Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 41 - Beloved Jesus - November 1, 2018

I Come to Proclaim
the Second Coming of Christ

I Confess That the Christed One within You
Is Lord of All

Peace from the heart of God.

Peace in the light of love.

Peace as the thrust of the flaming sword!

I AM the sacred Word incarnate in every heart. I AM the Christ light of the world,1 and I AM the fulfillment of the Law unto life everlasting.

I AM Jesus the Christ. That is my name, and for all ages that name is given for the commemoration of the victory of the Word incarnate.

Take heed, precious ones: Let no man deceive you!2 For in every age the lies have gone forth concerning my mission, my light, and the light of the Christos, which is the light of all life.

I come to proclaim the Second Coming of Christ and to inaugurate a spiral—a thrust of illumination to the age! That thrust is the bursting forth into dimensions approaching the physical plane—dimensions of the Cosmic Christ consciousness of Maitreya, of Buddha, and of beings who move along the chain of hierarchy all the way back to the Great Central Sun, the origin of the Word.

Roll, illumination! Roll, O fires of wisdom’s light! Roll as the scroll of life! Burn through, O illumination, the darkness of the night! Burn through, O Jophiel and Christine!

Legions of light, come forth! Ten thousand angels of illumination’s flame, come forth to form the tiers of the petals of the lotus-love of Gautama.

Come forth, Jophiel and Christine! Come forth, mighty Elohim! Come forth, now, and press into the hearts of all the wisdom of the ages and the recognition of that true light, which lighteth every man, every woman, and every child.3 So let the flame be rekindled in my name, I AM THAT I AM!

You have heard it said that every tongue should confess and every knee should bow before Christ the Lord.4 So I, Jesus, come before you and I bow before the Christ within you, and I confess that that Christed One is Lord of all!

I AM the servant of the flaming Christ consciousness within you! So then, the servant is not greater than his lord.5 The only greatness that the “I” can confirm—the “I” who affirms the “I” as the I AM THAT I AM—is the greatness of the Christ.

In the name of Almighty God, let it be etched in time and space that I, Jesus the Christ, have come forth to worship the Christ in Mater, in the heart and the womb of the Mother, in the heart of every child of light upon the planetary body!

I have come forth to acknowledge that light, which no man shall take from you! So let it be forevermore that the Law is proclaimed: The Christ is king! The Christ is prophet and priest unto God! The Christ is the fullness of the soul of each one!

Therefore the equalization of life is found in the Christ flame, and nowhere else. For in all other quarters there is inequality, but in the heart—the one light—there is the common inheritance of all.

So let us pierce and shatter and confute that lie that only one Son of God can be the fulfillment of that Christ! Let us refute that lie that only one Son of God has the power to forgive sin!

I say in the name of the individual Christ Self of each one: Be thou made whole!6 In the name of the Christ, thy sins be forgiven thee!7 Accept the forgiveness of your Christ Self, which I reinforce by the momentum of my Christed awareness.

I AM that Christ consciousness in you, for I AM one with the Christ here below and above and throughout cosmos. If it were not so, I would have told you.8

Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life!9 The searching of the scriptures through the intellect of the carnal mind has been used in the wresting of those scriptures to the destruction of the solar light of mankind. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for you to find God through the intellect.10 Let that mind be in you which is the mind of God, and let that mind teach you all things.11

Therefore, I reject the lie that has been put forth by the fallen ones and the impostors through the psychics of the world that that name of Jesus, given to me by God, has been changed to another! I reject that lie and I expose that lie and I expose the impostor this day!12

Beware, then, of those who come in the night saying, “I am Christ. I am the Christed one, but call me not by the name of Jesus; call me by another name.” Take heed. For this is the lie of the fallen ones, [which is intended] to exact allegiance and energy and to create a psychic tie from your consciousness to the false hierarchs who are even now impersonating my name and my flame across the face of the earth.

These false hierarchs impersonate me in and out of the churches, and mankind think that through human sympathy and psychic thralldom they have entered into the true Christ consciousness. But I tell you, they have not! For they have accepted the condemnation of the Liar and his lie.

As it is written in holy writ, those who have accepted the condemnation of that Evil One, their damnation is just.13 The meaning of this is that those who accept this condemnation—the denial of the Christ-potential within the self or any other part of life—effectively deny the flow of the Christ light and therefore they are damned to that state of outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.14 Until each soul who is born of God comes forth to confess that the Christ is Lord of his temple,15 that soul must remain in outer darkness, outside of the hallowed circle of Reality.

And thus, whether it is called the Word or the Logos or the Light or the Christos, it is that acknowledgment of the flaming potential of God Self-awareness as the spark of life in the individual that is necessary for salvation. It is not the shedding of blood of one man that brings salvation!

I challenge that lie of the fallen ones and of the bloodthirsty demons who would have the blood of the children of light! For they know that the essence of the Christ flows in that blood, and they would vampirize the light of mankind. Thus they move across the earth seeking ways and means for the shedding of blood, for the stirring up of war and rumors of war16—and they come.

