O light burning in the heart of mercy’s crystal, I invoke thy expansion within the heart of every devotee of mercy’s flame. My beloved, I address you, and since my coming last the sands that have fallen in the hourglass have resulted in many manifestations upon the earth which are not of the light.
Compromise is never the solution to international relations.1 Compromise is never the solution when the soul meets the living Christ within. Compromise is not a word in the lexicon of the Great White Brotherhood, and yet we contain every solution to every human problem.
Now, wouldn’t you like to know how to solve the problems of this hour without compromise? Would not the leaders of every nation like to know how to go straight to the heart of freedom, direct as the arrow of the dove of freedom? As the arrow soars, as the dove flies, so let the homeward calling unto the souls be answered by the direct reaching out and plucking of mercy’s flower. And mercy’s flower within your heart must produce the miracle manifestations of freedom to all.
Well, I say, the trouble with the world is this: they look upon the conditions that defy solution and they forget the lost lesson, a lesson learned so long ago upon our mother’s knee—the lesson that in order to take dominion over the individual problem, it is necessary first to accelerate a spiral of mercy’s flame, to rise a notch in that spiral higher, higher than the problem.
You do not look at a problem from beneath or eye to eye, but you must look down upon the problem as the birds that fly, as the sun that smiles in the heavens in every child’s coloring book. Oh, the face of Helios is smiling and Vesta is smiling. No masks of drama, of defeat or death mark the everlasting light. No, they come and the drama of life is penetrability.
Do you know that the crystal of mercy’s flame will penetrate every condition? Mercy’s flame brings justice and judgment and the bubbling of joy in the heart. Have you not heard that in Communist China certain music of Beethoven and of the great lights who brought forth freedom as he did, as initiates of the sacred fire, has not been allowed?2 For it begins the process of the rising of the Mother flame, and even those who would carry out their darkness cannot help but repose in the joy and flowing of freedom’s fire! Why, it would tempt any liar to tell the truth, to come before the altar and give proof that God as joy is the flow of every economy and all abundance through elemental life.
I AM the Bodhisattva of Mercy because I believe in mercy as the solution to all human pollution. You see, I understand supremely the mercy of God, that ultimately God is merciful unto himself. He lets light flow, he lets light glow in the very heart of himself/herself and all extensions of the great hand in all dimensions of being.
So by mercy’s flame, your hearts beat in consonance with the beat of Gautama Buddha. By mercy’s flame, step by step you approach the fount of living truth. By mercy’s flame, in certain cycles the wicked are apparently free to manifest their wickedness, and this is mercy. In other cycles the wicked are bound by legions of light, bound hand and foot by cords of mercy.
Now, mercy on the other foot brings forth opportunity and justice for the children of the light to catch up in their attainment, to wield a mighty sword to slay a dragon or two or three. Do you see, if the children of the light would make hay while the sun shines, they would be ready for the fight when once again the seed of the wicked must be unbound.3
This mercy, then, is not the hound of heaven but the hound of the fallen ones; for in the children of the light, mercy will prove their prowess, their attainment, by slaying the foe. It is error, you know, and the erroneous consciousness that must be slain. For though you fight a thousand wars and a million souls lose life, all return to the scene of strife again and again, to the same battlefields or others—and sometimes these are physical. But in this era, there is a battle for the mind, for the heart and for the soul.
Seeing, then, that inasmuch as all return until the last dragon and the dragon’s egg are consumed by the acceleration of mercy’s violet flame and the acceleration of love unto the ruby ray, would it not be the better course of action to defeat the enemy by the superior mind of God whose oneness in the Christ of all exposes the logic of the Fall, the Liar and his lie, the Murderer from the beginning?4 And therefore, to expose the horror behind the beautiful mask is to once and for all defeat error and therefore to defeat those who espouse the cause of error.
And so, perhaps, in using the sword of truth of Pallas Athena in defense of youth by way of proof, there will be some who will be spared in this age who have taken upon themselves the masks of error; whereas if all things are to be fought out by terror and outside of the system of Law and great respect for life, some will be lost in the strife because momentarily they took the wrong side.
It is best to be on the side of truth. But, my beloved, many are on the side of sincerity without knowing the truth. These sincere children of the light may form part of the bands of the guerrillas in Nicaragua or they may be among the National Guard and the forces that are behind Somoza. There are good people on all sides. Therefore, we see the answer as the presentation of that truth. The ascended masters’ teachings will expose the deleterious and unacceptable manifestations of consciousness.
