Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 37 - Beloved Saint Germain - October 1, 2018

The Preservation
of the Four Sacred Freedoms

Keep That Flame of Liberty Blazing over the Earth!

Part 1

Good afternoon, most gracious ladies and gentlemen. I come to bid you welcome to the fires of freedom.

As I welcome you into the flame, I must speak the warning that those who would enter this flame must take care lest the fires of transmutation—as they purge the consciousness of all limitation—should produce that exposure which is the manifestation of an egocentric, ego-centered consciousness that presents a one-sided view of life, of the teaching, and of the messengers.

Therefore, to come into the flame of freedom and to be a bearer of the torch of liberty in this age requires a certain awareness on the part of every Keeper of the Flame. It is an awareness that in order to have and to retain this most priceless gift of the freedom of the Holy Spirit, you must be willing to put down the carnal mind—with all of its temptations, with all of its expressions, and with all of its fierceness of Antichrist, of the Fallen One himself,1 who can only enter into the company of saints through those who have not surrendered the carnal mind.

Do you understand, then, that the ascended masters place the entire teaching, the organization of that teaching, and hierarchy itself in a certain jeopardy each time they expose to mankind what appears to be the human [consciousness] of their representatives? For, you see, many of those among mankind do not discern the motive of the heart or the Christ that is acting in our representatives. And because anyone can come into our meetings and into our public services without having first surrendered, there is always that question as to whether or not the individual soul sitting at the feet of the masters will determine to align himself or herself with the forces of life or the forces of death, of regeneration or of degeneration.

And so, you see, coming nigh the flame means that that flame will separate and purge the gold from the dross, will ensconce the Christ flame and expand it. Therefore, if you would call for the expansion of the Christ flame, then remember that in its expansion there must be a corresponding release into the flame of all darkness, else there will be a house divided against itself that cannot stand.2 And then you will find that the last days of those individuals [who have not surrendered] will be worse than their first, and it would have been better had they never contacted that flame.

I come, then, to speak to you this day concerning the raising up of the torch of liberty and of the flame of freedom to a nation and to a planet. For do you see that if there is jeopardy in bringing that flame to the few, who count themselves the faithful, then what will it mean to a world when that flame is expanded for an entire continent?

You must understand that since mankind are given free will, the ascended master hierarchies cannot always predict what will happen. And unless it comes as a fiat from the Lords of Karma or from Alpha and Omega, the ascended masters do not make predictions of dire calamity and cataclysm upon earth, for that would be to presume that we could step in and alter mankind’s free will for better or for worse.

I come, then, to say that if we are to expand that flame of freedom for the victory of Mighty Victory, of souls of light and of a planetary home, we must have the assurance of the sacred trust of hearts united in the white-fire core.

I can assure you, as you have heard this morning of the failures that have come about in individuals and organizations that we have sponsored,3 that it is indeed a trial for the hierarchy to once again renew that sponsorship and that pledge. Yet this we have done in this age and in this organization through these messengers.

We have come forth again. And I can tell you that the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood (which includes every ascended master and cosmic being, every angel and angel deva, elemental, and Elohim) is counting upon this body of lightbearers to turn the tide for world victory. And although human free will is unpredictable, we have set our mark upon this body of ascended master students and we have put our all on the line!

You might say that we are cosmic gamblers. You might say that we are playing with God’s energy. But I say: What alternative have we? Where shall we go to find a receptive heart?

Yes, there are many who are devoted in the world’s churches. But how many can accept the full complement of the ascended masters without crying out against such a concept, [claiming it] as being anti-Christ, as being of the fallen ones?

When you analyze the world situation and the world consciousness, you will understand that there are very few to whom the masters can go with an appeal for devotion and for service. Therefore, because the salvation of a planet demands the allness of its evolutions, our evolutions ascended have pledged the all of cosmic grace, of our momentum of light, and of those jewels that we wear, which are a sign of attainment.

You see, we have put our all upon the line before the Lords of Karma. We have taken our vows and we have made our pledge that we will stand behind not only the messenger, the board of directors, the staff, and the Keepers of the Flame, but we will stand behind each one who is pledged to the light.

Understand, then, that we have not only made a pledge but we have said that if these lightbearers fail, we will pay the price! We will forfeit that attainment and that light! Now, although victory is a statement of “when” and not a question of “if,” we must consider the possibilities of the misuse of free will. We must also consider that there is the opportunity to fail as well as to succeed because it is in the crucible of free will.

We must consider and bring to your attention, therefore, that if the body of light-servers now connected with this ascended master movement (which is destined to cover the earth) fail to cooperate and fail through the temptation of division and of criticism, condemnation, and judgment, then we shall pay the price! And if we shall pay the price and take all in our cosmic bank account to pay the debt that you incur, remember: Will there be any light left that we can pledge for a planet and its people?

Cosmic councils and the Great Central Sun require collateral. They do not continue to loan out dispensations of cosmic light to a world that has squandered that light. It is simply not a wise investment of energy. Do you understand?

Do you understand that the cosmic bank for the planet Earth could go bankrupt if those to whom the loans have been given do not use those loans to multiply the substance of light that they have been given?

Do you understand why, in the parable that Jesus taught, the one who buried his talent was condemned? He was told that he ought to multiply that talent!4 It is the law of hierarchy and of the cosmos that the light that is given into your hands must be multiplied! This light includes your daily allotment of energy—of love, of life, of wisdom, and, yes, of the coin of the realm. To use this wisely and well for the expansion of our projects casts a vote that is not only in your favor, but in the sight of the Lords of Karma it is a vote for the ascended master team, masters whom you know and love, who because of your love have joined together to support you in this mission.

