Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 32 - The Beloved Keeper of the Scrolls - August 22, 2018

I Submit My Report on the Lifewaves of Terra
to the Lords of Karma

Capture the Hearts of the Lightbearers
for the Law and for the Lord

Part 2

I come again, then, with a plea. I ask every student of the light and every Keeper of the Flame to make a determina­tion, such as you have not made in this life, to go forth and to capture the hearts of the lightbearers for the Law and for the LORD.

I ask you to increase your fervor, your decrees, and your invocations. I ask this of everyone—of the little children unto the aged, of the most humble servitor unto those who now have the responsibility of directing this activity.

I ask for support for our messenger. I ask for support from legions of angels serving in my band. We must have a voice on earth in these latter days. We must have a mouth­piece. And therefore we would retain this messenger here even beyond her appointed round, for the training of a mes­senger requires many, many years—years even beyond this life. There is not time, there is not opportunity in the fray to select another. And therefore I say that although ascension’s victory lies just beyond the veil, it is ordained and willed from on high that this messenger remain to deliver that spoken Word in conferences, in books, in lectures, in every way possible, and especially in teaching the students at Ascended Master University.1

You have heard of dispensations and indulgences* that are given to those who recite a certain number of prayers or perhaps read certain books. Well, I would tell you this night that those of you who are able to enlist students of the light in the Ascended Master University will receive a certain balancing of karma, a portion of the weight that you bear. So great is our concern that lightbearers are captured into the heart of the Mother that we offer, as it were, a reward to those of you who can enlist new students for that training.

For as we perceive the darkness that is shortly coming upon Terra—the darkness not only of karma but of the final opposition from those who are gathering even beyond this solar system to tear down the light of the Christ—we see that very few of the servitors of light (who have not the teaching, the discipline, and the training that we offer) will be able to sustain a momentum during that period of transition and darkness. This is a period which of course will dissolve in the light of the violet flame, which of course will dissolve in the sacred fire and which must give way to the circle and sword of Astrea.

Now, I speak not so much of those of you who have been our students for many years, for you have had the training in classes and in the dictations. But I speak of those children of the light who are abroad in the world without protection, without understanding, without knowing what it is that they feel and see at inner levels. These are they who require this training and this action in the aura of our messenger.

We count almost 100 percent of the student body of the Ascended Master University as souls who can be trusted with bearing the light against all odds, all temptation, all lies and argumentation of the fallen ones. For the training [we give] is for the exposure of the lie, of the plots, and for the revelation of the greatest truth imparted as firsthand experience, imparted as radiation and as the transfer of the mantle of the Mother to her children.

I say, then, before the Lords of Karma, that it is the recommendation of the Four and Twenty Elders that those among mankind who have spent the precious light of their divinity in immoral actions—in the misuse of their bodies, in the downgrading of life, in the selling out of America to the fallen ones, in the tearing down of the nobility of virtue, in the defacing of the Mother and the contamination of her children—be given that portion of their karma which will drive them, by that weeping and gnashing of teeth of outer darkness, to the feet of the Christ.2

For now we say that these souls must be driven to the light! They must be driven to the Christ by their own karma! And thus it is specifically given forth this night that in addition to the energies of the Dark Cycle3 (which are meted out in general to the planet), certain souls, who have tried the patience of the saints in heaven, will be given that portion of energy which they have thrust out upon life so that they might know instantaneously what it is like to be on the receiving end of that darkness. And therefore you will see at many levels of officialdom, of society, and in every nation that those who have flaunted the Law and the voice of God will come to know what is opportunity, what is life.

By the same token, those who have borne the light, those who have given their all in service, who have not compromised and who have not withheld their energies, to these will be given greater assistance. [And this applies] specifically to each lightbearer who has shown that last and utmost devotion.

There is given in this moment four angels, one to stand on each side of the temple of being. These angels are gold and white, and they have a forcefield that is a loop of gold, a loop for the protection of consciousness. There are some here who receive these angels, and there are some who receive them who are in other parts of the world and in this nation. Therefore, in the fulfillment of the fiat of Sanat Kumara, “For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath,”4 cosmic justice is meted out this night.

One final word. The Four and Twenty Elders and the Keeper of the Scrolls expect that, without fail, this company of lightbearers and all associated with this activity will see to it that these teachings, that these books which have already been published, come before the eyes of the public. And I say, without fail! For the LORD God himself will not hold you guiltless if you withhold this Word from humanity! And therefore in this year, in this twelve-­month cycle, we expect, as the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the multiplication of the written Word and its impact upon this nation.

