Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 45 - Beloved Lord Himalaya - December 1, 2018

The Exaltation of the Masculine Ray

Seek the Desiring of God
and the Desirelessness of God

Hail to thee, O flame of light. Hail to thee, O light.

I AM the energy of God cycling into being—the flaming rod of power, wisdom, and love—energy of Alpha anchored in the hearts of Alpha’s sons for the fulfillment of the Aquarian cycle.

Sons of flame, I now arc the spark of light from the Father that is the impetus of overcoming, the impetus in defense of freedom.

I call forth the lost chord of the masculine ray. I call forth the energies of Alpha and of the crown of life. I call forth the flame of manhood. The fall of woman was the fall of man, and so the descent of the Mother ray was the desecration of the flame of Father.

There is now a clamoring abroad amongst the people, a clamoring for “equal rights.”1 Where is there equality? The woman who has desired equality has not affirmed her individuality, for the feminine ray is indeed the highest aspect of man and of woman. By the feminine ray the full potential of the soul is realized.

Thus it is unto woman to exalt the feminine ray. Those who demand equal rights have not understood that such equality means to descend from the lofty position of purity and wholeness. So then, those who clamor for equality do not understand the true principle of the feminine ray, and therefore they do not support the true identity of the masculine ray as they should. For this is the calling of womankind.

Let the roles be reversed. As I anchor the energies of the masculine ray, let these energies recall to the divine woman her place and her role in civilization. I say, let Alpha’s sons, in the true awareness of their divine manhood, focus the purity that will magnetize the light of love in the hearts of womankind. Thus the helpmeet will be found because Alpha’s sons have seen and become the Christed One.

Now, then, in order for the culture of the Mother flame to be exalted and to survive in this age, it requires the strong undergirdings of the light of Alpha. It requires sons who will make themselves the structure of reality, the blueprint of identity. Thus that force in the world that has been perverted as the intellectualization of the Christ mind, as the carnal mind, must now be withdrawn from those matrices as all mankind come forth in recognition of God the Father and as they strive for union with that action in the thousand-petaled lotus. This lotus is the crown chakra, which is the focus of Alpha.

How many among mankind have opened the crown chakra? How many have anchored there the wisdom of Alpha? How many have seen the flowering of the Buddhic light?

You may wonder why mankind have gone astray. Do not wonder. They have not reached the pinnacle of the masculine ray. But ere that pinnacle has been reached, they have dissipated their energy in pursuit of the lusts of the flesh,2 the pride of the eye, and all types of intellectual involvements.

Think, then, of what one Gautama Buddha, raising the energy of the Mother to exalt the Father, realized for a planet and a people. Think, then, of those who do attain on the path of the ascension and how they have come into congruency with the Law that is the Father energy of life.

I come in the lotus of the heart. I come to be received, for I bear energy that you so well need. I come to salute the diamond offering of the heart. I come with a momentum of the fohatic light of our Retreat of the Blue Lotus.3 I come for the crisscrossing of energies of East and West. But above all, I come to challenge all that opposes the masculine light and the seed of Alpha for the bringing forth of the avatars. I come with protection for the sons and daughters of God, specifically for the anchoring of the energies of life, of sacred fire within the sons of Alpha so that they might hold the balance in this age.

What will it be like in a golden age where the masculine ray is exalted? There will be true leadership. There will be strength and honor. There will be the realization and the balance of the cloven tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit. There will be fathers adored by their children and by mothers across the world who will refuse to be the instruments of war, of greed, of the misuse of the energies of the mother, whether in industry or in the desecration of the life force.

So then, there will be that pillar of fire in every community that is composed of sons of God who will take that community and that government into patterns of energy and the practice of law, of the healing arts, of transmutation, of the true priesthood that will be restored, of true religion undefiled, of justice in the courts and of a return to the healing ray delivered by the intuition of the love of the heart.

In essence, all roles currently being fulfilled by man upon earth will be God-willed and will pave the way for the coming of the Mother flame. We await that courage and that energy and that thrust for a purpose that will come forth from the hearts of sons of Alpha for the building of the foundations of a new age! We await the day when the sons of God will claim their inheritance, when they will throw off the false consciousness of the fallen and perverted feminine and will also throw off the tyranny of the perverted masculine.

And so, you see, the Mother flame and the feminine ray require the strength, the protection, and the security of the masculine force. And unless some among the sons of Alpha determine to raise up that energy, then the heights of attainment in the feminine consciousness will not be realized. This is crucial. It is critical that you set your hearts and minds to the fulfillment of the gentle yet powerful beings from Shamballa, from Himalaya, from Vaivasvata Manu, from all who have extolled the virtues of the Law.

Come now into the first tier of our retreat. Come now and assemble, for there is a cosmic being here who is addressing certain chelas, certain initiates of the masculine ray who have gathered. Precious are these souls who have come in their finer bodies to dedicate themselves and who represent every nation upon earth.

