As I come in the light of mercy’s flame, comes the Beloved. The Beloved sings to the beloved the hymns of heaven that are for the comfort and the mercy of earth. Who is the Beloved who comes in the name of God to serenade the beloved, that that beloved might return to the One? Why, it is your own beloved I AM Presence and your own beloved ascended twin flame. It is your brother or sister of light ascended who has also come to this conclave of Soul Liberation to greet you, Keeper of the Flame, and to hold the balance of power in Spirit that you might receive the wisdom-love in Matter.
Do you understand that you have a coordinate in heaven and that every step you take may be a corresponding step for those who are marching in the victory of the legions on high? You, then, are not alone but all one; and by the dispensation of the Lords of Karma, you form an integral figure-eight pattern with your own blessed Mediator at the nexus of life whereby, as above in the macrocosm so below in the microcosm, there is a cosmic flow betwixt and among members of the Great White Brotherhood. You, then, as unascended members must count yourselves members when you keep your life according to the teachings of the ascended masters to the best of your ability and when you give your life unflinchingly to our cause.
I AM Kuan Yin, Bodhisattva of Mercy. I stand in a pillar of mercy’s fire in the midst of the International Capitalist/ Communist Conspiracy. I stand, then, as a great mediatrix of life. I keep the flame of mercy and mercy’s temple in the etheric plane over Peking and I am the instrument of judgment from the Lords of Karma to those who misuse the light of the violet flame in this age, perverting the cycles of mercy and the rituals of mercy whereby, through the path of initiation, the soul can indeed attain that soul liberation that is desired as the deep desiring of God within to be God.
I come, then, on the gentleness of the great flowing stream of your own divine lover, your own cosmic lover who provides you with the energy, bliss, joy and consciousness to fill you with that unspeakable momentum for life in life, in the very midst of a death culture and a death civilization. I have said that television is death in Technicolor. I have said this because of the mass projections of death—death as a way of life, linear, without feeling, mechanical, driving, driving and impelling children and adults to program the brain, the mind and the soul to the plots of the fallen ones. I see, then, the captivation of our people, not only by the television set— which should be “thrown out the window”—but also by every form of mass hallucination and manipulation.
Now, I am the mother of media and of communication, for communication is at the flow of the nexus of the figure eight and it is by the mercy of the technology of the Mother that all of this is the instrument in our hands. And therefore, I speak only figuratively; but, precious ones, if all that is to come forth across the television set is that which comes across today, then personally, rather than see my children hypnotized by it, I would come in, roll up my sleeves, and do just that—throw it out the window!
But I say better than that, go to the cause and core. Go to the plot behind the plot, as they say, and determine that you are the ones who have the authority as sons and daughters of God to determine what shall be the intake of children on Terra today! Let it be done, then.
This is a conference for soul liberation. This is the hour when we contemplate the defense of the four sides of the pyramid of life, when we see how the bastions of that freedom to be whole have been assailed, have been punctured, have been desecrated—and the subsequent decimation of the soul and the soul consciousness. These are the lambs of God who have been tampered with. This is God’s energy that has been tampered with. Yet, in the very midst, my beloved, comes the eternal flame, comes the Call, the Word, and the science of the Virgin.
Understand, then, that our exposure of the fallen ones1 is not for your dismay, not for your weariness or your burden, but for your realization of the mark for the thousand arrows that I place now upon your back in your pack for you to use with the cosmic bow, to call the hand of the Cosmic Archer, and then to release that sacred-fire energy! As you pull your arrow and release it, so then realize that that arrow is composed of the rod of energy which you have raised as Kundalini fire and the sharpened point of the Christ consciousness which has retained, then, that discrimination and understands the cause and core.
After all, beloved ones, it is one thing to aim your arrows at the eggs of the serpent. But by and by, you know that you must direct that arrow at the very heart of the serpent itself. In this case, the serpent of the drug consciousness—alcohol, nicotine and sugar—is a female dragon, a female dragon that represents the entire planetary misuse of the Mother flame. And this misuse of the Mother flame is anti-Mother, it is hatred of the Mother, and it is the infliction of this hatred upon the remnant of her seed2 by the attack on the body of the Mother. Your physical body, your mental body, your emotional body, your etheric body are vehicles for the expression of the Mother light, the temple created by Almighty God for the raising of that sacred force.
