Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 62 No. 2 - The Beloved Great Divine Director - January 8, 2019

Tether Your Soul to Divine Direction

Part 2

I AM the focus of the Central Sun within you, one and all. And I bequeath to the Mother of the Flame the authority of the Cosmic Virgin to hold the immaculate conception for the divinity of all earth’s evolutions, to behold, through the All-Seeing Eye of God, the perfection and the pattern of the flame that is encased in the diamond—the diamond in the center of the soul. I AM the power, wisdom, and love of God that in truth makes you whole.

Hierarchy welcomes you into the folds of the Great White Brotherhood, that company of saints, ascended beings, sages, and holy men and women of all time who have been immortalized through reunion with the God Presence. You can be a part of this great company as you serve hand in hand on earth to focus the oneness of the goal of the ascension, which is the goal for all life evolving upon earth.

Hierarchy projects you to a vision of the future in the golden cycle when you shall go forth two by two, north and south and east and west across the hemispheres, across the continents, blessing and being blessed in the joy, in the discipline, in the teaching of the Law.

Some who have studied [the teachings] for many years consider that they are wiser than the other disciples and therefore they are qualified to teach those disciples. If you would teach, I ask you to come first as a disciple, just as Jesus came to the feet of the hierophant of Luxor, Egypt, even when he was perfected. And he knelt there and asked to be given the very first precepts of the Law, the beginning instruction.1

And the hierophant said, “But I would kneel before you and would be taught of you.” And Jesus said, “Nay, for I would learn and learn again these sacred precepts in order to insure the perfect rendering of the great example of the Christ in this age.” Thus the Lord Christ underwent, from beginning unto the finish, the tests and the trials that are given to every candidate for the ascension at the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt.

If, then, this one who was perfected in God, who came into life free of karma, desired to submit himself to the very first level, can you not also understand this lesson in humility? For if you would but learn one precept or one principle or one purpose in your days of study, this one precept might provide you with the key not only to your own ascension but to the ascension of millions who will follow in your footsteps. This can be so if you will rise to the height of God-attainment, as is our desire for you. This is the desire that every hierarch holds for every chela. For every teacher worthy of the name desires that his students shall excel him in the mastery of the art, the science, and the subject matter at hand.

Therefore may you understand that line upon line, precept upon precept, the holy Word will be given and fed to you as manna from heaven for the nourishment of souls—souls who have hungered and thirsted for righteousness2 for thousands of years. The filling of the soul with the light of Christ is an advent upon the planetary body. It is an advent of light.

I bid you to come to the retreat of the Cave of Light3 when you are ready. And I say, do not come until you are ready. For the doors will not open and the welcome mat will not be out unless you have fully prepared to surrender your all, your life, your service, and your will to the will of God. And then we may require that you serve for a time in another retreat before you are accepted into that Cave of Light.

Thus realize that the disciplines of our branch of the hierarchy involve the tethering of the soul to divine direction. If you cannot hear that direction, then you will not be ready for our retreat. Thus, you see, you must be tutored in developing the sensitivities of the soul consciousness so that you can be certain—when the LORD God, through one of his emissaries, places the rod of power upon you and gives you the key of light and the rod of power—that you will detect that direction and follow it to the fullest capability of your consciousness.

Thus, discerning God-direction is a science in itself, and you will learn much of this science at the Ascended Master University. You will also learn it in the retreats of the violet flame, presided over by Lord Zadkiel and by Saint Germain.4 For these hierarchs prepare souls for the Cave of Light, and thus they should be appealed to. As you retire each night and take your leave of your physical body, your soul travels in its etheric envelope. And if you invoke these masters ere you leave your body, they will guide you unerringly to the place prepared, to the manger, to the haven of light in one of the retreats of the Brotherhood, where the Christ can be born in you and where you can bear the Christ for all mankind.

God-direction is a flame that is greatly opposed in the sons and daughters of God. This is because God-direction, manifesting as God-power, is the God-quality that is the origin of all cycles on the twelve o‘clock line.5 You must understand that if the forces of Antichrist can prevent you from receiving God-direction, then they can cause you to abort not one but many cycles in your life.