These are the ones who are enlightened, the avant-garde who have concern for the course of events and for the way of the Luciferians, who originally perverted the masculine ray through pride and ambition and through the rebellion against the Buddhic light as they perverted the light of the Buddha. These initiates are stalwart souls. They are ascetics. Yet some occupy positions of great influence among mankind. They come from every walk of life, every religion.

There are one hundred and forty-four initiates who have been chosen to receive this dissertation from a cosmic being, whose identity, not given by name, is realized by the energy of the masculine ray garnered in the spheres of light that comprise the forcefield, the consciousness that he employs.

Now I am privileged to impart to you certain of the passages of this teaching so that those who choose to be the Father image (and the image of the Son and the image of the Holy Spirit in support of the Mother) might reinforce these one hundred and forty-four initiates who have earned their way to this level of the retreat.

The master, now, is beaming to the disciples spheres of golden-yellow light. And as he beams these energies, they enter the mind. Each disciple is required to decipher the sphere that is a portion of the mind of this cosmic one. Each sphere is a specific teaching, unique for the individual.

I can assure you that these disciples have sought and have fought and have demonstrated a one-pointedness so that they might be in position and in this retreat at this moment. Therefore the gifts that are given in these spheres of light are coming to them by effort and by striving. For nothing in the entire cosmos is ever bestowed unless it be earned.

Note well that the ascended masters demand that their chelas pursue the gnosis! The ascended masters will not spoon-feed. We will not put our teaching, our Pearls of Wisdom, under your nose and force you to read them, to study our words. We prefer that you pursue them. For in the pursuit of the teaching there comes the appreciation for the offering. This is an essential element of the masculine ray—that the thrust come from the heart of the disciple. And when that thrust is made, when overcoming is won, then to sit at the feet of a cosmic being is the reward.

Each of these disciples has put the momentum of his individuality into this quest and into this striving to be the fullness of the representative of the God flame. So, then, this gift is the return energy, and the individual nature of the teaching occurs through the fusion of the mind of the master and the mind of the devotee. In this fusion is the alchemy of the precise teaching, the energy matrix, and the momentum required for the evolution of the chela. I illustrate this to you so that you might see how many doors will open for you when you show yourself willing to surrender aspects of the human consciousness.

I say, you have not even begun to be aware of the glory of the path of initiation, as glory unto glory unfolds the wisdom of your own creative mind, which by and by becomes the vessel of the mind of the Buddha.

Do you know that in our retreat we prepare chelas for their entering into the retreat of Lord Gautama Buddha at Shamballa?4 Those who have made their way through the tiers of the Retreat of the Blue Lotus are received with honors in Shamballa. These initiates, sitting at the feet of this cosmic being, anticipate—with an inner desiring that is beyond what you can imagine—that moment when they are welcomed by Gautama Buddha.

Now, then, this is the law that is given by the master who is speaking: It is the law of the sun consciousness. It is the law of the fire infolding itself. The master illustrates how the fire infolding itself within the heart of the disciple draws from the Central Sun currents of Alpha so that the intensity of this fire infolding itself will draw a greater and greater momentum of the currents of Alpha by this—the desiring desirelessness—that must be balanced on the fulcrum of consciousness.

What is this “desiring desirelessness”? It is the desire to be God! And the desire to be God is itself a desirelessness.

The equilibrium of this state of mind requires energy within the heart that magnetizes the fire infolding itself at the same time that the energy is balanced in the aura for the going without. It is like the meditation of patting the head and rubbing the tummy. It is a meditation whereby you balance in consciousness, through the cloven tongues of the Holy Spirit, the centripetal and centrifugal action of the Godhead—desire, desirelessness; yin and yang; desiring to be, being desire, being desirelessness; not being, but being all one in God.

This is the initiation that I impart to you by special dispensation from the Lords of Karma. For you see, my way is the way of silence, and by that silence I force the chela to penetrate my mind and heart. By that thrust of energy the chela develops the desiring to be. And then on the return current of my love and wisdom, the chela experiences energy penetrating the heart and the mind from my world. In that experience there is the desirelessness of the Buddha.

So it is the outgoing and the incoming light, the going forth and the returning to the center of being. In this exercise and in your study of this release you will come to understand the laws of alchemy. And in the laws of alchemy you will find that this ebb and flow of energy is the precipitation of all supply, of all abundance, of every good and perfect gift. Above all, it is the balance of harmony in your four lower bodies.

I tell you, precious hearts, so few among mankind have true harmony. It has been so long since many among mankind have known a state of harmony in wholeness that they think that discord is harmony. They do not understand schism in the four lower bodies, wedges of darkness, the perversion of the chakras. Their senses, the senses of the soul, have become dulled, and so they think that a condition of slovenliness, of laziness, of a lack of activity or of the functioning of the mind is harmony.