Therefore, we shall see. We shall see as the messengers above and below continue to part the veil on the plots of the fallen ones. We shall see, then, what is the target for the direction of your energy—first, foremost, always in the science of the spoken Word, which is a mighty action of the sword of the Spirit and prepares the way for your release of the pen that fulfills the action of the sword.
Take out your pen, then, and consecrate that pen in your right hand or in your left and commit the determination of your heart to writing, to communication to your representatives and to the public in general, by first enforcing and backing the necessary legislation—as private citizens—and then backing your commitment to that legislation with written material which consists of the facts [concerning drug abuse], the figures, the exposure of the lie and, above all, the ascended masters’ teachings on the subject.
For many have heard the statistics [on drug addiction] and remain callous and unmoved; but when they hear the wisdom of the Great White Brotherhood that is the wisdom of the eternal Mother, then they understand. And by the understanding there is the great cosmic burst of Apollo and Lumina within the mind; and the electrode of the mind of God placed within the mind of man and woman3 releases the whys and the wherefores; and suddenly there is the quickening of the spirit and the soul when the individual recognizes the goal and these factors as hindrances to that goal.
This wisdom, this understanding, then, is the death of the discarnates and the fallen ones who have proceeded to march around the world with their lies and to place their lies upon the billboards, in the media and in the mass communication of newspapers, advertising and so on. See, then, how a little bit of illumination, a little bit of enlightenment, the understanding of the lines of battle that have been drawn long, long ago with the original rebellion of Lucifer can bring to you, to your friends and loved ones, the necessary courage to forsake these addictions!
The burden, then, upon the body of the Mother is best lifted by wisdom. But this wisdom must be supported by mercy’s flame. There must be the softening of the four lower bodies and a prior cleansing of those bodies—the bodies of the earth and of the population and especially the lightbearers whom you would reach. And therefore putting forth the violet flame to soften the consciousness of mankind is a very necessary calling in this hour.
You are concerned with the salvation of the earth and her evolutions, else you would not be present this day nor be partakers of five days of our coming together. For as mankind go, this represents a very important manifestation of time and energy, and hence to some it would be considered a sacrifice too great. As you have come, you have given your vote of confidence not only to the ascended masters but to our messenger and, above all, to our message.
Our message is the sweet message of soul liberation. It is taking the children of all ages gently by the hand. It is not frightening these children with condemnation of their activities engendered by the fallen ones. For the psychology of these fallen ones, as you shall see, is always to condemn the little ones to such levels of guilt and shame and fear regarding their activities and ultimately such hopelessness and worthlessness because of their involvement in addiction as to make them feel that they can no longer return to the state of grace if, indeed, they ever knew that state of grace in this life.
And therefore the Mother of Mercy must come. But, the Mother of Mercy can only come in your person, through your body, your soothing hand, your loving heart, your direct interaction with souls who, precious ones, no longer have the mental, emotional or physical strength to take another step. It is too steep, it is too hard, and they have lost their strength to the fallen ones by participation ignorantly and unwittingly in their schemes!
O beloved ones, if you could understand the utter hopelessness and the depression that comes upon the consciousness so beset, you would realize that the calling to you is to be brothers and sisters of mercy—to literally take these beloved ones in your arms and to say to them, “O my brother, O my sister, I love you! I love you! Won’t you come with me for a little while? Won’t you trust me? I am your friend. I come to bring you the love of the Mother and of our elder brothers and sisters, the ascended masters. Won’t you see that there is hope, that you can win, that you can find God in this life, that God desires to live in your temple and that you must come now and clean that temple and prepare for his coming? For he is not very far away as they have told you but so very close, even as close as your own heartbeat.”
Beloved ones, it is not necessary to sympathize with the discarnates who have their grips and their tentacles in these precious children, but above all it is absolutely necessary to give that compassion whereby for a time or a season you may have to be uncomfortable with the discarnates of the individual while you are wrestling with them and tutoring his soul in the way victorious.
Learn to live with a bit of uncomfortability for the sake of the salvation of that soul! Learn to walk a mile and another mile and to forgive seventy times seven. For, beloved ones, you cannot comprehend the cross of this addiction and the double cross when there are those in positions of professions who advocate more and more uses of drugs, creating greater and greater damage, for the relieving of the problem that has already been created by drugs.
