Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 61 No. 47 - Beloved Apollo and Lumina - December 15, 2018

To Purge a Planet of Ignorance

Follow the Golden Thread of the Divine Mother
Back to the Heart of God

There is a fountain of living flame of yellow-white fire that bubbles and rises and falls in the center of our retreat,1 a focal point for the precipitation of fire as the water of the Mother.

O sacred fire in the heart of man that is the heart of God, rise now as the fountain of illumination. Increase the awareness of God’s mind. Let the topaz of that mind now be as a magnet to increase in the hearts of all the wisdom of the Solar Logoi.

[Apollo and Lumina chant:]

The seven mighty Elohim are forming a stellar formation across the cosmos this night, focalizing the five-pointed star of man’s identification as the Christed One. This is the star of the appearing of the Christ consciousness.

We raise our hands, and there is the quivering of the bow. The arrow of a cosmo-conception is released, and energies flash forth between the Elohim as a certain light is released from the heart of Alpha and Omega.

Now visualize that starry configuration of the five-pointed star—five points of light within you—and you will feel, as the energy flows from the points of the star, each Elohim and divine complement sending forth the fire to every other point of the star.

Now, for this macrocosmic miracle we desire to have a counterpoint in form. You are that counterpoint, as you are in the starry body of man. So now, let the Elohim and their energies flow through your forcefield.

[Apollo and Lumina chant:]
OM Elohim OM Elohim OM Elohim OM.

And now the release of the fires of the secret rays for the alignment and the balancing of the consciousness of every living soul throughout the cosmic egg:

[Apollo and Lumina chant:]
Elohim. Elohim. Elohim, Elohim, Elohim.
OM Elohim OM Elohim OM Elohim OM.

Fire flashes forth across the sky “and there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.”2 Twelve cosmic beings of cosmic consciousness are the crown of the Divine Mother worn by the Elohim as they carry that crown throughout the reaches of time and space and beyond.

Now see, then, portrayed across the skies the image of the Cosmic Virgin. See her face—compassionate, mild, understanding, with a sigh and a longing for the Father and the child and the Holy Spirit, attending the birth of the whole of creation. So is the Cosmic Virgin adorned by the Elohim, the builders of form.

We come with our offering, the science of the Mother. We come with the wisdom of her flame.

[Apollo and Lumina chant:]

Now hear the Word of wisdom’s rod and see conferred that Logos. See the fire of the rod purge a system and systems of worlds of their ignorance of the Law.

Blaze forth! Blaze forth! Blaze forth!
[Apollo and Lumina whisper:]
Shatter, shatter, shatter, shatter, shatter.

Blaze through! Blaze through! and let the fiat of the Solar Logos be for the quickening.

Let the quickening appear. Let the flames be quickened. Let the golden petals of sacred fire increase and pulsate now within your starry body. See how they dance. See how they dance and prance—proud little flames, joyous flames, elementals in the flames.

Mighty salamanders, sylphs, gnomes, and undines imitate the dancing and the prancing of the flame. And so they march and so they perform their calisthenics, their gymnastics, their ballet, all in imitation of the flame.

Blaze forth the light of solar fires! O Helios and Vesta, Helios and Vesta, Helios and Vesta, the Elohim call for the release of solar fires. Burn through! and let the planet Terra now be bathed in the fires of illumination as the corona of the sun, as a ring of fire encloses the earth plane. Let the ring of fire, let the strings of fire be tightened now. Let them be taut. Let the earth move into the cycles of illumination, and let the fire be pressed through the physical earth, the elements, the atoms.

O fire, press through! O beings of fire, mighty Zarathustra, O Melchizedek, O priests of the sacred fire, Oromasis and Diana, press through! Press through in answer to the call of God implemented now at the hand of the Elohim. Impress now upon the elements of the earth the name of God:

[Apollo and Lumina chant:]

So let letters of living fire dance. Let the flame be free!

I AM free, O God! Free, O God, AM I! O God—thyself, myself—be free, O fire!

Blaze forth! Burn through! Purge the mental belt of the momentums of ignorance. Burn through! and purge the mental belt of the encrustations of stubbornness against the wisdom of the Law. Blaze forth! Bind now those entities of ignorance —those fallen ones perpetrating that ignorance. So let it be done! So let it be done in the name of the Cosmic Christ!

Burn through! and let the fire of illumination pierce the mind of every soul. Let the piercing ray pass through the mind and let it be as the thread on the needle of the Divine Mother. So let the Mother—with that thread, that golden thread—attach the souls to the Spirit of the living God. So let the thread be the golden thread—the thread that each soul may follow through the labyrinth of karma and of karmic circumstance back to the heart of God and the dance of the hours. So follow the thread that is sewn with the hands of the Cosmic Virgin.

