Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 1 - The Beloved Great Divine Director - January 1, 2019

Tether Your Soul to Divine Direction

Part 1

Light is the alchemical key.

Light is the key to Divinity.

Light within your heart responds to light within the heart
of God.

The action, the reaction, and the interaction of light—as a trinity of fohat—is necessary to break the bondage of centuries of human darkness, human quibbling, human argument that leads only to more human quibbling, argument, and densification.

O souls of the One True God, I carry the flame of God-direction in order to awaken within you the origin of nobility of the soul. Your divine origin is also the goal, and it is the golden light of the Son of God to make you whole.

I AM, and I have become, divine direction on behalf of lifewaves, some known and some unknown to you. Divine direction is the “divinity of the eye” that raises the energy of action in man. The fires of direction clear the debris that would stultify and nullify the holy blueprint, the sacred plan that God has placed in man.

As I come to you this night, I desire to merge the Electronic Presence of my being with your soul, with your Christ Self, that you might have thereon, etched in living fire, God-direction for the golden cycle.

This is the hour when the golden cycle is sent forth from the very heart of Alpha and Omega. The golden cycle comes blazing down the corridor of the centuries, the millenniums, and that golden cycle is a pathway of light on which you can return to God. Like the superhighways, the freeways of your time, so the golden cycle is a pathway into infinity. It is a pathway that you take, traversing the houses of the sun and the twelve stellar hierarchies. And with each spiral in the cycle you are returning to God as overcomers of each specific perversion of each specific God-quality.1

To be scientific in one’s approach to religion—religion which must serve to bind man to God—is the only way to approach life. For if you are haphazard about your faith, if you do not understand the intricacy of the Law side by side with its simplicity, then you will find that the most tender blessings of God will pass you by. These blessings come forth as the breath of the Holy Spirit with cyclic regularity. In the hours, in the days, and in the segments of the year, you will find, through the understanding of the Law, that God reveals himself to man even as the four seasons roll.

Thus you too must be as Thomas More—a man, a woman for all seasons, for all phases of the manifestation of God’s consciousness.2 This is that divine direction which I now impress upon the souls of those who bid welcome to my presence, fearing not but knowing that ought else must remain within the flame. For only Divinity can enter Divinity. Therefore, fear not the coexistence within you of beings of light, of cosmic forces and energies that descend for your blessing. For I AM one with God, and therefore I AM one with the God that is in you.

If your outer consciousness could behold my momentum of perfection, you would be awestruck by the light that God has entrusted to my care. For thousands of years, by his grace, I have released that light into your care in increments as you were able to receive it and to believe it, and as you were able to want, to know, to be, and to become that divine direction.

There are some among mankind who fervently desire to know what they should do from moment to moment. Sometimes I send them legions of angels who are dedicated to divine direction in order to point the way, to whisper in the ear of child or child-man the direction of the moment or of the hour that is required.

Surprisingly enough, the majority of mankind hear the direction, for they are looking for an answer and thus they are receptive. But they of course think that this direction is an idea or a conviction that stems from their own consciousness, their own heart. The angels of divine direction are not concerned with tribute in any fashion or manner. They are delighted that communication is possible through the centers of receptivity in man.

But even when that direction is received crystal clear and with the energies of conviction as well, it is often the case that when the angels take their leave of the soul, the outer consciousness of that one loses the momentum of that direction and abandons the idea in pursuit of some other answer to the question at hand.

And so you see, many great ideas, many noble ideas that have come directly from the heart of God to man have been cast aside because of the momentum of personal and planetary effluvia. This clouds the brain, the heart, and the consciousness of the individual, causing that individual to know not the way to go in the hour of decision. The decisions that you make, one and all and from this time until the hour of your ascension, will count, each one, toward the victory or the defeat of your soul.

Therefore, do not take lightly the setting of the seal of your energy upon a project, upon a certain activity. For if the activity [you have engaged in] is not correct and is not of the light, then you will not only have to correct the activity itself but you will also have to wait for the spiral of opportunity whereby you can perform that activity again, which was the correct activity of that hour. Therefore, the misuse of the hours must be considered by those who would enter into the disciplines of the Holy Spirit.

