Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 40 - Beloved El Morya - October 22, 2018

Saint Germain:
A Champion of Freedom

[The meditation music, “Lo, Now the Conquering Hero Comes,” was played between Saint Germain’s and El Morya’s dictation.]

Morya speaks for the sealing of the fires of freedom in the will of God!

I AM the champion of Saint Germain! I AM the champion of freedom! And I come with a momentum of the will of God and of all who combine and serve in the ray of blue and of heaven’s will in order to ratify all that has been given by the Knight Commander.

I stand before you to pledge anew my light and the diamond of my light to Saint Germain, our Commander of Freedom!

And I tell you that as Saint Germain was speaking here today, cosmic beings and cosmic councils stood at attention, in honor and in silence, to give acknowledgment to the flame of his heart—to the love of his heart for you, for America, and for this planetary home. These cosmic beings are light-years away from Terra, and yet when Saint Germain comes forth to declare the word of truth, they stand in allegiance! For his flame is known throughout cosmic consciousness.

I AM the will of God in support of Saint Germain and in support of this hierarchy’s endeavor to meet the challenge of the New Age!

I AM Morya of the first ray! I stand to anchor the light of Alpha and Omega in you and to give you the balance, the discretion, and the discernment of the will of God and of the diamond-shining mind of God in the hours, the days, and the weeks ahead.

O faithful ones, I bid you welcome to Darjeeling! Come to our Temple of God’s Holy Will. Ask that your guardian angels take you there while your bodies sleep, for I have some instruction to impart to you, and the wisdom that will enable you to wield the sword of Saint Germain and of Archangel Michael in the defense of world and individual freedom.

So I pledge my heart, my head, and my hand to Saint Germain, and I AM one in the light and in the flame of his heart. So may you be also.

Keepers of the Flame: Be one! Be holy! Be one!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, October 12, 1974, during Voyages of Discovery, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

A Vigil for Freedom excerpt

Saint Germain, July 4, 1974

You must make calls daily to the Elohim who, working in conjunction with the fourteen ascended masters who govern the destiny of America, are determined to take hold of this government at every level, beginning with the White House, the Supreme Court, the Congress, state governments, local governments. The seven mighty Elohim are just waiting to be invited by you to come in and to turn this government upside down, inside out, to shake it up and down, right and left, until when the dust settles, the right hearts, the Christed ones, will be in positions of authority.

America cannot endure if the Luciferians retain their hold and their power. You must see how important it is to defend those candidates and those young men and women who are preparing themselves for public office. You must defend those who have the right consciousness and who have espoused the cause of freedom. Prayers for the protection of public officials, representatives of the people, are so necessary....

How often have I stood, even this very year, in the Capitol building listening to the debates, listening to the endless series of questions and probings in [the investigation of] Watergate! How often have I stood, seeing how the energy of light was needed to intercede on behalf of the Christ of America! And I have lifted up my gaze and I have scanned the skies and I have looked across America for one student of light who was making the calls and the invocations for the government and for the holy will in government.

There have been moments and hours when I extended my gaze, when I could find not one devotee standing before the altar, before my flame, before the picture of the Capitol and the White House that I have requested that you place in your rooms of meditation. And thus, not finding one who was offering energies in defense of America, by cosmic law I could not intercede in your behalf. And thus a moment, a precious moment, and many precious moments have been lost....

America, O America, rise up in defense of this holy ground! America, respond to your inner calling! O America, be free! Wake! O awake to hear the warning sounded by angelic hosts on high! O children of the light, listen! Listen to God as he speaks to you in this hour! O America, bend the knee! Come down from that lofty pride of the Luciferians and be humble in the Christ....

I say, in the name of the Christ: You are the authority for America! You are the real government of the people, by the people and for the people! I say this because you have learned to command “in the name of the Christ.” Therefore, precious hearts, shake from yourselves the lethargy, the complacency that settles as the heat of the summer! Shake it from yourselves and be vigilantes for freedom! I say, let your fervor wax hot and give your decrees for America. The need is so great....

Sons and daughters of liberty, awake in the name of freedom! Awake I say! Do you not feel my fervor? Would you not have that fervor in your own heart day and night? I give it to you gladly. I impart it to you now as the fiery purple heart of my being....

O precious ones, there must be a return to cosmic honor! There must be diligence, there must be expansion, and there must be support of our cause. I ask you to take my fervent call and my heart’s love to yourself, to make it your own and to give those decrees. I ask you, one and all, to consecrate your evening worship on Saturday to the flame of freedom. I ask you to let nothing keep you from that service.

I ask you to place a map of America in your meditation room. I ask you to place your hands each day upon America and feel the power of the secret rays and of my own soul, my very life, pouring through you tangibly, physically, to anchor in the grid that is America the consciousness of light, of the God Star of Surya and the Four and Twenty Elders.

Wherever you go, will you hallow this ground? Will you remember, when you walk along the beaches of life, in the woods and in the mountains, to take a handful of soil, to consecrate it to God and to say:

In the name of the Christ, in the name of Saint Germain, I consecrate America to Almighty God—north and south, east and west, from Canada all the way to the tip of South America! I consecrate this land for the new birth, for the new order of the ages and for the rising of the pyramid of souls! O God, I consecrate this land, this air we breathe, this water unto thee. O take it, LORD, unto thee and make it thine own.

Pearls of Wisdom from The Summit Lighthouse

The White House

Cezary p

Pearls of Wisdom from The Summit Lighthouse

The U.S. Capitol

Martine Falvisoner

Pearls of Wisdom from The Summit Lighthouse

Map of the United States of America

By Wikisoft* @@@-fr 09:06, 14 January 2011 (UTC) - File:Usa edcp relief location map. png, GFDL,

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