Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 28 - Beloved Virgo - July 22, 2018

Pelleur and I Will Work the Miracle of Life
If You Will But Make the Call

Welcome, mothers and fathers of the flame, you who nourish life by keeping the flame.

I bid you enter into the heart of the Earth Mother and the abundance of her consciousness. Come with me now and feel what it means to be responsible for evolutions, almost without number, who daily require compassion, the flow of love, physical nourishment, hope, encouragement.

Some of you have thought of Terra as the body of the Earth Mother, and truly elemental life lives within the body-consciousness that is the habitation of Virgo and Pelleur.* This is our forcefield for the proving of the laws of God. And yet as ascended beings we also have an earth body that has already been made permanent in the heavens as the permanent atom of our being. That portion of our consciousness, which does coalesce in these dimensions of time and space for the grace of evolving mankind, is the gift of the Father-Mother God that we do ensoul.

It is our responsibility, then, with the other members of hierarchy and the forces of nature, to preserve a platform, a place where mankind and elemental hosts may learn cooperation through the Holy Spirit and come into union by that sacred covenant made in the beginning to serve life, to expand life, and thereby to increase the dimensions of God’s consciousness and his awareness of Self.

We come this day to anchor through you in the earth plane certain spirals that will be for the fulfillment of certain actions of karma that are now upon mankind. The cycles of the return of karma in the Dark Cycle1 do intensify in this hour. And even those who are our best servants feel the in creased weight of a planet that is indeed groaning and travailing in birth, waiting to give birth to the Divine Manchild, to the Christ that is the Logos—the Logos that is released through the converging of spirals in the very center of the atom.

As you gaze upon the sun that is the center of this system of worlds, you see the very first elements that take form in the descent of energy from Spirit to Matter. You see helium and other gases that compose the sun, which are in a constant state of motion as these energies cycle and recycle from Spirit to Matter. This is life. This is the source of energy that sustains life on this world and others, all connected to the hub, to the very center of the Father-Mother God.

Thus there is an ebb and a flow, a release of light from Helios and Vesta to the four beings of the elements who guard Terra, and to every elemental. All are nourished and sustained by the cycling and recycling of energies from the sun. Therefore consider that mankind are now beginning to turn to the sun as the source of energy, and indeed the sun can provide all that is required for the sustaining of life, for heat and light and fuel.

And so there comes a time when mankind will not be forced to tear up the earth, to war with one another over resources. For by the elevation of consciousness to the level of the Christ mind all will draw forth the energy of the sun, which is limitless because it comes from the heart of the one God. As Ikhnaton showed forth the rays of the sun as the hands of God extending grace and blessing to mankind,2 so it is true that every ray of the sun delivers a message and a cup of light to you.

These energies, which are available to mankind at every level of consciousness through meditation upon the center Source, are enough to support all evolutions assigned to this planet, including the avatars waiting to be born. These energies are sufficient to draw elemental life into the phase of the resurrection spiral. They are sufficient to solve every crisis of energy, every ego crisis, every crisis of the nations. For after all, why do mankind [make] war if it is not over the possession of things and over the [desire for] domination of the earth rather than the dominion of self and the earth?

The earth indeed belongs to man, to Christed man. Christed man belongs to the earth, and yet he transcends that earth. And by his attainment he draws this entire plane into a new dimension of consciousness.

Ascending the spiral of the pyramid, then, even Terra shall one day know the victory of the light and the ascension of all of her evolutions. This can occur if mankind, in this hour of decision, cease from warring with one another and join in the glorious fight for the liberation of life and the release of life** into thought waves and mantras of the Holy Spirit.

We come for the merging of our consciousness with your own. We come for the meshing of our heart flames with your own. We come to restore sanity and balance to all who will receive it, to all who are determined to make the way of God their way.

The weight of karmic cycles is borne hand in hand by mankind and by the elementals. I would that you would keep the vigil of this focus of violet flame for the elementals, sealing them in the ovoid of God’s consciousness.

During this conclave I would that you would give a more than ordinary release of energy for the balancing of cosmic forces. For you see, precious hearts, when these forces are not in balance, all of mankind suffer but especially the sensitive, the children of the light. And the imbalance of nature is reflected in the imbalance of the mind and the imbalance of the emotions. We find, then, that children of the light are not able to continue to press on and to be overcomers, for they cannot bear the division which that energy brings about. Have compassion for mankind, then, but also have compassion for yourselves.

The earth must be cleansed. It must be purified. And you must be purified in order to become magnets to attract the forces of the Holy Spirit that will resolve the problems of ecology and all of the pollution of the sacred realm of the air, of the earth, and of the water.

In God’s name I say, let the fiery salamanders go free! Let them be free to consume the rubbish and all that must be returned to the Great Central Sun!

Electrons desiring to be free need the blessing of the fiery salamanders. Let them be employed, for the other three kingdoms cannot perform their service if there is not the use of the fire elemental for the purposes of consuming all that is no longer useful. The recycling process is acceptable where it is feasible. But to allow substance to decay and to rot, to pollute the earth and the water when that substance ought to be burned, is not in keeping with the plan of God for the balancing of cosmic forces.

To inter the bodies of mankind, the physical body after the change called death, is also not in keeping with the law of God. Cremation is the only way that substance can be returned to the heart of God. This is the function of fire at the physical level, even as it is the function of the sacred fire on all planes to purify and consume. The earth is polluted enough. Why continue the pollution by piling up more and more of that substance which belongs in the flame?

