Gracious ladies and gentlemen, the gratitude which men feel that wells up within them establishes a contact with the immortality of God, and it enables them, in their finite state, to begin those alchemical transformations whereby their lives become sublime manifestations both of gratitude and universal substance.
When mankind begin the process of truly understanding what the purpose of their lives is, they are able, then, to move the elements of their being in the direction of that attitude of being which engenders the magnificence of God within them and brings it into a full state of manifestation. Unless individuals are able to hold the substance of immortal life within the wineskins of consciousness, the new wine distillate* of spiritual attainment is seldom realized, for they continuously leak upon the ground those precious treasures of heaven which are vouchsafed to every man according to the invocation of his soul.
For there is within consciousness an invocative element in man which calls forth universal reality within the field of his consciousness. I would to heaven that mankind would understand that—that they would understand that universal reality is ever seeking to manifest within them that graciousness of Christ which, in reality, should become the gift of every woman and every man.
We often look upon individuals in their struggles and sense of struggle and say to ourselves, why will they not let go? Why do they retain a sense of struggle and human madness?
It is difficult for us to grasp now, from higher levels, the reasons why individuals do not perceive that the reality of the Christ consciousness can become the lot of all. It is a simple manifestation yet so universal in its transforming effects. Those who are able to gather within the field of their consciousness the vision, the magnificent, transforming vision, of God-reality are able to see and witness that that reality can become a part of themselves just as easily as a flower unfolds and its fragrance is released.
O mankind, I call to you, then, in that awareness of the Divine Alchemist, in that awareness of God that is so universal and beautiful, for you to sunder your ties with those activities of the earth which are of the earth earthy1 and without the ability to produce the unfoldment of divine and universal reality within you. Through the sundering of those earthly ties, you are able to establish, then, with greater ease the magnificence of heavenly contacts that will convey you to the very altar of God, where the blessings of the Holy Spirit will unfold within your lives that graciousness in consciousness whereby there is room within yourselves to accept all the treasures of heaven.
Individuals should understand that the treasures of heaven are given freely to all, but all do not receive them freely. For there is often a tension in the being of man that will not allow him to relax and to receive the divine stimuli.
The divine stimuli of the Holy Spirit are indeed an activity that will create both a guarding effect in consciousness as well as an understanding of the receipt of great abundance. When individuals are able to feel and to know that they are receiving great abundance, it not only enhances the quality thereof, permitting its multiplication and expansion within their lives, but sheds elements of light upon all men that all men thereby be blessed.
Do you realize, children of the light, how abundant and how magnificent is the grace of God within you that sheds forth light unto those whom you meet who have never, perchance in their entire embodiment, experienced even once the manifestation of the Christ light?
We are speaking of a tangible outpouring. We are speaking of a quality of graciousness and happiness that is spread abroad and becomes manifest through your consciousness. And this is rightly so, for this is as it should be.
Do you, then, understand today as I am speaking to you, even right now, that grace is coming to you through space and through time? Will you understand that the blessing of the Brotherhood is being conveyed?
Will you understand that I have the power and the will to cause magnificent grace to flow to you wavelike that you may feel it? As these waves of great height and depth enter and flow through your being, they are instilling into you a feeling of the God-control which always knows the perfect act to do and always understands how to expand consciousness so that consciousness can itself become imbued with divine grace.
Grace is omnipresent. It is here and it is also there. It is moving in the world order, and it moves side by side with those human elements of degradation and despair which mankind can scarcely abide yet do not seem to terminate. What a strange thing it is, you may say, that all of these forces of both light and darkness, of shadow and of sunshine, dwell side by side in the tents of men.
I say to you that one day the light will expand in all to such a great degree that all shadow will at last have been put away. And in the indwelling light of the eternal Presence, man will find such a fellowship and communion with God that he will understand at last that it has been a great pity that it did not manifest before.
