Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 48 - Beloved Beloved Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World - December 22, 2018

Release of the Thoughtform for the Year 1975

The Jewel of the Mind of God

I AM the Buddha where you are, in the diamond of your heart. I AM the light, the Buddhic light. I come in joy, in peace, in love. I AM as close as heartbeat, as fragrant flower, as breath of spring.

I AM the one who knows. I AM the one who knows the Self as God. I bear witness to the truth of the fire of the flaming yod, that point of light that one day will send forth the spiral of God-reality and the currents of Victory.

And so the pilgrims come. And so I come, O God. In the fire of the heart I raise the banner of the World Mother. As I have journeyed to the earth from far-off worlds, as I have come out of the kingdoms of nirvana, I am very close to the lowly, to the humble, to the poor who wait upon the LORD and the law of the LORD day and night.

Let us unravel the skeins of the mind. Let us unravel the complexities of self-deception. Let us simply be. Release all else into the heart of the Buddha. This is the rightful place for that substance that would deny the Self.

Feel yourself evoluting, involuting, spiraling to the center. Feel yourself in just the be-ness of the light. Without attribute, without extension, simply be. In that be-ness, then, receive as the passive act of God the impartations of Spirit. Receive in increments the pulsations of his mind. In the simplicity of being Whole and being One there is transmutation, for that which is One is fire.

Now comes the sphere that is sealed with the light of the Ancient of Days, sealed with the kiss of Sanat Kumara. As the golden ball of the year descends into this forcefield, there is a bursting of the ball, and into the cup of consciousness descends the thoughtform for the year 1975—a multifaceted jewel focusing the flame of the mind of God, a gem that is not of this world nor does it bear resemblance to the crystals of this plane. In the center of the jewel is that flame of the mind of God.

This is the jewel that is worn around the neck of the Cosmic Virgin, the Virgin One passing through the stars, the stars passing through the body of the Mother. And so we behold the Divine Mother keeping the flame of the mind of God for the children of God.

This jewel is anchored in the etheric plane of the planet at the retreat at Shamballa. And the fire of God’s mind focused therein will be for the quickening of the consciousness of mankind in the way of truth and in the restoration of balance, of vision, infusing the mind with that love that enables life to impart a gnosis of the Logos.

It is necessary that in this year and in the years to come there will be a redemption of the fires of the mind of mankind. And ultimately this focus foretells the day when all mankind shall return to the oneness of the mind of God, which they knew before the descent into carnality. Reaching for the mind of God, every soul upon earth will have a quickening. And those who make the call will have an increase of faculties, of intelligence, of the will to expand the mind to include the facets and dimensions of the cosmic mind.

Now, then, we shall see how this gift of God from on high will increase the capacity of millions to carry the flame of God. How gracious is our LORD! How gracious is Alpha and Omega! How wondrous is opportunity!

I AM privileged to be aware of selfhood as Godhood. I AM called the Enlightened One. And so I say, be enlightened. Be filled with the light of the mind of Buddha. So now, the fires which he has so graciously anchored in my mind I transfer to all who will receive them for the burning, for the consuming, for the clearing of the way. For you see, in this thoughtform for the year, in this jewel (as with any other thoughtform), there is the capacity to multiply again and again that forcefield.

As this jewel is placed in Shamballa, so may you have placed within your own mind—if you will prepare, if you will be purged by the fires of my holy offering—a replica of the jewel of the flame, of the action of cosmic consciousness.

The replica of the jewel, the image fair, is a delicate force-field, a forcefield that may be broken by misuse. Therefore call and then call again for the reinforcement of the jewel of the mind of God in the center of the forehead, which is between the third eye and the crown chakra.

So you see how God Almighty, cosmic hierarchies, and cosmic councils are determined that mankind should experience a rebirth through the quickening, the rejuvenation, the cosmic action of the mind of God.

What more can I say? What more can I give? For he has given the allness of himself unto you, most precious ones of God.

Will you not return the gift unto him, to give unto him the allness of yourself—the allness of your mind, the allness of your desiring, the allness of your opportunity to serve?

So in this cosmic interchange, God and man giving the All-in-all soon experience the merging of identity. And that flow that moves along the lines of the mark of infinity is the action of the light. And lo, God himself declares, “I AM manifestation,” [man in action], as man declares, “Lo, I AM God in action.”

O hearts of fire, merge with God this night and let your new beginning be in the center of the fire of Be-ness. I AM there, and I AM here, and I AM showing you the way of the Buddha forevermore.

Peace in the flame of the Holy Spirit! One and all, joy in the year of light!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 1974, during New Beginnings in the Flame of the Holy Spirit, held at the Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California. [N.B. This dictation was previously published by The Summit Lighthouse as the “Prologue” in the 1975 hardbound volume of Pearls of Wisdom and in the Online Pearls of Wisdom. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

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