Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 29 - Beloved Lady Master Meta - August 1, 2018

The History of the Feminine Ray

Consume All Misuses of the Past
by the Law of the Violet Flame

Part 1

Sons and daughters of the flame of truth, I come in the flame of the feminine ray, and I come bearing a book, an ancient book of the history of the feminine ray. And this day I will read to you from that book certain passages concerned with the light of the feminine ray upon Terra:

In the Beginning, when God looked upon this orb of light formed by the Elohim—centered in this solar system and born from the heart of the Sun—the great I AM, that Great Spirit, breathed forth the breath of the Holy Ghost, and cloven tongues of fire formed pulsating spheres of love magnetized by a polarity based upon the common design of life.

Twin spheres of life, pulsating in the plane of Spirit, gave birth to souls, who looked upon one another and said, “Behold, I AM!” For they saw in the mirror of one another’s face the light of the Presence, the origin of the spheres.

Twin souls came to conquer Terra. And this took place on the level of the etheric, in pristine glory, in transparency. These twin souls, as father and mother, gave birth to lifewaves who issued forth out of the heart’s union, out of the merging of light’s rays. And thus the first level of lifewaves, of lifestreams, was born.

These came forth in the same manner, out of the white-fire core, as souls beholding life, spiraling life, in recognition of the oneness of the “we are One” and yet separating as two halves of the seed for counterparts of life descending into form.

The perfection of that plane, the mastery of energy spirals, was accomplished over hundreds and thousands of years by many pairs of flames who came forth until the next cycle of the release. This was for the stepping down of consciousness into a new plane of mastery in the level of the mental plane, where the mind of God also enshrined forcefields of life, pairs of souls who also represented the Father-Mother God to other lifewaves. New dimensions of consciousness, new vistas of Mater, were conquered, and lifewaves returned to the heart of the One by the flame of the ascension, by the glory of the Son.

Descending, then, to the level of the desire body of God, of the plane of water, came other pairs of souls who brought forth children of the light, lifestreams waiting to increase the awareness of God in the plane of Mater. This descent was for the realization not only of Father and of Son but of the Divine Mother. And so begins the history of the feminine ray.

For a time, souls held the immaculate concept of life in this plane. But there came a moment in eternity and a moment in time and space when souls, who had free will to choose God-good or to choose to go the way of the independent ones and the separatists, began to consider that in order to gain mastery it was perhaps necessary to indulge in the veils of maya that were for the shielding of the consciousness of God.

These souls, in the course of the cosmic history they were taught, came to realize that there had been other lifewaves on other systems of worlds who had determined to enter into an energy veil not of the Divine Mother but an energy veil composed of the ambition that comes from the need for self-importance outside of the consciousness of God.

And so in the Book of Life from which I read,1 there is recorded that moment when twin souls, as male and female, used the precious energies of the feminine ray (consecrated for the immaculate conception and the beholding only of good) to gaze upon the record of the infamy of other lifewaves and other souls:

And as they gazed upon that record it became for them more and more of reality, and the precious image of the Virgin became less and less real as they amplified the image that caught the eye. And thus, through the misuse of the third eye, the place of the All-Seeing Eye of God, the compromise of the feminine ray took place.

These souls knew not that they had entered into a compromise, for they felt that a little indulgence, a little tasting of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil,2 could not take from them that Reality, that high awareness which they had known for so long.

The descent of feminine energies led to the densification of the body temple, ultimately to the place where gross matter as physical substance became the vehicle of expression. Little by little the vision of perfection was lost, the standard was lowered, and in imperfection these souls thought that they still retained the image of the Most High God.

But alas, the time came when the expulsion from the sphere of Reality was ordained by the Lords of Karma, and then man and woman suddenly knew that they were naked and without the wedding garment,3 without the virgin consciousness of the oneness of the Whole.

Thus in the allegory of the Book of Genesis you have an account of these events which took place. And yet that accounting is incomplete, for it too comes down as legend, told and retold from those who once had access to the Book of Life.

The compromise of the energy veil was intensified, for the LORD God withdrew a portion of his Spirit. And therefore man and woman began to use and exercise the intellect, the outer consciousness, the outer senses, and these replaced the inner knowing, the inner feeling, the inner consciousness of the soul and its awareness of the tie to God.

You know, yourselves, how customs change gradually, how that which is a standard in civilization at a certain time in history is no longer a standard in another decade. And so it is that the consciousness of mankind evolves, sometimes toward the light, sometimes toward the darkness.

During the period of which I speak, which is recorded here, there was an intensification of darkness through negative spirals of the descent of the feminine ray descending below the heart, reinforcing the carnal consciousness. There was a fall of that energy to the base-of-the-spine chakra, where ultimately that energy was locked by the Lords of Karma, who decreed that mankind should no longer have the free use of the feminine energies since they had perverted those energies with their frivolousness, with their lack of respect for the Law and for the sacred fire.

And so the sealing of the feminine ray in the base-of-the-spine chakra was the way of the guarding of the life force. It was a guardian action of guardian angels who sought to preserve a remnant of an evolution in body temples that were now gross, as you yet bear the image and the record of the caveman, who partook of the flesh of one another and therefore became dense and lacking in all sensitivity.

