Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 31 - The Beloved Keeper of the Scrolls - August 15, 2018

I Submit My Report on the Lifewaves of Terra
to the Lords of Karma

Capture the Hearts of the Lightbearers
for the Law and for the Lord

Part 1

In the name of Alpha and Omega, I salute this august body of the Lords of Karma, lords and ladies of the flame, sons and daughters of God evolving on Terra.

I come from the Court of the Sacred Fire on the God Star. I come bearing scrolls of the record of the lifewaves of Terra. Angels of record accompany me as I present to you (simultaneously as I address the Lords of Karma at the Royal Teton Retreat) a report from the Four and Twenty Elders.

Ladies and gentlemen, on this most solemn occasion I ask you, in the name of the Christ, to salute the I AM Presence within your heart and to rest your case and the case of all mankind with that Presence.

Now we review thousands of years of earth’s history at a glance, as we see before us a graph showing the spiritual evolution as a green line and the material evolution as a blue line. And thus we note what has transpired since the flood of Noah, which was the sinking of the continent of Atlantis. For at that hour judgment was rendered by the Lords of Karma and the Four and Twenty Elders that mankind should be given another round on new and virgin soil, on several continents.

This judgment was given in order to correct the errors that began on Lemuria, causing its downfall, and which continued on Atlantis, also causing its downfall. Therefore, as a third and final opportunity, new life and new dispensations came forth, and all souls who have ever been involved with life on Terra were given this period, now of these thousands of years since the last vestige of Atlanta was seen no more.

What has transpired, then, with the coming forth of life­waves of light and lifewaves of darkness?

We have seen the building up of the light of the Christ, of the Buddha. We have seen the enlightenment of Brothers of the Golden Robe. We have seen a certain evolution of more evolved souls as these souls have taken training in the retreats of the Brotherhood. And as time passed, the rebellious spirits who were not allowed to reembody for a certain period at last came forth [and were embodied] in this century. We have seen how thousands of years of culture have, in a decade, more or less, been set aside, been compromised, been torn down. We have seen the image of the Virgin defaced in the statue La Pietà by the hatred of a fanatic.1

We have seen the horrendous crimes against the holy ones. We have seen the wholesale slaughter of the innocents, not only in this century but in many centuries past. We have seen behind the scenes what you have not seen. We have seen the spiritual wickedness in high places. We have seen the fallen ones as they have plotted against the light and the freedom of the children of God. We have seen the taking of the wealth, the abundance of the Mother flow, from her children.

We have seen the pillaging of the earth even by inter­planetary beings who have come and taken that wealth from the earth. We have seen the infiltration of laggard souls. We have seen the desecration of the little ones through pornography, through sex education in the schools, through indoctrination behind the Iron Curtain, through the tearing of these little ones from their mothers and their fathers.

Yes, we have seen the poisoning of the avatars as mankind allow Coca-­Cola to be not only a national drink but an inter­national drink that is poisoning the bodies, the temples of the holy ones, even while many know that that drink is poison.

Yet who will raise a hand? Who will challenge all of the abuses of the body temples of the Holy Spirit? Who will challenge the profanity? Where is reason? Where is the seriousness that ought to mark an age that is tottering on the brink of self-­destruction?

There has been progress in material science. But what for, I say? Has it contributed to chastity, purity, sacrifice, obedience, brotherly love?

Science is the gift of the Mother, which is intended to bring a surcease from labor, from pain, from the sorrow and travail that came with the banishment from Eden. Science is a gift whereby the hours of the day that are freed can be used for the adoration of God and the re­creation of spirals of wholeness. But instead, what have mankind done with their free time and their free will? They have taken the time and the energy of God and spent it all on riotous living, on degeneration, on the tearing down of the values of the soul, the tearing down of true culture.

I say, judgment rings from the throne room of the God Star upon heads of state the world around who do not represent the Great White Brotherhood, ascended master law, or the Prince of Peace!

