every culture those whom we call friends have taken embodiment.

As I look over the earth, I see my friends from the ancient empire of the Incas now embodied in South America, some as descendants and others of Germanic, Spanish or Portuguese origin. I see my friends in the north, in the northernmost parts of Canada and Siberia. I see my friends now wearing the yellow skin, the slanted eyes. I remember when we were together with Confucius.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand that the light revolution on earth has been going on for centuries and that always the same band of souls has been responsible for the turning of the tide of darkness. One hundred and forty-four thousand souls of the Mother’s mandala are sufficient to bring the rebirth of Christ’s kingdom in every age. Considering that these souls continue to reembody and do so with an accelerating momentum, you can see how Morya and Saint Germain and Mary the Mother and Jesus himself have also been embodied in many cultures, in many ages.

The Absolute Necessity for You to Lead

Could you, if you tried today, name and identify 144,000 leaders of the light revolution on earth? Yes, there are many followers of these shepherd kings, of these priests and priestesses, and they are in many movements East and West, each having a piece of the pie of our cosmic consciousness. But it would seem that there is a dearth of leadership, and it is not because all are not available but it is because some who have had the responsibility for leadership (due to certain conditions of their karma in these last days) have actually rebelled against the position of leader. They have wanted to follow— follow the messengers, follow the gurus out of the East.

They have looked at and they have remembered past ages when they had to deal with mankind and their rebellion and when they had to wrestle with that rebellion. They have seen those situations and recognize their own failure to be true leaders and true examples. They have seen how, in the face of the waywardness of mankind, they have lost their God-control, and instead of becoming leaders they have become tyrants—tyrants of the Church, tyrants of the State. Therefore this mandala of 144,000 (though chosen by God for the rescue team of mankind), upon entering the mission in succeeding embodiments, made karma with those whom they came to deliver.

This is your plight also. You have come. You have mingled with the cultures that you sought to resurrect, and you find yourself balancing karma with the children of God.

Now we call once again those who are ordained to positions of leadership. The hour has come. The hour has come for you to represent the Mother, the Christ, the two witnesses, and all who have ever gone before who are now ascended and who therefore cannot take embodiment again to lead the people.

Here we are. Heaven has opened. The bowers of loveliness are showered upon the people. The people feel the light and the radiation. They say, “What is happening in Accra? What is happening in Paris? What is happening in Peking? We feel a light. We feel a presence. There is cataclysm in nature. There is disturbance.”

The people know that something is happening. Indeed, the hosts of the LORD are coming. The legions of Astrea are coming. The deliverers are coming.

But who will tell the people who is coming and why? Who will tell the people of the Holy Spirit and the arc of contact? Who will tell them of the science of the spoken Word? Who will tell them that the voice of God can be heard? Who will tell them that our God is nigh? Who will tell them to run and not sigh? Who will tell them of the ancient story, the elder art and elder glory? Who will tell them of Lanello, now ascended, who made his mark, whom some have called the Mother of the Ark?6 Who will tell them?

Will you tell them, as I have called you? Will you come? Will you blow the trumpet with a certain sound for this our final earthly round?

Will you rise to be the leader of mankind? Will you rise to be the fulfillment of the love of God? Will you come, children of the Sun, to consecrate the love we share in one? Will you come to know the open door, sacred centers of light, Alpha and Omega making all things right?

Who will tell them of El Morya? Who will tell them that our God is here and now the Law, the virtue and the song of sacred vow? Who will come to know the truth and, in that truth, be the proof that God is law and energy, that God is love, that God is the way out and the momentum of our joyous shout, which we give in acclamation of the Word, the Logos, which we give in witness of that light, that flame, that friendship?

Who will tell them now that there is a relationship twixt gods and men that can be entered into once again in this day and age of mechanization and modernization, that there is a Mother who will teach the Mater-realization?

Christ I AM and I know it. Christ you are. Do you know it? And if you know it, do you have the courage to proclaim it?

Mankind will come. They will demand it! They will command it! And then the question will be, “Where are the leaders? Where are the ones who will take us and place our hand in his?”