Do you wonder why the Cosmic Being Harmony has not addressed the students so frequently over the years? It is because the chelas have not forced the presence of this cosmic being by their own internal harmony. The chelas have desired more to parade the pride of the ego, the rightness of the ego, with its spirit of self-justification and rebellion. This places the mind in jeopardy and makes it vulnerable to astral forces that seek to overthrow the soul. Harmony, then, is flow.

I say to you, daughters of the living flame: Invoke the masculine ray as a point of light in the crown chakra and as the magnet that will draw up your feminine energies for the victory.

I say to you, sons of flame: Invoke the light of Asia, the light of the seventh tier of the Retreat of the Blue Lotus. Let it be the crowning jewel of life. Let it be a frequency and a tone in the crown chakra that impels the rising of soul energies and of Mother flame.

Strive for oneness. Strive for wholeness. Seek the desiring of God and the desirelessness of God. Learn the balance of the twain. Come under the Law and the rod, and know that I am waiting in the Retreat of the Blue Lotus for you to come up higher and higher to the pinnacle of your own being. Know that the door of the retreat is open to those who are disciplined in the Law.

I pray that you will be prepared to be received by the doorkeeper and that you will be a part of those who support the masculine ray on behalf of the evolutions of Asia, so many of whom know not their identity in God.

So, then, may the light of far-off worlds be the star of your crown. May you meditate upon that blue-sapphire star, a five-pointed star.5 I seal it on the brow for the protection of the opening of the third eye and the perception of the will of God.

Come. Come to the Retreat of the Blue Lotus. Come, for there is work to be done. There is action and interaction. There is a civilization to be forged.

I AM the law of the life—the crown of life—and I AM the masculine ray for the lifewaves of Terra. I extend my hands, for I would pass to you, each one, these mighty currents of Alpha so that you might understand what vigor and verve and energy can be yours for the fulfillment of cycles of being.

So, mind, arc forth. Consciousness and being, enter each heart. [15-second pause]

This my release marks the milestone in the transfer of the light of the Himalayas unto the chelas of the West for a salvation of the planet and the people.

I thank you for your diligence in the Law, and I seal you in the brilliant blue flame of my heart.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lord Himalaya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 22, 1975, in San Francisco, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. “Equal rights.” From the 1960s to the early 1980s, women’s rights groups were seeking ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution providing equality under the law for all American citizens regardless of sex. The women’s movement sought equality in issues of employment (equal pay for equal work), divorce, property, and other women’s issues. Prominent leaders of women’s rights during this time included Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug, and Gloria Steinem, who were influential through both their activism and their writings. The Equal Rights Amendment was not ratified by the required number of states and did not become law.

2. Gal. 5:16-17; Eph. 2:3; I John 2:16; II Pet. 2:18.

3. Lord Himalaya, Manu of the fourth root race, is the hierarch of the Retreat of the Blue Lotus in the Himalayan mountains. Himalaya is a Master of masters, and among his pupils have been Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya, El Morya, Kuthumi, and thousands of others. Those who are privileged to sit at Lord Himalaya’s feet must learn to blend their consciousness with his, and as their pulse becomes one with the rhythm of his threefold flame, they receive the ideations of his mind, although words are never spoken. For more information about Lord Himalaya and his retreat, see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Summit University Press), pp. 137—38, 458—60.

4. The retreat of Lord Gautama Buddha is Shamballa, located in the etheric realm over the Gobi Desert in China. Gautama Buddha holds the office of Lord of the World (referred to as “God of the earth” in Revelation 11:4). In his great service to life, Gautama Buddha sustains the threefold flame of life in the evolutions of earth by a filigree light extending from his heart. Originally, Shamballa was built for Sanat Kumara when he came to earth to keep the flame of life for her evolutions until some would once again serve their mighty I AM Presence. For more information about Gautama Buddha and Shamballa, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 111—15, 467—70.

5. Blue-sapphire star. The messenger commented following Himalaya’s dictation: “I would like to ask you to close your eyes and visualize this five-pointed star that is a blue-sapphire color placed over the third eye of all who have dedicated themselves to the out-picturing of the masculine ray, especially the sons of Alpha. There are certain sons of God in embodiment who have signed a scroll pledging their support of the Mother flame. That scroll is held in the Royal Teton Retreat. The Great Divine Director mentioned this in a dictation several weeks ago. As I stood and received those Keepers of the Flame who were in attendance, each one that filed by who had signed the scroll was identified to me by the master, and I saw the inner protection that they had received because of this inner vow that was made.
“Now I see this star, and the star is like an opening into the cosmos. The star is like the energies of the sky mingling with the mist of the clouds, showing an action of the sacred fire, blue and white. So that star is an opening into another dimension rather than something that is colored and placed on the eye or something that is jeweled. And looking through that star through the third eye, one can see the beyond in cosmic dimensions.”

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