So it is a thread of contact that we bear. So it is the thread of contact with hierarchy—a delicate thread, a thread sewn in the harmony of the Law, a thread of gold; a thread that will carry you Home, a thread that will tremble when God speaks, a thread that will move by your impulse, pulling on the thread and saying: “O God, hear me! I am here below in the footstool kingdom.”

So you can tug upon the heartstrings of the Cosmic Virgin, the cosmic Father-Mother principle of life. So, then, you will feel the answer and you will feel the rhythm of a cosmos yet aborning in the womb of the Cosmic Virgin.

Now let it be filled. Now let the cosmic egg scintillate with yellow fire.

[Apollo and Lumina chant:]

The echo of the voice of hierarchy as light bounces on the sides of the cosmic egg, back and forth—the momentum of light bouncing off of space, off of time, off of infinity, back and forth. As the motion and the movement of the polarity of God, so is the universe alive—alive with cosmic beings in cosmic consciousness.

You are cosmic consciousness! You are beings unfettered by time and space! “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD.”3 Come now into the Logos, the inner reason of your inner being. Sit up tall. Move into the forcefield of your I AM Presence. Know your Reality and see how that forcefield, that body temple, is a point of contact in time and space.

Look down upon yourself! Look down and see yourself as the altar of God in Mater. Use that altar! Project light from the heart of your identity, the I AM THAT I AM. Project now that light as you stand in the center of the flaming monad of your God consciousness.

[Apollo and Lumina chant:]

So now see the perspective of the Infinite One upon the finite aspect. See how the golden thread of the Mother extends far down into time and space, holding that aspect of self for the time of fulfillment, of reunion.

Now then, let the cosmic legions—the legions of Victory, of wisdom, and of the Mother—intensify by the electrode of being the action of the sacred fire in Terra. From the white-fire core to the surface, let the atoms ring with the sound and the soundless sound of illumination.

[Apollo and Lumina chant “Om” for 9 seconds followed by 9 seconds of silence.]

For us you are a point of contact in a plane, in a dimension where by cosmic law we may not go. We may not intercede or interfere unless we are called upon.

By your free will you have placed yourselves in our aura this night. For a moment you have become cells in the body-consciousness of Apollo and Lumina. For a moment your souls have been quickened to the frequency of our dwelling place in the Most High God that is your own individuality, your own I AM Presence.

Will you not make that moment the duration of this embodiment? Will you not ask and receive the calling to be a cell of the Elohim until the hour of your ascension? For only by having these body cells here below can we enter and entertain wisdom’s glow, sacred fires on the hearth of life, banking those fires for the hour of victory.

If you ask and receive that calling, then it is set. It is sealed. You have opened the inn of being to receive the Cosmic Christ consciousness of the Elohim. And then you will see how we will anchor the arc of golden-yellow fire and golden liquid light from our retreat into your form and consciousness in those moments of crisis when there is a critical balance that is required, when the hierarchy searches the world over to find a soul here, to find a soul there who can be used as a chalice for this or that frequency of hierarchy that is the requirement of the moment.

You have but to give the word in your heart now, to speak the word and the invitation and to say: “In the name of my Christed reality, I AM a chalice for the Elohim forevermore.”

So let it be. So let it propel your victory. So let it be for the fulfillment of cosmic cycles of the Virgin consciousness here in Mater, here on Terra.

I AM keeping the flame of the cosmic consciousness of wisdom until you become that cosmic consciousness of Elohimic wisdom incarnate.

Lo, the joy of the LORD! Lo, the joy of his appearing when the Word of wisdom is made flesh within you.

Hasten the day! Hasten the day! So let it be by your fiat, for you are God in action!

Hail, O God incarnate!

Blaze Illumination’s Flame through Us

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, beloved Ascended Master Jesus the Christ, beloved Kuthumi, beloved Mother Mary, the Great Divine Director, angels of Jophiel’s band, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:

Blaze Illumination’s Flame through us! (3x)
Beloved I AM!

Blaze Illumination’s Flame through us! (3x)
Take thy command!

Blaze Illumination’s Flame through us! (3x)
Magnify it each hour!

Blaze Illumination’s Flame through us! (3x)
Love, Wisdom, and Power!

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!*

*This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees, p. 231, no. 20.02.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Apollo and Lumina was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1974, during New Beginnings in the Flame of the Holy Spirit, held at the Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California. [N.B. This dictation was previously published by The Summit Lighthouse in the 1978 hardbound volume of Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21, no. 11, which is available in the Online Pearls. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The retreat of Apollo and Lumina, Elohim of the Second Ray, is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany. Here Apollo and Lumina focus the energies of the crown chakra of the planet. In preparation for the coming golden age, tremendous tides of illumination’s flame are being released from this temple. For more on Apollo and Lumina and their retreat, see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Summit University Press), pp. 37-38, 418-19.

2. Rev. 12:1.

3. Isa. 1:18.

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