Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 38 - Beloved Saint Germain - October 8, 2018

The Preservation
of the Four Sacred Freedoms

Keep That Flame of Liberty Blazing over the Earth!

Part 2

That which I desire to impart to you is a wisdom and an awareness of subtleties. You have been taught the Law. You have been told again and again, “Keep your harmony.” You have been told of the burdens that are carried by our messengers. You have been taught every phase of the Law that is necessary.

It is not the teaching but it is the application of the teaching that requires practice. When you consider the pianist who has performed in honor of my coming, it is the practice that has made perfect. The theory was achieved long ago, but the practical application of the movement of the fingers on the keyboard is a development that comes with persistence and with a determination to override all opposition and depression and the temptations of the fallen ones to darkness, to desolation, to self-pity.

Do you not recall the warning concerning the dark cycle of Gemini? Do you not recall that this is the year when the tactics of the fallen ones are divide and conquer?1 How do they divide and conquer? They divide and set apart the carnal mind and the Christ mind. They make a reality of the carnal mind and pit it against the Christ mind, and then there is that warring even in each individual whereby in many cases emotional tensions arise and sanity is lost.

You must understand and be willing to give a little more each day, a little portion of the self that is sacrificed, like carving away the fat from the meat, carving away until all that is left is the unity of Christ purpose.

You must come into the flame of freedom with forgiveness in your heart for one another, and you must judge by motive alone. You must take a stand for the teaching and for hierarchy and forgive one another’s mistakes, for all can make mistakes.

Have you considered that ascended masters make mistakes? How do you think we feel when we have a messenger who commits suicide?2 We go before the LORD God. We call upon the law of forgiveness and we say, “Father, I have erred. I have placed thy sacred trust in one unworthy.”

How do you think we feel when we release the science of nuclear fission to mankind and then they take that knowledge to destroy one another? And what of all of the waste material that is being put into the earth, rendering the earth unfit for habitation? I tell you, if this is not stopped, there is no point in even trying to continue life upon earth. The solutions and the possibilities that have been offered by scientists to bury these waste materials in the ground, in the sea, or in the polar caps are absurd beyond belief!

How do you think we feel when through our hands knowledge is given because we trust mankind and the life flame in the heart to use that knowledge for life and the preservation of life, [and then that knowledge is misused]?

And so, you see, if with all that we know and with all that we have at our command we cannot predict human free will, then do not be hasty to judge when those who serve our cause with love in their hearts may make a mistake here and there, misjudging them because their consciousness was on the Christ in an immaculate vision of that Christ. [Those who are hasty to judge do so] because they have allowed the betrayal of the Christ by their own carnal minds.

I say, judge not lest ye be judged!3 I say, rather, fix your hearts upon the teaching and let gratitude abound for that teaching.

Consider, then, the preservation of the four sacred freedoms.4 You have grown up in a nation where freedom has given into your hands that freedom to speak, which is now deprived to millions of inhabitants upon the earth. Behind the Iron Curtain, in South America, in Africa, there are many who are not free to speak. To stand up on a soapbox in the middle of Central Park and to speak what you believe in your heart, or to speak before your fellow men by renting a hall in order to speak the Word that you believe—such is a sacred privilege!

I tell you, it is hard won! I tell you, there are planets in this and other systems of worlds that have been without that freedom for thousands of years. And now, as the Aquarian age dawns, do you think that those who are the dark ones, those who have conceded the victory, will not come forth to stampede America and to drive out the very flame of liberty, if it were possible?

Precious hearts, there is a way of looking at life from the level of practicality and of actuality, which means looking at what is, what the karmic situations are, what the level of the outer manifestation of attainment is. And then we again look at life from the level of victory, of the immaculate conception, of the Divine in all, which remains latent in some and comes to the fore in others.

Therefore when I make this analysis, I make it on the basis of the exigencies of the hour and the stand that must be taken in this nation, in the government, and in the economy so that these freedoms might be preserved for all mankind.

I say, then, that there are places on other planets where these freedoms have been lost. They can be lost again. Remember, Mu sank. Atlantis sank. Rome was destroyed. The Greek city-states were destroyed, and Pompeii is no more. Time after time, those who were on the verge of precipitating golden ages were overcome by those hordes [of darkness] on the very basis of the fact that those who had the opportunity to carry the torch were not willing to make the ultimate surrender and to find the union of the light for the victory.

It is time that you became more diligent in your invocations for the defense of the divine economy and the sacred freedoms. It is time that you increased, in the hours of your day, your application. It is time that you decreed as though the entire planet and America and your life and your family depended on whether or not you daily met those commitments of invocation.