Understand, then, that as my body temple was charged with the presence of the living God and as every atom and molecule and cell of my being flowed with that light, so the spilling of my blood upon the cross was for the balancing of life—and yes, the remission of sins, if you will. But you must understand that in the light of cosmic knowledge it is the blood of Christed man and Christed woman that is for the balancing of life.17

Do you not understand that in the gift of the stigmata, where some among the saints have been allowed to shed blood, there is also that flow of sacred essence that is an atonement, a focusing in time and space of that sacred essence?18

Just as you have understood the alchemy of transubstantiation in the Holy Communion (whereby the wine takes upon itself the frequency of the life essence of Christ and the wafer is transformed into the frequency of the body of Christ), so understand that in the shedding of the blood of the saints and the chosen ones there is also an alchemy whereby that essence becomes a substance that is for the leavening and for the balancing of world karma. In this sense, then, have Christians affirmed, “Christ died for my sins.”

It cannot be that that passing of blood should atone for sin for all time, but it is the essence of the Christ that flows through every heart. It is the essence of the presence of Christed ones above and below, and it is the flow of that energy as the sacred fire and the sacred Word that is for the remission of sin. Therefore from symbology, from sacred ritual, we move into the consciousness of alchemy, of geometrics, of mathematics, and of the sacred science of the transformation of the entire body of God upon earth into the body of God that is the celestial body of the Incorruptible One.19

Let the temptation to believe that this balancing of life can only occur by that specific blood of one Son of God be set to naught, and let all realize the sacred worth of the sacred fire that flows from the consciousness of the Christ.

Let all, then, also acknowledge the mastery of Christed ones and be willing to receive, as little children, the spiral of that momentum of mastery, whereby in answer to your call the Christed ones of heaven will impart to you the true essence of light. It is the true blood of Christ that is the transforming power of the Logos in you here and now.

I AM the presence of the Holy Comforter. And so I come and so I descend, as the angel promised that I would come in like manner as those blessed ones saw me go.20 So I come again and I descend, and I come into your midst. And I press through the veil as I press through the consciousness of the messenger and of each disciple.

I press through your heart with my love. I press through your mind with that wisdom that is the gift of God. I press through your body temple the strength to fulfill the mission of the Christ—energy boundless, limitless from the heart of God! I press upon you that leaven of the Christ consciousness that will be for the leavening of the whole lump of human consciousness.

By the power of the sacred Word and the flow of Alpha and Omega, here I come! Here I go! Here I AM the fullness of that law that rejects every attempt to belittle the victory of the Christ!

For I AM the victorious overcoming of the last enemy! I AM the fulfillment of the resurrection spiral within you, each one, and I AM there on the cross of life with you. I AM passing through this veil of tears with you, and I AM the transforming power that transforms pain into joy, sorrow into life, death into immortality.

I AM that Presence that does reject the lie that Jesus was drugged on the cross, that Jesus never died on the cross but was taken by the disciples and revived.21 This is the lie that would refute the power of the resurrection flame!

How can mankind entertain such a conception, even in their rational minds, in view of the miracles and transformations that took place, such as the raising of the dead,

the healing of the sick, the stilling of the tempest, the alchemy of the changing of the water into wine, the coin in the mouth of the fish, and all of the great miracles wrought by God in that blessed consciousness and forcefield that I received as the identity pattern of my soul?

Precious hearts, let those who have said “Let his blood be upon us and upon our children”22 know that the law of forgiveness does flow, that I have long ago forgiven the accuser of the brethren, even Lucifer himself. I have forgiven every part of life, and I love those ones who know not yet the love of Christ.

Therefore, to be relieved of the burden of the sin of the crucifixion of the Christ is something that all mankind should pursue, for there are none who are guiltless. All who have partaken of the crucifixion of the Christ within—as the denial of that light, as the denial of that love—have been a part of the nailing of the nails, of the piercing of the side, and of the verdict, “Crucify him!”

Do you not understand that God is crucified daily in you as long as you submit to the darkness of the fallen ones and their condemnation?

Roll back all condemnation! Roll it back! Roll it back! And let the affirmation of the Word now, here in the self, be the acknowledgment of the Christ, which is the beginning of forgiveness. So I call upon the law of forgiveness for all who are implicated in this crime, for the entire human race.

I say: Let the accuser of the brethren stand trial! Let him stand trial before the Court of the Sacred Fire! And let the fallen ones who have mouthed the mouthings of the evil spirits, let them stand trial for their hypnosis of mankind! Let them stand trial for that hypnotic condemnation that has resulted in the crucifixion of the Christ for thousands and thousands of years and in the stoning of the holy prophets of Israel! Was this not the crucifixion of the Lamb of God from the foundation of the world of flesh?23

“Behold, before Abraham was, I AM!”24 It is this universal Presence that mankind fail to contain within the finite cup.