Now, I will tell you of a very interesting development. As we have watched the repercussions of the dictation of Mighty Victory and Archangel Michael and of the taking of another percentage of energy from the Fallen One,5 we have seen—in the dark councils of these enemies of the Christ and in their deliberations—that there has been a certain consternation and a certain calling on the carpet of that Lucifer, who has lost and squandered much of that reservoir of dark power that was being used by the fallen ones to captivate a planet and its people.

There has been a certain concession in the heart of Lucifer that the victory of the planet is to the light and that it is only a question of time before those final percentages of energy will cost him his tenure and his immunity. [He has admitted that] in that hour the victory will be conceded to the Mother of the Flame and to all Christed ones who have ever stood for victory and for light, who have supported the mission of the messengers and who have come forth for thousands of years to proclaim the spoken Word.

Now, this admission within the heart of the Fallen One is not necessarily a cause for rejoicing on your part. For you must see that in the reasoning of the carnal mind, once the victory of the light is admitted, then the dark ones have nothing more to lose, for they have already lost! And therefore they will stop at nothing to destroy this movement, this organization, this messenger and her family.

Considering that they must go, and go down to defeat, they are determined to take the children of the light with them! Do you understand, then, that their gambling with that last substance that is theirs is to them much easier? Therefore they will give that energy, they will be more daring, and their confrontations and their condemnations will be more blatant.

And so you must beware. For the only way that any organization can crumble is from within.

You are invincible as long as you stand in the flame of freedom and in the light of cosmic honor! You are invincible as long as you are one! You are invincible as long as you see and behold the Christ in one another!

Do you understand? Do I make myself clear? [3-second pause] I desire an answer from you. Do I make myself clear? [“Yes!”]

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 38.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 12, 1974, during Voyages of Discovery, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Fallen One refers to Lucifer, who in his arrogance felt that he himself was greater than God. The teachings explain that Lucifer and the angels who followed him were cast out of heaven into the earth. In April 1975, about six months after this conference, Lucifer was bound and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire, where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders for a period of ten days. He was sentenced to the second death on April 26, 1975. (See Alpha, July 5, 1975, “The Judgment: The Sealing of the Lifewaves throughout the Galaxy”; and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 6, 1975, “Antichrist: The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Great Whore,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 234-36, 239-49.) On January 27, 1982, another antichrist, Satan, was remanded to the Court of the Sacred Fire, resulting in his final judgment and second death.(See Jesus Christ, “The Final Judgment of Satan,” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 16.)
When a fallen one is bound and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire, the next ranking false hierarch assumes his office and title. Lucifer and Satan are the original names of these two antichrists. Their underlings go by these names and use them as titles. Thus we must still anticipate the initiations of “Lucifer” and “Satan” handed down through their lieutenants, who invoke their mantles, even though they have ceased to exist. The “seed,” i.e., consciousness, of Lucifer and Satan remains a force to be dealt with by the lightbearers so long as there are those on the left-handed path who embody and propagate it.

2. Mark 3:25; Matt. 12:25; Luke 11:17.

3. Failures in individuals and organizations we have sponsored. This information may have been discussed in the unrecorded Keepers of the Flame Business Meeting held that morning. Saint Germain also spoke about this situation of failures in part 2 of this dictation. See Pearl no. 38, this volume, p. 270, n. 2.

4. Matt. 25:25

5. In their dictation given on October 11, 1974, the day before Saint Germain’s dictation, Mighty Victory and Archangel Michael spoke of the judgment of Lucifer: “I say, correct ignorance with information; correct malice by challenging the Liar and his lie. I challenge that one, that Fallen One, whose time is short. And I say, Go back! You are judged this day not only for the slaughter of the holy innocents in this age but for thousands of years. Therefore, in view of the challenging of the messenger and of this company and of the hierarchy of ascended masters by Lucifer prior to this conference, another percent of energy is taken from him for the direct confrontation that occurred even this night and for the interference with the flow of light.
“Know, O children of the light, that those who challenge the messenger and the Christed one in manifestation will bear the judgment. Some of you have known that an immunity was given to Lucifer because of his attainment prior to the Fall. Therefore only those on this planetary body who can reach the level of attainment that he had prior to the Fall have immunity against his interference.
“Many years ago, when the Great White Brotherhood inaugurated the mission of the delivery of the ascended masters’ teachings to the age, the messengers were granted immunity from Lucifer’s interference. He was then charged that any opposition taken against the messengers would cost him certain percentages of his momentum of energy used against the children of light.
“To this hour, forty-four percent of that energy has been taken in addition to this one percent, which serves as a warning to that proud spirit: ‘Thus far and no farther!’ And with the addition of that percentage, a certain portion of darkness on the planet is consumed in the sacred fire focused in the Christ, the Elohim, the archangels and the seven holy Kumaras.
“Therefore, I say, the percentage taken is concerned with the manifestation of the perversion of victory—that aspect of unreality that challenges the hierarchy of Libra and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I say, let the exposure of the Liar, the lie and all crime in this nation be made manifest this night as the price that must be paid by the Fallen One for his attempt to deprive mankind of this light and this teaching!” (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 43, no. 12, March 19, 2000)

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