This is indeed a double cross of the crucifixion that the individual must carry, as well as the betrayal of the very soul of these precious hearts. For in their hopelessness, if they can bring themselves to trust those in positions of authority, they also find, then, that they are once again betrayed—first by the drug pushers and peddlers, first by the entities, and then by those who come in the name of deliverers who often know not what they do but are trying in earnest to help these children. And they themselves are duped by the forces behind the scenes who manipulate the entire situation by creating a problem and then solving that problem with a deadlier problem.
Beloved hearts, taken from the equation of the relative scene, the battle always appears to be mammoth and this is why we come. We come in our dictations, in our conferences, and daily as you call upon us so that you may never lose the perspective of the heights of the Himalayas, of the summit of your own being, that to release the energy of the sacred fire and to issue the fiat “Let God be magnified!” is to release such light that the darkness, the momentum of thousands of years may be challenged, broken, collapsed, encircled and removed through the one whose dedication to God is absolute, because he loves and loves and loves to the uttermost the soul that is lost in the very depths of the astral sea.
What do you think is the greater motivator for service to life? Is it love for God or is it love for the soul that is lost? Beloved ones, the answer is, it is always the love for the one sheep who is lost that impels the great sacrifice of the shepherd.4
For you can easily say in your heart, “God does not need my love,” and therefore you may withdraw from God that greater measure of service which ought to be forthcoming. But when you, with your eyes wide open, see the desperate plight of the helpless victims, the little children, your love for God is multiplied a thousandfold—you have new strength, you can perform any feat, you can serve hour after hour, you can surrender the little pleasures of life, for you can say in your heart, “This is my brother. This is my sister. Life for me is not worth living in this state or in the ascended state if I cannot save my brother, my sister.”
Contemplate, then, your own child, your own baby held in your arms, your firstborn child. Think of everyone addicted on earth today to some form of addiction as your firstborn son. Think of yourselves as representatives of Alpha and Omega. Now look into your arms again as I place there a million lifestreams, all of whom are suffering, suffering the invasion of the temple by the hordes of night. You are a cosmic father, a cosmic mother. These are your children—the offspring of your loving, of you and your beloved. They are dying, they are crucified upon the cross!
Who will take them down from the cross? Who will wrap them in the swaddling garment? Who will bring them to that tomb of Mater where they, too, with your help may work out the problem of being, the science of overcoming, of drawing forth the resurrection flame? You become, then, mother and father of mercy; and it is your loving of God within the soul that has been the victim of evil that gives you the momentum to release the necessary light for healing. Beloved ones, if your own child is drowning or in a fire, you suddenly have the courage, the energy, the spurt, the mind to save that child, and you will sacrifice your life if necessary.
Beloved ones, this is the demand which I charge you to place upon your causal body and upon the Lords of Karma for the energy you will require of God’s mercy in your chakras—the energy to effect the necessary transfer of light so that when these souls contact the hem of your garment5 there is a transfer of such momentum that the very conversion of mercy takes place and the soul receives the impetus to walk, step by step, that way that is so difficult of the withdrawal from the substance of addiction plus the withdrawal from the entities themselves who will scream and claw their victim until they are defeated by starvation.
And I tell you, when they are starving for light because the individual will no longer take in the impure substance, it is then that they summon their last dying energy to strike their death blows upon the individual. And thus you have the symptoms of every manner of condition within the body of tremendous illness and violent convulsions and eruptions. This is caused by the entities as well as the chemical reaction within the body temple.
Understand, then, that all of this viciousness is the war for the life of the soul. And who is defending the soul in that hour? It is you, blessed ones, who stand in the place of the Mediator, the Christ Self, because the Christ Self has not the contact in this octave with the soul—because the soul has sunk so far beneath the level of the Christ consciousness that it is your energy which must provide the pathway, the link, until the soul can reach the hand of the Christ Self and seize that hand and be pulled to safety.
Beloved ones, those who are the rescuers on earth go out and save lives in the seas, in the wilderness, from fires and from affliction. They are the welcome deliverers as they arrive on the scene of the accident, and they come with precisely the knowledge of how to care for the body temple. In this moment, the life of the individual rests in the hands of these deliverers. So, blessed ones, great teams of angels of mercy and ministration, of Raphael’s band and of all of the seven archangels, are also experts in deliverance. But they require you to be instruments, they require the focal point in Mater.
