Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 46 - Beloved Paul the Venetian - December 8, 2018

Eternal Beauty Moves the Spirit of Man
to Exclaim:

“O God, You Are So Magnificent!”

Magnificent souls, children of the infinite love of the Father, I come to you this night from the Château de Liberté1 to bring to your sense-consciousness the reality of God’s beauty and the infinite fire of his love.

I AM infired with divine compassion this night as I extend the greetings of the Great White Brotherhood out into the world of form. I do so that mankind may not only conceive of the infinite meaning of beauty but that they may swiftly become breathing examples of the living God-beauty that is spread abroad everywhere because it is the intent of the All-Father. This is the vision held within the All-Seeing Eye of God, whose eternal destiny is the progression of the universal consciousness in all worlds everywhere.

As I look out upon the universal vision of the infinite cosmos, I behold in those flaming orbs a sense of divine majesty that moves me to exclaim in your midst: “Behold the wonders of God!”2 I urge that each and every one of you will begin, now, to externalize the meaning of newness of life.

How many of you arise from your beds in the morning with a sense of lethargy, of fatigue, and with a feeling that this day is a day that will be difficult? I ask you to throw out of your consciousness this sense of difficulty.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you begin your day with a sense of the difficult, I do not see how you can end it with any other sense. But if you will begin each day with a sense of infinite beauty and will look out upon life with the thought that this day is God’s, and with a feeling that this is a day when you shall sense the beauty of God in life, then you will see—as we who are artists and architects of the Spirit—a sense of the eternal beauty that moves the spirit of man to exclaim, “O God, you are so magnificent!”

Ladies and gentlemen, I address you thus. For thus you are eternal beauty in the eyes of Saint Germain and in the eyes of those of that august fraternity known as the Great White Brotherhood.

You have perhaps pondered the mystical idea of the Great White Brotherhood as some conception of the finite mind. Let me here and now remove from your consciousness such a misconception and hasten to assure you that the infinite power of this august fraternity of spiritual beings—the spirits of just men made perfect3—is to assist the great divine plan in being called forth from the heart of God and externalized among mankind.

I have served in the past and I serve today with gratitude for the opportunity and privilege to love. To love is a privilege, never a duty. To love God is a privilege beyond all privileges. And to love mankind, made in his image, is the second commandment made like unto the first.4

Oh, I enfold you now with a sense of love, of divine love that reaches out to embrace the eternal concept and to know that out of the flame of divine love is born divine beauty. The sense of divine beauty is the ever-newness of each day, of each hour, of each moment—fresh, perennial, and lovely beyond compare.

Blessed ones, why is it that with the first blush upon beholding a friend, man is able to sense the majesty and beauty of this friend; but then as time goes on and the friend becomes more known unto that one’s consciousness, this friend becomes less magnificent rather than becoming more magnificent?

This is because the attention that is now placed upon the friend is not upon the Great God Self of that individual, but it is placed upon the ephemeral, the transitory, the human. The attention is placed upon that side of the friend that is but a child in the hands of its Cosmic Mother, extending those tiny hands upward, looking hopefully to that Cosmic Mother to guide, to guard, to protect, to direct the footsteps of that tiny babe until, growing up in Christ consciousness, the babe shall become the Manchild, with all of the beauty of Christ-accomplishment.

Ladies and gentlemen, love is the power that moves the world! Love is the power that frames the world! Love is the power that sustains the Brotherhood! Love is the power that is the cohesive force throughout the universe by which stars are born and through which is extended into the finite the grace of the infinite capacities of God!

Is not love, then, to be adored? How many of you have thought of adoring love? Adoring love is to love love, and it is the very selfsame nature of God to adore himself. This is not a divine narcissism. It is a case of God being the great giver, and no receiver at all. For God has given life to all, and he has given beauty to all. He gives to all mankind his eternal compassion in order to guide them and to guard their footsteps until they come to that place in life where they are masters of force, masters of energy, masters of divine power. And there is no power whatsoever in the world that can move them, aside from following and pursuing the spiritual path all the way to their eternal Victory.

I would like to address you at this time with a word concerning the purity of your aura. As a divine artist now,5 although a well-known earthly artist in the past, I am ever so interested in utilizing those spiritual chemicalizations wherewith we are able to paint upon the canvas of eternal life a more beautiful soul.

While I was embodied as Paolo Veronese, it was my passion and desire to externalize on canvas all of the fire of life. I desired to express the sunlight as though it were actually shining through the canvas. I desired to express in color and form that rhythm of the eternal movement of the Spirit, which I perceived as the inner culture of man. But these seem, now, as I look upon them, but pitiful executions in charcoal or traceries upon the sand. For I now behold the beauty of God face-to-face, and beholding, I am now completely and all-powerfully enamored with the vision which I see, and I want no other.

When you enter a state of divine and cosmic achievement like unto my own, you will want no other vision. You will no longer want. You will know the meaning of that great passage uttered by David, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.”6

You will understand how to contemplate the mysteries of God and how to extract therefrom their full meaning. And your mentors will not be removed into a corner. They will abide with you, by your side, and you will have the “Open sesame”* that brings to your consciousness the answer to every problem whatsoever.

At the present time it is necessary, because of the cosmic moment, for me to speak through this instrument whose consciousness and lips I use in order to reach your hearts. The day will come, indeed, when this epoch shall pass. But when it passes, I pray God that man will have that same direct apprehension that this instrument has—the capacity to reach into the great cosmic light and to draw therefrom the consciousness of those of us who have won our victory, who have attained through the pain and the suffering of human consciousness and have bypassed it and mounted up into the God-consciousness and the victory of immortality.

