Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 57 No. 24 - Beloved Lanello - December 15, 2014

The Flame of the Christ Mass

Increase the Fire of Your Heart!

Lanello's Birthday Message
Part 2

Your heart is the heart of God. I said, your heart is the heart of God. Accept that and be free—eternally free in the light! Your heart is the heart of God.

Think, then, what can come forth from your heart. If your heart is the heart of God, then it is the heart of Christ. Then you can dare to be the heart of humanity. You can dare to keep the flame for a world and for systems of worlds, for the flame is equal to the task.

And so we look across America and the world. We see the quickened. We see those who are not quickened. Their auras are gray. It matters little whether they are in the body or out of the body, for they make no progress Godward.

I say, increase your fire to rouse them from their death! I say, increase that fire so that as you pass them in the way, the fire will leap from your heart and touch them and ignite a flame long lost. Wherever you are, you must be the carrier of fire. And your fire must light the rooms of the world, must inspire, must consume, must transform. It must be a healing presence.

Be on Fire for God!

I implore you: Be the fire that God has made you to be! And meditate with me, then, at this year's end, this year of the Holy Spirit.1 Meditate on the boundlessness of the flame, the freedom of the flame, the completeness of the flame, the capacity of the flame to be all things to all people.

You must carry the teachings by love and by the fire of love. You must not be content to hang up a poster or give a book; you must infuse the poster and the book with your light. And if your light does not infuse Mater, you will be found wanting in the day of judgment.

I call to all Keepers of the Flame in my Christmas message. Do not be satisfied that you have the teaching. That is only the beginning. Take the teaching to your heart. Project it to a world. Do not be satisfied until you can kindle souls by the hundreds and the thousands. We do not want to see the ascended masters' teachings die on the vine because of a lack of fiery hearts going forth.

You must understand that you are required to look, as I have looked, upon thousands of years of dispensations and great avatars who have walked the earth. They have left their teachings, some recorded in books and some recorded in hearts. Understand that the teaching is lost unless it be a living teaching. And some have sought a living master. I seek a living teaching, for I know that where I find the living teaching, I will find the living master.

The master lives within you this day. Let him live. Give him room. Open the windows of the soul, the chakras, and let the precious air of the Holy Spirit flow for the increase of fire. The fire must have the air of the Holy Spirit to burn. Therefore, open consciousness. Open the way in the four lower bodies. Open the way for the fire to flow.

Now then, let go of all that binds you. Let go of complications. Let go and simply be the fire. Be on fire for God! Be love, for only love will draw souls into this focus.2 And Chamuel has placed a focus of love.3 It must be taken in. It must be used. You must become that fiery cross. You must become the heart of a Buddha. You must become all these things.

We are not interested in hearing you talk about these things. We want you to witness. Witness to the fire! Be what you talk about, or be silent until you can be what you are talking about. Too many voices, too many stories, too much intellectual prattle. Better to be silent in the flame and to approach the fringe of cosmic consciousness than to be lost in the perpetual emotions, the bubbling, the foam, the vapor of idle conversation, rationalizations, doubts and fears that spawn a doctrine not of the light, not of the Christ.

Love Yourself and Love Those around You

I AM Lanello. I have become the flame of love, and by that love I AM the victor. I would have you ride upon my coattails, but the Law would not allow it. The Law requires that you become love. Start loving now. Love yourself. Eject all self-condemnation. Put it into the flame that is before you. Put it in consciously, and with it will go the demons of the night that torment you with their condemnation, their vilification.

The dark ones will never cease their deception by condemnation. They will pick you apart, as the crows of the night. And they will continue to pick, year in, year out, until you decide to cast them out. Let it be now. Let this be your birthday gift to one born in Capricorn. Let all of it go into the flame, and be free! See how much lighter you feel when you love yourself. God loves you, so begin by loving yourself. And when you love yourself free, you will see God standing where you are—God living, God burning, God consuming, God loving all parts of life free.

Let love be more than a smile. Let the smile be the effect of a cause, a burning in your heart to convey a fire. Let your motto be “Start a fire!” Start a fire with Maitreya. Start a fire that will never, never be put out. Start it now in your heart and see it leaping. I can see it leaping across this land to hearts and homes who have never been touched by the fiery destiny of the soul.