Do you know that your children and your children’s children will condemn you if you fail to take them by the hand and to show them that God is here, that God is nigh, that God is the finger that writes across the sky the memory of the Ancient of Days—the memory of the one who brought the truth, who taught to us the holy ways and the story and the glory of the seven rays and the seven chohans and of the Elohim and the archangels? Who will tell them? Who will tell them?

Will you come, then, apart from the shell and from the coat you wear? Will you divorce yourself from the rebellion against your lawful place as leaders of the New Age?

The Mother and the messengers of light are beset by chelas on the Path in this city and the next city and the next city. And one and all they cry, “Mother, send us a leader. Mother, send us a leader, and we will not squabble and we will not fight and we will come together and we will form our group, our church.” And the Mother must answer, “I have no leader to send you save yourself. You are the leader.”

If you have not prepared for this moment in time and space, then run quickly to the mountain, to the Holy of Holies. Run to the mountain to pray. Run to Muhammad. Run to Israel.* Run to the Holy of Holies and say, “O LORD God, I have squandered my inheritance. I have wasted my hours. I have not been fastidious. I have not studied, nor have I exercised self-discipline. Now, O God, the Mother needs me to lead my people, to lead my people into freedom, to let my people go.

“Therefore I pray you, O LORD, to transmute my lack and my negligence, to place in me the miracle grace of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the ancient calling. LORD, I beseech you in my lack of preparation, in my poverty of soul-deliberation. I beseech you to place upon me the mantle of the Lord, the mantle I would wear as Elijah and Elisha of old,7 the mantle that I would use to bring the sheep into the fold.”

You must know that with all of the shortcomings of the human consciousness, the Christ within is worthy and the soul can be brought into alignment with the Christ. And therefore if you have not thought of being disciples, evangelists, ministers or elder statesmen and leaders of the new way of Afra, I say, think of it this day. Think upon it. And know that there is a fiery core and a fiery cell within you. There is a nucleus of energy and that nucleus can be split, as the splitting of the atom. And the energy within, as the fiery blueprint of your calling, can be released increment by increment by your Christ Self to your waiting outer consciousness.

Let the leaders come forth, then. Let them recognize that necessity is the mother of invention, that there is an absolute necessity for you and you and you to lead those who look to you in the line of hierarchy. You must open the door to the ascended masters. You must dissolve those ties with lesser affiliations and commitments that would only hide your light and confine your light to this or that narrow purpose.

Ours is the calling and the cause of the ages. It is the cause of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood in a mission for the elevation of humanity. Ours is a cause that must transcend doctrine and dogma. Ours is a cause that must supersede those who demand your allegiance to their earthly organizations, to their personalities.

Acceptance of the Light

So let it be. Let the 144,000, who are called in the mandala of the World Mother, be free to take the teachings of the ascended masters and to bring these teachings wherever there are hearts who will receive them. And let the testing of their hearts be their acceptance or their rejection of the masters’ words. For the emanation of the Brotherhood and the light and the Holy Spirit—that permeates every page and every word of the dictations that have been given forth—is for the very testing of souls in this age.

Souls who contact the teaching also receive the light. And when they reject the teaching, they are rejecting the light of our Brotherhood. Let them also be, then, rejected by our emissaries in embodiment, not because we would leave behind these souls but because there are so many, many who are hungering and thirsting after the truth and after righteousness that you must be upon your mission.

You must hasten on your way and know that the acceptance of the light is the acceptance of the cause and of the Brotherhood. And this acceptance marks the soul who has been marked by God, not with the mark of the beast or the number of the beast or the number of his name,8 but [with the mark of the Christ], marked by the Christ to deliver the word of the Great White Brotherhood.

Each One of You Has Been Called
to Contact a Certain Number of Souls

Let us be up and doing, then. Let us know, then, that the call is to the few and it is to the many, that in order to qualify for your own ascension you must meet the requirements of your karma.

Before coming to you this evening, I sat down with the Keeper of the Scrolls to review the record of each lifestream who would be here this night. You may think that you did not know yesterday that you would be here this night, but I tell you that I knew and my angels knew that you would be here. And so I read the record, and I read that which is given to you as an assignment for this incarnation. And there is not one of you in this room—not man, not woman, not child, nor child in the womb—who has not been called to contact a certain number of souls in this life to pass the flame and the teaching. And each one of you agreed before taking embodiment that you would not fail, that you would not leave this earth until you had found those certain souls. For some it is fifty, for some it is five hundred, and for some, five thousand and more.