For the ascended master truth and the ascended master teaching is the only thing that stands between the life and the salvation of a planet and the ultimate return of that karma and that karmic hammer, which would totally bow down the race and the evolutions and the lifewaves of this earth! It is the light that is invoked in the name of the Christ and in the name of the I AM Presence that has preserved the earth intact this year and for many years. As the darkness has increased, so the light must increase!

Remember my words, O Keepers of the Flame, O children of Terra. For this is not a trifle or a trifling. The Lord God himself is concentrating the eye of all­knowing and all­seeing upon mankind this night, and many will squirm in their beds as they feel in their souls the penetration of that eye that isolates darkness, that isolates light and demands that mankind come into the center of the light or give account for their absence in this roll call—this call to all who are centered in the Christ and all who determine to carry that banner.

I respectfully submit my report to the Lords of Karma, and this report may be read in its entirety by your souls as you journey this night to the Retreat of the Royal Teton. There it will be, in the library of the Gold Room. And you will enter there, welcomed by angels of record who desire that you should see the graphs and also the recordings from which this message has been drawn.

I take my leave of you. And remember that my view of life is in the actuality of the here and now, of the effort and the manifestation that has been shown and that is present. For this is my office. Other members of hierarchy, the arch­angels, and beings of light will come to you with hope, with joy, with promise, and even with dispensations. For that is their office. But I can report only that which is, that which has been proven as a measure of attainment or a lack of attainment.

The record does not lie. The record for every lifestream shows every thoughtless word, every haphazard release of energy, every desecration of the Law. All is recorded line upon line, hour by hour, and it is not erased until enough of the sacred fire is invoked by the soul to consume the scroll on which it is written.

You have heard, as I spoke many a year ago through the messenger you now call Lanello, that I reminded the students that to sin and then to call upon the law of forgiveness will work for a time. But heed well this admonishment:

If students of the light who have the use of the violet flame continue to manifest the same mistakes over and over again, thinking in their hearts that the violet flame will take care of their mistakes, then let them understand that there comes a certain time when it is decreed by the Lords of Karma that if you have misused the violet flame and failed to forsake that sin, then the entire record, the entire accumulation of substance, is returned upon you. And that which has been erased by the violet flame must also be balanced.

Therefore I say, do not flaunt the Law! Do not flaunt hierarchy! For the penalty is more than you are capable of dealing with in this life or in many lives to come.

Be humble, be pure, be obedient in love, and you can win. For I have the record of many souls who have won, who have gone before you and who have stood where you now stand.

Thus I submit my report. And I return now to the God Star, where the Four and Twenty Elders are in deliberation as to the unfoldment of the plan of hierarchy in this and other solar systems.

Peace in the flame.

*In Roman Catholicism, the term indulgence describes a pardoning of punishment due for sins committed.


Breath of God inside each cell
I AM the Violet Flame
Pulsing out the cosmic time
I AM the Violet Flame
Energizing mind and heart
I AM the Violet Flame
Sustaining God’s creation now
I AM the Violet Flame

With All Love
With All Love
With All Love

Shimmering in a crystal cave
I AM the Violet Flame
Searching out all hidden pain
I AM the Violet Flame
Consuming cause and core of fear
I AM the Violet Flame
Revealing now the inner name
I AM the Violet Flame

With All Peace
With All Peace
With All Peace

Flashing like a lightning bolt
I AM the Violet Flame
Stretching through the galaxies
I AM the Violet Flame
Connecting Soul and Spirit now
I AM the Violet Flame
Raising you to cosmic heights
I AM the Violet Flame

With All Power
With All Power
With All Power

This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, p. 469, no. 70.19.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Keeper of the Scrolls was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, July 3, 1974, during the July Class, Freedom 1974 Conclave, held at Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.] Part 1 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 31.

1. In 1971 Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet founded Ascended Master University in Santa Barbara, California, as a college of religion, culture and science. The university is now called Summit University. SU serves as the educational arm of The Summit Lighthouse, a spiritual organization based on the teachings of the ascended masters. It offers a wide variety of avenues for spiritual learning, including an online School of Theology and Spiritual Studies; shorter extension courses on popular metaphysical topics; spiritual retreats and seminars held on its campus in Gardiner, Montana, and different locations around the world. It also includes an independent home-study program called Sacred Adventure, which is a course of study in three books with engaging foundational material. For more information, see Pearl no. 24, this volume, p. 168, n. 7; and visit

2. Luke 13:23-28.

3. For information about the Dark Cycle, see Pearl no. 28, this volume, p. 195, n. 1.

4. Mark 4:25; Matt. 13:12; 25:29.

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