Be, then, the angels who make their rounds this night enshrining the Christ Child. Extend the flame! Expend the flame! And be fulfilled by your extension of selfhood, by your expenditure of selfhood. Only in spending yourself will God spend himself within you. The fire must be renewed. To be renewed, it must be given away.

O precious ones, there is far more to my message than the simple words I speak. And yet, if you will apply these words, you will go beyond a certain frame of consciousness and discover the nucleus of my message.

I am telling you that this movement, in order to succeed, must be a movement of intense love that will magnetize the honor of the Holy Spirit, the brooding of the Holy Spirit, the caring for mankind. I am telling you that without love you will not succeed in conveying the teaching and that with love you will conquer all.

Now, I expect that you will do something about your limitations and the limitations that you have placed upon love and God and the fire within you. I expect that you will do something about my message and not leave it hanging in these rooms, but that you will change your life, that you will take to heart that I am saying that unless you increase the fire and the love, the dispensations of the Brotherhood cannot flow. And so until you effectively pull out all the stops and let love flow, you will find that you will not expand as you desire to expand.

When you have sufficiently loved yourself to consume the jagged edges of your self-analysis, your self-hypnosis, your self-deprecation, then turn around and love those around you. Criticism is an absence of love. Strife and discord, cruelty and pettiness—all of these things belie the flame of love. The bickering and the argumentation, the gossip and the evil spirits that flirt with those on the fringe of the movement—these are the absence of love. And those who are not able to sustain a momentum of glorying in the Law and in the power of the spoken Word, these suffer the dread disease of selfishness, where there is no love. And that selfishness leads to death and to decay of the human soul.

And therefore, let the softness, the kindness, the concern, the caring, the politeness, the tender regard for one another, as you would regard the ascended hosts, be your way today and every day which follows unto the hour of your ascension. Consider yourselves the mystical body of Christ.4 Love one another each moment as you would love him as he is taken down from the cross and cared for by the holy ones. Be unto one another lovers of Christ, lovers of his body and his soul, lovers of his sorrow and his triumph.

Learn to love to do well, and you shall. Let mediocrity be expelled from this organization as a manifestation of selfishness. Let the desire for perfection be seen as the work of love. Let the desire to serve be seen as the work of love. Let the desire to pray be seen as the work of love.

I Give You All of the Love of My Heart

And so my gift to you this night is the gift of all of the love of my heart. I give it unto you that it might be filled and renewed and again exalted that I might give it again. And so I give it all, and I ascend into the heart of God to gain the allness of his love for the imparting of that love again and again and again.

As I have shared with you my love and my heart's plea this night, I bid you: Go and do likewise. I ask you to embrace one another in the fond embrace of the love of Christ, that you might sense that you are one in body, one in soul, one in mind. And I ask you to impart the fire of your heart, to let it leap. And therefore, bear one another's burden. Bear one another's burden.5

In the name of the Father and of the Mother, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I salute you in love.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24, 1975, in Santa Barbara, California. It was previously published by The Summit Lighthouse in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19, no. 50, on December 12, 1976. The 1976 Pearls of Wisdom are currently out of print. Continued from Pearl of Wisdom vol. 57, no. 23.

1. The year 1975 was the year of the Holy Spirit because it marked the final quarter of the century, in which the Holy Spirit was released to mankind.

2. “This focus” refers to the Motherhouse and Teaching Center that Keepers of the Flame maintained in Santa Barbara from 1969 to 1983. It was a central focus for the ascended masters and their students.

3. In a dictation given on August 18, 1975, in Santa Barbara, Archangel Chamuel said: “As you have sent forth love, so love returns in the sign of a mighty pink cross in this focus. And I consecrate that cross and beloved Nada also consecrates that cross, adorning it now with the pink-flame roses of her heart. … Therefore the pink cross is composed of exactly… the momentum of love that has gone forth from this place since the moment of its consecration—love from the hearts of devotees, love from the hearts of the messengers, love from the hearts of all the masters that has been released. … All is returned, then, multiplied by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand. … And as your love and compassion increase for all souls upon the planetary body, so that love will be returned to reinforce, to increase, to expand that cross until it can be seen across the face of the whole earth as the sign of the victory of love.”

4. Rom. 12:4-5.

5. Gal. 6:2.

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