A chart of the hours and of the flames of the hours will be released by the Mother of the Flame at the Ascended Master University, and thus you will see how to claim the flame of each hour for the victory of the light in each hour.3 You will see how the forces of light conspire to give you the victory, and you will also understand how the forces of darkness will contrive to tear down that victory and to cause you to lose the impetus and the momentum of the hours. Thus the dance of the hours is the dance of flames flowing around the cosmic clock in the rainbow rays of God and in the action of the threefold flame.*

I trust that many who hear my words will realize the tremendous amount of material that is prepared for you in each class and in each quarterly conclave of the ascended masters’ activity, and how out of that quantity of material no more than 5 percent can be released to you, even though our messenger would stand from early morning until late at night to give forth the instruction of the Law.

Therefore it has become imperative that Jesus and Kuthumi, under the direction of Gautama Buddha and the Cosmic Christ, sponsor the Ascended Master University so that those who have a more than ordinary devotion to our cause, which is the cause of all humanity, might be tutored in the precepts of the Law and might one day be ordained as ministers of the Brotherhood.4

This is a high and holy calling. And I urge you, who rejoice in the morsels of truth that you have received in these few days together, to also consider how great will be the rejoicing of the soul when you reach the fullness of enlightenment that can be yours through the setting forth of the blueprint and the pattern of the Law. Know that this will provide you with the opportunity to fill in the principles and precepts of the Law all the days of your life.

Thus the action of the five secret rays is like the polishing of the diamond. So many children of God are yet diamonds in the rough; uncut, unpolished. Then comes the action of the secret rays to tutor the heart and the mind and to establish the focus of God’s holy will in action in the hand. And day by day, as the disciples apply themselves to these teachings, they will find that the diamond will become more and more prominent within their consciousness until they are indeed jewels set in the crown of glory worn by the Divine Mother—each graduate a jewel of light, multifaceted for the reflection of the aspects of virtue from the heart of God.

It is the Divine Mother who looks upon you to behold the perfection of the flame, which is hers to mold from out the fiery heart of the diamond-shining mind of God. She holds the immaculate conception of the Christ mind that is unfolding within each one.

* For teaching on the cosmic clock, see endnotes, this volume, endnote 1 and vol. 2, endnote 5.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 62 no. 2.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.“

This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, September 1, 1973, during the New Atlanta Seminar on the New Order of the Ages, held in Atlanta, Georgia. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Traversing the houses of the sun. This refers to the cosmic clock, a system for understanding and anticipating one’s opportunities and challenges on the Path. Mother Mary revealed this science to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who began imparting these teachings in the 1970s. For more information, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock, chap. 3, or The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, chap. 15. For the decree to invoke the hierarchs and to list the perversions and virtues as charted on the cosmic clock, see Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, decree 6.04A. See also footnote 5 in Pearls of Wisdom, no. 2, this volume.

2. A man for all seasons. Sir Thomas More and his uncompromising sense of truth and principle were the subject of the play A Man for All Seasons, by Robert Bolt. The play premiered in London in 1960 and later became a motion pictures (1966) and a cable TV movie (1988) of the same title. The writings of Robert Whittington, in 1520, inspired the play’s title: “More is a man of an angel’s wit and singular learning. I know not his fellow. For where is the man of that gentleness, lowliness and affability? And, as time requireth, a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes, and sometime of...sad gravity. A man for all seasons.”

3. The chart of the hours and the flames of the hours refers to a teaching previously released at Ascended Master University, now Summit University. The teaching on the flames of the hours is published in Path to Attainment, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 170-72.

4 Jesus and Kuthumi serve as the World Teachers and are responsible for setting forth the teachings in this two-thousand-year cycle leading to individual self-mastery and the Christ consciousness. They have sponsored the education of souls in the Christ light at every level, from preschool to college and university levels, and they sponsor all souls seeking union with God. For more information, see Saint Germain On Alchemy, glossary, “World Teacher.”

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