Individuals will feel that way because they will not understand why they had to pass through the tests of time and space. They will not understand why they were involved in situations and conflicts, why turmoils ruled in their mind, until at last they have reached a level of attainment where the ascended master consciousness flows into them that grace and understanding that perceives that there is purpose in that which occurred. For men are not always ready at a given moment to receive the fullness of divine and universal grace. And therefore, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
When individuals understand that there is a fullness of time, that there is a time to be born materially as well as spiritually, they will recognize that in that tide of time there are accomplished elements of eternal value that will produce in the world newness of life, fragrance of hope and the appearing of the flowers of an eternal spring.
It is my wish, then, today to make known unto you that the darkening appearances in this year, 1973, that manifest just behind the seeming outer shape of things are frightful ideas that are being sent forth from black magicians and those individuals who desire to create chaos and tragedy for the world. The counteraction of that by the children of God is essential in every age and at no time more than in the present, for you dwell upon the cusp of great possibility. The portents of that which is to come can be very virtuous or very ugly.
It is essential that mankind understand the need to hold their hand in the hand of God and to perceive his universal truth of effective transformation. Unless they will understand the power of effective transformation in producing the desired and wanted elements of life, we may well indeed see great conflict and bloodshed in the world order, which will only sustain, temporarily so, those manifestations of the Pandora’s box where evil dwells.
It is not our desire to perpetuate these conditions or to foster them in the world order. Quite to the contrary, our desire is to instead exemplify the manifestation of universal truth in a more than ordinary manner. We say to all of you, then, who have some understanding of compassion for the world and the world pain that has far too long raged in the world order, do those things which are necessary even when it may seem that you literally faint for lack of energy.
I tell you, the activity of human vampirism in the world is frightful indeed. For individuals always turn to where the light is to seek to change the light into darkness, for in darkness there is no strength but only those fragile and decaying manifestations that are the entombment of hopes of the past.
Now then, when I say to you that the light of the universal Christ must prevail, I mean that it must prevail because you understand how necessary it is to guard both the chalice and the sanctuary of your being, to guard the chalice of the heart and the sanctuary of your identity and your mutual doings in the service of our Brotherhood in the producing of the kingdom of God among men.
So long as the world order is warped and twisted in its matrices, I assure you that you can expect that certain manifestations of human ugliness will occur. It is our desire to see them brought speedily to an end, even as it is yours. But it is not the desire of all men, for ignorance abides upon the planetary body in the very face of light, and ignorance itself is a frightful thing which manifests ugly occurrences also. Because if men knew better, they would do better indeed, as has been said.
We say to all of you, then, lift up your heads! Lift up your consciousness! Lift up your hearts! And let your hearts sing a joyful melody unto God to know that one day all the coiled springs of human vanities, all the coiled springs of human pains and deceit and despair shall themselves be uncoiled and the energies come to an end and be at rest in God. Nevertheless, newness of life that shall appear shall once again wind up the springs of man’s being with those glorious hopes that presage the coming of a golden age of hope and joy that will appear among the family of nations.
The kingdom of God shall appear in hearts all over the world. One shall be taken and another shall be left.2 But they shall appear. And you shall see in all the divers signs that appear in the world that the hand of God is behind those signs that are promised unto mankind.
And lo and behold, the unfoldment of fruit and flower, the unfoldment of the teachers of men shall appear in the world order and domain until at last reality is born. And the star of that reality shall light the world with the realization of the Christos. And by the inflaming of hearts with the Holy Spirit, darkness shall be banished and the comfort of the ages be known.
Lo! our Brotherhood reveals within you the unfolding drama of the reenactment of that which is past, that which is present and that which is to come.
I thank you.
*distillate: “a purified form; an essence” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on Sunday, February 18, 1973, at the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California. This was the final dictation delivered through Mark Prophet. Simultaneously, the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who was in Colorado Springs, delivered a dictation by Jesus Christ (published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 58, no. 17, September 1, 2015). This event was called by the Brotherhood “A Tale of Two Cities.” Mark Prophet made his ascension eight days later, and this event represented the passing of the torch of the mission to Elizabeth.
1. I Cor. 15:47.
2. Matt. 24:40, 41; Luke 17:34-36. In this case the one who was taken was the messenger Mark, while Elizabeth was left. See “The Radiant Word,” for this Pearl.
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