We, therefore, do not take sides, but we summon friends of freedom to our inner council tables. We summon friends of freedom from Central America, North and South America to our council table in the retreat of mercy to gather around the flame of Mother Mercy to deal together, to sit down and let each side have a round to give their interpretation of events, of injustice, of unmerciful acts and the goals which they desire to achieve nation by nation.
When every side has been heard, then we give our word. And to make certain that the children listen, we place our guardian angels of mercy’s flame to the right and to the left of each one. We will not let them leave until they have heard the word of the Mother of Mercy.
And I use the same technique used by El Morya and Mother Mary in Darjeeling, by Saint Germain in the Royal Teton Retreat. I show these children—mounting their desire for freedom in the new age yet seeking that freedom in ways that are not always so wise—how they have been aligned and misaligned to the right and to the left in so many ancient cultures, even in the very place where face to face they are fighting in Central America. Those ancient cultures there and in South America—there they fought.
And so, you see, it is not merely the questions of capitalism and Communism that divide these children. It is something so much deeper, a seed within the soul. There are seeds planted in the soul by God, and there are seeds planted there as the enemy who comes in the night to sow tares in the garden.5
Why, the garden of each and every child is the garden of the soul. And therefore learn well the meaning of the parable, that in every soul there is the good wheat of consciousness that must be nurtured and there are those tares that must be exposed. It is difficult for someone to admit that a plant growing in his garden that he has loved so long is but a weed and must be uprooted and burned.
There is much attachment to such things, as was the case of Jonah and his gourd. Nevertheless, God revealed to him not the attachment to the gourd, but to the fate, to the victory, to the survival of the people.6 And sometimes, you see, attachment to an idea becomes so great that it becomes worth, or so it seems, the execution of human life—the murder, the war. And therefore children of the light are led, by nefarious individuals posing as liberators, to commit those deeds which they would never admit are in the righteousness of the Law while they are in their places in our retreat.
And so we have what you might visualize as a Cinerama screen. It is circular, occupying a half circle. And those who sit before it are indeed transported as they see themselves again and again shedding blood, and see the demons and the discarnates collecting the light of the Christ that comes from that blood. As they see the fallen ones behind the scenes plotting the devastation, they weary of episode upon episode. O my beloved, I assure you that they weary when they realize for how many tens of thousands of years they have been duped into these situations of strife that appear so new, so challenging, so worth giving one’s life.
My beloved, the power of mercy’s flame as the intensity of the violet flame is stupendous! I deliver the fervor of my heart to you, for I AM Kuan Yin! And in being a bodhisattva, I can assure you that I could have selected any flame of God; but I have seen the wonders worked by this rod of violet fire descending.
I encourage you to become charged with the violet flame, to sing your violet flame, singing songs to all the beings of the violet fire, to draw forth the mighty music, the martial music, the waltzing music of that violet flame. For it is catching, you know, as Omri-Tas has told you his desire to see mankind use the violet flame for all needs of daily life7—and the elementals and the angels working together, performing all the necessary tasks with the violet flame.
Oh, this earth can become freedom’s star! And that can occur in a day that is not so far away. But there is an electric charge, there is a leaping fire, there is a magnetism that must be conveyed!
I desire, then, that every Keeper of the Flame shall know that the inner reason for your call to Saint Germain’s freedom service on Saturday evening is that you might billow and blaze and become exuberant, charged abundantly with the violet flame—for your own good! And secondary to that, for the healing of all the earth by the violet-flame fireworks that go forth crackling and popping as they contact misqualified energy every Saturday night, amplified by violet-flame legions.
You see, if you are to be the revolutionaries of higher consciousness, then the requirement is for you to mount a spiral in the fiery coil of mercy’s flame so that you may stand above all those who have revolutionary fervor upon the planetary body, but whose fervor has been misdirected and misplaced by those fallen ones who have other goals in mind—why, the very enslavement of the youth whom they mislead!