We see into the chambers of secret diplomacy. We see behind the Iron Curtain, in those meetings where your lead­ers are signing away your very life, your very blood, your very freedom—a freedom hard won over these two hundred years and many years before, as you have prepared to bring the light from inner planes to this land.

Judgment, then, is meted this night:
MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. Thou art weighed in the balances, and thou art found wanting, O mankind!2

And what of the children of light who worship God with all their hearts and minds, who love Jesus as the Saviour? Are they to be commended? Yes. Faith, wherever it appears—faith in God and belief in that Word—is the light of the earth and the light of America.

But listen well, O children who are followers of the Christ: When you bear in your hearts hatred, prejudice, condemnation and vilification of those who serve in other faiths or in the higher teaching of the Law, by your very hatred and your prejudice you then cancel out that last measure of devotion. Thus in the balance scales of justice, where there is love for Christ and hatred for one’s fellowman, the one cancels out the other and these souls must begin again to love their fellowman as the Christ—perhaps in this life if they are wise; perhaps in the next.

Where is that religion that is pure and undefiled? Where is that religion that renders service unto the Christ of every­one, without exception?

As I look upon the record of the two witnesses and the delivering of the Word, the true Word of prophecy to the age, I say, we have seen the witnesses come. But where are the people? Where are the faithful? Where are those who have pledged at inner levels to serve and to multiply the body of God upon earth?

You represent 5 percent, not more, of those who should be gathered here this night, this year. Where are the other 95 percent who took the same vow that you took to support this light? They have allowed themselves to become disillusioned, to take up the ways of the world. They have entered into states of confusion, of deceit. They have not garnered the light or followed the Call or heeded the will of God. And so I say that these were intended to be the leaven that the woman took and hid in three measures of meal until it leavened the whole lump of mankind’s consciousness.3 You are the leaven, but more leaven is required.

I say, if you would retain the light for a new day and another round and for entrance into the golden age, each one must take the flame of the God Star Sirius and become serious and stern and eagle­eyed in order to find the light­bearers and to compel them to come into the light. I use that word “compel,” for you see, there are many forces of darkness that are compelling mankind and the children of God to follow in the ways of darkness.

Therefore you must be demanding and persistent, squeaking like the wheel that squeaks until it is oiled. You must make your sound. You must make your noise for the Law. And when you know that you have [found] a child of light, as the fisherman knows that he has a bite on his line, I say, then, be determined and draw in that soul for God!

For you cannot even imagine in your fondest imagination what the astral hordes and the forces of the fallen ones are like, who storm the bastions of the consciousness of the lightbearers. Sometimes in the thousands they gang up on one soul of light, pounding the brain, pounding the mind until that one is driven almost to the point of insanity. And when that one finally decides to forsake the light out of sheer desperation, suddenly all is calm, all is peaceful, and that soul is convinced that he has made the right choice; for obviously the peace and the harmony that ensue are a sign that God has approved.

Do you not see, then, that this is not the case but it is because, at the very moment that these forces of the night have won, they withdraw in order to give the impression that all is well, when all is not well? Indeed, all is not well with Terra.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 32.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Keeper of the Scrolls was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, July 3, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave, held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.] Part 2 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 32.

1. The image of the Virgin defaced. On May 21, 1972, Michelangelo’s world-renowned sculpture La Pietà, showing the Blessed Virgin holding the lifeless body of Jesus lying across her lap, was attacked by a crazed man with a hammer. Before he was subdued, he had severely damaged the statue, breaking off the Virgin’s left arm, removing part of her nose and chipping an eyelid. About 100 other fragments of the statue were lying on the chapel floor. Over a five-month period, the restoration team worked to identify all of the broken parts using existing photographs and a copy of the statue previously made from a mold. The statue was carefully restored and shows no signs of the damage. Ten months after the attack, La Pietà was again on display at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome where it is protected behind a bulletproof glass panel. The assailant, geologist Laszlo Toth of Australia, spent two years in a mental hospital before being released and deported to Australia.

2. Dan. 5:25—27.

3. Matt. 13:33; Luke 13:20, 21.

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