Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 42 - Beloved Kuthumi - November 8, 2018

The Key to the Mind of God Is Love

Acknowledge No Separation from Love, from God,
from Each One on Earth, Each One in Heaven

I would be the adornment of his light. I would be the fragrance of his Presence. I would be the breath of love that flows in the annunciation of the coming of the Holy One.

When I was given the gift of the office of World Teacher to serve at the side of my Master, I said, “Let it be, that I might translate the fire of the Flaming One to mankind below. Let it be, that the worth of my soul to walk at his side is in the testimony of that Word.”

And so, even in my embodiment as Saint Francis, which was to preach in the squares, to teach the law of my Master and to lay down my life for him, it was for the filling of my cup, and it is the filling of my cup to this hour.

Thus the polarity of Alpha and Omega is fulfilled in the office of the World Teachers1 as our Master sends forth the thrust of the Spirit and as I expand my consciousness in adoration of the Divine Mother. This occurs so that that consciousness of the World Teachers might be filled with the light of the Christ and so that the distillations of the Mother flame might be in me for the impartation of the word of wisdom to those who remain, as always, devotees of his flame.

I come as the servant of the Most High God. I also bow before the light within you, and I acknowledge Christ as Lord of lords within you.2 I acknowledge that potential. I see that potential. I enter that potential.

I ignite a certain fire in the heart of the sphere, in the heart of the self, that you might receive the energy of the World Teachers, of the complement of wisdom from the heart of the Great Central Sun. For wisdom is an energy flow. Wisdom is the transfer of the forcefield of the mind of God that is placed over your consciousness. It is a grid that is as complex, and more so, as the most advanced computer. And yet when you have the key to the grid, you have the key to the mind of God. The key, of course, is love.

When you love, you find that in God’s mind there is the unfoldment within you of each scroll of life, of the mastery of every field of human and divine endeavor—of the arts and sciences, of education and government, of economics, homemaking, history, and the fulfillment of the patterns of life in every aspect of society.

The World Teachers have been given a dispensation of merit. This dispensation comes as the award from Alpha and Omega for the victories won and the tests passed by certain of our chelas who have attended the Ascended Master University, where we have spent much of our time in these past twelve months.3 We come, then, with that award, just as teachers in this world often receive awards for the accomplishments of their pupils.

The Ascended Master University is one experiment that has succeeded on Terra, and therefore with that flaming merit we come to give back to those pupils—those who have won a certain element of wisdom’s fire—an increment of that merit to propel them higher.

Those who have made the sacrifices, who have denied the self, who have applied the teaching shall have imparted to them that flowing water of the Word, which is for an expansion of the spiral of the wisdom of the World Teachers in fulfillment of the Law: “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.”4

So it is the law of the divine magnet of the Christos that the more you magnetize light in the heart, in the mind, and in the soul, the greater is the magnet that can make you whole. By the greatness of that magnet you will magnetize larger energies, larger spirals, a larger consciousness of the Cosmic Christ.

The Law is in operation twenty-four hours a day. You attract what you are. If you do not like what you are attracting to yourself, then you can change yourself. You must first become whatever it is that you desire in order to attract the object of your desiring. Therefore, to be desire-less so that you might build the magnet of the heart is the way of wisdom.

In the magnet of the heart is the very pull, the gentle tug, the powerful feeling of the magnet of God. This is reinforced as you draw skeins of consciousness, legions of angels, beings from far-off worlds who must come (according to the law of the magnetization of the God flame) to stand at your side, to be where you abide because you have declared “I AM THAT I AM.” And all of life that has also declared “I AM THAT I AM” must become one with you and must fulfill that fiat in you.

For life is one, you know. Life is one. And here below, where separation seems to be the order of the day, do you not understand, O precious children of the light, that the overcoming of every problem, of every burden, of fatigue and pain and sorrow is accomplished through the transmutation of the sense of separation?

First and foremost, you must challenge the lie that somehow you have a separate existence from God. It matters not whether you live outside of him or perhaps an inch away or a million miles away. For even if you are one-hundredth of an inch from God, you are outside of him. And therefore do not assume that because you know the Law that you have become the Law. But work to reinforce the Law and affirm daily:

I and my Father are one!
I and my Mother are one!
I abide in the Flaming One!
I AM the Flaming One!
There is only the Divine Whole, and I AM the expression
of that Whole!

I will not be denied my birthright,
for God lives in me here and now,
and no one can deny it! No one can take it from me!
I AM God in action here!
The fulfillment of the joy of the Lord is mine this hour and every hour!

I AM that joy!
I AM that love!
I AM being and consciousness fulfilled,
as Above so below!
I AM the Presence of that Cosmic Mother flow!
I AM THAT I AM in all cosmic beings, worlds beyond
worlds and in the heart of the Great Central Sun.

and I AM the oneness of all life!
All life is in me! I AM in all life!
We are one!
We are one!
We are one!

This is the love of the devotees of the Logos. Let us, then, challenge the lie of separation. We will not have it!

Will you remember that I have spoken to you this day?

Precious hearts, how often the World Teachers have instructed. How often the ascended masters have given forth the Law, and how often the human consciousness has acted as a sieve and then that instruction has been lost.

I say, let us infire the consciousness with the crystal ray! Let us impart to all this day, O Jesus, thou Holy One, the reinforcement of the crystal-fire cup from out the Great Central Sun! Let us infire it with love! Let us infire it with will! Let us infire it with wisdom’s joy!