You have heard it before, but I say it again: Thousands of angels are waiting on inner planes for you to come into your service each day, whether in groups or alone, to give your energies to the light. And when you find that you are too busy, too occupied to give that half hour or that hour of service, I say, the angels turn away, their heads drooping. For they have not the energy to stop the famine here, to allay disease, to prevent automobile accidents and loss of life, to protect the Buddhas and the Holy Christ children.

I say, the hierarchy can only intercede if you make the call and if you make it in unity and in oneness!

Freedom to worship—it is not only behind the Iron Curtain that this freedom is denied. Do you understand that in many nations of the world today the freedom to worship is not given? It is there in name or in word only. But if you were to try to start an ascended master movement in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, or in many nations in Africa today, you would find that if you had followers numbering in the thousands, as Jesus did, you might very well be crucified as a rabble-rouser, as an upstart, as a challenge to the Roman Empire.

Do you understand that as long as you are small and insignificant, you have apparent freedom? But let your numbers go into the millions and you will find every force and every instrument of the state and of the media turning against that light and that movement.

Therefore, up until this time we have preferred to limit our membership to the faithful, who could be trusted, thereby securing greater light and greater dispensations of light without arousing the carnal mind. But the time has come, and is now, that that carnal mind is aroused. As you would say, “The fat is in the fire.”*

The only alternative is for us to pursue a massive program of the reeducation of the people of America. This is so that this light and this religion and this church might be defended by greater and greater numbers among the citizens of the United States, and then it cannot be put down because there would be too many for any to contend with.

Therefore, you see, according to our timetable, we would like to move from the cluster of the intimate associates to a worldwide movement without having the pain and the furor that is created in an interim process, where, so to speak, a movement is a little too small to be a worldwide movement and yet a little too big to go unnoticed.

I would like you to understand that one of the reasons we have limited the expansion of the movement is that as the movement expands, a greater and greater momentum of hatred is directed to the messenger from the families, friends, and relatives of devotees. You will find endless cases of individuals who have taken a stand for the ascended masters’ teachings where their parents and family have been so outraged as to send daily torrents and torrents of hatred, first to the messenger and then, of course, to the staff, to the family, and to every member of the organization.

You do not realize that these currents of hatred make for all types of circumstances which you, then, are faced with—everything from physical disease to emotional pressure, to tension, to fatigue, and to [the projections of] all types of rays, voodoo activity, and black magic.

Therefore, because we serve to protect our chelas, we must first educate you in self-defense and in the defense of the hierarchy of light. We must educate you in decrees and invocations, but most of all to the subtleties of the fallen ones—the subtle inroads that they make through questioning the motives, the purposes, and the intents first of the messenger and then of the organization.

Now, it might be surprising to some of you—and I will not take you through all of the machinations of all of the gossip and all of the darkness that has been faced by our messenger in this year—but I can assure you that much of her time has had to be spent in correcting error, in counteracting lies, and in visiting and talking with individuals who have allowed themselves to become seized with condemnation for the activities of our board, of our members, or of representatives of Keepers of the Flame.5

I tell you, the battle is waged on all fronts. And there is a pen that is mightier than the sword but which does not exclude the use of that sword and the action of that sword for the defense of righteousness and truth!

Therefore, consider how this slanderous conversation, vilification, and darkness has gone forth and how through all of this the force attempts to conceal it from the messenger.6 This is because once it is exposed, once the truth is proclaimed, those who are the true devotees will of course see the light and see the temptations of the fallen ones to divide and conquer.

Precious hearts, you have heard of so many failures. There is no failure in this organization! There is no failure in the messenger or in the teaching! There is only failure to be alert on the part of students in the field. The organization cannot survive without the student body! It has survived with the student body because of your devotion, and it is because of your support that we are here, that I am here!

Do you understand the gratitude and the praise of the Great White Brotherhood for your stand for victory and for your devotion?

Continued from part 1 of this Pearl of Wisdom,vol. 60, no. 37.

*“The fat is in the fire” is an idiom meaning “something has been said or done that will cause a lot of trouble.”

Summit Lighthouse Success and Expansion

Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, O thou beloved immortal victorious threefold flame of eternal Truth within my heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Saint Germain, beloved El Morya, beloved Jesus, beloved Mother Mary, beloved great God Obedience, beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Mighty Astrea, all ascended beings, powers, activities, and legions of Light, angels and activities of the sacred fire, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!

In the name of the Presence of God which I AM and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I decree:

Blaze through our Summit Lighthouse now
Oceans of violet fire;
Blaze it through all who are serving it, too,
And make all fulfill God’s desire.