My beloved, there can be no success unless your auras are dripping with the violet flame so that wherever you go, there is certainly and indeed the hurling of Saint Germain’s miracle pouch into the cause and core of conditions. Beloved ones, the calls to the blue lightning of Archangel Michael and beloved Mighty Astrea cut through, bind and consume every manifestation that stands in your pathway. But I tell you, when you lead with blue lightning and you come to children who are not accustomed to that energy, they do not understand the intensity, and therefore it is not so catching as the violet flame.
Some of you have a whirling momentum of Mighty Astrea. I tell you, you would multiply Astrea in your life one-hundredfold if you would match your decrees of blue-ray energy each day by the violet flame! And then you would find a propelling action of the violet-flame spheres and the blue-lightning bolts and spheres rolling one upon the other, one after the other, like tumblers—blue-lightning angels, violet-fire angels tumbling one over the other like a game of leapfrog, whirling in the air and around again, each one propelling the other until a mighty T’ai Chi is formed! And then the two spheres become the Alpha and the Omega of the T’ai Chi, East and West—and East and West is raised by the perfect balance of Alpha and Omega!
When you carry more blue lightning than violet flame, you see, you have not the balance of those twin spheres. And until you do, the mighty impetus of the turning of the wheels of the chakras within you is a little bit out of balance. That is not to say you cannot perform a mighty work each day, but I look for mightier works alway. For after all, are you not accelerating? Do you not desire greater attainment?
See, then, what billions of violet-flame angels can do to raise all of earth a notch, a spiral in the fiery coil of mercy. This is my prayer, and all of the legions at Peking gather around and they sing of violet flame and more violet flame, for they are determined and they are unrelenting that China shall be won in freedom’s flame. There is no other way to win the game!
These billion souls, beloved ones, are children of my heart, and I know that no tyrants can remain in control of any group of children of God upon earth when those children saturate their auras with the violet flame. It is as simple as that. And thus I have revealed to you one solution without compromise: it is to intensify the violet flame.
Inasmuch as these children of the sun have no knowledge of that violet flame, I give to you the love of my heart and I present to you a dispensation of the Lords of Karma decreed by the Cosmic Council that your violet-flame decrees shall descend upon the people of mainland China and the island of Taiwan and all those whose origin is from the land of Chin, wherever they be upon the planetary body—in Los Angeles, San Francisco, throughout Asia itself.
The children of the light of Mother China, the mighty race who have been sponsored by Archangel Jophiel, Lord Lanto and Confucius, shall receive a double portion of your very own mantle of the violet flame. Each time you gather together to intensify your violet-flame calls, your mantle and your portion of that session shall be doubled and it shall drop upon your friends of light and friends of freedom.
And we are determined that the fervor of Saint Germain that is charged into every erg of the energy of freedom, of the violet flame, shall so burst within their consciousness that they will overthrow the tyrant of their own human ego and carnal-mindedness, their bondage to human habit.
And as that fiery freedom bursts forth, they will become one flaming sword of freedom’s flame. They will unite first within their souls at inner levels, and then they will become more bold and they will increase. And you will see, beloved ones, that the violet-flame key is the key of the everlasting love of Saint Germain and so many who have stood and stood and who will still stand with earth.
We are grateful! We are grateful for the joy of Freedom’s Song8 that has rung throughout this land and earth by the blessed children of the light, precious in my heart. I have a little flower; it is called Kuan Yin’s flower. I fasten it to the very heart of these my children and their teachers who have determined to present to the world a greater message of freedom than either the mainland or the island now understands.
They come, they have determined, and they have placed within that Freedom’s Song the understanding that the resolution of life’s questions and the resolution of freedom lies in rising by the flame of freedom where together, as angels soaring, all will look down upon their warring and say: We will no longer fight brother against brother, sister against sister! We will overthrow the tyrants by God’s law, and we will unite! We will become a single diamond of the will of Morya—without flaw. We will be one, and in our oneness we will be free!
O my beloved, you carry now a flower of my heart, and all angels know that flower as the sign of one who has received recognition at mercy’s temple in Peking. And therefore, angels bow to those who have received that recognition for excellence of performance in the violet-flame drama of portraying to the children of light a message of impelling truth, of compelling love. You see, all of the qualities of mercy that descend, drop by drop, are intended to be portrayed and impressed upon the people of earth.
So, then, I invite you to be my guests in Peking, all Keepers of the Flame. Let your souls wing their way this night, for we have many matters to discuss. And there are briefs upon our table that will be presented by ascended masters of mercy’s flame and certain unascended devotees in our retreat.