Do you see, then, that as the numbers multiply, so must your means of contact multiply. And therefore I commend you for catching the vision of the power of the press, the press that can be used to promulgate the Word. For the contact of souls in the printed word will accomplish the requirement.

And you must become as the sower, sowing seeds, knowing that as you sow the Pearls of Wisdom and as you send them forth, some will fall upon the good earth, some will fall upon fallow ground, some will fall upon the rocks, some into the sea. And this is the means whereby God has sent forth his teaching. As in nature, many more seeds are created than those which germinate. You will then have to have a great outreach, a personal ministry, as well as the spreading abroad of the teachings.

I can assure you that if you call to me and ask me to assist you to contact those souls whom you have pledged to contact, I will help you. I have helped many to fulfill their karma in this age. I will lead you to the faraway places, and I will show you that in your very own neighborhood as well as across the continent you can find the souls that have the mark of Christ in this age.

I have come to you this evening to renew a friendship, with a reminder, a friendship that will continue forever. Even long after we have graduated from this system of worlds, I am certain that our Father and our Mother will send us for the rescue of other lifewaves. And even when there are none left to rescue, there will always be the tutoring of new life and new root races in the initiations of the Cosmic Christ.

With joy, then, let us move hand in hand across the earth, and let our circle of oneness span the planet round. Let us be the unity of nations. Let us be those who will form that invincible avant-garde of victory and of light.

I hope you will come in your finer bodies to our retreat on the etheric plane over the Rhine River.9 I extend to you now a formal invitation, and I will send to you my courier, an angel of light who will accompany you to that retreat so that you can see me in your finer body. And we will sit by the fire in our castle and we will talk again about our friendship.

God be with you, my friends.

*Israel has often been defined by the ascended masters as “all that Is Real.”

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, September 19, 1976, during the Ghana Class, held in Accra, Ghana. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]

1. In July 1972, the messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet held the African Summit Conference in Accra, the first Summit Lighthouse conference in Africa.

2. Rev. 11:3.

3. The messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet were embodied as Ikhnaton and Nefertiti, who ruled Egypt in the fourteenth century B.C. and founded a monotheistic religion that was distinguished by the worship of the sun. For more on the significance of the worship of the sun, see p. 15 n. 1, this volume. See also Incarnations of the Magnanimous Heart of Lanello—Ikhnaton, Messenger of Aton, on CD, available at

4. The ascended master Afra (a frater, Latin, “brother”) is the patron of Africa and of the black (originally blue and violet) race.

5. Gen. 3:21.

6. Lanello was embodied as Mark L. Prophet, whom some have called the Mother of the Ark, for as the master Kuthumi has said, “He nourished the flame of the ark of the covenant and drew therefrom the eternal message of salvation to God’s chosen people.”

7. The mantle of the Lord, the mantle I would wear as Elijah and Elisha. The Lord Jesus was embodied as Elisha, the disciple of the prophet Elijah. When Elijah “went up by a whirlwind into heaven,” Elisha received the mantle of Elijah, who later embodied as John the Baptist (II Kings 2:9–15).

8. Rev. 13:11, 16-18; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:19, 20; 20:4.

9. Lanello’s retreat on the etheric plane is located over the city of Bingen on the Rhine River in West Germany. The vibration of the retreat can be felt throughout the entire city and surrounding valley. Apollo and Lumina have explained why Lanello’s retreat was established in Germany: “I must also tell you that the love of Lanello and his own consort with you was the very cause of the establishment of that retreat on the Rhine as a dedication of the pillar of fire and their sponsorship thirty-three centuries ago in the incarnation of Ikhnaton and Nefertiti. For you see, that Father-Mother flame, that focus, also has been for the sponsorship of the reincarnation of the lightbearers of ancient Egypt in the nation of Germany this day.” Lanello has said, “Come to our retreat. It is... home away from home till we reunite with the Ancient of Days and all of our brothers and sisters and march the grand march to the great Great Central Sun.” For more on Lanello’s retreat, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 445-47; available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

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