1. Beloved I AM, by Christ-command (3x)

2. In the Ascended Masters’ love and names
   and by the power of their cosmic flames (3x)

3. By the spiral blue flame (3x)

4. In Archangel Michael’s love and name
   and by the power of his sword of blue flame (3x)

5. In the Great White Brotherhood’s love and name
   and by the power of their threefold flame (3x)

6. By God’s blue ray it’s done today (3x)

7. By cosmic I AM fire, manifest God’s desire (3x)

8. In joy I know that this is done, for Freedom’s flame frees everyone (3x)

9. I command it done today, I command it done to stay,
   I command it done God’s way
I expect it done today, I expect it done to stay,
   I expect it done God’s way
I accept it done today, I accept it done to stay,
   I accept it done God’s way
It is done today, it is done to stay, it is done God’s way

And in full Faith ... *

* This decree is no. 6.02 in the decree book Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees - Decree Book.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 12, 1974, during Voyages of Discovery, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Divide and conquer. On February 13, 1974, the messenger gave this teaching about the divide and conquer energies: “Remember that the action of inconstancy is a result of the dividing of the being, the separation of the mind and the emotions. ...An idea pierces the mind, a concept from God. We energize that idea with the flow of feeling, with the flow of the desire body. The dark force uses the perversion of the ray of Gemini to divide and conquer within the forcefield, to divide your Alpha energies from your Omega energies, to separate them, to cause a lack of balance and, above all, to divide the mind and the heart, or the thoughts and the feelings. The division produces inconstancy... and this is the warring in the members.” For additional teaching, see Jesus and Kuthumi, “Constancy,” in Corona Class Lessons (Summit University Press), lesson 6. For information about the Dark Cycle, see Pearl no. 28, this volume, p. 195, n. 1.

2. In a lecture at Summit University in 1973, Elizabeth Clare Prophet spoke of a number of organizations and female messengers that El Morya had sponsored or worked with prior to The Summit Lighthouse. Some of these messengers (or potential messengers) did not surrender their pride, their egos, and so the master was unable to work with them and therefore he withdrew. Some groups, because of discord or the influence of false teachings, were no longer useful to the Brotherhood’s purposes. She explained in this and a later teaching that Geraldine Innocente, co-founder and messenger of the Bridge to Freedom (founded in 1951) had committed suicide after succumbing to the burden of dark forces working against her. She died on June 21, 1961, having taken barbiturates and tying herself to a raft, which was discovered in the waters of Long Island Sound. Mrs. Prophet revealed that when Geraldine passed from the screen of life “El Morya was standing on the shore” and he was about eight feet tall. She looked up at him and said to herself, “He’s really real.”

3. Matt. 7:1, 2; Luke 6:37.

4. The Four Sacred Freedoms are freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom to assemble, as listed in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

5. Condemnation of activities. In the 1973—1974 period and earlier, The Summit Lighthouse was having to handle opposition in the form of the Antichrist consciousness. This involved intellectual analysis, probing, and forces that break things down and tear them apart, which are the inversion of the divine Logos (divine wisdom, the mind of God). Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained that this was coming through opposition both within and without the organization. The internal condemnation was directed at some of the messenger’s decisions as well as at the board of directors and other leadership, bringing a weight upon the organization. Outside forces involved government investigations into The Summit Lighthouse’s expanded finances, locations, and membership because of the organization’s exploding growth. In addition, neighbors in the Colorado Springs area brought complaints against the use of the property (La Tourelle) as a church and school, as well as concerns about zoning, parking, and other regulations. Mrs. Prophet said that the neighbors had never brought their concerns to her or left the door open for her to make any correction. After review, the organization was found to be in compliance with the zoning and regulation issues.

6. Slanderous conversation, vilification, and darkness that the force attempts to conceal from the messenger. Saint Germain, in his dictation on November 30, 1974, gave this advice to the Summit University students: “Remember that in honor and with the honor flame, the Christ and the humility of the Christ is defended by the Holy Spirit, and the cosmic honor flame overcomes all deceit, all tampering with the flow of life’s energies. Deception, then, is dissolved in the cosmic honor flame. And when it is dissolved there can be no lies, no vilification, no gossip, no treachery and intrigue behind the back of the messenger and yet it is in full view of ascended master gurus, who are here and watching and who, indeed, do conduct this university.” Since this teaching by Saint Germain was given about six weeks after the dictation printed in these Pearls (nos. 37-39), the master may be referring to information that was being concealed from the messenger, as stated in this Pearl. See also note 5 above.

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