How many among mankind have regrets and remorse over decisions wrongly made, sometimes because of an emotional imbalance or because of a lack of the facts or a lack of knowledge surrounding the decision? It is important that you erase those regrets through the mind of Christ, that you invoke the violet flame to transmute every wrong decision, every wrong direction, every wrong turn in the road.

It is important that you are willing to follow the lines of energy that have taken you far, far away from the center of your God Be-ness and that you are willing to retrace those steps. For you know, precious hearts, you can retrace those steps joyously if you will carry the violet flame and roll up the dust into a scroll and put it to the torch; if you will roll up the markings in the dust that you have left as error, as the tracks of chickens along the way and as the turkey tracks in the snow, as Morya says.6 So each left-handed turn along the pathway of life will leave those tracks along the way, wherein others will also falter and fail to make the right decision.

Thus in overcoming the momentum of opposition to divine light and divine direction, you must also unwind the momentum of poor direction, of a lack of direction in your life. Then with the consummation of that goal and with the transmutation of these energies, you will find that you can tether your total being to the one-pointed goal of service to God and man, which culminates in the ascension in the light. [14-second pause]

Those who have accepted the reality of my being will now have fulfilled in them the imprint of the Electronic Presence of my being. May it forever be a bulwark of protection and perfection in you until the hour when we meet in the divine embrace of immortality won.

I AM the Great Divine Director! I AM Reality! And I AM the flame of God-direction for the Ascended Master University!

It is done. It is manifest. And they shall not pass, those forces of the night that would deprive you of your opportunity to become the Christ.

I thank you. I bless you. And I bid you good night.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, September 1, 1973, during the New Atlanta Seminar on the New Order of the Ages, held in Atlanta, Georgia. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Serapis Bey tells us: “I recall full well when the Master Jesus came to Luxor as a very young man that he knelt in holy innocence before the hierophant, refusing all honors that were offered him and asking to be initiated into the first grade of spiritual law and spiritual mystery. No sense of pride marred his visage—no sense of preeminence or false expectation, albeit he could have well expected the highest honors. He chose to take the low road of humility, knowing that it was reserved unto the joy of God to raise him up.” Serapis Bey, The Dossier on the Ascension, chap. 4.

2. Matt. 5:6.

3. The retreat of the Cave of Light is the Great Divine Director’s retreat, located in the heart of the Himalayas in India. The Great Divine Director is a great initiator on the path of the ascension, and one of the purposes of the Cave of Light is to conduct activities to prepare and accelerate candidates for the ascension. For more information about the Great Divine Director and the Cave of Light, see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 119-21, 427-30.

4. Retreats of the violet flame, presided over by Lord Zadkiel and by Saint Germain. Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst’s retreat is the Temple of Purification in the etheric realm over the island of Cuba. Saint Germain’s retreat is the Cave of Symbols in North America’s Rocky Mountains. The master uses this retreat along with the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, the Cave of Light, and the Royal Teton Retreat. Lord Zadkiel tells us: “When you invoke the light of our violet-flame legions, know that millions of angels of the seventh ray respond to your call immediately.” Saint Germain tells us that it’s impossible to enumerate exhaustively the violet flame’s benefits, but there is an alchemy that takes place within the personality: “The violet flame goes after ...problems that go back to childhood and previous incarnations ...that have been difficult to shake lifetime after lifetime.” See The Masters and Their Retreats; for Lord Zadkiel, pp. 387-90, 483-84; for Saint Germain, pp. 312-22, 426, 430-32.

5. According to the cycles of the cosmic clock, all new cycles are charted as beginning on the twelve o’clock line under the hierarchy of Capricorn. The Great Divine Director is the hierarch of Capricorn; the virtue for this line is God-power and its perversions include criticism, condemnation, and judgment. See also Pearls no. 1, this volume, n. 1.

6. Turkey tracks in the snow. El Morya gave a dictation on October 14, 1972, “Light from Heavenly Lanterns” (published in his book The Sacred Adventure, Summit University Press, 2005, p. 112), in which he spoke of the pride of the human ego being as chicken or turkey tracks in the snow. The following is an excerpt from this dictation:

How vain mankind are!
Proud as peacocks,
They strut and besmirch the world
With the tracks of darkness As turkey tracks or chicken tracks
Upon the snow.
The purity of God is not seen;
And instead the manifestations
Are without meaning—
The scratchings of infidels
And those who have cultivated darkness
As though darkness could live.

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