Peace be unto you in this cosmic hour and moment. Peace be unto you during the wakeful hours of the night, when your soul seems to be troubled by human thoughts. Peace be unto you at every hour with a sense of God’s beauty. If this sense of God’s beauty shall become strong enough, it shall be because nothing can resist the onrush of its cosmic perfection. And so you will have, by the enfolding softness of divine love, a cushion to assuage all human grief, a balm to wipe out all human fear.

O beloved ones, the Great White Brotherhood, beholding the perilous hours facing the mankind of earth, now urge that as never before there shall be a unity of spirit among all those who profess to serve the cause of the great Brotherhood—a unity of hearts, a unity of your being with your own Great God Presence. This is so needed if you are to accomplish the fiat of the moment.

God has sent forth the call to man. Will man answer it and raise his brother? Will he raise the fallen among mankind? Will he assist the Brotherhood in doing the necessary and averting from the earth the pain of war and the discord that is now threatening the planetary body? I am so hopeful.

The Maha Chohan has raised his head and has invoked this cosmic hope anew. We invoke it in your hearts tonight. We invoke it in the hearts of all mankind. It is not within our power to respond for you. This you must do for yourself.

As I leave you now, I leave you not comfortless but I leave you with a great Cosmic Christ blessing from our sphere and octave. This blessing is our light, our sense of the Divine, and the peace which passeth all human understanding.7

Peace, Cosmic Christ peace, be unto you from all at the Château de Liberté, from all who work with the sacred fire, from all who serve the cause of freedom from the heart of Saint Germain, from beloved Jesus, from Ascended Master Morya El.

To those of you in Boston who have faithfully served this cause, we extend our personal hands in greeting. We thank those who have sponsored this place.8

Sometimes in moments of loneliness you may think that your thoughts go unperceived by us. May I assure you that you are never alone. We are as near and as close as your hands and feet and as your incoming and outgoing breath.

We hope that you will hold this focus steadfast until, pushing out beyond these walls, you may expand this activity in a limitless way in order to assist the earth and its people in finding that freedom which God intends. It is a freedom that, up to this point, all of the blessed religions of the world and the sincere people have not been successful in prosecuting** for God. But today, pinning our hopes on the hearts of the few, we are certain that you shall perform a mighty work for the freeing of the earth, its environs, its people, and every deva and builder of form until the perfect archetype shall be manifest among mankind.

The new civilization that shall be born in South America9 shall become a reality fostered and nurtured by the Great White Brotherhood, until those sacred temples brought forth there, as in days of yore, [3-second break in tape] to bring to the heart of every incoming child.

The golden age that shall come will be a reality from sea to shining sea. And America’s heart, together with India’s head,10 shall rejoice evermore in the great mantram of the Brotherhood, Om Mani Padme Hum,11 that the great shining jewel within the heart of the lotus may come into full manifestation.

The Spirit, which was never born and which shall never cease to be, shall manifest in form those capacities intended in that divine blueprint—that great Reality held in God’s own heart and consciousness. And then every tear shall be wiped away from every human eye, and they shall know peace without limit.12

I thank you and bid you good evening.

*“Open sesame”: French: sésame, ouvre-toi; the magical command used by Ali Baba in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves to open the door of the robbers’ den.

**Prosecuting: following to the end, pursuing until finished; to engage in, take advantage of.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Paul the Venetian was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet c. August, 1960, in Boston, Massachusetts. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Château de Liberté, the retreat of Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray, is located on the etheric plane over southern France on the Rhône River. Its physical counterpart is a château owned by a private French family. At the etheric level the retreat contains classrooms with paintings and artwork of every kind from all ages and races and cultures, as well as workshops for musicians, writers, sculptors, and students of voice. Here the masters introduce new techniques in every field of art.

2. Ps. 119:18.

3. Heb. 12:23.

4. Matt. 22:37-40; Mark 12:30, 31; Luke 10:27.

5. A divine artist now. In his final incarnation, the ascended master Paul the Venetian was embodied as Paolo Veronese (1528-1588), one of the major artists of the sixteenth-century Venetian school. Among his many works are The Marriage at Cana, The Presentation in the Temple, The Marriage of Saint Catherine, and The Annunciation. For further information on Paul the Venetian and his retreat, see The Masters and Their Retreats (Summit University Press), pp. 274-80, 432-35.

6. Ps. 23:1

7. Phil. 4:7.

8. Refers to the small sanctuary in Boston, located in an office building off Commonwealth Ave., presided over by Dr. Edward Whitney, at that time an early supporter of Mark Prophet.

9. A reference to the coming of the seventh root race which is destined to incarnate in South America. In a dictation given through Mark Prophet on July 5, 1963, God Meru stated, “In days to come, when the seventh root race is ushered in to the fullest extent upon the continent of South America, the Brotherhood shall, once again, establish the wonderful civilization of old.”

10. In a lecture given on October 5, 1969, Mark Prophet stated that “the seat of higher actually in the head of India. India is the head and America is the heart of the Brotherhood’s focuses on the earth.”

11. Devotees of Buddhism recite the mantram Om Mani Padme Hum (Sanskrit) to invoke the merciful intercession of the one who holds the office of Bodhisattva of Compassion. This includes Kuan Yin (the feminine Chinese bodhisattva) and Avalokiteshvara (the masculine Indian bodhisattva). The mantram has been translated as “Hail to the jewel in the lotus!” It has also been interpreted as “Hail to Avalokiteshvara, who is the jewel in the lotus of the devotee’s heart.”

12. Rev. 7:17; 21:4.

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