And then there was a loss even of the faculties of the mind as all of the energies centered in the lower nature and in the preservation of the physical form. And yet, for the Solar Lords and the Holy Kumaras even this represented a remnant of hope that one day the body and mind could be infused with light, with life, and returned to a pristine awareness of God as the whole of Father-Mother.

Centuries passed and little progress was made. Of course, these souls were not aware of themselves as souls, but they identified with the beasts of the field, the outcroppings of their own carnal consciousness. They were not aware of the threefold flame and thus could not keep a flame they did not know of.

You recall, then, in the ancient tradition, the coming of the councils of solar hierarchies with a determination of what should transpire on Terra. During the thousands and thousands of years of the evolution of souls at the etheric, mental, and emotional planes, there were also counterparts. There were also civilizations such as Lemuria, such as Atlantis. For civilizations upon this planet have been rising and falling for longer than you realize, which is recorded in the strata of the rock.

Thus with the coming of the perfect ones4 there [eventually] came, through the rounds of evolution, the compromise of their consciousness and the setting in of the law of sin and of imperfection. And layer upon layer upon layer of the record will show that souls have been incarnating and experiencing this loss of cosmic awareness century upon century.

The rise and fall of light, then, is an old, old story. The record is complex, yet the record which I bear is true. In the [time of the] rebellion against the Law (which was followed by the final sinking of that civilization dedicated to the Mother flame5 and which compromised that flame), you find that the cosmic councils decreed that since there were no longer any upon Terra who were keeping the flame, there was no longer justification for the perpetuation of that sphere.

Then came Sanat Kumara. Then came the Lords of Flame. Then came legions of light volunteering to take upon themselves the responsibility of keeping the flame upon Terra. And so hope was born. The Lord of Flame, hierarch of Venus, came to Shamballa, and there the temple was built on the island in the Gobi Sea. The Holy Kumaras imparted to those evolving lifestreams an impetus of light, an impetus to fire the mind and to renew the penetration of the Christ flame.6

Advances in civilization were made more rapidly than had occurred in many thousands of years. Invention and discovery and the return of the faculties of the mind preceded the dawn of the civilization in which you now find yourselves after having passed through many of those civilizations and advances, of which the record is clearly set forth.

Yet the record of the loss of the feminine ray continues. For you see, the advancement of science and of culture has been primarily through the masculine ray, primarily through the conquering through that ray. Inasmuch as souls had lost the opportunity to be in the energy of the Mother—by their own forsaking of her garment, her consciousness—it would be many centuries before this opportunity would be returned. And therefore only the few in each of these centuries have found the key to the unlocking of the feminine principle.

The forsaking of that principle by woman meant the forsaking of that principle in man. And therefore, in certain ones who are the older souls who occupied feminine bodies at the time of the Fall, these souls who remain today must come forward as leaders and forerunners in the return of the feminine ray to its rightful place in society.

In this current century there is awarded, then, to certain beings who have volunteered to come forth to balance their karma, the opportunity to represent womankind and the feminine ray in man, which is the very principle that will allow man to fulfill the destiny of being father and son by the action of the masculine ray. For only in that polarity is the fulfillment of the divine plan of man and of woman. This polarity is found intact within each one’s being, but it must be quickened, it must be awakened—and it still is the threefold flame.

Gautama Buddha has taken the position of Lord of the World, as well as Sanat Kumara, who has now returned to Venus. It is the office of the Holy Kumaras and of the Lord of the World to give the knowledge and the teaching and the impartation of the fire for the release and for the glory of the victory of the feminine ray in this age.

We find, however, much to the regret of the Lords of Karma, that any number of women who have gone forth and taken embodiment to espouse the cause of the feminine ray have also continued to outpicture the spirals of rebellion. They have sought to bring that ray into prominence by dominating or completely obliterating the divine masculine.

This they have done because they have specifically tied into the spiral of the rebellion of the Atlanteans. Alas, the very ones who have vowed to raise up the light rays of the Divine Mother have fallen into the consciousness of condemnation, the perversion of the initiation of a spiral that could be a spiral of victory—that can still be a spiral of victory—if man and woman will unite for the balance of the cloven tongues of fire.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 30.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lady Master Meta was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, July 3, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave, held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.] Part 2 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 30.

1. The Book of Life. Rev. 3:5; 13:7, 8; 20:11—15; 21:27; 22:19. The ascended masters teach that the Book of Life contains the karmic history of this solar system. They explain that each of us also has a book of life—the book of the record of our comings and goings through our many incarnations since first coming to earth. For more information, see Pearl no. 7, this volume, p. 48, n. 3.

2. Gen. 2:16, 17.

3. Matt. 22:11, 12.

4. In a 1981 lecture, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained that “the perfect ones are the ones who have contacted the perfect I AM Presence, who have the light to begin with.” The “perfect ones” may be referring to members of early golden ages, which existed many thousands of years ago, and to inhabitants of civilizations of great achievement, such as on Lemuria and Atlantis before they fell. See also “A Heap of Confusion,” chapter 3 in The Path of the Higher Self, by Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Prophet; available at

5. The civilization dedicated to the Mother flame refers to Lemuria. See Pearl no. 11, this volume, p. 78, nn. 1, 3.

6. For the story of the coming of Sanat Kumara to the earth, see Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, profile of Sanat Kumara; available at

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