And so, keep this counsel! Keep my trust! Remember all the days of your life to acknowledge no separation from love, from God, from each one on earth, each one in heaven.

Remember this: that it is my desire to propel you higher and higher in the Law. But if for a moment you forget this oneness through a riptide of fear, as Peter did, crying out, “Lord, save me,”5 you will find yourself sinking into the waves of human fear, doubt, condemnation, and every temptation. And you will reach out for the outstretched hand of the Christ, and you will take it. He will then raise you up again into the oneness of light and the cosmic flow, whereby the alchemy of self-mastery is passed to you from the hand of your own Christ Self.

I AM the victory of the light in the many and the few! I AM, I AM, I AM God-reality! I AM the nearness of God! I AM piercing the veil of unreality! I AM calling for the light of illumination, illumined action, and the action of precision in your hearts to cut through all sloth, all laziness, all sleep and hypnotic states.

So, then, blaze forth and shatter the curse of somnambulance!* Blaze through, and shatter the curse! Blaze through, and let all mankind proclaim “I AM awake!”6

Let mankind be awakened this day! Let them be shaken this day by the Cosmic Christ! Let them be shaken from their lethargy, as legions of light from out the heart of the Great Central Sun purge the earth of all ignorance, of all malice, of all darkness usurping the way of the Christ!

So I AM for the victory! Let the scales fall from the eyes of mankind. Let them behold the true leaders in the ascended masters. Let them behold the betrayal of the fallen ones, and let them choose this day whom they will serve.7 So let them choose aright and be found in the exaltation of the angelic hosts, that they might be spared the damnation of wrong choices.

So then, let that other lie, that other intellectual rationalization be exposed that Jesus our Lord did not die of the crucifixion but died of a broken heart.8 I tell you, the heart of Christ is not broken! It is alive and whole and full, releasing the joy of the ages!

The mastery of the one who prayed through the night in Gethsemane9 is the mastery of the one who laid down his life willingly, according to the will of the Father, that he might take it again according to that will.10 In the heart of the Christ are the issues of life!11 And in the heart of the Christ is the overcoming victory and the joy of overcoming.

Therefore, although tribulation is in the world, be of good cheer! For I, as a Christed one, have also overcome the world.12 And you shall overcome the world because he overcame the world—the flesh, the devil, and the reasoning of the carnal mind.

So let the miracle sense of the joy of the translation of the Lord of your own being now be inscribed upon you, and let the hour of your transfiguration be written by your Christ Self!

Let the hour of the crucifixion be written. Let the hour of the resurrection be written. Let the hour of the ascension be written. And therefore, as it is written as the law of your being, I, Kuthumi, say to you:

Go forth to fulfill the law of your being!
In the name of the Lord of the World, I say:
Go! Be! the fullness of destiny!
I AM all one in the flame of life in you.
Go! Be! the fulfilling of the Law!

*Somnambulance: walking or having the habit of walking in one’s sleep; sluggish

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuthumi was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 13, 1974, during Voyages of Discovery, held at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The office of World Teachers is held by those ascended beings whose attainment qualifies them to represent the universal and personal Christ to unascended mankind. Jesus and Kuthumi serve as the World Teachers and are responsible for setting forth the teachings in this two-thousand-year cycle that lead to self-mastery and the Christ consciousness. They sponsor all souls seeking union with God. To learn more, see Saint Germain On Alchemy: The Science of Self-Transformation, glossary, “World Teacher”.

2. I Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:11—16; Deut. 10:17; Ps. 136:3.

3. Much of our time in these past twelve months. From fall 1973 through fall 1974, Ascended Master University (AMU) held four quarters (sessions), three months each, sponsored by one of the chohans of the rays. El Morya sponsored the 1973 fall quarter (September 17—December 7); Lord Lanto, 1974 winter quarter (January 7—March 29); Paul the Venetian, 1974 spring quarter (April 15—June 28); and Serapis Bey, 1974 fall quarter (September 16—December 6). In addition to AMU level I, the spring and fall 1974 quarters also conducted level II.

4. Matt. 13:12.

5. Matt. 14:30.

6. “I AM Awake!” This statement is taken from a story about Gautama Buddha. After his enlightenment under the Bo tree, he was journeying along a road when another traveler, a brahman, realized that he had encountered an unusual, radiant being. The man asked Gautama a series of questions: Was Gautama a celestial being or a god? a magician? a man? To each question Gautama answered no. Finally the brahman asked, “What are you?” Gautama responded, “I AM awake!” Elizabeth Clare Prophet has commented that Gautama knew that everyone else was asleep because they had not gone into the inner light. She teaches that the goal of our spiritual quest is to wake up—to wake up to our inner potential, to our budding cosmic consciousness, and to the power of God within in order to work change on this planet. (February 4, 1988; October 26, 1978)

7. Josh. 24:15.

8. A number of scientists, doctors, and Christians have analyzed Jesus’ death on the cross and have concluded that Jesus died from a broken heart, whether ruptured, lacerated or failed for other physiological or psychological reasons. This idea was introduced in the mid-1800s in a book looking into the physiological cause of Jesus’ death. The belief in the Master’s death from a failed heart has continued since that time and is commonly taught today. (“Did Christ Die of a Broken Heart?” by Herman L. Hoeh, at

9. Matt. 26:36—46; Luke 22:39—46.

10. John 10:18; Job 1:21.

11. Prov. 4:23.

12. John 16:33.

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