I say, you ought to decree for a change in consciousness, for a clarity and for a vision. For as you have seen and as you will see at the World’s Fair,3 mankind have not yet caught the spark of the flame of the Mother and of the Holy Spirit in nature as these energies weave a spiral to resolve all crises. The problems are presented. They are supposedly resolved by the state or by mankind’s ingenuity. But the solution to the problem is always found in the Holy Spirit and in communion with that Spirit. And then all designs, all engineering, and all plans come forth scientifically as the science of the Divine Mother.

And so I ask that you call forth, from the heart of Cyclopea, God-vision for elemental life and God-vision for mankind serving with them. For without vision, the people will perish.4 Without vision, the elementals will perish and there will cease to be a platform for evolution.

Simultaneously with the revelation of all that is not of the light, we also release the glory, the plaudits, the gratitude for all that has been released and all that has been done for the victory. And thus heaven holds the balance of retaining hope for all who yet occupy a place on Terra. Hope is in the hearts of the angels. Hope increases now in the hearts of the elementals as you gather for the victory of freedom.

I come, then, in the flaming glory of a light of ten thousand suns. I come welcoming the avatars, welcoming fathers and mothers of the flame, sons and daughters and children. I welcome all. I give you my love and the love of Pelleur that is also mine to give, mine to receive, yet all is God’s. And we too live and move and have our being in the plane of Spirit-earth as we cycle those energies for the fulfillment and the victory of every earth atom, of every earth electron.

Think on this: that as we speak, as we serve, and as we love, we are at every hour aware of the call, the consciousness, and the need of every elemental, every molecule, every cell, every electron. Every blade of grass and tree and bird that sings is held within the immaculate conception of our hearts’ devotion to truth and to the abundant life.

I AM your Earth Mother. Call to me for the salvation of the very soil, of the very rocks, of your crops and of the balance. And I too will go before those councils and those committees and the Congress itself to make right the devastation, the selling of our food, the food that belongs to the sons and daughters of the flame in America. I will go to all others who have no right to that food. When there is plenty, the food is for distribution to every nation. When there is not enough, then that food must be first garnered for those who are of the light.

I say, it is not cosmic justice that the grain of America should be sold to those who deny God, who profiteer, who make the coin of the realm and take from the elementals that which they have consecrated for the service of sons and daughters of God.

I say, then, all imbalances must be corrected in government, in the economy, and in elemental life. See that you invoke balance, for I will be the presence of that balance. And you will be surprised to see how Virgo and Pelleur will work the miracle of life for the sustaining of life if you will but make the call.

The calls are needed, for that is the law of octaves. Set yourselves—your hearts and your minds—to communion with the beings of the elements and know that we stand to defend the Christ, to defend the age, and to defend the opportunity to be the community of the Holy Spirit.

I AM, we are, one in the flame of the Father-Mother God within your heart, within the heart of Helios and Vesta, and within the heart of the earth.

The Great White Brotherhood saluteth thee in the flame.

*Virgo and Pelleur are twin flames who direct the earth element and the gnomes. They are known as the Earth Mother and the Earth Father. See The Masters and Their Retreats.

**This may mean “life” in terms of light, spirit, action.

Set the Elementals Free

In the name and by the power of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!

I call to the heart of beloved Helios and Vesta, the beloved Maha Chohan, and the flame of cosmic comfort from the Great Central Sun; to beloved Virgo and Pelleur, beloved Aries and Thor, beloved Oromasis and Diana, beloved Neptune and Luara, the seven mighty Elohim, the seven beloved Arch-angels, and the seven beloved Chohans of the Rays; to beloved Arch angel Zadkiel, beloved Saint Germain, beloved Mighty Arcturus, and their legions of violet-flame angels to answer this our call in finitely, presently, and forever for the precious elemental beings of earth, air, fire, and water:

Seal, seal, seal in an ovoid bright
Of the violet fire’s clear light
Every elemental, set and keep them free
From all human discord instantly.

1. Beloved I AM (3x)
2. By Christ-command (3x)
3. By God’s blue ray (3x)
4. By God’s violet ray (3x)
5. By God’s love ray (3x)
6. By Hercules’ might (3x)
7. By Jesus’ Light (3x)
8. By Michael’s sword (3x)
9. It’s done today, it’s done to stay,
it’s done God’s way.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book, p. 97, no. 7.07.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Virgo was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, July 2, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave,held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Dark Cycle was a period when mankind’s misqualified energy, held in abeyance for centuries under the great mercy of the Law, was released for balance in the time of transition from the Piscean age to the Aquarian age. The Dark Cycle began on April 23, 1969, and continued until April 22, 2002.

2. Ikhnaton (Amenhotep IV), c. 1375—1358 B.C., was an incarnation of the messenger Mark L. Prophet. As pharaoh of Egypt, Ikhnaton introduced a revolutionary monotheism based on the worship of one God, Aton, represented in the symbol of a sun disc with diverging rays, each ending in a hand bestowing blessings upon all life.

3. World’s Fair. Expo ’74, held in Spokane, was an international exposition held from May 4 to November 3, 1974. It was the first world’s fair on the theme of the environment; its slogan was “Celebrating Tomorrow’s Fresh New Environment.” Ten nations as well as many states and corporations sponsored pavilions or exhibitions. Special events included a symposium on United Nations World Environment Day (June 5), attended by many international representatives and visitors. The Expo attracted more than five million visitors. (;

4. Prov. 29:18.

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