We have prepared a banquet for your coming and music that is of the souls of the people of China. We have looked forward for your coming for many months. This meeting, beloved Keepers of the Flame, begins a cycle of our deliberations together with El Morya, with Saint Germain, with Lanto and Confucius and many hierarchs whom you know on sight by face, by name—unnamed as yet in the annals of this teaching. And so we come together, and we come to inaugurate a great bursting fire of freedom in Asia.
My beloved, we are fully aware and apprised of all conditions of this earth. We do not count victory or defeat by days, by decades, or by centuries. We count victory by the aeons, each thousand years by thousand years. And if you can rise above the grasses, the morasses and the forests of the earth, you will see beyond and above the tyrants and their tyranny a steady procession of souls who manifest the burning light of freedom in their hearts until it burns so intensely that they cross the line into another octave.
That is not to say that on earth there are not many valiant and victorious ones. But after all, freedom in earth and freedom in heaven are not quite the same. And thus the net gain of souls ascended is a measure of the path of freedom on earth; and that measure is that in this hour in this decade in your life, there is yet opportunity to win the ultimate freedom—not only for your soul, but also for all souls of light and for the community of souls of light.
Therefore, let us come together in the name of Morya whom we adore. And when we can meet beyond the door in heaven and assist him in implementing God’s great desire and his desire to be that will, we are joyous—for we know that we have added a crystal glow of violet flame in the turban of the Chief.
Chelas of the Chief, I AM Kuan Yin. I have heard him say, “Kuan Yin, we must not fail!”9 I take him at his word. I AM here, All Hail!
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Kuan Yin was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, June 30, 1979, at The Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.
1. Since Kuan Yin’s prior dictation of September 17, 1978, the U.S. made a number of far-reaching foreign policy decisions which, in the minds of many Americans, compromised U.S. interests as well as the international balance of power. The Senate ratified two Panama Canal treaties in March and April 1978 providing for the transfer of U.S. control of the canal to Panama by the year 2000 and guaranteeing its neutrality after the transfer. After heated public debate, in September 1979 the House of Representatives first defeated then passed legislation implementing the terms of the treaties. In December 1978, the U.S. and Red China agreed to establish diplomatic relations with each other as of January 1, 1979, while the U.S. simultaneously severed long-standing diplomatic ties with the Republic of China on Taiwan. President Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev signed the controversial SALT II treaty June 18, 1979, which was strongly opposed in the Senate and never ratified.
2. During the Cultural Revolution in mainland China (1966-76) and until Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s death, listening to Western music, which was considered “revisionist and bourgeois,” was prohibited. In 1974, the Communist Party newspaper People’s Daily blacklisted Beethoven for his “bourgeois and capitalist mentality.” With the death of Mao in 1976 and the rise of new leadership in China, anti-Western attitudes began to ebb and policies regarding music became more liberal.
3. Rev. 20:1-3.
4. John 8:44.
5. Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43
6. Jon. 3-4.
7. See Omri-Tas, “The Lord’s Commission to the Keepers of the Flame,” December 29, 1976, in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 20, no. 14, April 3, 1977, also on album Energy Is God; and “Violet Flame, with Love from Shamballa,” October 7, 1977, on album Soul Liberation, available at www.AscendedMasterLibrary.org.
8. In 1978 and 1979, Montessori International Junior and Senior High School students and faculty researched, wrote, and performed Freedom’s Song —a dramatic presentation of dance, mime, slides, selections from documentary films, and choral readings depicting the struggle of the Chinese people to find freedom. Each year the students select a topic of national or international interest, research it thoroughly, and then take their findings to the local community. Freedom’s Song grew out of their concern over the issue of America’s relations with the two Chinas. On December 15, 1978—just five days after the world premiere of Freedom’s Song in Los Angeles, California, which was attended by dignitaries from the Republic of China on Taiwan—the United States announced its decision to recognize the People’s Republic of China and sever diplomatic ties with the Republic of China. The students also performed Freedom’s Song at the New Year’s class The Feast of Saint Stephen, on December 30, 1978; at the American Rally for Free China in Torrance, California, on April 7, 1979; and at local junior and senior high schools.
9. See Kuan Yin’s dictation December 28, 1969, “Kuan Yin, We Must Not Fail,” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 12, no. 52.
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