I say, let us dash the finite cup! Let us shatter that cup! And let us replace that cup with the crystal chalice of the Christ consciousness from the heart of your own I AM Presence! Let that crystal cup descend, now, by angelic hands, by the angel of your Presence and your own Christ Self.

So let the chalice of the infinite awareness of the Christ descend, that you might receive him and that your cup might be full and that your cup might contain the Holy One of God here on earth, in Mater.

This, then, is the thrust of illumination to the age—that Christ should come in full glory in the heart of each beloved son!

Lo, I AM here! Lo, I AM there! Lo, I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the age of overcoming victory in the light of the only begotten of God.25

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 13, 1974, during Voyages of Discovery, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. John 8:12; 9:5.

2. Matt. 24:4; Eph. 5:6; II Thess. 2:3.

3. John 1:9.

4. Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:10, 11.

5. John 13:16; 15:20; Matt. 10:24, 25.

6. John 5:6.

7. Matt. 19:24; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25.

8. Phil. 2:5.

9. The name of Jesus changed to another. In the 1960s the name Sananda was widely used by various New Age teachers, psychics, and others to refer to Jesus. In a teaching on May 30, 1979, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained that this false hierarch, Sananda, gave dictations claiming that he was Jesus Christ and asked people to use his new name for the Aquarian age. This false hierarch was bound at inner levels by Archangel Michael, removed from the astral plane, and taken to the Court of Sacred Fire on Sirius for judgment.

10. Rom. 3:8.

11. Matt. 8:12; 13:42; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28.

12. Rom. 10:9; Phil. 2:11.

13. Matt. 24:6.

14. Matt. 8:12; 13:42; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28.

15.Rom. 10:9; Phil. 2:11.

16. Matt. 24:6.

17. The blood of Christed man and woman that is for the balancing of life. In the period before the Piscean age and the advent of Jesus, animals were sacrificed for the atonement of the sins of the people. Some Christians today pray to Jesus to cover themselves, their families and their homes with his blood, for they believe the blood of Jesus to be an indispensable protection. They believe they have been saved because Jesus died for their sins. In a vision given to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Jesus revealed that it is not his blood per se that protects us and is our salvation, but it is the light of God carried through his blood that is for the salvation of sin.

18. The stigmata is the scientifically inexplicable reproduction of the wounds of the crucified Christ on the body. The stigmata may be invisible, in which pain is experienced without any physical signs, or it may be visible, in which open wounds or scars are seen on the hands, feet, near the heart, on the head, shoulders or back. These wounds may bleed continuously or periodically, usually on Fridays or during Lent. Saint Francis of Assisi is the first saint known to have received the stigmata. In her teaching, Elizabeth Clare Prophet has revealed that the sign of the etheric (the invisible) stigmata is “the sign of the path of sainthood, that the individual is carrying the weight of planetary karma, the portion assigned to that individual.” Kuthumi, speaking of his embodiment as Saint Francis, said that he received the physical stigmata, “which was the sign of the wedding of the soul to the living Spirit of the Ancient of Days and the entire descent of that Ancient of Days. Thus, I was fastened with my Saviour to the white-fire cross of universal Being, and the blood flowed from me, as the ruby ray flowed from the pierced heart of the Saviour, as it flows from the heart chakra of Sanat Kumara, Gautama, Maitreya, and all of the saints.... This ruby ray, in its spiritual power, becomes the instrument whereby you redeem God’s people.” (E. C. Prophet, June 30, 1978; Kuthumi, July 9, 1979)

19. In a dictation on January 21, 1979, El Morya gave a teaching on the Incorruptible One, “who is the Lord and the living Christ within you, ...the almighty person and principle of God, the only God, the one true God, inhabiting in his holy place.” He explained that as “a force of light” the Incorruptible One is not a force that opposes evil but is a force that acts to assimilate the energy veil and to repolarize the light and energy; therefore it is a great central sun. “Any element may be placed into it, added unto it, and yet it remains the Incorruptible One.... Being the highest frequency within the planetary body, it becomes an involuting flame, absorbing into itself all unlike itself, transmuting that substance and becoming more and more the Incorruptible One.” (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 57, no. 16, August 15, 2014.)

20. Acts 1:11.

21. Two authors claim that Jesus was drugged when he was on the cross. Michael Baigent, in his book The Jesus Papers (HarperSanFrancisco, 2006), asserts that Jesus was given a drug when he was offered the sponge soaked in vinegar. Hugh Schonfield, in The Passover Plot (Bantam, 1965), believes that Jesus was drugged on the cross to appear dead so that he would be taken down and later revived. (“Could Jesus Have Survived the Crucifixion?” by Michael Baigent, at

22. Matt. 27:25.

23. Rev. 13:8.

24. John 8:58.

25. Matt. 28:20.

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