And so I charge you this day to open your eyes and to see the great need. Do not block yourself from the sensing of the cries of the world and of world pain, do not surfeit your body temple and your vehicles with substance and energy that blocks out the cries of the children pleading for help. For it is to you that they call. You to them represent the Great White Brotherhood incarnate. Their access to our abode is through the one who is nearest in vibration and in manifestation.
Beloved ones, you are that one. You are the one who provides the open door to contact with Christ in this age. Understand, then, what it means to be as the instrument of mercy. This is why I am a bodhisattva; for as I have looked upon the suffering of earth’s evolutions, I have said, “Life to me is not worth living in the ascended octave while there is one soul on earth remaining who yet suffers. And so I am not willing to go on in cosmic service or cosmic consciousness. I must stay and stay.”
And therefore, you can understand that my love for the God within the soul of the helpless victim remains that momentum of love which I sustain in the earth body—the counterpart of my love for God in the Great Central Sun. Because I know him in his glory, because I know Alpha and Omega in the fullness of the freedom of the rhythm of cosmos, I know what the God within the imprisoned soul can be. And I know that that God is the same God whom I adore in Father-Mother, Alpha and Omega. It is, therefore, my Father and my Mother who are suffering in my children whom I hold in my arms and rock in my arms in their finer bodies until you can come and tend to them in physical manifestation.
Beloved ones, not your child alone but your Father-Mother God suffers the crucifixion this day. May the mercy flame that I release to you now, the floral offering from the fields of mercy flowers that surround our temple, now placed in your aura, transfer to you the fragrance, the tender feeling of mercy that will make you, too, a sensitive bodhisattva in the way.
I AM your Mother of Mercy. I have carried you far, oh so very far, my child. Now I take you in my arms. I hold you close to my heart and I place you down on your two feet on the earth and I say to you: My child, now it is your turn to take your little brother and your little sister, to carry them in your arms far, far along life’s way, far on the path of safety and security. Go now, my child. Go now—little brother, little sister is crying.
Take him now, take him for me. Comfort each little one, hold them close and whisper to them, “My dear, my child, God, God is near. I will take you. I will comfort you. I will compensate for your loss until you are once more in the arms of God.”
I AM forevermore your Mother, Kuan Yin.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Kuan Yin was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 6, 1977, at Soul Liberation, held in Pasadena, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the messenger for clarity in the written word.]
1. During Soul Liberation, the messenger delivered exposés on a wide range of topics: “The Attack on Youth: Drugs, Alcohol, Nicotine, and Sugar”; “The Manipulation of Youth: Education and Family Life”; “The Science of Rhythm for the Mastery of the Sacred Energies of Life” (now available on DVD as The Power of Music to Create or Destroy ); “A Fantasia on the Duality of Good and Evil,” an exposé on UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle, the “hollow earth,” and robots; and “The Coming Revolution: the Alchemical Key ::1666::,” on the International Capitalist/ Communist Conspiracy. Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan, Jr., retired Chief of Intelligence, U.S. Air Force, also delivered an exposé on “The Defense of America.” These lectures are available from www.AscendedMaster
2. Rev. 12:17.
3. On July 6, 1975, the Elohim Apollo announced the dispensation of the “stepping-up of the mind of humanity”—the release of an increment of the light of illumination “delivered only once in ten thousand years for the elevation of consciousness and the centering of that consciousness in the crown [chakra].” See “An Increment of Light from the Holy Kumaras,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 283–84, and on the album Shasta 1975, available from On October 7, 1977, at Soul Liberation, Apollo revealed that some who had passed certain initiations over many thousands of years stood ready to inherit a portion of the mind of God. “I announce to you this initiation so that you might feel the urge to quickly place your atoms and cells in alignment with God’s mind so that you, too, might receive in each successive cycle those increments that are to be given before the year 2001.” See “For the Mind of God Now Manifest in the Mind of Youth,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21, no. 20, May 14, 1978, and on the album Soul Liberation.
4. Matt. 18:11-13; Luke 15:4-7.
5. Matt. 9:20-22; 14:35, 36; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 6:19; 8:43-48.
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